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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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this means that it led to the fact that the money floated away , to this type of fraud, we are not yet ready at all, and here it will be necessary to create a whole series of new processes and new technologies, but so far, unfortunately, the success here has been 100 years old, nevertheless , financial institutions are gradually learning to reduce losses and repel attacks by malicious actors, according to the regulator in the past. year, russian banks prevented theft of almost 6 trillion rubles, while the share of stolen funds that were returned to clients almost doubled, this is one billion 380 million rubles. according to experts, despite existing problems, the russian banking system remains one of the most secure in the world. financial organizations, in principle, in russia have always been one of the most secure, it is worth saying a big thank you for this to the central bank, which
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is the main regulator in general in the financial sector, and which does a lot of work in the information security industry, of course, it has its own problems, but it is possible boldly say that this is one of the most protected areas in russia, in principle. the forum in yekaterinburg also discussed the future of the digital ruble, which is currently being tested in pilot mode with the participation of 13 banks. the project is expected to be completed this year. 17 more will join. the costs of one credit institution for the introduction of this new form of currency can average 200-300 million rubles, and the economic effect from 17 to more than 60 billion rubles per year. at the same time , the central bank previously promised that the digital ruble would be under reliable protection, to its the platform will be subject to the most stringent cybersecurity requirements. yes, dmitry, thank you, dmitry marucco spoke about the prospects in the field of cybersecurity. for fakes, the russian army
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will be able to confiscate property, the president signed a law tightening responsibility for the dissemination of deliberately false information about the russian armed forces and calls for action against the security of the country. in addition, vladimir putin signed a number of other legislative acts, including the extension of the dacha amnesty until march 1, 2031 of the year. the simplified procedure for registering property applies to buildings built on the territory of snt before 2004. and also now accident owners. housing will be able to receive new housing out of turn, and low-income citizens whose only housing was recognized as unsafe will, according to the new law, be provided with other rental housing. russia is ready for negotiations to resolve the conflict in ukraine , taking into account its interests, foreign minister sergei lavrov stated. today he spoke in the state duma as part of the government hour. in our correspondent anna voronina works in the lower house of parliament, she has now reached out to us directly. anna, greetings, what other statements have been made? hello, yuri, but first of all.
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today, of course, a new concept of international politics for russia was discussed , which was approved by the president last year; it concerns, first of all, the emphasis on a multipolar world order; here the foreign ministry, as sergei lavrov noted , interaction with state duma deputies and committees is very important, close connection promotes improvement of diplomacy, including thanks to the connections that diplomats have along personal lines, along inter-parliamentary lines...
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from attempts to impose on the international community an unviable unipolar model of the world order, but despite the fact that in the west they dream of the strategic defeat of russia, this is openly discussed stated in all possible sources. sergei lavrov noted that russia today is open to dialogue, open to resolving existing confrontations, but also on the issue of ukraine, the main thing is that the other side.
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as sergei lavrov noted, the attempts of the states of their western satellites to preserve the unipolar system of the world in the interests of the golden, so-called golden billion, they are becoming decrepit, and this is becoming not only obvious, but also unfortunately dangerous due to the persistence of such conflicts as attempts in the middle east bring confrontation, increase confrontation in the asia-pacific region and in an attempt.
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take place on the territory of russia, this is a world youth festival in sochi, games of the future in kazan, as well as brix games, all this helps to establish international connections, colleagues, yes, well, thank you, let me remind you that my colleague anna voronina was on direct communication from the state duma, now a short
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culture, well, let's dance together, we danced, i was told, you and this house will dance, everyone who wants to will sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuyevo, and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia by decision of the president and concerned. people on avito - an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. hawks, you are ready, ready to fly up,
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ready to repeat the impossible, ready to make some noise. together with the team, you are ready for real hockey. backgroundb championship khl. when you give russian lotto tickets for a holiday. it may turn out that you gave a million rubles or a mega jacuzzi, a star's wardrobe and even 101 poodles, who knows what the money will be spent on, but we know for sure that every second ticket wins, give those who value a million opportunities, buy on the website in stolato, stolotto brand stores, good afternoon, my name is victor and i’m an entrepreneur, last year i didn’t have time to connect to megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed by my business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance , i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join
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is against it. divide the payment into parts with yandex split, combine everything you want in different stores without overpayments. in the capital the oktyabr cinema center hosted the premiere of the film let three, the final chapter of the romantic trilogy, created with the participation of the russia tv channel. the main character, who dreams of becoming a champion, is a single father who is afraid for her daughter, and her new boyfriend, who dad doesn’t like at all. in the new part there are new characters, the characters of alexander petrova and maria aronova, already loved by the viewer. the premiere was attended by the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. in modern russian cinema there are not yet many brands that are easy to understand. like an image without further words, this is the flaming heart that melts
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the ice, just out of these 12-odd million loving hearts, the romantic saga of ice has conquered over these 5 years, and this is only in the cinema, there is still a day before the release, and more than 200,000 tickets have already been booked, incredible skating nadezhda gorina makes her the main contender in the fight for the upcoming ice cup. nadya has matured and dreams of the ice cup that her mother once fought for. gorin, who lost his wife and is now a hockey coach, is sure that elite sport will break daughter's life, but the entire defense scheme, carefully built by her father, is hacked by the daring hockey player seryozha, a guy with one foot in the nhl, but only with him nadya begins to believe in her dream. come on, come on, my star, he ’s very afraid for her, just like any dad is afraid for his daughter, there’s a reason for that, let’s say, and sometimes dads, well, kind of... don’t need reasons to find reason, just afraid, loves, loves very much, loves very much,
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is very afraid, and this is scary for any person, even for the strongest. ice is created by an experienced team of producers with studio vodorod, art pictures from the russia-1 tv channel, but trust in young people is one of the main secrets of success. the first film was directed by debutant oleg trofim, now director yuri khmelnitsky and actress anna sovranskaya have their first film, and actor stepan belozerov has his first leading role. in a big movie , figure skater, amateur, wow, got it, pro , i didn’t know how to skate at all, i had about 25, plus or minus training with a coach, and i learned to slow down at about fifteen, that is, before this is why i collected wrestlers, the whole history of ice is one grandiose an experiment that was carried out 6 years ago on valentine's day
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credit card debts easily with the bank. this is the same smartphone. the best smartphone, the best grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%, smart speaker with berbo mini as a gift when buying a smartphone in bempio and eldorado, the taste has a name, mark, lunch, mom, dad, ready, sasha, polya, max, at the table, men, lunch, so try the plant, shibekinsky taste. there is a name now it is yours. download the application with bpay, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through a one-touch nfc sign or using the sbp qr code. sbp, download, pay conveniently. six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles. at a delicious point. divide in half.
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prices on yandex market. discounts up to five. 10% when paying with an alfa bank card. if the cards no, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. the meat sauce is hot. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. winners will receive a full year of commission-free acquiring. free opening and maintenance of an account for 5 years, all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the sber website. any business starts with a person. at first i cooked myself, then the team began to expand. but when there are customers more, you can’t always keep up with demand; with
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support, development doesn’t stop. let's expand further. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our business. support yours. sudden temperature changes in russian regions. the thaw was replaced by colder temperatures and freezing rains. an ice crust formed on the roads. due to bad weather , restrictions on the passage of trucks and buses have already been introduced in the omsk region. they operate on three sections of the ertysh highway at once. now there is snow, strong winds and a stormy blizzard. visibility reduced. similar measures are being taken in the kurgan region due to heavy snowfall. the access to the city of ishim and sections of roads of regional and intermunicipal importance are partially blocked. the movement of heavy trucks and passenger transport is also limited in the novosibirsk region in altai, local road services report. it was also frozen in the capital region. on thursday night in the moscow region frosts down to -20° are predicted. foreign agents may be prohibited from posting advertisements on websites; a corresponding
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bill will be introduced to the state duma in the coming days. this was stated by the deputy head of the committee for information policy anton gorelkin go. alien to our ideology, they act as tools, outright tools , since they are conductors of information warfare in the runet, and as in any war, and the information sector, the information segment is no exception here. in any major conflict, it is very important to deprive the enemy of resources, so in the coming days we will introduce a bill to ban advertising. and i believe that this should be not only for companies with state participation, but for everyone in general.
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during the discussion we discussed another important the question is: what exactly are they watching in the country, what tv series do russians prefer, and how does the state support the development of internet blogger content, said alexey grislavsky, ceo of the internet development institute. the results of the twenty-third year from the point of view of import substitution pleased us. and how can i say, well, they were probably even surprised to some extent, because at the end of the year in december, in the top 15 tv series watched by the whole country, there were three turkish ones, the rest were all russian. the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the organization the collective security treaty remains complex and requires strengthening military capabilities. this statement was made by the chief of the csto joint staff andrei serdyukov. among the main threats to the countries of the organization, he named the possibility of further expansion of nato and increased military activity of some western countries. in addition, he outlined the main directions for the development
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of operational and combat training , the further development of collective operational response forces, the response forces, the number of which is currently time is more than 30,000 people. new elements are being created within the collective forces. in particular, in connection with the emergence of new threats to biological safety, a joint formation of radiation chemical, biological protection and medical support was created by the decision of the heads of state. emmanuel macron canceled his visit to kiev due to a possible assassination attempt, several western media reported this. the publication emphasizes that french intelligence services have identified threats to the security of the heritage. let me remind you, in kyiv the french president planned to discuss
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new supplies with zelensky and conclude a security agreement. let's talk about sports. ovechkin's pursuit of gretzky continues. this morning alexander scored another goal, this time in the game against colorado. the gap was reduced to 58 goals. and the striker. washington scored for the sixth match in a row, this has not happened since 2018, this is his fourteenth goal this season, but it was not enough for the team. washington lost to colorado 3:6 and is still out of the playoff zone. now a short advertisement and we will continue. what's a good car for you?
2:24 pm
dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give, buy gifts on un psbp at a profit, register on, when we got married, my husband set a condition , only turkey, it is lean, muscle mass, hypoallergenic, good for children, what can you cook from turkey? indian pava-pava - from the ecologically clean region of russia. you can prepare any dish from pava-pava, which will always be tasty and healthy. all this is pava-pava. and our little one. indian
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pava-pava, recommended for children. i'm yulia musikhina, co-owner of a large company. now i'll show you everything. this is reception. on the right is the advanced development department and growth chart. the product portfolio is developing. a big family is like a big organization. and for... its development we need support. national demography project by decision of the president. all measures to support families with children. every day we arrange a small holiday for our loved one. happy monday. make your loved ones and anyone happy february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. western nato countries, they set up a training ground from ukraine
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and... dragged us into this war, i think they need to be taught a lesson, behind us are our families and the memory of our ancestors, we all don’t want to let this war into our country, to our people, we are all ideological here, we don’t have any non-ideological ones here, whoever is new comes, we train them, they quickly grasped, serving under a contract, defense minister sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order for the production of missile systems in moskovsko. region at the enterprise, the head of the military department was presented with ready-made samples of the chryzontema s anti-tank complex, the gipks manpads combat vehicle, the gdzhid support and lowering unit, as well as the arena m active defense complex . according to the minister of defense, the manufactured weapons allow you to hit enemy targets at long range and from high accuracy. the head of the department set the task of management enterprises quickly make adjustments and modifications to manufactured products, taking into account
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the experience of their use in the industrial system. work has been done that allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy and corresponding range characteristics, weapons have been brought to normal combat condition, this applies to manpads systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that we need today in the fight against... integrated fire training of the russian guards took place at a training ground in the donetsk republic, including practicing strikes from automatic grenades and anti-tank guns. another element is shooting at single and group targets in conditions of limited visibility. at the same time, the fighters were adjusting the fire and constantly changing firing positions.
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let's skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, calm down, get ready and win, dad, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, sanya , all hope is in you. well, old age is not a joy, right? it’s an art to leave beautifully, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk he loves you, he loves you, he became a coach, we are now colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain to you, don’t look, don’t look, good, good,
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that’s it, that’s cool, ice three. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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hello, this is kirill vyshinsky, and this program is typical novorossiya. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, in novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find and...


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