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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, to find. typical features, recognizable
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signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. little russians and great russians in novorossiya. the backbone of a new ethnic community. how was a fusion of people of different nationalities created? conversation with an expert programs. cinema about donbass and northern military district. what is it like? long-awaited premieres. we talked a lot about the national diversity of novorossiya, which has developed since the 18th century. about the greek community, with which mariupol began, about the balkan settlers and german colonists who developed the steppes of wild fields, laid out gardens and laid the foundation for cultivated agriculture. but this story would be incomplete without mentioning the great russians. and little russians, about russian
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ukrainians, about those who became the basis of the national community of new russia. geography determined everything. wild field that has become novorossia, bordered the little russian lands of the empire. zaporozhye cossacks protected them from crimean tatar raids, set up winter roads for hunting and fishing here, and built villages near the salt mines. this is how the current bakhmut appeared. aka artemovsk, feeling reliable protection, little russian peasants went here in search of freedom. but until the end of the 16th century, the vast lands of new russia remained sparsely populated and undeveloped. a wide stream of immigrants poured here after their final annexation to the russian empire. start laid down a decree in 1781, according to which the treasury...
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of the kherson and yekaterinoslav provinces increased five times, from 2000 to a million and a few people. today it is difficult to say who was more numerous in the new territories. century, russians or ukrainians. at this time, a new sociocultural space was being formed here, peoples were getting closer, mixing and mutually enriching themselves. yes, the issue of nationality was not the main one, religion was more important. orthodox, russians and ukrainians then made up 2/3 of the total population of novorossiya, and if we count without crimea and besorabiya, then more than 70%. with the beginning of rapid growth. industrial cities in
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the donbass, in the yekaterinoslav region in the black sea region, their population was formed due to migration from central russia, but there were still more ukrainians in the rural areas of the kherson and tavlice provinces. the proximity of languages, the common faith of cultural traditions made little russians and residents of greater russia, ukrainians and russians, the basis on which the multinational population of novora was formed. read more about how the process went in the story of anna efimova. under this a perky song and things get going. lugansk region, starabelsky district, in the village of markovka, they warmly welcome guests. on the table there is lard, potatoes with cracklings, pickles and, of course, traditional ukrainian borscht. the best herb is borscht. borscht prepared on pork
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ribs, in a word, the same as they have always been treated here. markovka traces its history back to the beginning of the 18th century. she was. the markov volost of the starobelsky district of the kharkov province of the russian empire by the end of the 19th century became a fairly populous settlement, there were more than a dozen shops here, fairs were held annually, today they not only continue to preserve their history, culture and traditions, but also generously share them with neighboring regions. we were in voronezh, we were in novousman, well, in many areas, we were received very well, ukrainian folk songs were accepted everywhere. during soviet times. local strong collective farms and numerous shock workers glorified the work; the most famous native was marshal of the soviet union andrei ivanovich eremenko, who came from a poor peasant family from the lugansk region. peasants were the main class from which the development of new russia began, because the wild field
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had to be cultivated. plowmen from neighboring little russian volosts were among the first to flock to these lands. catherine the great gave carte blanche for resettlement. historically divided, as it were. into two parts, into eastern new russia and western. if in eastern new russia the predominant population were, as a rule, velikorsi, then in western new russia, which is closer, territorially closer to the historical lands of little russia and ukraine, there was a predominance agricultural, little russian population. at that time, well, in general, in such byzantine rhetoric.
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great rural teachers , priests, while the little ossians are mostly peasants, buckwheat farmers, naturally, any malarus who received an education, and especially settled in the city, he seemed to automatically cease to be a malarus, and this is not a change of nationality, this is a change his social status. the idea of ​​a triune russian people, which consists of great russians, little russians and belarusians, was the basis of statehood russian empire, in 1917 fighters began to diligently undermine it. the autocracy, the independents of the ukrainian people's republic, and then the victorious bolsheviks, while they all used the same technique, the so -called political ukrainianism. even the word ukrainian initially did not speak of belonging to a nation; this is how only adherents of the ukrainian
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nationalist movement of the austro-hungarian spill called themselves. in novorossiya, they were always considered marginal. when they found out that they were residents of ukraine, ordinary people they asked in amazement, where should we put the emphasis? u...whose boy, administrative borders were drawn with ease at one time, dividing not nations, but families, we
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are still seeing the consequences of this, we defended our rights and that is, the right to even preserve ukrainian culture, russian or belarusian, a lot were like us, so they got simple ones. pain and resentment, this must take many, many years. deep wounds, even when healing , leave scars; today they litter the ground on both sides of the line of combat contact, the land that was once stubbornly cultivated together saves dry winds and soroncha, under which they descended in order to jointly extract record hundreds of tons of coal per shift, the land on which factories appeared one after another, around modern cities, finally, the land that shoulder to shoulder protected from the nazis protect. still. anna yafimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical of novorossiya.
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we will talk about how little russians and great russians, ukrainians and russians, formed an ethnic community in novorossiya with our regular expert, historian, a native of novorossiya, alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon. hello. sasha, can we say with confidence today that those who started the system were the first? at first it arose not as an ethnic identity, yes, but as a political identity, we have a wonderful
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native of novorossiya, yes, vladimir dal, he wrote many of his literary works, as a writer under a pseudonym in lugansky, yes , or a cossack in lugansky, yes, he writes about a certain such officer, which means that his father was a baltic german, baron, his mother was from serbs who just colonized navorossia, he further writes, he himself was raised russian by language, but how... it is divided not primarily according to nationality, but according to social, there are groups of peasants, there are nobles, and so
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on , we have a lot of examples of how , well, even from a political point of view, for example, by the seventeenth year the ekaterinoslav kherson province was already there , if we talk about peasants, yes, in the rest of the territory of present-day ukraine, and they were already the most popular party ukrainian ssr, yes, that is, they were, as it were, essers for the land there for the peasants and so on, but at the same time they also promoted the ukrainian...
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understand, firstly, that the steppes themselves were very sparsely populated, yes, after all, the majority of the population was in the crimea , yes , there were nagai and tatars there, a significant part actually moved to turkey, but in the same way in the crimea there were, for example , communities of cossacks-nikrasovites, yes, that means, also of the old believer type, who there, since the times of peter the great, seemed to have been at war with the government, yes, that is, these were them such a process, the majority of the east slavic population, yes, it was not, well, identical.
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deportation is written in all seriousness , it means that it is carried out there and so on , so, but of course, this is all not true, moreover, yes, of course, there is an attitude, here is the choice of such a language, first of all, yes, it is an election identity, of course , first of all, the language in school, we remember that in the 2000s, back in the nineties, in fact, this was the main sore point,
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yes, the imposition of the ukrainian language, in education, my parents didn’t want it, they denied it, i also know it very well there. in terms of their deputy, yes, that when you give people the opportunity to choose between russian and ukrainian, the majority chose russian, today we, for example, have the example of crimea, yes, that’s part of our, so to speak, big novorossiya, yes, the tovrian province, there officially trilingual, yes, russian, ukrainian, crimean tatar, yes, practice has shown that since there is a ukrainian language, there will probably be some people who want to study it, well, practically no, that’s well vanishing little, today, well, let's be honest, this is, well, a formality, right? donbass has already abandoned the ukrainian language precisely due to the fact that , well, due to its lack of demand, on the one hand, and due to the fact that it is already very very clearly associated, of course, with negativity, with aggression and with ukraine, but in
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general, well this is how the people who grew up there and were born there, lived, were already in... the entrance there of the northern military district there, we understand perfectly well, yes, that the ukrainian language is simply natural , without being imposed from above, yes, such endless, it’s everywhere, it’s just going out of use very quickly, yes, like 100 years ago in novorossiya, yes, in the rural outback, surzhik, everything there is very colorful, at this level it’s not going anywhere, yes, and they said exactly the same ekaterinoslav peasants, for example, white officers there 100 years ago. more than 100 years ago, that we speak the language, and our children study in russian and read books in russian, because in moscow, in siberia, in the caucasus, the russian language is needed everywhere, exactly the same thing, we see and today, therefore, these ethnic processes , if they do not have this gross interference, the dictatorship that was practiced 100 years ago, so to speak, there is ukrainianness, yes, then naturally
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all these processes settle down just like that, that is, an all-russian identity , culture completely... predominates, as it were , primarily in the urban environment, and, as it were, in rural areas too. sasha, thank you for the interesting story. turning events in the life of the country and people have always been reflected in books, plays and movies. it will be so at all times. suffice it to recall the years of the great patriotic war. in 1942. the film “a guy from our town” based on the play by konstantin simonov was released on the screens of the country. his famous “wait for me” sounded for the first time in it. then in forty-three there were two fighters. the story of front-line friendship between sasha suralmash, performed by leonid andreev and the resilient odessa resident arkady mark bernes. the song about the dark night and the bullet to the temple is still remembered by people
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of the older generation. and there were also at 6:00 pm after. wars, heavenly slug and others film masterpieces filmed during the difficult war years. some will call it propaganda, but their artistic truth still does not leave millions of people indifferent. not many feature films have been made about the events in donbass and the special military operation. the most notable paintings that have come out over the past 3 years, the sun is a witness. their professional level is a subject. discussions, but one thing is certain: the topic itself is now extremely in demand: the mini-series mobilization was filmed and edited under shelling in donetsk, in a matter of days and collected hundreds of thousands of views on social networks. about what else was filmed about the events in donbass and the special military operation, what premieres await us in the coming year in the story of olga
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mokhova. this is a cursed land, this is our land, zhenya, ours. in 2018, the film company lugafilm, founded a year earlier in lugansk, filmed the militia. the creators called the film an epic drama and dedicated it to those who survived the events of 1914; they filmed in the same places with real prototypes, without the ability to shoot blanks in battle scenes. the film was shown in lugansk, donetsk, crimea, at closed screenings in moscow and st. petersburg, but... we learned to make this film the same way we learned to fight, this was the first big experience of the first feature film in donbass. some youngsters were confused by the too realistic details,
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others lacked the professionalism of the creative team, but the film crew was motivated by a reluctance to become famous. the main thing was to show the whole world the monstrous events of the then unfolding civil conflict in the south-east of ukraine. hello. hello guys. hello, anna nigerevna, just don’t panic, understand? the few attempts to understand what is happening in the feature film format have not yet brought the expected results to its creators. not every viewer is ready to accept real cruelty on the screen, which is happening too close and what is called here now. it was a surprise for me that the film witness is a film that is etched into my consciousness very firmly. powerful and i’m still trying to understand some moments for myself, people left the hall and said: “we don’t want to watch.” in general, what to film and how to talk about
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the events in today’s novorossiya is a debatable issue even among filmmakers. many believe that the most appropriate moment for retrospective reflection comes only after the end of these very events. we must use the language of a feature film, and this is a much deeper language than the documentary language, but we can show it.
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in anticipation of a big movie in donetsk, they continue to film their event, which became popular in 2023 on social networks, mobilizations unfold a few days before the start special military operation. the creators of the film and the leading actors, all donetsk residents, know very well what the region has had to endure in recent years.
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the story of a young couple who have different positions regarding the turning point in the history of the country, the beginning of a special military operation, he goes as a volunteer to the donbass, she does not support him, and only after losing contact with her beloved does she follow. the next film, which will also be seen this year, it indirectly concerns the current situation, but this is what is called backstory, 10 days until spring, an ntv film, also supported by the internet development institute, about the events of the crimean spring, also based on the story of one family, shows how historical events develop. experts say it takes at least 2-3 years to create a high-quality feature-length film, and it’s not just a matter of production. in order to make a good film, you need a good script, i mean.
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a lot of footage from military operations is available to the entire population, of course , there is already a great impression in the artistic frame, people, to be honest... accustomed, another question is that people are interested in seeing a picture about human relationships in this situation, about how society is changing, stories about people are important, and several such film stories should appear this year, and in different genres and formats: in march in the feature film by ilya kazankov, call sign passenger, starring anton shagin, is being released widely . the film, based on the novel by alexander prokhanov, tells the story of the events unfolding.
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they understand this much better than we children live in different categories, another 30 years ahead in donbass they will film about donbass, about this war, about exploits, about snipers, about russian guys who died, so i will film about the kursk bulge, about those who fought and burned in tanks on the kurdish arc, who will burn in tanks in donbass, but they will hold, stand, stand to the death and survive, we will win again. so they need to be filmed, however, according to our interlocutors, it’s not only military themes that the viewer needs today, because during the same during the great patriotic war, soviet filmmakers also shot historical films to support the morale of the people and lyrical comedies to moderate their pain. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery sovelev, typical novorossiya is all. what we
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wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon.
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we continue the news review, defense minister sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order for the production of missile systems in the moscow region. at the enterprise, the head of the military department presented ready-made samples against. the chrizontemas tank complex, the opzrks combat vehicle, the gzhigit support-launcher, as well as the arena active defense complex, etc. according to the minister of defense, the weapons produced make it possible to hit enemy targets at long ranges and with high accuracy. the head of the department set the task for the management of the enterprise to promptly make adjustments and improvements to manufactured products , taking into account the experience of their use in the northern military district.


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