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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue the news review, defense minister sergei shaigu checked the implementation. defense order for the production of missile systems in the moscow region, at the enterprise the head of the military department was presented with ready-made samples of the chryzontems anti-tank complex, the opzrks combat vehicle, the gzhigit support-launcher, as well as the arena m active defense complex. according to the minister of defense, the weapons produced make it possible to hit enemy targets at long range and high accuracy. the head of the department set a task for the management enterprises quickly make adjustments and modifications to manufactured products, taking into account the experience of their use in the industrial system. produces
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kbm, work has been done that allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy with the appropriate range characteristics, and the weapons have been brought to normal combat condition, this applies to manpads systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that we need today in the fight with... unmanned aircraft, i hope that the volumes we need in all circumstances, we will consider additional volumes today and make a decision. the ministry of emergency situations has achieved the best performance of state defense orders over the past 5 years, as stated by the head of the ministry, alexander kurenkov. summing up 2023, he noted the effective response to emergency situations. russian rescuers took part in eliminating the consequences of floods, earthquakes and fires. last year
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, departments of the ministry participated in eliminating the consequences of over 300 emergencies, with more than 6,000 rescued people, in 640 columns on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions , about 35,000 tons of in-kind aid were delivered, pyrotechnic units of the russian ministry of emergency situations cleared the territories from the explosion. hazardous items, including for the construction of new railway tracks and power lines. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, took control of the investigation into the case of a large family that died in a fire in the village of galaeva, kurgan region. private the house with its occupants caught fire on tuesday night, killing five people, parents and three children aged 8 to 15 years. according to preliminary data, the fire occurred due to a malfunction of the stove. how often do such tragedies occur, why do people die in
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by the current moment in 2024, we can say that more than 13 thousand fires occurred, this is 2.0 fires less than in the same period last year, but unfortunately more than 1,400 people died , of which... more than 60, unfortunately, are children, and
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the death of children this year is currently the moment shows growth, what do you attribute this to, what happens most often, what is the reason and what age children are at particular risk? if we are talking about child deaths, then i would divide them into two categories: the first is children who died along with their parents or were present at the time of death or at the time of a fire in the house with adults, and children...
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or a blanket that caught fire from overheating what other risks are there, what other risks of fires are there? and what should you pay special attention to so that you recommended? you know, we have been struggling for quite some time now , trying to explain to the citizens of the russian federation that gadgets, electric scooters, electric vacuum cleaners, power banks and mobile phones left unattended while charging, especially abandoned ones. at night - this is a potential risk of fire, this is a battery ignition or a charger igniting , and at night, you know, we sleep , we don’t smell smoke, unfortunately, not all of our homes are equipped with smoke detectors
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, fire detectors, we also fight behind so that this is so that the culture of safety and awareness of people increases, with gadgets this is really important information, tell me, how to protect yourself, what... can you suggest a way out of the situation, again, what recommendations could there be? the most , the most radical, do not charge them overnight, i often come across the question: when to charge them, you know, i don’t charge them, and i can say that when you stop doing this, you have a huge amount of possible time for in order to charge them in the morning during work, during working hours, or in the evening when at home. the most important thing in this matter is precisely uncontrolled. charging, you can leave the phone to leave the apartment, and this also does not guarantee, does not guarantee that it will not overheat and ignite, and if we are talking about electric scooters, then imagine what kind of electric batteries there are, and in the summer we record an increase in fires precisely because of for this
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reason, and as for seasonal threats, in winter and spring there is traditionally a threat of people falling under the ice on rivers, lakes, ice breaks and so on, some? can you give advice on how to behave in such situations? first of all, don’t go out on the ice in unequipped places, that’s the main thing i can tell you, and don’t go out, especially don’t go out on the ice by motor vehicle in places unequipped for this. second, naturally, if you go fishing, then it is necessary, experienced fishermen are familiar with this, to determine the ice by color, dark ice or yellowish ice, it is usually dry. and if we are talking about spring weather, then it is undoubtedly worth pay attention to the thermometer and do not go out on the ice when the temperature is above zero, when it is naturally exposed - naturally exposed - to the threat of failure. roman vitalch, i
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thank you for your comments, thank you for answering questions, giving recommendations, let me remind you that the connection with the studio was the director of the information policy department of the russian ministry of emergency situations. in other topics, the us needs a mentally healthy president, so biden needs to be removed from office by invoking the twenty-fifth amendment of the constitution. letter from the attorney general of west virginia sent this message to state vice president kamal haris. according to the official, the decline in the cognitive abilities of the american leader is already obvious, and biden urgently needs to be declared incompetent so that haris can take his position. now economic news, briefly: the moscow exchange has stopped trading for the second day in a row, like yesterday, the reason was an error on the main server. in such cases, the exchange switches to the backup one, which usually takes a little over an hour. the day before , moscow exchange warned market participants that on february 13 and 14
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, technical work will be carried out on the site to update the trading system. the digital ruble will bring businesses and banks up to 328 billion rubles. year, while the costs of its implementation are estimated at a maximum of 50 billion. this is stated in a study by yakov and partners and the central university. the main beneficiary will be retail trade. it will be able to save up to 60 billion rubles annually on acquiring. the central bank expects that digital rubles will go into mass circulation no earlier than the twenty-fifth year. moldova-gas saved 553 in a year million dollars on purchases of russian gas. this was stated by the head of moldavian. enterprises vadim chiban. according to him, gazprom, starting in may, may again become the only gas supplier to the republic if it offers a favorable price. this was confirmed by the minister of energy of moldova, viktor parlikov. since december 22 , moldova has been receiving gas from two sources from
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the state enterprise energocom and the russian gazprom. and germany at the end of the year reduced imports from russia by 90%. the total amount is less than 4 billion euros. in the twenty-second year volumes exceeded 36 billion. this is stated in the report of the country's federal statistical office. supplies from germany are in the red by a third, here the amount is less than 9 billion euros. germany began to refuse russian goods , primarily raw materials, 2 years ago; in particular, gas supplies through the nord stream stopped. it was economic news, briefly. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition forum russia. russian exports are actively developing and entering foreign markets, in particular in southeast asia and the middle east. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the head of the russian federal agency for creditworthiness nazariy skrypnik. we find out what else was discussed from maria slobodenskaya. she joins the broadcast. maria, greetings. what topics were raised in the conversation? yuri, hello, we also talked about a simplified mechanism for declaring goods and working with electronic platforms. the rosacreditation system works more than 9.00 testing centers and certification bodies. and the main task is to check products for safety. but it is also important to make the procedure quick and comfortable for those who are waiting to receive a permit. in many respects , simplified declaration of goods was introduced for this purpose. the mechanism began working in 2022 in response to permission to use the protocols
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of foreign laboratories, and to select goods not only at production abroad, but from incoming shipments. there are now more than 140,000 of these registered in the system. declarations. the mechanism is especially popular among small medium-sized businesses. that the business’s interaction with your service is as effective as possible. and here the safety of the people of those who use it comes first. purchased products, which are subject to appropriate checks. what is also very important: at present, the electronic trading system is developing significantly, more and more trading is carried out on the internet through the corresponding marketplaces through electronic platforms. security like noted the head of rosakreditatsiya, a key priority in the work of the service. every day , 300 certificates and 400 declarations are recorded in the systems.
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96% find themselves using video communication, thanks to this entrepreneurs saved about 200 million rubles over the past year. also , rosakreditatsiya is the main supplier of data for the customs service. last year, customs made 5 million registrations of products that began in the most sensitive category - these are children's products , assessing the completeness of the tests. over 6 months
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of last year, 37,000 were checked certificates. thanks to generalization and consultations with businesses, the number of violations has decreased significantly, and in some categories even approached zero. this made it possible to reduce the number of inspections. over the year it fell by 40%. another new project is related to data exchange with internet sites. one link in the description. the buyer can go to the rosaccreditation register. and check the product certificate. currently , 17 million products have such quality marks. also a big topic of the meeting, russian exports mikhail mishustin noted, that our manufacturers are actively entering foreign markets, for example, southeast asia and the middle east. each country has its own requirements for products and it is important to help exporters obtain the necessary accreditation. so, most of the countries that import our goods are muslim countries, which have their own certificate of conformity. halal.
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organizations, which was long and expensive. in the twenty-third year, with the support of minek, we negotiated with the halal accreditation body of the gulf countries, we agreed on one key thing, the possibility of joint accreditation of the halal certification body in russia, russian. the authority whose certificates will be accepted when goods are exported to these countries. the first halal certification body in russia appeared in october on the basis of roskachestvo. already in december the product.
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in addition to future technologies, this is a key event in the field of advanced scientific solutions. our correspondent varvara nevskaya is following the discussion; she also got in touch. varvara, greetings, how new are technologies being developed by russian specialists today? yuri, greetings, but one of the most promising areas is, of course, nuclear medicine, and here, at the forum of future technologies, two sessions were devoted to this topic today, important figures were presented to understand how... this is a developing industry, here are the forecasts experts are such that by the thirtieth year the total volume of this market will reach 30, 43, excuse me , billions of dollars, nuclear medicine is one of the most promising areas of development within the russian system healthcare. we are creating a network throughout
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the country of accelerators of laser centers and neutron centers that were included separately. specialized institutions are convinced that russia already today has all the necessary technologies, competencies, and most importantly, personnel for high-quality accelerated import substitution in the field of nuclear medicine. we at rusatom sincerely believe that all interested parties, the state, business, academic circles, and public
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structures, need to focus their efforts on solving the key problem, increasing accessibility of life ... today this, of course, is neurotechnology, one of the sessions today was called “why does the brain connect to a computer”, and there are a lot of answers here, the areas of application are extremely large, this includes early diagnosis and treatment of various neurological diseases, including parkinson's, epilepsy, depression, hypertension, this is monitoring mental health, restoring
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lost cognitive abilities, motor functions and even converting thoughts into speech. control objects by force thoughts. let me remind you that in 2023, with the support of gazprom bank , the lift center for interdisciplinary research was opened, within which leading neurophysiologists, chemists, material scientists, doctors and physicists of russia joined forces to develop neurotechnologies and other medical technologies, and the development of this area is extremely important. this allows us to solve a number of unsolvable problems today. such as the treatment of incurable diseases, expanding a person’s capabilities after injuries and, for example , the loss of some sensory things, and for example vision or hearing, and well, in our opinion, in essence , solving the problems of improving the quality of human life, increasing the prolongation of human life will always be relevant at any time, and we believe that investments in
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biotechnology are one of the most promising centers created exactly for those tasks , about which i spoke, the industrial bank has very good experience in creating scientific and technological centers and uniting scientific teams to solve both fundamental and applied problems in various fields of science, such an example is russian quantum center, which we supported 10 years ago and during this time it has become one of the leading world-class scientific centers creating advanced quantum technologies, precisely for... who have problems with speech, and
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with just eye movement, communicate with the surrounding world with the help of a special monitor, this is exactly the very development about which we can say that the future is already here, and a large number of such developments are planned, many of them are already being actively tested in clinic. the most important thing is that we can state that the potential of neurotechnologies in our country is enormous, in all the main areas of neurotechnology we have very serious groundwork, russia has everything for the rapid breakthrough development of neurotechnologies in the future, first of all, these are neurotechnologies that allow.
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thank you for the detailed story about what is being discussed at the forum of future technologies, my colleague varvara nevskaya said. two criminal cases were opened immediately after a fire in a high-rise building in anapa, there was a fire last night covered an area of ​​1.2 m2 and damaged almost 40 apartments. the building's attics and walls collapsed, and more than 400 people, including 100 children, were evacuated from the burning house. and the soot content in the air near the house is almost exceeded. 40 times, a local state of emergency was introduced in the city. more details about everything anna sorokina. criminal investigators of the investigative committee examine what remains of the housing after the fire. almost the entire
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eleventh floor was leveled by the fire, more than thirty apartments were damaged. the fire victims were placed in hotels, residents the surviving apartments are not yet allowed home. this is what an apartment building looks like now, a complex fire that took 10 hours to extinguish. oh, how it burns, horror, yes, the fire started in the apartment and engulfed the entire top floor. there was no documentation for the house, the self-construction was legalized in 2011 , details, design and permitting year, this building began to be erected in 2007, then the developer received permission to build a car service station, but instead of the permitted...
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the investigation will check the actions regulatory authorities during the operation of a residential building, including aimed at checking compliance with fire safety rules. the commission is assessing the damage, and
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those injured and those who lost property will receive financial assistance. anna sorokino, valery pyatov, igor byreev, vladimir minyailov and anna nekos. news anapa. on other topics , the premiere of the film let 3, the final chapters of a romantic trilogy created with the participation of the russia tv channel, took place in the capital's cinema center in october. the main characters dream. become a champion, single father who afraid for her daughter and her new boyfriend, who doesn’t like her dad at all. the new part features new heroes and the already beloved characters of alexander petrova and maria aronova. the premiere was attended by the author and presenter of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev. in modern russian cinema there are not yet many brands that are understandable simply as an image, without further ado, this is the flaming heart that melts the ice, just from these 12-odd million. the romantic saga of ice has conquered such loving hearts over these 5 years, and this is only in the movies, there’s still a day left before the show, but more than 2,000 tickets have already been booked.
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nadezhda gorina's incredible skating makes her the main contender in the fight for the upcoming ice cup. nadya has matured and dreams of the ice cup that her mother once fought for. gorin, who has lost his wife, now a hockey coach , is sure that elite sports will ruin his daughter’s life, but the entire defense scheme, carefully built by her father, is hacked by the daring hockey player seryozha, a guy with one foot in the nhl, but only with him nadya begins to believe in her dream. come on, come on, my star, he’s for her very afraid.
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role in a big movie, figure skater, amateur , actor stepan belozerov's first leading actress anna savranskaya's first picture, and wow, i got it, pro, i didn't know how to skate at all , i had about 25, give or take training with coach, and i learned to brake somewhere around the fifteenth. that is, before that i collected the sides, the whole history of ice is one grand experiment, which was staged 6 years ago on valentine's day, no one saw the multi-billion-dollar box office potential in this then, so ice is the most a real miracle, the belief in which makes our filmmakers dare to act exactly like the heroes of the film again. i tried to make the viewer feel more like a fairy tale; i wanted the film not to drag me
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into... into a series of heavy social themes. the first viewers admit that they did not expect such a finale to the trilogy. it's been a long time since a movie evoked such emotions in me. once again, you and you don’t understand how they moved from some real life moments into a musical, and they’re already dancing, already singing, and it’s so cool and it feels so good. valentine's day, this will illuminate everything. let all our viewers see that love exists. on screens for three years. countries from february 14. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, evelina kornaeva, sergei mazor, daniila milchuk, news from the cinema center in october.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called “chronicle of diminishing fertility.” i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you.


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