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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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opened the application, selected the car brand , avita will select everything for that, this is the same smartphone, the same smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%, coffee machine for only 21.999 in emphibi and eldorado, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide it by 24 months. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it.
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join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. alice, keys, timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. i turn it on. she'll like it too. louder. what you love. meet the new spring colors of yandex station midi with alice. buy on yandex market and get 1,500 plus points cashback. hmm, smiled. it means i found out smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the real, when buying a car you can.
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new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, smart solution against poisoning, divide in half, prices on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. in russia, by the end of the year, they will launch
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another national project for the development of modern technologies and healthcare and will increase funding for scientific developments in the field of medicine. vladimir putin stated this at the forum of future technologies. the president also noted that payments to various categories of doctors will be increased in the near future. last year , we introduced monthly payments for primary care medical workers.
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will receive 29,000 rubles. nursing staff - 13,000 rubles. in settlements where less than 50 thousand people live, such special payments will be significantly higher, namely 50,000 rubles. every month, in addition to wages, doctors will receive 30,000 rubles. mid-level medical workers. more than 2 million russians have already submitted an application to participate in remote electronic voting in the presidential elections, such data was provided by the chairman of the central election commission, but for those who prefer to vote at polling stations, the moscow state sign factory is already printing paper ballots, margarta saw how this happens semenyuk, technical trick or secret of printing specialists?
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how much 8,500 per hour somewhere in total more than 50,000 election forms per hour per shift the printers produced the first edition of almost 500,000 copies, each form has a protective background against counterfeiting. control panel of printing machines, here specialists can monitor the quality of the sheet of ballot
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papers. here experts can check the density of the paint that is applied to the sheet, it is very important to note the parameters, because this is where the background protective green mesh is applied, if there are any shortcomings, then workers can make adjustments directly on this machine. continuous process, employees work in three shifts, around the clock to fulfill the plan of more than 113 million ballots, the gaznak enterprise has extensive experience. this is certainly not the factory’s first edition; the factory produces ballots every election; we started printing yesterday after receiving approved preliminary designs. and accordingly, we will finish printing the first edition today, followed by processing, sharp packaging and transfer of the edition to the customer. security stamps are being produced at the perm branch; they will be affixed to the form when received by voters, but in the meantime you can see the first ballots. this is what they
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look like: a green protective background grid, here is information on filling out the ballot, the names of the candidates are also in alphabetical order, opposite is located. people, good people, everything they could do today, so we are essentially sending a convoy from yekaterinburg, but those guys who are meeting today, participants for sure, low gratitude to you, bow from all the people. warm suits, tactical first aid kits, sleeping
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bags, camouflage nets and stew were sent to the soldiers of the 228th guards motorized rifle regiment of the ninetieth tank division, also met with the pioneers. laid flowers at the foot of stella, the city of labor valor. the chairman of vladimir putin's central election headquarters, artyom zhoga, visited the classes of cadets at the bryansk military training center. for first aid , an updated tactical first aid kit for tactical training experience. we tried to assemble as much as possible from what we saw, the most modern.
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in the american city of kansas city, unknown persons opened fire immediately after the championship national parade. here are the shots of what happened immediately after. according to preliminary data, one person was killed and nine were injured. police detained two suspects, but there were about 1 million kansas city chips fans at the parade. divide in half, prices
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on yandex market. and not a twist in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one , all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient! pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pintalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, let's do without pain on avito - an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. add energy to the game, longer operating time of your devices with the new generation of gp
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ultra plus batteries, up to 200% more energy with the new gtec technology. try the new gp ultra plus batteries, gp batteries, see it, buy it! hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she was real! recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly, bsb, bank for the present, alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if the circle is noisy, set the timer, alice, turn on the music, turn it on, she will like it too. what you love, meet the new spring colors of yandex stations midi with alice, buy on
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the yandex market and receive cashback 1,500 plus points. when buying a car, you can do without a car dealership; if you have scanning vision, you can at least buy one. and for those who don’t have superpowers, there is an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria. it’s safer to buy from the auto library on avito. it's just space when you taste the ham from juicy ham from cherkizov’s own farms. find yourself in a universe of taste. cosmically delicious. cherkizova! maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. sore throat. this is a minus, of the advantages there is mirestin, it’s logical
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to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia , dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback, 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give , this, this or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, we get phone numbers for... one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. i give, now
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the prices for flowers are such, it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50% smartphones with communication, only in a megaphone, opened the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything for that. this is a potato microtuber; we were able to change the composition of the nutrient medium on which the plants grow and ensure that the process of tuberization began in our containers.
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this process is quite complex and long lasting 5 years, our laboratory is engaged in the production of source material, that is, it starts this process of seed production and produces micro-plants of potatoes, as well as micro... tuber potatoes, for subsequent planting in protected soil in order to obtain mini-tubers and further reproductions. there are more than 500 varieties of potatoes in russia. entered into the state register, they are stored in so -called banks of healthy varieties, one of them is located at the lorch institute of potato growing, from where the laboratory takes the original certified test tubes. our task is to replicate this source material, test tube microplants for planting in protected soil, we can
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produce up to 50 thousand of these by the time of landing - this is the month of may. blue. the process consists of several stages. first you need to prepare the nutrient medium. we pour it into test tubes. next, these test tubes will be sterilized in autoclaves and cooled. and then in a sterile room we will directly engage in microclonal propagation. here, in a laminar flow hood , microplants are cut. this is a method of vegetative propagation and planted in a nutrient medium. each test tube produces from five to eight cuttings. so in this way, we are replicating our microplants to achieve just 50 thousand pieces by spring planting. then the jars, containers and
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test tubes are sent to the phytotron. this is the room where plants gain vegetative mass. here they are created optimally. conditions for growth, that is, temperature from 20 to 23°, illumination, not lower than 6,500 lux. the test tubes in this phytotron grow from three to 5 weeks, depending on the variety. microplants in containers and jars take a little longer, up to one and a half months. microtubers ripen in these containers, they will be available soon they will send it to greenhouses, well, you can see microplants in the greenhouses, they are needed for further replication.
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there are already grown potatoes in the warehouse in the koshir. sorted, the large one goes to grocery chains, the standard one for seed purposes, farmers and individuals, says chief agronomist anatoly osikhov, we allocate high -class seeds for our farmers, for buyers, gardeners who purchase our seed material in our stores, stores of our russian federation, and we work in many, many regions, in nineties early 2000s... foreign companies did not produce primary seed material on the territory of the russian federation and basically it is profitable for them to import it here every year so that our farmer can buy it for very high money. elite
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seed potatoes from foreign companies cost about 70-80 rubles per kilogram. elite material costs 35-40 rubles, that is, half as much, we must convince our farmer, our producer, that our varieties are good, that our varieties are productive, that our varieties are resistant, only this is a farmer’s the farm produces 12 honeycombs of potatoes, seven more are in development, we will not be left without seeds, we will not be left without products , today our companies, including us... we have increased our power, we have equipment, we have land, we have warehouses, we have laboratories, we have bright minds that will produce even more new varieties, and i believe that we will manage very calmly in the long term; in the next
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2-3 years, i say, we will completely rely on our own varieties. go with your varieties, provide. wealthy, for other basic crops, the situation in our country was in favor of foreign companies. in 2022 , the country’s food security concept
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was revised, they decided to move more intensively towards the goal of self-sufficiency, drew up an accelerated plan and began to work more actively with business. in fact, we have made quite good progress over the past year. in our country, of course, sugar beets are the riskiest crop. here, unfortunately, the share of our security is still. about 2.5% based on the results of the twenty-third year, then the situation with sunflower is a little better, here it’s about 30%, we still have room to strive, in our laboratory we are engaged in isoenzyme analysis, also in addition to pcr, aka, this is a study of batch seed samples. different with the help of protein markers, the all-russian
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pustovoit research institute in krasnodar is engaged in the creation of varieties and hybrids of oilseeds, including sunflower. our laboratory is engaged in the development and implementation of molecular genetic markers, we we use markers developed for our purposes in order to increase the efficiency of the breeding process. phytotron-greenhouse complex at the institute. allows you to speed up the selection process by half,” says ivan veter. here we are assessing the resistance to infection in newly created sunflower seed lines. broomrape is a parasite, the worst enemy of sunflower. many of the institute’s developments are included in the state register of breeding achievements of the country. we are self-sufficient in mustard seeds, rapeseed, camelina, and oilseed flax. 90%, important it should be noted that almost all of these varieties are carefully selected. the authorities also support producers and consumers
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of domestically selected seeds and reimburse most of the costs of their purchase. participants in the federal scientific and technical program are helped to obtain preferential loans and funds are allocated for the creation or modernization of seed breeding centers. since last year, the amount of compensation for capex, that is, capital costs, the agroplasma breeding enterprise in krasnodar produces hybrids of sunflower, corn, chickpeas and sorghum crops are forage cereals. we process almost all of our products at our seed plant, which was built and launched in 2023 . the plant specializes in the production of sunflower seeds. at twenty-three. 3,000 tons have been processed; this year there are plans to increase the figure to 7-8. the area where our seeds are produced is distributed
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throughout our entire southern federal district, well , the main areas are of course located in the krasnodar region, some are located in the stavropol region in the voronezh region. over the years work, the company has registered more than 50 sunflower hybrids, becoming the largest russian seed producer, this... we are testing hybrids that have not yet been registered, checking their adaptability to different regions and climatic zones and , accordingly, which of them will stand out for us, which of them will go in the future in registration in the state register and subsequent implementation. the company sells seeds throughout the country, one of the buyers is the national agroholding in the krasnodar territory, for example.
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support domestic ones more breeders, at the end of january russia introduced temporary restrictions on the transport of certain types of seeds from unfriendly countries. they will be imported according to quotas set by the government. the restrictions will affect seeds of potatoes, wheat, rye, barley, corn, soybeans, sunflowers and sugar beets. and the quotas that we set, in principle, we set them even with some reserve, if suddenly some foreign company could not meet them. its obligations under the quota, accordingly another company will cover it, so here we feel absolutely protected, plus we also have a certain supply of domestic
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seeds on the territory. russia, here our consumer will still have a choice whether to choose foreign seeds or domestic ones, but of course, we give priority to domestic seeds. and in order to preserve international scientific cooperation and at the same time not repeat the situation of the nineties, when western seed producers actually captured the domestic market, they formulated special rules that will encourage foreigners to transfer production scientific base on the territory of our country. this will allow. receive initial lines within the framework of already joint ventures. the rules come into force this year.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna is spinning the strov investigation. look first in the application or on the website. large-scale projects,
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modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposition, business events. lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition.
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cited the refusal of the kiev authorities to implement the minsk agreements, and not the threat of a nato attack on russia. vladimir putin stated this when answering questions from our colleague pavel zarubin. the president emphasized that the leaders of western countries distorted the meaning of his interview with journalist tucker carlson. what they watch and listen to is good.


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