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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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play, they try in vain to play with these terms. the european union is generally the absolute embodiment of tyranny, which tramples all basic fundamental freedoms, starting from the sacred right of private property, ending there with freedom of speech, freedom of expression. i think we generally need to stop walking all the time, i often talk about this, but we are constantly on the ideological path that western political schools, well, the liberal political school, imposed on us. this concept that there are either democracies or autocracies, or totalitarian regimes , it is several decades old, no more, this is a very artificially imposed concept in which either you are a liberal democracy, or you must be an autocracy or a totalitarian dictatorship, there is no other option, and naturally, who defines what liberal democracy is, they no one else, they decide which of these categories you fall under, for the history of political thought, categories that could be used to describe political regimes... there were so many systems, they were so diverse,
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very meaningful describe the political reality that surrounds us, that of course , there is no need to focus on all this, their regimes are typical in classical political philosophy, these are oligarchic regimes, which in no way depend on the will of the population, are the power of an unlimited small group of people, which is completely beyond any control on the part of the population, especially when it comes to the european union. yes, in the case of biden, the president spoke about this several times during an interview with carlson, and i see from the comments that this has found a response in american society, he says: i reach an agreement with the presidents, and i understand that they understood my position, we agreed, and then some representatives of this deep state appear and completely turn all the agreements completely upside down. the other side, although no one voted for them, they were not even appointed, most likely this president, they are people who... in america
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the people do not directly elect the president, in germany the leadership does not directly elect thus, in the uk they don’t elect directly, why do we call these countries democratic ? in the us constitution, the word democracy appears exactly zero times, because then the term was not in common use at all.
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a simple russian word, by the way, to establish almost everywhere, and to do it harshly offensively, well, a lot was said about this, i remember about 7 years ago the leader of our, so to speak, our academic science, political science, was promised at a meeting, vladimir. vladimirovich, that they will just give russian terminology to describe political processes, but we are practitioners and analysts still haven’t received anything intelligible, sometimes we ourselves try to introduce some terms to describe the ongoing processes, but nevertheless this is, of course, a very important task, and of course, for this you need absolutely a different approach to how academic science, political science, and how schools are structured. we organize how
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faculties generally work, yes, because otherwise we will have many dissertations and few, so to speak, meaningful, interesting works of which we we will take terms that we will operate with, for example, in this studio, in order to give our vision of what is happening, yes, so this is true, back to where you started, of course, the withdrawal of troops from germany, even after like mikhail sergeevich, there he succumbed to the call to destroy this wall, and the historical unification of eastern-western germany took place, the question of the withdrawal of troops was not raised, and about this... in their memoirs various, so to speak, statesmen and, accordingly, nato generals and political leaders, and even when they decided to withdraw the troops, which was a gesture of good will, of course, i am tormented by another
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question, but there was already a market economy, but in general all this is expensive, airfields, military camps, well, at least talk about compensation , well, it was all about talking.
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we see what is happening in different parts of the globe, a lot is said about this in this studio, and of course, this will continue for quite a long time, and we, in order to achieve the end of these perturbations, yes, this power restructuring of the world, which is now certainly happening, and they occupied a worthy place, so to speak, at the table where the new restructuring will be discussed. world, we must think about our state, about how it is structured, because i absolutely agree that, of course, russian people, russians, they are unlikely to be able to exist without a state, by the way, in fact, not a single political nation
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a big city cannot exist without a state, but in history we have seen that it seemed it would be that huge communities, cultural and linguistic , would disintegrate as soon as they stopped. we have the necessary tools of state administration in order to properly solve the problems of social and economic development, yes , of course, there is still a lot
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to be done, but nevertheless it is extremely important that putin’s state has very important pillars that have been built over the last 24 years years in politics. it seems to me that in this sense, well, we definitely shouldn’t have an inferiority complex, that we are a young democracy there and so on, that in this sense, comparing what is happening in other states, it seems to me that our model of the state, well, the one
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that has been created there over the past 24 years, the putin model of the state, in my opinion, it is stable, antifragile, capable answer all calls. and i would like to say one more important thing, just about the most resonant interview of recent times, i’ll start with something else, that we have several imperceptibly. days ago the fifteenth anniversary of the munich speech passed, and as you remember, it was said that just on here is a change in conditions, ignoring the interests of the state, and leads to the risk of conflicts, the proshtin speech passed , what a year it was, and this was the seventh year, the seventh year, so 17 years, twenty-fourth, yes, yes.
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are there any common interests at all? i just why, if you look at it like that seriously, right?
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what, what were all our problems in general, we did not understand that we are inside the historical process, it seems to every generation that the laws of history cease to apply, was it ever possible for an empire fell apart and wars did not break out between parts of the empire? i don’t know that, i don’t know of such cases, but here, i just really don’t know of cases when during the collapse of an empire.
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there is a strong russia, the state will live , the state can be strong only when the government is strong, when we are in the interest of someone who doesn’t know, suddenly we say, no, you know , it’s very important that there is a change of power, that’s important, that’s the change of power, to whom , and this is not an end in itself. appears, i imagine, but there are jews coming out there, there are 40 of them years old, moses drives, they tell him every 4 years: no, it’s time to change the government, i don’t like it, the road is very difficult, let’s finally change the power, let’s go through a democratic procedure , let’s choose, who are you, a man, what you decided, what you’re doing here at all, it never occurred to anyone, but we’re like that, we ’re directly replacing biden, you’ve already replaced biden there so much. kach: well, here you said
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that we still want or pay vada, right? and we sell uranium to the united states, at the fact that they have increased, perhaps fourfold, increased the purchase of our uranium several times over, and a fool can understand why they are doing this, they are stockpiling reserves for when we come to the conclusion that we need to stop. you are correct in general, yeltsin’s starting point, so to speak , is in the us congress, she, she is present inside our society and in no way from her, and this, and this you understand, yes, i’m not making excuses for mikhail sergeevich, he made a lot of mistakes, but i must say that the belovezhskaya agreements were turning points in general; it was
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a betrayal, in principle, even if take into account that... this was an objective process, as they say, the exit of the republics, but yeltsin then had every opportunity, maximum conditions for russia to negotiate. the baltics are leaving, leave narva, they would go for it. the railway to kaliningrad is 5 km to the left, five to the right, the territory of the rssr, the suvalkovo corridor is the territory of the rssr, that’s all, it was possible. base in tallinn forever, how the british left cyprus, what they did, they were forced to leave cyprus, because guerrilla warfare and so on, what they did, two bases so forever, and to this day these bases and nothing are in full swing, then they were forced by the keprets to agree to this, now nothing can be done, they have english
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, the same can be done in tallinn, a naval base , riga, there was no nato, no. if they had given up crimea, they would have given up novorossiya at that moment, that is, at that moment it was possible to achieve better conditions for the russian federation, which yeltsin did not do by initiating, as we know, the belovech agreements themselves, since even kravchuk and shushkevich clearly did not really expected it all this, and the asian republics in general were in shock. therefore, as they say , of course, this is a, but we must admit that this is not a good thing for us, yeltsen was supported by the people, of course, and there is no need to remove responsibility, the squares were packed with people, from us, yes, they supported him, he was truly a popularly elected president, a popularly elected
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president, which means, unfortunately, he expressed with himself the illusions that the soviet had.
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they just robbed me like that, my friends were there, i hope they are still there now one of my british businessmen , who, as they say, knew the essence of the matter well, he once told me, listen, there has never been such a robbery in the history of mankind, that’s what he said, there has never been such a robbery in the history of mankind, trillions of dollars were taken out from the country, trillions. reserves, those reserves that the soviet union had in the event of a war of these rare earth materials, they, they imagined it as a storage facility where trains were stored, kobol, you know, this is all, everything was often taken out, everything was often generally empty, there is nothing left, guys, well
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, unfortunately, these illusions cost the russian people very dearly and... first of all the russians, since the russian people, as if forming the state, they take full responsibility upon themselves, but unfortunately, there is a feeling that these illusions are still wandering around and no way, no way they are not this, i see it, well listen, i ’ve talked about this many times, but i can’t understand how a war can go on show , for example, the film obsessed on all movie channels, absolutely vulgar propaganda of the american armed forces and special stuff, and what’s more, they are there all the time and are screwing some people who
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, in principle, are very close to us, then some people there, like there with a hint, in fact , it’s clear that it’s kind of like if only our people were there, so to speak, under some strange names, nikola there, well, well, then i don’t really understand. guys, either we are at war, or we are not at war, or we are watching a movie, well, let’s watch a movie, well , it’s not impossible, apparently, to come to the conclusion that in general the situation is very dangerous, very dangerous, and so to speak, we are dealing with a generally colossal force that is determined to do one thing, to destroy, to destroy, i’m not talking about the physical, but maybe the physical will come, who the hell knows, so to speak, but, but this is obvious, here we are all the time, so to speak, such a topic, where
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to say, well, yes, they are, but for some reason they didn’t finish us off, this is their mistake, but i increasingly think there is no mistakes, here they are finishing us off, here they are finishing us off just when they thought it was ripe that's right, they are nato. they created, if before we were not dealing with a complete european coalition, hitler failed to create, napoleon failed to create, they created it completely, europe is completely under them absolutely, that is, they created a super-coalition, over, over, like they say , economic, military strength, they are serious, i would say...
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when trump comes it will be the same, and maybe more, as you say, right now, they don’t give ukraine 60 billion, trump is presumptuous against, yeah, read what trump he says, trump says, there is no need to give ukraine 60 billion as a gift, give them 60 billion in debt, well, there is no fundamental difference, that is, give them 60 billion anyway, let them go and fight with the russians anyway.
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signed by andrei, i love, i’m waiting, you know, that’s why these illusions, well, really, this is the collapse of the illusions of the last thirty years, what’s happening. but we must admit it, there are no problems, it’s better sooner than later, we must admit that those illusions are russia’s attempt to jump into the west, it failed, to put it mildly, it failed, to put it mildly, we need it admit and acknowledge our problems, the mistakes that we made and move on, we must...
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we still have, as i said, we still have shortcomings, i’m ready to lead, you know, well, we have this, and this is ineradicable, this no one, no one has canceled the nature of war and the nature of this, unfortunately, responsibility based on fear is not necessary, but it must be tough, it must be fast, it must be effective, the second point...
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weapons, that’s how i imagine freedom modern bloggers in 1941-1942, that’s all, we would have lost the war immediately, i agree with you, i agree, but for, but given this situation, the current one, the internet and the fact that this should be a quick reaction to this or that, they reported that some aircraft were taken abroad, this fake or not, no, that’s one thing, but then you have to say, either it’s
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a fake.


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