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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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special military operation, relations with nato and washington, and a conversation with tucker carlson. vladimir putin answered questions from journalist pavel zarubin. watch the interview with the president right now.
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that they are watching, listening to what i say, if today, for some reason related to them, we are unable to conduct a direct dialogue, then we should be grateful to mr. carlson for the fact that we can do this through him, as mediator, so what they watch and listen to is good, but what they distort is... what i said, this is bad, and they distort the map, why? because i didn’t say anything like that, i didn’t say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where is this in my interview, there is already a recording, let them show where exactly i said this, i i was talking about something else, i was talking about the fact that we were constantly deceived from the point of view...
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by the way, this was said primarily through the mouth of the then secretary general of nato, and he was a representative of the federal republic of germany. that's what he said, not inches to the east. then five expansions, and a complete deception, we were, of course, worried and worried about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nato, since this threatens our security. i said this. but... the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of today 's ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements, the ongoing attacks with numerous casualties on the republics of donbass, the lugansk people's republic and the donetsk people's republic, which we have not recognized for 8 years, which ultimately turned to us with the request about recognition, seeing futility.
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resolving issues within the framework of the minsk agreements, we recognized them, then concluded an agreement with them, known as mutual assistance friendship in accordance with the charter of the united nations, fulfilled our obligations under this agreement, as i said, we did not start the war, we are only trying to stop it. at the first stage, they tried to do this through peaceful means, through the minsk peace agreements, as it turned out. later we were taken for granted here too, because both the former chancellor of germany and the former president france was recognized and directly publicly stated that they did not intend to fulfill these agreements of ours, but were simply gaining time in order to further pump weapons into the ukrainian regime, which they successfully did, the only thing we can regret is that they did not start our active actions earlier, believing that we are dealing with... decent people.
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after all, carlson was criticized immediately before the interview, and after the interview he is now accused of allegedly asking few tough questions, allegedly he was too soft with you, you with him it was very comfortable, that’s what you think, did you crush the american journalist with your authority, i think that your carlson, when i say your, i mean that... he is a representative of your journalistic workshop, a dangerous person, that’s why, because that i , frankly speaking, thought that he would just behave aggressively and ask these so-called sharp questions, i was not only ready for this, but i wanted it, because it would give me the opportunity to answer sharply as well , which in my opinion would give certain specifics of our entire conversation.
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but he chose a different tactic, he tried to interrupt me several times, but still , surprisingly for a uh, but for a western journalist, he turned out to be patient, listened to my long dialogues, especially those related to history, and did not give me a reason to do what i wanted which i would be ready for, so frankly speaking, i did not get complete pleasure from this interview, but, but he strictly followed his own plan, essentially speaking, according to his plan, and he carried out his plan. but how much it was in the end content, it’s not for me to judge, these are just viewers, listeners and maybe readers of the material received, they must draw their own conclusion. as a result of this interview, there immediately
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began to be calls to impose sanctions against tycker carlos, in general there is talk that he could almost be arrested there, is that even the case?
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russia is connected, well, with the same inter-ethnic events, with the jewish pogroms in the russian empire, well, of course, they should have arisen during such an official part, well, this is one of the topics which we talked about with them already when the cameras were turned off, this is exactly what the secretary of state of the united states was talking about. he spoke about this several times, mr. blinken, that uh, his, his relatives, his great-grandfather fled from russia and from jewish pogroms, in different countries of the world, in europe, in
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the states, this topic constantly arises, i repeat, arises with the goal of demonizing russia, to show what kind of barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here. in fact, if you look at what today's secretary of state said, and look not at political slogans, the essence of the problems that were occurring, then a lot of things become clear here, well, for example, we have all this in our archives, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather actually left the russian empire, i think he was born somewhere in poltava.
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territory of today's ukraine - here in kiev i said in 1905 - if mr. blinkin's ancestor left in 1904, then the first massive pogrom in kiev was in 1905, so his great-grandfather or great-great-grandfather could only find out about it either from a newspaper or from information , which came from kiev at that time, and so they, in principle...
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and many representatives of this part of the political spectrum of europe, they speculate on people’s fears and incite people’s fears of the events that may occur in the world in connection with climate change, and then, by speculating on these fears themselves, incited then pursues his own political line, far from what they came to power with, this is now in...
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but in my opinion she is hostile to her own country, because well , it’s hard to imagine that a politician is such rank treated with such disdain the interests, the economic interests of his country and his people, i will not go into details now, but in practice this is exactly what happens, we see, well, here’s the next part of what i want to say, it may sound dissonant with what i just said. i don’t think that today’s generation of germans should bear full political responsibility for everything
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that nazi germany did; it cannot be shifted onto the people of today’s generation responsibility for what hitler and his henchmen did, and not only in germany, but in other parts of the world, europe and so on, i think it would be unfair, and in general to sculpt this... this label for the whole german people, this is a dishonest position, this is an abuse, an abuse of what... what the people experienced, the peoples of the soviet union experienced, and it seems to me that this is no honor, and there is no point in it, we must proceed from reality today, see who is actually doing what, and what kind of policy is being pursued in this regard , by the way, in my opinion, this is what would be
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useful to do, in my opinion, many now in many countries, even in... those in which, it would seem, this should not be would sound like a political leitmotif, but it sounds, unfortunately, what i mean is some kind of exclusivity of some peoples over others, some kind of chosenness and so on, well listen, this is how nazism began, so if this is so widespread, it would also be necessary to...
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trump for the presidency of the united states, and the recent statements, just the other day, they were , trump, european leaders were generally discouraged, they do not hide it, trump said that the united states should protect european countries only if the european countries pay for it, that’s why they are like that? relationships have developed between europe, european leaders, politicians and donald trump , well, trump has always been called a non-systemic politician, yes, he has his own view on the topic of how the united states should develop relations with its allies, and well, it sparkled after all
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and before, take it, take the withdrawal of the united states from that of... yes, then he adjusted it, and what is different about trump’s position in this sense, but fundamentally nothing, he wanted to force the europeans to raise their defense spending, or, as he said, then let them pay us for protecting them, for opening the atomic umbrella over their heads, and so on,
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well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves, that’s their problem, well, probably today. from the point of view there is some logic in this, from the point of view of europeans there is no logic, but they would like the united states to continue to carry out free of charge some of the functions that have developed since the formation of nato, these are their affairs, i believe that nato has no use for anything at all, there is only one meaning, it is a tool us foreign policy, but if the us believes that we do not need this instrument.
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the election campaign, it is becoming more and more acute, it is incorrect, in my opinion, for us to interfere in this process, well , listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, it was true for several years ago, 3 years there, well, then they already said that he was incompetent, i didn’t see anything like that, well, yes, he peeked at his piece of paper, to be honest, i peeked at mine, nothing like that... that’s what he - somewhere - getting out of the helicopter i hit my head there - and this helicopter, but who among us - didn’t hit it? somewhere with his head, that is, let him be the first to throw a cane at him, in general, in my opinion, i’m not a doctor, and i don’t consider myself in
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the right to give any comments on this matter, we must, we must look not at this, we have to look at at at the political position, i believe that the position of today’s administration is to the highest degree -
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to develop events further, as mr. arakhamia himself said about this, he, look, is in sync, we didn’t pull his tongue, he said what he thought, why did he he said this, i don’t know, well, he’s such a frank person, he said that if we had fulfilled those agreements, then we would have gone to the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have been a year and a half ago. has already stopped, he said about it, it’s necessary, that’s when the interview with mr. carlson, it seems to me that it is necessary to give , it seems to me, synchronous mr. arakhamia - why
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the west took such a position, i say the west and, first of all, the anglo-saxon world, since the former prime minister, mr. johnson could not come on his own initiative without consulting washington for this check. surely there were not only such consultations, but i think that he simply went on a business trip, at the expense of the american administration, they paid him a travel allowance for this, and there he stated his position that it is necessary to fight with russia until the last ukrainian, it was in ospreys, of course, but to inflict a strategic defeat on russia until the bitter end, apparently they were counting on this...
10:54 am
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10:59 am
it’s good that they... watch and listen to what i say, and the reactions of western leaders to the conversation with carlson, the tactics of the american journalist and the upcoming elections in the united states. vladimir putin gave an interview to pavel zarubin. key statements were collected by anastasia efimova. entered orbit and headed for the iss. the beykanur cosmodrome successfully launched a soyuz rocket with progress ms-26 truck. on board one and a half tons of equipment, as well as fuel, water and
11:00 am
the central region, today moscow is falling asleep in the moscow region, already more than a third of the monthly precipitation norm. about the situation on the roads in the live broadcast of our correspondent. with batons firing tear gas at farmers in spain , police have turned to harsh action against protesters. the day before, they blocked a bridge and a highway in taragona. vladimir putin answered a question from my colleague pavel zarubin, they talked, in particular, about the reasons the beginning of a special military operation, attitudes towards russia, european politicians, as well as an interview with the russian president...


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