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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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technologies are already being developed by our engineers today, and how all this will help the transition from the digital economy to the data economy, there is a solution about this in the program with mareya kudryavtseva, watch right now. hello, young lady, good afternoon, connect me to subscriber a-245. no dialing disks, only live communication with a telephone operator who is on the switchboard and provides communication. this is how they called at the end of the 19th century, and to connect you had to turn the inductor handle, and speak loudly, slowly and sometimes ask again. what has the communications infrastructure changed since then? everything we are developing
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is, first of all, unmanned vehicles, and even this year we will conduct tests on vehicles that do not even have a cabin. the economy without the internet is not reaping now, the more accessible it is, the cheaper it is, the faster all processes happen. sooner or later the lp will run out, and there are no options to switch to 5g, there simply aren’t any. 5g base stations should appear in... in those cities where more than 100,000 people live, it will be used for this only domestic equipment. only in mobile communications, traffic consumption per person per month has increased significantly, from 9 gb in 2019 to 19 in 2023. at the same time , new challenges are emerging, the development of robot technology, and the data economy of unmanned vehicles. for this you need reliable and fast internet. but in a huge country there are completely inaccessible areas, as it were... in the pass of
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design engineer anton sevkov , serial number nine was one of the first to come to this private space company; a team of innovators has been creating for russia's low-orbit satellite constellation has gone from a research project to create a global broadband data transmission system to the first satellites in orbit. we literally had 32 people there, so we call it a leap of faith when we all believed in this project. it was difficult to believe that such an ambitious project could be completed within such an ambitious time frame, when the satellite is very high, it is necessary to emit very high power towards the earth, for example, in order to communicate, if we lower the orbit, then accordingly the power can be reduced, the satellite can be smaller, and if you work a little more as an engineer, you can increase the maximum density and launch them even more. once upon a time, the space genius sergei korolev created dawn here on the territory of the plant.
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when will you start serial production? and the start of serial production is twenty-fifth year, how much cheaper will each device be in this case? when compared with classical satellites that are currently in gestational orbits, the difference can reach a hundred times. tell me what's here is happening, we are in a unique place, this is a mission control center, such a mini one, we can also see satellites here, but then...
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we see one device, there are three devices right next to each other, you see how closely they walk, everything is the same plan, as far as i understand, if we learn to produce in such volumes in the hundreds, then we will be able to increase them, if it works by the thirtieth year on a scale of 700, 800 devices, then we can further scale depending on... demand, they are all very compact ones like you need a lot, if they were large and it would require a large means of control , they would be very expensive, critical for the development of low-speed aircraft is the low cost of launching a kilogram of cargo, the cheaper, the more economically efficient the grouping, so to speak , this launch cost has already been calculated, on what it will depend , including the number of the devices themselves and the number of launches, the number of ready-made launch vehicles, this all should.
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including promoting our space industry, if there is a large order, this will guarantee demand for rockets and spacecraft services launch, which means, due to such a large order, to reduce the cost of technology, that is, on both sides. it's a very ecosystem story, yes. only a few countries in the world have their own satellite navigation systems, but the russian glanas provides navigation throughout the planet. the elimination of the digital divide is in full swing, even in small settlements ranging from 100 to 500 people. finally, in 2023, almost 5,000 such settlements received access to modern communications and the internet. what support measures are there already? how they work and how they help, not only to ensure communication anywhere in russia, but to introduce advanced technologies for business. elbrus attracts approximately half a million tourists a year. in 2018 , the
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highest base station in eastern europe and russia appeared here at 388 m. the connection reaches to the very top of the five-thousander. after 4 years, a subsidiary of the same operator decided to take it to new heights. director of a telecommunications equipment developer, about sixty new generation stations have already been assembled here, so far mainly test samples, but the plan for the current year is to release a thousand 4g and 5g base stations into series, and then constantly increase the volume several times over. all production, well, if
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we talk about development, about the program code, then it’s all domestic and everything belongs to us, according to plans at the turn of the twenty- seventh year we should reach a serial production of 15,000 base stations per year. what a company, a business that installs 5g in their premises receives is yours, compared to what it was before, lti, they are already at the limit, they have practically exhausted, well, their supply strength, this means that the network is very unstable to various emergency situations, and 5g will provide that extra reserve that will allow it to be stable and digest, if something suddenly happens, the flow of traffic, what we are going through like russia a little later, will allow us to introduce our own equipment, something they can afford far away. not all countries in the world, and russia can enter this narrow circle of producers who do not depend on other countries and can build their own networks. the company's products are included in the development roadmap mobile communications. over the course of 3 years , they will receive 5.4 billion rubles from the state for technology development.
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the business itself will invest approximately the same amount. the company's development is included in the register of domestic software. this gives vat zeroing priority in government procurement and allocation of frequencies. the developer is already collaborating with enterprises to deploy 5g networks there using native equipment. sergey anatolyevich, what benefits does digitalization of infrastructure, including communications infrastructure, give to your company? the speed of information transfer becomes critical when taking on a project drones. no matter what we do, how wonderful it is, we do not work on this technology, without the 5g infrastructure, work is impossible. 22 hours a day on the road, the drivers work. navigation and machine vision systems. last year, unmanned tractors delivered more than 12,000 tons of cargo along the m11 highway. now 12 more such kamaz trucks will be on the route, but those who choose familiar trucks also need new-generation communications. our
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k5 series car is the first vehicle that comes off the assembly line immediately connected to the internet. we get on our own server, a huge amount of information is sent to the car, what’s wrong with it, as i broadcast for our consumers, one of the problems that concerns the driver’s fuel efficiency, that is, it does not work, that is , it will no longer be possible to cheat, without the connection system we would not be able to make an assessment , to the extent that a particular problem is widespread, this often led to the fact that we were not struggling with what required attention, the data collection system, it allowed us to quickly... the direction is actively developing 5g, but there will be no duplication of functions. 5g is needed where traffic is growing and you need to provide fast speed, which means in any village , along the road, you can use it by
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train, plane, you can use fast satellite internet, well, in large cities, where there is a huge number of subscribers, we will be there first it’s time to develop 5g, so these technologies complement each other very well, when are you waiting? active deployment of 5g systems at domestic base stations, what is needed for this? we have many development centers here in russia, colleagues will consolidate the team, i really hope. not an experiment, but yes, we now have a very great need, all of our big four operators have all signed strict binding forward contracts with manufacturers, and what volumes are needed? until the thirtieth year, telecom operators contracted more than 100 billion russian base stations, and we have to do this in a very short time, which is like a lag in development itself. eliminate technology, well, because we should have all the best, but is business waiting for what you are working on?
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are you currently working, what will the business get, why is it interested? several industries have already confirmed their interest at the moment, these are oil producing enterprises, transport enterprises, both land and sea routes, the northern sea route, and an air carrier. they are interested in having service communication channels anywhere in the world, and the service, well, let’s call it the internet on board for passengers. the digital communications infrastructure is developing, including thanks to the national project digital economy. russian ecosystems in this area are growing by a quarter per year. to date , 2,500 km of telecommunication quantum networks have been built. more than 600 high-tech jobs have been created in the equipment sector. well, there is one on the market. domestic full-cycle companies that work from idea to serial production. in the twenty-second year
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, production was modernized, now it can produce almost any type of motherboard for digital devices. and this is a board for a future tablet; about 2.0 units of these are produced here per day. dozens years ago, the installation of these components was carried out manually, we bought a special robotic line, which allowed us to automate this process, reduce the number of errors, increase production productivity, thus we fully provided ourselves with boards, who has more robots or people in production now, while there are still more people , all these components, the machine installs them, how much does the machine speed up this process? well, we have one machine that installs 90.2.0 components per hour, but how much could a person do? well man
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probably spends about 5 minutes on one component. we started using, that is, printed circuit boards from russian manufacturers, and we also use russian-made processors , but before it turns out that we bought for, before, yes, we bought abroad, one of three such high-tech lines in shuya was launched last summer with the support of the industrial development fund , now here...
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the company we are moving from a digital economy to a data economy, and this data needs to be correctly created, processed, stored, transfer, data becomes a significant value at the personal level, at the level of each of the enterprises, at the level, probably, of the country too. the task for the future, which is being solved today, is to create data transmission at high speeds with minimal delays to anywhere in the world. this is a convenient service not only for individual consumers, but also for all real sectors of the economy.
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join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of russia to test cosmonaut sergei korsakov. the decree was published on the official legal information portal. the courage and... shown by the astronaut during a long flight to the iss are celebrated. lists of those awarded for services to strengthening the institution of family have also been published. so three women received the title of mother heroine. in addition, orders and medals were awarded for achievements in the field of agriculture, healthcare, preservation of historical cultural heritage, contribution to development of science, culture, development
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of russian-chinese relations. this morning the soyuz launch vehicle was launched into orbit. the ship separated from the third stage at 6:33 moscow time and is now heading for the international space station; two days later, on february 17, it should dock with the star module of the russian segment of the iss. progress is carrying 2.5 tons of cargo to the station, that is. whether to agree on a new package of sanctions against russia, the financial times reports. according to him, the reason was the position of diplomats from hungary. the newspaper notes that because of this, it was not
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possible to approve the sanctions package directed against almost two hundred individuals and companies from russia, as well as from china and other countries. the politics newspaper reports that the europeans wanted to introduce a new 13th package of anti-russian restrictions by february 24th. however, now everything is going that way. renovated rooms, in comfortable conditions , rubles were allocated by the transneft company. 15 pupils will be able to live there. our correspondent, gleb druzhinin, attended the housewarming party. the pupils of orphanage number 2 have real holiday. after renovation, the residential block is finally ready to accept children. it is designed for 15 people, they have rooms, a shower room, a toilet, a dressing room, a kitchen and a living room at their disposal. all premises are equipped with new household appliances and furniture. when i walked into
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this room, i immediately liked it, because it’s pink, i like the color pink. now there is a computer where you can do your homework, there are cool lockers where you can put all your things, beautiful sofas, beds and chairs. special attention. i really liked the interior, now we we'll spend more time in the kitchen. ukhta orphanage number two houses 95 children from 3 to 18 years old. transneft
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north has been providing charitable and volunteer assistance to the institution for several years. in 2022, the company's funds carried out renovations of the assembly hall, purchased furniture and special equipment, and replaced windows in the premises. as noted by the vice-president of the joint-stock company transneft. also renovate the patriotic museum, the inter-2 television studio, which operates on the basis of the institution’s sports hall. north is always does good, and good for children - this
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is the most important thing in our difficult times, this is the first, second, we are in the same city, and children should not be left unattended, we take care of them, we meet with them, we have workshops classes with teachers, master classes in cooking, cooking. moreover, last year we donated ski equipment and swords together with the company. today we were simply inspired, amazed, as always, however, as always, by their performance, which simply bursts the heart, soul, and not a single does not leave a person indifferent. the holiday ended with a joint friendly dinner and a gift from the transneft north joint stock company. this is a cake in the shape of an evolution tower. and in the future, oil industry volunteers will organize joint events, master classes and holidays for the guys. from ukhta gleb druzhinin, vyacheslav bespalov, lead komi. it became known about
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the ukrainian armed forces' strike on belgorod. this is the kind of footage now being published by local telegram channels. it is known that the shopping center where the hypermarket is located was seriously damaged. by message, again from local telegram channels, there are dead and wounded. they name different figures according to preliminary data of deaths from four to six people, but these are again preliminary, not official figures, there is no official information on this yet, we will monitor the incoming information, a volcano began to erupt in the southwest of japan, a column of ash and smoke rose to a height of about 5 km, local authorities have already introduced a state of high alert in the prefecture due to the fact that lava rocks and clumps are scattered at a distance of more... how japanese media report that this is the most powerful volcanic eruption in the last 5 years. dear friends, i invite you to watch our
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new episode. release of the author's besagon tv program, which will be called "chronicle of diminishing fertility." i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. i know everything, yay. he didn’t say anything that he didn’t tell me, ice three.
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the ukrainian armed forces again launched a missile strike on belgorod, reports of casualties and destruction are received, a food store and a sports stadium were damaged. comment from president vladimir putin gave an interview to pavel zarubin, in which he spoke about his communication with tucker carlson, made a statement about the reasons for the special operation, and also answered questions about trump and biden. well, tucker carlson again shares his impressions of his trip to moscow. he posted a new
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video online in which he compared the moscow and new york subways, which surprised the american journalist? 13 publications are participating in the center of the zberkom, a draw is taking place to place election campaign materials of candidates for the presidency of russia. climb. the soyuz launch vehicle launched the progress ms-26 cargo ship into orbit. what kind of cargo is it carrying to the iss? one and a half times higher than the norm, snowdrifts in the moscow region today rose to 54 cm. how did this affect the life of the agglomeration and what forecasts do weather forecasters give? let's start with urgent news: a new missile attack on belgorod, it is known that one shell hit the building of a shopping center, they write that there were casualties, the information is still being clarified.


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