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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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red city, to which we will gladly accept girls from other regions, and we also have many wonderful single guys, we ask you to consider our proposals, dear vladimir vladimirovich, okay, so that there is a platform where we could additionally, well , for additional communication there on these common interests in order to establish the necessary connections and contacts in the future, you talk about this, but definitely, but i can’t say now. how will we quickly do this, in what format, will it be regular or no, but we will definitely respond to your proposal, i guarantee, here we will think about how to promote it, what else, nizhny tagilucha is called putingrad, because the people of tagil always support you, we have been waiting for this meeting for a very long time, and for us it is a great honor , vladimir vladimirovich, allow me. take a group photo with you.
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these were shots from nizhny tagil. vladimir putin spoke with workers of the ural carriage plant. through the efforts of the defense industry in russia, it is necessary to meet the needs of today to restore strategic reserves. vladimir putin announced this today while communicating with workers of the ural carriage plant. the president came to nizhny tagil on a working trip. first of all , i thanked the employees of the company. we will return to this topic later. well, in belgorod they are eliminating the consequences of a new attack by ukrainian troops. the ukrainian armed forces struck the city during the day, killing six people, including an infant. 20 were injured, the condition of six of them is assessed by doctors as serious. the ukrainian militants targeted residential buildings, stadiums, and shops. based on preliminary data only almost 130 apartments and 15 private houses were damaged. our correspondent, alexander korobov, reports from belgorod. the armed forces of ukraine again hit belgorod
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, it is known that they fired from a vampire multiple launch rocket system, according to the ministry of defense, 14 targets flying towards residential areas were intercepted, but unfortunately, some of the ammunition fell, and explosions occurred on the streets of the city, there are victims, according to preliminary information, six people died, among them one child, the mother was walking on the street at the time of the shelling with her and... unfortunately, the fragments pierced the stroller and the child died on the spot, the mother was not injured, another episode of the tragedy occurred near the shopping center, a rocket literally fell a few meters from the building, a strong explosion occurred, at that moment there were people in the parking lot near the entrance to the shopping center people, three people died on the spot, i was weighing cheese, but then they started fighting. sat down, run away, we
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ran, where to run here, this building is such a room, we sat down in the corner, sat out for a while, 17 people were injured, all of them were already taken to a medical facility , all the necessary medical care is provided , well, there was serious damage to residential buildings, here is one of the episodes, a shell exploded literally a few meters from a residential building, everything was knocked out... windows, people here were not injured, but damage was caused just at home , here the cars were badly damaged, here is one of them, now the owner is just sealing the broken windows, also the fragments came from below, pierced the gas tank, and of course, the car is not running, later it will be taken to a special parking lot, also now the house-to-house walk-through continues, all damage caused, all operational and emergency services are calculated. is in place.
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alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov. news belgorod. and now volunteers from the youth wing of the popular front are also working in belgorod. they help city residents eliminate the consequences of a ukrainian armed forces missile attack. volunteers take out damaged double-glazed windows, remove the fragments and close the openings so that it is not cold. after the shelling of the city of belgorod, the rapid reaction group of the youth wing of the people's front... to eliminate the consequences of the incident, we take out the broken double-glazed windows, close the thermal circuit and carry out assembly throughout the entire territory. once you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the incredibly profitable possibilities. conditions: high percentage on
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cashback balance on purchases up to 3%. with a card , it doesn't matter whether you spend or save? either way, incredible benefits are with you. bank ural sib. vladimir putin answered questions from my colleague pavel zarubin, and discussed, in particular, the interview with the president of russia american journalist tucker carlson. what was left behind the scenes and what assessments are given to this conversation in the west? now we'll tell you. vladimir putin recalled that russia was constantly deceived from the point of view of non-expansion. east, but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of the current ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements and the ongoing attacks with numerous casualties in the donbass republic. butin emphasized that we did not start the war, we are only trying to stop it.
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what they watch and listen to is good, but this is... that they are distorting what i said is bad, and distorting the map. then five extensions. vladimir putin also spoke on the issue of the attitude of european leaders to the possible return of donald trump to the post of head of the white house. especially in connection with recent sharp statements by republican candidates that the states
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will not defend europe in the event of any attack, because they are allegedly not doing enough, contributing too little money to the nato budget and not spending enough on defense. that's what he said. russian president than trump’s position is different in this sense, but fundamentally nothing, he wanted to force the europeans to raise their defense spending, or, as he said, then let them pay us for protecting them, for opening the nuclear umbrella over their heads, and so on further, well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves , these are their problems, well, they probably
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fulfilled those agreements, which means they went to the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have stopped a year and a half ago, why did the west take such a position, i say exactly the west, and first of all, the anglo-saxon world, since the former prime minister mr. johnson could not come on his own initiative without consulting washington on this matter. russia.
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american journalist akir carlson continues to share his impressions of his trip to moscow. he posted a new video online, where he compared the moscow and american metro, and also told.
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russia is famous for its bread. we are not under sanctions, but why
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not. there is a full basket at the checkout, an abundance of goods, and the price is several times lower, than the same set in a new york supermarket. when you go into one of the supermarkets like this and see the prices, it can turn you radically against our authorities, this is what i feel now. the next stop is one of the calling cards of moscow, the metro. our subway is an obligatory part of the excursion. all the foreigners who come to russia, tucker carlson also went there. one way to better understand a society is to see its infrastructure. places where there are large crowds of people, where trips are made, this is always says a lot. now we are standing at the kievskoye metro station, not far from the station. the station was built by joseph stalin, let's see how it works 70 years later, we checked, it shocked us. no graffiti.
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avito. download the application from bp, link your bank account. and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code. sbp, download, pay conveniently. russia plans to place nuclear weapons in space for use against satellites. the western media are now making headlines like these. all because the authorities of the united states. suddenly they announced that russia allegedly has such intentions? the topic was picked up immediately. for example, the abc television company, citing sources, noted that a certain threat to us national security may be associated with this. this threat was discussed a day earlier. the information began to spread rapidly among legislators and led to new accusations, of course, against russia.
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however, in the states themselves the reaction to all these statements is ambiguous. for example, a speaker. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson said that he sees no reason for public alarm in light of the assertion that there is a threat to the country's national security, well, the new york times said that words about a threat to the united states are used solely to convince congress to approve aid to ukraine , since turner, who made the statement about the threat, is a big fan of the idea of ​​​​increasing funding for kiev, everyone should discuss everything that regarding the topic decided today...
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complies with international agreements, we have never launched or intended to launch nuclear weapons into space orbit. moscow's reaction, however, is much more stable. according to the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, the publication about russia's plans for nuclear weapons in space is simply a ploy by the states to encourage congress to vote on the allocation bill. however, he has so far refused to make other comments and called for a briefing with alevan, deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergei rebkov stated that all these unfounded accusations in the united states should at least be accompanied by, well, some kind of evidence. this fits into the trend of the last decade in which americans engage in malicious writing and attribute
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to us all sorts of actions or intentions that do not suit them. in our work with them, we constantly talk about the fact that... verbal accusations of various kinds are not something to which we will somehow react; they should, if they put forward any kind of claim, at least accompany their evidence, so let's see what will develop further in this plot. well, here it’s worth recalling that the idea of ​​​​placing weapons in space originally belonged to the americans, they still haven’t abandoned this idea, the same attempts to create a common missile defense system also applies to all this. space-based, well, as we know, no system in space eventually appeared, not a missile defense system with elements, but the american military-industrial complex earned tens of billions of dollars, in addition,
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the propaganda effect of the program was enormous; it is believed that parts of star wars contributed to negotiations with the soviet union on disarmament and influenced the outcome of the cold war. britain and latvia will lead a new coalition to support kiev. as reported.
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we are already seeing the impact of the fact that the us was unable to make a decision, i expect that washington will still be able to continue to support ukraine, because if we allow russia to win, it will not only be a tragedy for ukraine. but also a huge danger for the european union, so defeat moscow is in the interests of our security. at the same time, the decline of european defense is already constantly and openly written in the western press: in germany, the military potential is critically weakened, according to journalists, now the bundeswehr is armed many times worse than before the ukrainian conflict, and the spectator publication harshly ironizes the european armies, which, according to according to journalists, they can hold the defense only during a snowball fight. they mock the exorbitant. avdeevka, in conditions of shortage of people and ammunition, may be for ukraine is extremely expensive. instead
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of retreating from avdiivka, where soldiers are constantly running out of ammunition amid supply shortages, the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander syrsky, sent reinforcements there. the transition to strengthening avdievka is reminiscent of last year's stubborn, but ultimately unsuccessful defense of bakhmut. meanwhile. they are already actively predicting the fate of kosovo, which at one time became a successful investment for american companies, but lost significantly in socio-economic terms. in the european union however, against the backdrop of another blocking of anti-russian sanctions, hungary announced the existence of a certain loophole, thanks to which it would be possible to allocate even more money to help kiev. allegedly, officials will quote these tranches as funds for grandiose projects. this policy of monetary relations was criticized by former us president donald trump.
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washington tried to shift public opinion from a real problem to a mythical one. the new york times, citing intelligence sources, reported: russia is allegedly trying to withdraw nuclear weapons to space to blind american intelligence agencies. and this despite the fact that the states themselves, due to lack of money, canceled all their programs to develop secret military satellites. alek komarov. news. the americans will try to reassure the europeans, the head of the kiev regime will again ask for money, and residents of western countries no longer consider russia the main threat, this is the situation before
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the munich security conference. it starts, by the way, on february 16 , heads of about 50 states and governments are expected to arrive, the american president is among they will not be there, vice president kamala harris will go to munich instead of biden, she, as the media write, has a difficult mission, together with... the europeans, that there is no need to take donald trump’s recent statements too seriously that the united states allegedly will not defend europe in case someone attacks it, since eu countries allegedly spend too little on nato’s collective defense. the heads of france and germany, to whom trump’s harsh statements were primarily directed, will be at the conference like the ukrainian president. some kind of ukraine-german security agreement is expected. zelensky will also speak to the participants and probably ask for more money for weapons. in moscow, they believe that the munich format has long exhausted itself,
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and russia is also degrading from the conference. nothing is waiting. ahead of the conference , a report called the security index was released, a study of the mood in western countries. so, at least in europe, russia is no longer perceived as the main threat. but the germans and french think much more dangerous phenomena are mass immigration and radical islamism. russia is no longer even in the top three for western european countries. yes, the americans, by the way, are also most afraid of cyber attacks, as well. do china and india name climate change among the main threats? a year ago there was a lot of speculation regarding a possible escalation of the conflict, now, of course, other problems are appearing, which one way or another, whether we like it or not, they are gradually beginning to push the old problems into the background, in the current conditions they still come to the fore
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will come out... all the problems of the middle east in connection with the latest events in the gas sector, and i admit that, latently, of course, there will be a lot of talk around the political processes within the united states, let's just skate by points , you remember everything. let's calm down, get together and win, tadyukha, tadyukh , kiss, dad, kiss, i'm already kissing, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, sank , all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, it's beautiful to leave , a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irakskaya loves you, doesn’t have a taste for you,
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millions of russians listened to lectures and speeches by educators of the knowledge society, within the framework of the exhibition russia, the country's largest public organization summed up the results of its activities, well, first, let's start with the news of the last hour, the exhibition forum russia
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will extend its work. before family day on july 8, this order was given by vladimir putin. in turn, the cabinet of ministers must provide the necessary funding for this and information support. the government's task must be completed by may 1. so, what happened today at the exhibition at the russian forum. in moscow they discussed the prospects for the development of a knowledge society. a meeting of the supervisory board was held at vdnkh. more than 450 people took part in it - public and government figures, heads of state corporations, and regional delegations. i will note that. that 3 years ago, due to a pressing need, the educational organization relaunched a modern digital platform, so it is actively working not only offline, but on the internet. so, the meeting of the supervisory board was opened by the first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko. he spoke about the successes of the knowledge society. according to him, the number of mentors in the society has reached several thousand people, and these are the lecturers who are already participating.


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