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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:29pm MSK

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your desire is to preserve nationally oriented youth for the restoration of ukraine after the fighting, but you don’t need to feel sorry for them, otherwise you will lose the war altogether. that is, in fact, it showed the complete cynical attitude of ukraine’s western, in quotes, so to speak, partners. the western masters of ukraine are hardly interested in their law on mobilization, because lawlessness brings money. anastasia ivanova escape from death. russia already produces the best tanks in the world that dominate the battlefield, but is ready to develop fundamentally new ones technology to fight even more effectively for our interests for the safety of our people. i made such statements today. vladimir
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putin at a meeting with workers of one of the country's largest defense enterprises, ural vagonzavod. the president was asked many questions about the progress of the special military operation, although this was not the only topic. details in the material by alexey golovko. the legendary ural carriage works, the place where some of the best tanks in the world are born. there is currently no free space in the gigantic assembly workshop number 130. on every machine they are screwing something on, two or three workers are setting it up, some of them are girls. all these cars are already ready for shipment. troops t-90 breakthrough, completely modernized turret, reinforced engine, completely new armor protection against anti-tank missiles. inside there are still a lot of details that allow this tank to dominate the battlefield today. the t-72 is also assembled here - this is the most massive tank in the world, and tank support combat vehicles - terminators. the president is shown this equipment, which is now so needed by soldiers in zone of a special military operation. reports from the front about the performance of these samples.
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the president receives weapons regularly, as well as words of gratitude from mechanics, drivers , gunners. i want to thank you, as in such cases they say personally to our guys who use your equipment, worthy of the best, and the t-72 is modernized.
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with their labor and at ural-vagonzada, it’s harder, it’s as if the car is more complicated to assemble, but it’s more interesting, more interesting, for uvz workers, the situation around ukraine is not alien, in the years war, in order to build this plant in nizhny tagil, the power of the kharkov tractor plant was transported here, workers moved entire families, many of the purchased ukrainians stayed to work here, started families here, put down roots, it was with the urals that they connected the history of their generations, well, we won’t go far , probably... many of us have family ties in ukraine in one way or another, and it was all the more monstrous for all of us to watch what was happening there in recent years, then how neo-nazism flourishes there, how people die people, the worst thing is children dying, we have never made a difference between russian ukrainians, between russia and ukraine, in general, the overwhelming majority of those who lived in ukraine, and the absolute equal majority lived in russia, have always considered it.
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establish all our strategic reserves, so for the purely defense complex there is more than enough work, the t-90 breakthrough, the best tank in the world, without any attraction, and our guys say, tankers, and the enemy admits the same thing, the best car in the world,
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it is necessary to develop it, we will have to think about new generations of technology, and engineers and designers know what needs to be worked on, and are already working. in nizhny tagilei , in the last few years , a lot has been done to develop the city, and as a city, the city is developing, already in 2013 we made one program supporting the development of the city, and then another one, something changed, lighting was actually added to the roads, that is , the quality of the roads has improved, repairs are ongoing . of course, it is very important for workers that the state continues to support young families. we know that such a thing exists the program is like a young family, but it is valid until 2025, are there plans for its continuation or any alternative programs? are you married in your family and have children? and how
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old are you? 33, the age of christ, it’s time to have kids. you know, if we want to survive as an ethnic group, or as ethnic groups for... this year, on the twenty-fifth year, the money will be approximately the same amount, and of course, we will not just think, but will definitely extend this program beyond the horizon of the three-year budget , your own version of how to start a family
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plant economist valeria has it practically without interruption from production. i am a supply economist, dear vladimir vladimirovich, are you saving on supplies? on the contrary, i supply. in october 2021, by your decree , father’s day was established, you live like a stranger on this holiday, the creation of the corporate competition “anuka girls” was timed to coincide with this holiday, and this, in our opinion, is very important, because in many foreign countries the family and its traditional values, but they won’t be there soon, so taking this into account i would like to propose reviving such a competition is at the country level, and choose our city and others to host it. there are a lot of wonderful single guys, there are many labor dynasties at the plant, 37 families have been working here from generation to generation, and the production of tanks has long been a personal matter for them. people work side by side with each other in the workshops and also pass on their experience from generation to generation. is it possible to determine some kind of
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state award for the deserving dynasties of our industry. so that we can somehow turn this towards the labor dynasty in it didn't occur to anyone. ural carriage works. also in nizhny tagil, the president was shown the newly renovated school number 32, a building pre-dating the military construction, little bulat adzhava once studied here, now it is one of the best secondary educational institutions in the entire region, we have a good project, and to modernize the school , excellent excellent,
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albeit not the largest, but very important cities for the country, support for the defense industry and those who literally forge the country’s weapons for the state will be a priority during special operation and after its completion. there is a month left before the opening of polling stations in the russian presidential elections. voting will begin on march 15; as early as this week, from february 17, candidates in the presidential race will be able to begin campaigning in the media. today , the central election commission distributed free space in print media to the candidates themselves and their proxies.
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to our candidates, therefore, from kaliningrad to vladivostok, despite any weather, even the worst weather in moscow today, materials from all candidates, the platform, the program will be delivered exactly on time to our readers, one small request, we treat everyone equally, with respect, we also ask parties to respect the deadlines for submitting their materials to the newspaper. we are having a frank conversation, there are no cameras here, but there are. vladimir mashkov,
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co-chairman of putin’s campaign headquarters , has been meeting with activists of sevastopol for the second day, today with theater students from the college of arts. mashkov discussed problems, including education, proposed ways to solve them. first of all, i am tormented by one question. first, there are no young people in the theater workers’ union. and the youth, who should be, move, move, revive the process. nikolai kharintonov, a presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, spent 2 days in the urals , as befits a communist, went to factories, talked with the working class, here he is at the central committees of the joint-stock company mashinostroitelny holding, asked about salaries, recalled soviet times, but there is no connection anymore at the exit there is no, there is, there is, there is, soviet time, he says.
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is raising the machine tool industry in the whole country, machine tool building needs to be accelerated, because here we were in the workshops, old machines were practically working. leonid slutsky, presidential candidate from the ldpr, decided to deal with the engineers of human souls. at the round table the issue of the writer’s social status and sick leave pensions was discussed. slutsky spoke about a corresponding bill; he could include the supervising writer in the government body. leonid slutsky, perhaps unwittingly, called for a return to the soviet system when such a body existed
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was called the union of soviet writers. the ldpr insists on tightening the state's cultural policy. we need to stop tolerating writers, or rather scribblers, traitors; we need to clearly understand who is with us? we will have less corruption, less expenses, and a clearer system of how you can get everything you need from the state.
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all conditions have been created for such patients, for each there is a separate room, where there is even a bathroom, there are quite good conditions here, large rooms, rehabilitation is carried out therapy, including vibration massage, breathing
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exercises, the conditions are good, a drip with an etibiotic. that their life expectancy is increasing, and this is the main result that we expect from our doctors, and today we can already say that patients who previously did not live to adulthood, they reach the age of 35 , have learned to treat these patients and, most importantly, years and further, and become full-fledged
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members of our society. institute of pulmonology reference center in the field of respiratory pathology, specialists in the most effective methods of therapy, including severe forms of covid and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. oksana selemagich was hospitalized 6 days ago, the woman could barely walk, now she moves confidently, the prognosis is favorable, i already feel well, i understand that i am on medication, but the improvement is just 94%. the cough, what unsettled me the most was the cough, that is, the crazy barking cough, which brought me coritis. yeah, severe, i think it was an additional complication, so i came here right away hospitalized, in a year the center can provide assistance under the compulsory medical insurance policy to 500 inpatients and 1,500 outpatients, thanks to high-tech clinical equipment. the radiology department
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will soon install a second tomograph five times more powerful than this one. thanks to the advent of such unique equipment, the time for conducting research will be reduced, which means the radiation exposure to patients will be reduced. the operating unit is equipped with the most modern equipment, allowing for unique operations, in including wounded military personnel, for example, to remove shrapnel from the lung, surgeons make only a small incision, this allows patients to recover quickly. a center that also has a high-tech hospital.
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in the united states , a new horror story is now rapidly spreading for ordinary people, according to which russia is ready to launch nuclear weapons into space orbit and allegedly create a global security threat. it all started with the publication of certain media with a link to anonymous sources, but a little later it became clear who exactly was behind the stuffing, exactly who and what? here our correspondent in the united states , dmitry melnikov, will tell the kiev regime. serious threat to national security. russia is placing nuclear weapons in space. after such urgent messages, american viewers could only pray to live until tomorrow. russia atomic bomb space,
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a set of words as ancient as the cold war could not help but sow panic in the united states. moreover, the official statement was made by the chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike turner. i i urge president biden to declassify all information related to this threat to national security so that congress, the administration, our allies... can openly discuss measures for the necessary answer, why the head of the intelligence committee began to disclose supposedly classified information, a question that arose later, but for now data from us intelligence services poured in, which hinted that russia had already deployed, and seemed to be just about to deploy, nuclear weapons in space that were capable of disabling enemy satellites. we immediately remembered the hypersonic systems that putin spoke about in an interview with tucker carlosen: the white house is being asked. it is impossible to answer this question with a straight yes, because americans understand that the world
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faces a range of threat challenges every day, from terrorism to threats from other countries. suspicions creep in when jake salevan demanded money from congress for ukraine. the stakes are rising every day, as are the costs of our inaction, especially. in ukraine, we are receiving more and more reports about how ukrainians on the front line are saving ammunition or are faced with a lack of it. in the coming hours, national security advisor salevan will hold a secret briefing for the leadership of congress, where he will discuss those same threats, but the white house’s tricks about russian nuclear bombs in space were the first to understand there, especially the republicans in the lower house, who are blocking the ukrainian aid package. i want to assure american citizens that there is no need to raise the alarm. the most obvious, that is, the most correct a version of this psychological operation quickly
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surfaced. no one ran to the bomb shelter, so questions arose for the white house, russia is building a death star, the hosts of the evening shows are not giving up. russia's threat to national security appears to be as dire as our own. the real informational words of vladimir putin that russia benefits from biden as the next us president, and now trump has exploded like a bomb in the american information field, denouncing biden as an agent of the kremlin. putin is actually not a fan of mine, i got along well with him, but he doesn’t want me to be president, he wants biden, because from biden he will get everything he wants. what's happening? in america itself, trump repeats this in every speech. the americans themselves know everything. you haven't heard about the american dream for quite some time.
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it's an american nightmare right now. our country is going to hell. the comparison is not in favor of the united states, tucker carloson continues to make, having already returned to america. published the latest videos filmed in moscow. here he admires beauty capital metro station kievskoye and states that there is nothing like it in the usa. the most accessible example to any american is hiking tasty point, the russian equivalent of mcdonald's. look, i'm not saying one is better than the other, i'm just trying to show you what life is like under sanctions, when tony blinken kicked your country out of the civilized world, how are you living, not bad. the fictional threat from russia in the headlines of the american press was almost immediately replaced by a real threat. while celebrating the local team's victory in superbowl. in kansas city , shooting started right in the crowd. we have a report of a possible shooting. as a result, 29 people
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were injured, a woman and a mother of two children died. i want to leave. three people were detained; authorities deny the theory of a terrorist attack. the epidemic of mass shootings has added another bloody episode, but joe biden is perfect until friday. and does not want to be responsible for what is happening. sir, what are your plans for this evening? married with my wife, happy day, valentine. can you comment on the kansas city shooting? i don't have yet necessary information, i will receive it later. after the briefing in congress, will the americans be told what the serious problem is? the threat to the security of the united states, after the announcement of which real panic began in the country, is unknown, they can generally pretend that nothing like this ever happened, but in america
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they increasingly believe that... the threat to the country is not russia, but president joe himself biden, and such actions of his team. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. when it seems like things can't get any better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. dear ladies, i am not
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