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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

11:30 pm
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11:31 pm
it companies began to refuse the services of relaxants, preferring to hire workers from the regions. domestic programmers ask for less money and it is easier to apply for them. taras kucharenko studied the market. former printing house employee maxim gafiatulin decided to become a programmer to earn more money. i decided to learn a new profession on my own . i didn’t study at a specialized university, i didn’t take any courses. i was hired for my first job without experience, test. maxim completed the tasks, but they paid about 3500, not much money for a programmer, he soon moved to a second company, then a third, each time his salary grew, and from the initial one by about 2 seconds. i got the job based on the fact that i wanted to increase my salary and the market level in general, so i announced the salary, and the employer, that is, had already actually agreed to this. maxim says it’s an eternal
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question, what salary to ask for, he also takes into account his experience of the standard of living in the region, he yekaterinburg and has been working as a programmer for only 2 years, such specialists today form the backbone of many companies, they are cheaper than those who went abroad to work remotely, often employees who are abroad, they may cost a little more, he may request additional surcharges there for renting housing, for example, infrastructure, yes, if we are talking about children, there are payments for school and so on, kindergartens, if we compare in numbers, then the difference can be up to 30%, within one profile, within one, one positions, the softline group employs about 8,500 employees, they are involved in writing programs, developing cloud services, cybersecurity issues, choosing who to hire, softline also prefers locals.
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the last time we considered candidates , for example, from belarus, he was more expensive, even if we agreed on his relocation, while the industry has a large shortage of personnel, according to estimates from the president of the russian association of companies developing russian software, the country lacks about million it specialists. if we can use the resources of universities, which currently do not train everyone correctly. programmers, if we use the resource - companies that can help universities train more programmers, many more people will pass through their training centers than now, with the main use of personnel resources in friendly countries, i think that we will reduce this deficit a little. according to rusoft, railmounts are needed; for example, they can actively engage in projects of the brics countries, opening a representative office in participating countries, russia with a staff of programmers will work as...
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the development of such a system is underway, until this time it companies are forced to reduce the number of relocants, and not only because of high salaries, because of sanctions, transfer money to banks in other countries , today is a whole adventure. taras kucharenko, nikolay lomakin, yulia sokolova, news. maral was rescued in altai, he was probably in the path of an avalanche that came down in the mountains, but the snow almost completely covered the animal, only the horns remained on the surface, that’s how as can be seen in these frames, the man manually dug up the deer, freed from snow captivity, dispensed with long thanks and gave it to der. well, we have a little advertising ahead, then we’ll come back. well,
11:35 pm
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11:36 pm
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one home, just a click. is stress leaving you exhausted? elkar contains elkarnit, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elkar - fight against stress. tver, in this modest house, on the banks of the tmaka river, there is a regional branch of the russian union of afghanistan veterans, it was one of the first to arise, and then associations of afghans began to appear throughout the country. call themselves participants in combat operations in afghanistan. on the wall is a rarity historical map marked secret. it reflects the relocation of soviet military units from afghanistan to the soviet union, home after 10 years of fighting. it was brought from afghanistan, if you look,
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here in 1988, it was being prepared for the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, because the withdrawal began on may 15 , 1988, and ended on february 15, 1988. the map was made in a single copy, here it is classified as secret, but now it is naturally not secret, but was given to us by the head of the political department for the museum.
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the country and government seemed embarrassed by these military actions; if a guy from our city who fought in spain half a century earlier returned as a hero, then with afghanistan it turned out differently, the soviet ideological system was openly stalled. the afghan, as a rule, did not receive the proper investment; by default he was recommended to disappear into the crowd. soviet the ideological machine has been openly stalling since the mid-seventies, but to be ashamed of this war or to make some kind of horror out of it is completely wrong, on the contrary, we should be proud of it. the historical roots of the transfer of a limited contingent of soviet troops to afghanistan in 1979 go back to the 19th century. the most acute confrontation between britain and russia in central asia and afghanistan was
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called the “great game”. in 1919 afghanistan becomes an independent kingdom. in the second half of the 20th century, cold weather began war, confrontation between the warsaw bloc countries led by the ussr and nato led by the usa. in 1973 , the monarchy was overthrown in afghanistan after a series of assassinations of leaders, first mohammed daoud and then noor. the arab world, the usa and western european countries. the soviet union fears the emergence of nato bases near its southern borders. under amin, islamic fundamentalism is growing stronger, and this is another threat to the union. our country could have received an unwanted neighborhood when the muslim foundation was under the banner of islam...
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after the outbreak of the civil war it was sent ambassador to czechoslovakia. “they were not going to kill amin, but to push him back, a secret operation was built, the ussr sends fighters of the alpha group to afghanistan, amin’s palace is successfully stormed, the leaders are killed, beaver karmale is brought to afghanistan from the union, he is now the general secretary of the central committee of the people’s democratic party of afghanistan , the soviet union begins to send a limited contingent of troops into the country, us president jamie carter signs."
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a method of influence was tested, the so- called method of civil resistance, which became one of the foundations of what is now called the method of color revolutions. muslim fundamentalists on the territory of pakistan, precisely in the tribal region of baluchestan, until now, as we see, this territory is not subordinate to either iran or pakistan and is still a hotbed of terror, but have created camps where the impoverished youth of the balochestan tribes are. for little money she was recruited into the detachments of fighters for the faith, the mujahideen, received the appropriate
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ideological indoctrination, and received fairly good combat training, which carried out by american specialists , received samples of weapons, including the newest at that time, in soviet units the rank and file are guys from our city who are drafted into the army for military service, heat, thin air in the mountains, military operations are not similar to the great patriotic war, there is no front line, no... poisoned water in the wells, people who lived in this very territory fought against us, they were experienced warriors, i can say so, very experienced, and worthy, as for mines, the situation it was a very complex mine situation , what was mined, cunningly mined , not only was it mined, as a rule, it could be a gorge, yes, but
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the slopes of the mountain were also mined, so it was necessary to move not along the mountain slopes, not along the gorge, but in the middle. the story of pansher, the second pansher, and a large column, we are going, we young guys don’t know
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how to behave, and the commanders also said, under no circumstances should we leave there. this is a column, even if the column stops, because there were cases, we had a case when they radioed that a fighter had been blown up when he wanted to step aside out of necessity, then we went into the mountains, very far away, came under fire, and you were running, just as you managed to raise your legs, a bullet fell there, vadim ufaev from tver. served since 1984 in the kabul artillery regiment, was engaged in the repair of artillery and self-propelled guns, escorting convoys with cargo during shelling , the task was to return fire, evacuate equipment, wounded, killed, he recalls our losses in pansher , there were shellings in pansher, we had heavy losses were, well
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no matter how much i would like to remember this, we were shelled, mortars fired at rocket launchers, i don’t remember now,
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the incidence of illness among soldiers under stress is very common, so it was proven that this is all due to the fact that the surface membranes of immune cells are damaged first , and it was necessary to restore and strengthen the immune system before attacking. send stress, and environmental stress. the soviets have such hard work, and military pilots have complete air supremacy, but in 1983 the americans begin to supply to the mujahideen stinger anti-aircraft missile systems, which pose a threat to our helicopters and attack aircraft. helicopters flew over the gorges at low altitudes, they
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could be shot down at any moment; if the pilot was shot down, the spirits did not take him prisoner. at the second stage of military operations, the soviet military began to train the afghan government army to fight. it wasn't easy. a soldier of the government army could come to visit radneya in ajaheda to share information. on july 13, 1985, something extremely unpleasant for the ussr happened. incident. two armed mi-24d helicopters equipped with special electronic equipment for flying in the mountains were hijacked to pakistan by afghan pilots. who previously studied in the ussr. the american side promised a million dollars for this hijacking. having received the helicopters, the americans got acquainted with our latest weapons. our army is in afghanistan. completed the tasks assigned to it, excellent operations were carried out, such as battles in the gorge, salang, the capture of the torabora fortress, it was a stronghold and transshipment base of the majahideen high in the mountains,
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this is not a fortress, this is a gorge, it was built in the mountains, there were vines, there were rooms knocked out, there were usually from 500 to 600 dushmans there, they had their own water at a depth of 70. but the political processes that began to occur like an avalanche in the soviet union, perestroika, and the collapse of the country led to the decision to withdraw troops from
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afghanistan. it was a well-thought-out, executed operation, developed by the commander of the fortieth army, boris gromov. here are famous shots, chronicles. on a predetermined day, february 15, on determined location of the soviet border, the friendship bridge, built by soviet builders across the amu darya river. journalist artyom borovik photographed the coffin of igor likhovich, a guy from the airborne reconnaissance rue. and it so happened that likhovich was named the last killed in afghanistan. our guys returned to their hometowns to their families.
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now i don’t live there, because like everyone else with me, everyone is intelligent, everyone has gone, gone, if we go to afghanistan, now something will cut off my head, the guys from our city have begun to settle down in a peaceful life, so documentary film from 1989, in which we see said tulakov at a meeting with his comrades; he managed to enter leningrad university while enrolling in a university with afghans.
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leningrad and the region who died in afghanistan fulfilling their international duty. but for a long time, afghan veterans tried to find their own. to separate the missing comrades, only in the 21st century was it possible to establish the exact number of our soldiers who died in that war, 14,446 people. guys, thank you, i am proud that i commanded real heroes, and may you not wear gold hero stars, but you are still heroes of your fatherland. and the afghan is gathering dust along the way, the mountains are slowly melting away, we are home, but we are sad. it’s a little, it’s even strange
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that joy hurts, we’re home, but we’re sad, it’s a little, it’s even strange that joy hurts, a machine gun was shoved into the loophole, shooting started, uh-huh. “i surrender, i surrender, they didn’t shoot, yesterday these were still brave soldiers who paraded through paris, and here we see completely different soldiers, in general this is an archive, we are working to study history associated with prisoners, such leaflets were dropped at the front, at civilian positions, the stalingrad city
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defense committee adopted a resolution. which states that to use all the means of control of military construction and prisoners of war. prisoners are not always our enemies. among the prisoners there may be those who sympathize with us. how do you see your future destiny? get married, start a family, work quietly, so that i can be confident in the future.
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we always do everything together, support each other. we believe in the best, we care and give
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warmth and overcome difficulties together. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. february 15 is a memorable date in russia, a day of remembrance of russians who performed their official duties outside the borders of their fatherland. february 15 is the day of remembrance of internationalist soldiers. the date was set in memory of almost 14 thousand soviet soldiers and officers who did not return from the afghan war. the troops of a limited contingent of the armed forces of the ussr, having fulfilled their duty with honor, were finally withdrawn from afghanistan.
12:00 am
vladimir putin came to sverlovsky. in the bottom in tagil, the president visited the ural carriage plant and talked with employees of the enterprise; in verkhny pyshma, at the site of the ural locomotives enterprise, he held a meeting on the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. elizaveta khramtsova has all the details. the rest of the heart of russia, the development of the urals is the focus of the president's attention, the worker.


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