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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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but god sent us a special military operation so that we would finally wake up, so that we would finally try to understand who is who and what is, that now this is becoming clear, it’s not for nothing that our president tells us this , the guys are going to war, risking their lives, health
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, uh, conflict, well, at the end i want to give you a gift, you remember, in one of the besogons we had a song by a wonderful, young singer nastya ivanova, she sent us her new song, it’s called a warrior of the spirit, i really want you listened to it because i am absolutely convinced that this song is just for those who are in our line. towards the barricade
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, the snow is sweeping away what i dreamed of, the wind is flipping through, my thoughts are in silence, the starry sky, the bark carpet, without being woven, there with... my pattern, bright colors, i will splash out on the mave to revive the sima and add light , in quiet prayer in the temple the soul will soar again, against the old window frame, i will lean not... the soul, only the light,
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saving me, householders, there is no fear, i will straighten the krill into the field, take away the spirit, we will check on the lips, it will cover the earth, hope lift it up. no, even if you fell, and gave me permission to go, and you live among the steel, don’t look, don’t go down in the opposite direction, the beech bridges float brightly behind you, along a narrow path, you’ll go out into the sun. well, you, only the light,
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as soon as he calls me, there is no fear, i will spread my wings, your spirit, let me believe on your lips, they will cover the earth, raise your hopes. well, after such a song, it would be a sin not to fulfill our traditions, of course i would like to have a drink. for this
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song, but indirectly it will turn out to be about it too, because as always i suggest raising a glass. for victory, for our victory, and why is he always late, or is he drinking? gave up, but came anyway and said, let’s leave one by one. if anything, we geologists are looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting, god willing, all the best,
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wallpaper day. don't limit yourself. cash loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1.0 rub. enough for... greece has legalized same-sex marriage and allowed such couples to adopt children. the country's prime minister said that this initiative would supposedly make the lives of citizens better, without depriving other people of their rights. thus, greece became the first orthodox country to legalize same-sex marriage. we’ll talk about this with the deputy chairman of the synodal department of the moscow patriarchate for the relationship of the church with society and the media, vakhtang kipshidze. vakhtan vladimirovich, hello. hello. tell me how to the rps in the orthodox world as a whole reacted to the fact that greece allowed same-sex
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marriage, thus becoming the first orthodox country to legalize such unions. you know, i don’t yet know about the reaction in the rest of the orthodox world, but i think that all religious figures who have preserved some representation of traditional values, of course, will not support this decision. as for our reaction, then... i can say that we can only sympathize with the ladsk orthodox church, which, as we know, spoke out openly against the adoption of this bill, recalling that such legislative changes completely contradict the christian idea of ​​the family, which, as we know, is true not only for orthodox christians, but also for christians of other faiths, can only consist of a man and a woman, but of course , politicians... members of the greek parliament, they ignored
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this warning, this evidence and made a decision that, it seems to me, is contrary to the interests of the majority of the greek believers, will certainly have a catastrophic impact on greek society will contribute further - to eliminate the traditional... idea of ​​​​the family in it, so we can only sympathize here and pray that this policy stops, but at the same time i will add that this pressure is being exerted on very many states, primarily the states of the european union, which simply force them to accept this ideology, which, as we know, in russia, thank god, is finally recognized as extremist. yes, vakhtan vladimirovich, it’s interesting that when explaining this step, the greek government
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talks not only about the interests of its citizens, naturally, they don’t talk about spiritual values, they raise the issue of international politics, and when talking about same-sex marriage itself , they say the following, that this is important for the geostrategic struggle with russia, since in russia lgbt is recognized as an extremist organization, what do you think about this, that this... question, it is already being raised to the international level politics, i think this is complete nonsense, there is no geostrategic conflict between russia and greece, there never has been and never will be, the fact is that these politicians, they live in some kind of political, let’s say, continuum that exists in in their imagination and they think that these are the streams of dirt and lies that are pouring out. from the pages of the state media, with the european media regarding russia, they seem to be creating
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a certain space in which the use of russia as an image of the enemy can become an excuse for their immoral decision, and the decision to recognize full-length marriages is , of course, an immoral decision that actually threatens only one thing, the future of greek society, it is an act of spiritual self-destruction, which is committed under a completely fictitious pretext of some kind of russian threat. yes. well, as you already said, greece became the first of the orthodox countries where such a law was adopted. how do you assess the likelihood that same-sex marriage will be legalized in other orthodox countries? well, first of all, i want to tell you, that unprecedented, i would say, even totalitarian pressure is being exerted. on all states that are members of the european union, such pressure is exerted not only
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on greece, which turned out to be the weak link here, but also on other countries that would like to preserve the traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family and on poland, on hungary, on other states, all of them became , by and large, victims of the brussels bureaucracy, which set the task of imposition.
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everything will grow, of course, there remain such states as, first of all, hungary, which, due to a strong and independent, relatively independent political leadership, while it is able to withstand this pressure, demonstrates a certain unity, the same countries in which weak political leaders are in power, incapable of sovereign politics, all of them, forgive the harsh word, will cave in. is it possible now to talk about the possibility of any constructive interaction between the orthodox church and the authorities in european countries, in what issues
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is constructive interaction now possible ? interaction? well, you... you know, i think that there should be no illusions here, of course, dialogue on some issue probably still remains possible, but at the same time, we know very well that the entire christian civilization, including among all churches, they rely on the traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family, even the christian church itself. calls the family a small church, that is, this, in my opinion, is evidence of, say, a certain inviolability of the idea of ​​the family and their fundamental character for future of the church, therefore, the state that legalizes same-sex unions
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undoubtedly sets the strategic goal of destroying the church itself, the church cannot... be built on lgbt, let's say, ideology, because lgbt ideology and the church are incompatible, churches that recognize lgbt, ideology, theology , marriage, they are from churches, well, in general, they are turning into organizations for the protection of the rights of lgbt people, unfortunately, the future of such organizations, in my opinion, is very gloomy, by and large it simply does not exist. therefore dialogue churches and states in these states that are subject to this policy, he is the dialogue of a rabbit boa constrictor. yes. lakhtank vladimirovich, thank you for the interview, but i will remind you that we discussed the legalization of same-sex marriage in greece live with the deputy chairman of the synodal department of the moscow patriarchate for relations between
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the church and society and the media, vakhtang kepshidze. imagining the perfect home is easy, so just imagine, and house click will do the rest, from dream to home, one house, click that is it a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, and what about the smell? like new, there is a good car for everyone, find it on the author. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. sportmaster media is articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. hello, we found out that i
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the urgent messages that come from belarus. the country's president alexander lukashenko spoke about the counter-terrorism operation that just ended on the border of belarus. so, as the belta news agency reports with reference to alexander lukashenko, today. saboteurs were detained on the border of belarus with ukraine; they were transporting explosives for sabotage on the territory of russia and belarus. in addition, among, it is known that among saboteurs, there are belarusians detained at the border, alexander lukashenko stated. and he also added that incidents with attempts by saboteurs to penetrate into the territory of belarus occur (quote: almost two to three times a week." these were reports from the belta agency. 14 people who were injured during the vsoo attack on belgorod remain in hospitals. four serious patients were were taken to
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moscow for treatment. their condition was reported to the russian ministry of health. four injured in the shelling of a shopping mall by ukrainian nationalists center in belgorod, two of whom were children, were taken for treatment to the federal clinic of the russian ministry of health in moscow. this is him in the department of orthopedics named after priorov and the russian children's clinical hospital. in the leptsov area, kharkov region, it was from there that an il-76 with ukrainian prisoners was previously shot down. it is also reported that russian troops are now working to destroy
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this crew. and earlier , the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the fact of the attack under the article on the terrorist attack. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, instructed to identify all those responsible for crimes against civilians, including those who gave criminal orders. in moscow they say goodbye to the hero of the soviet union, valery vastrotin. he died on february 13 at the age of 72. the funeral ceremony takes place in the central house of the russian army. representatives of the leadership and veterans of the armed forces gathered there. among them are colleagues and comrades, participants in combat operations in afghanistan. there valery vostrotin commanded the 345th parachute regiment, of which he was a member. the legendary ninth generation, a film of the same name directed by fyodor bondarchuk was made about the feat of its fighters. for almost 10 years, valery vostrotin was the deputy of sergei shaigu, who
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headed it at that time. the ministry of emergency situations of russia will bury vostrotino at the military memorial cemetery in mytishchi with military honors. sevastopol customs officers detained a yacht that was stolen by tourists from russia. this was 5 years ago in the caribbean. there, the scammers rented a motor-sailing vessel worth 30 million rubles. they transported it home and registered it using fake document. after that, we set up a business and began renting out the yacht for boat trips. on the black sea coast, the ship came to the attention of customs officers. the yacht was detained. the examination established that it has two identification numbers, one of which was applied in a homemade manner and is counterfeit. in addition, the ship was not declared and has the status of a foreign product. the amount of unpaid customs duties exceeded 8 million rubles. the foreign company, the owner of the vehicle, confirmed information about its
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theft. royal antigo police. a criminal case has been opened in barbuda; the head of a criminal gang is on the international wanted list. the munich code, security index recorded fatigue with ukraine, this is stated in the report, which was published on the eve of the munich conference. the authors note that in the group of seven countries , public support for helping ukraine supply arms there or imposing sanctions against russia is falling. it is especially emphasized that issues of coordinating financial assistance for kiev lead to constant problems. dispute like in the usa, so in europe. the promise to admit ukraine and georgia into nato also remains vague. according to the report, russia has ceased to be the main threat in the perception of most g7 countries. what happened here on
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february 24-25? social network? calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls, this is the surest path to victory in the war. and the agenda itself is formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the states who have been involved all their lives.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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now about the weather, this winter in the center of russia has already been recognized as the snowiest in the last decade, and not in terms of the height of the snowdrifts, but in terms of the density of the snow, this was stated by the scientific director of the hydrometeorological center roman vilfond, and we'll talk to meteorologist ekaterina grigorova about other snow records. ekaterina, hello, what are the results... of yesterday's snowfall. well, as you rightly noted, yesterday’s snowfall brought this winter into the category of the snowiest, but this is not the last snowfall. adverse weather conditions, snow and a blizzard the day before did not prevent the federal security service officers from tracking down a criminal group that was trying to steal fuel from a diesel locomotive in the moscow region. the attackers hoped to remain unnoticed, but they failed. but road services successfully eliminate the consequences of snowfall, only in...


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