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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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plus, according to your decision , we completed the four-lane road last year, you opened this road, we are building an interuniversity campus, we discussed today, by the way, look, we are now commissioning a swimming pool there this year , we are starting to build a ski track - this is on the site of the campus, so this is what we discussed today, and the metrotram is a separate big story, thanks to you, we revived the old dream of chelyabinsk residents about the metro, we modified it into...
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i won’t stop, it’s unique on a national scale, but for our region it’s just a grandiose project, thanks to viktor filipovich for this work, the multifunctional sports complex rmk arena, we are building several large sports facilities, a universal sports hall, the next one you opened is an outdoor track and field football arena in the city of chelyabinsk. is also unique, because it is not only football, but also athletics , yes, everyone is very happy about it, i mean, all the federations, we recently opened the macisa, yes, the magnitogorsk airport was also built according to your decision, right here photographs of the runway, remember, you came last time in the twenty-first year, we talked, and last year we completed the repair of the runway, now and now we are starting to build a new terminal, well, i
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also wanted to share, i even prepared for you there is a slightly larger photograph, also a unique object, today the largest temple that is being built, the cathedral in chelyabinsk, was historically destroyed in the thirties, now we are building a large temple like this, and it is already ready externally completely ready, and this is how he looks, also such classicism, and in our case, by the way, like isaki. it will be possible to go upstairs , go around, this opportunity will also be there, these are already photographs of the lower temple, we will open it on easter in early may, and yes, here is the next photo, a large one, yes, this is, well, not a photograph, this is like a project for that , what will happen in the upper church is beautiful, yes, his holiness, he not only knows about the project, we constantly tell him, vladimirovich, there is one more request,
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we have always talked about chelyabinsk as our own beloved city, but of course, the historical industrial heritage is such, and we need to move in the direction of moving production beyond the city limits, and the people of chelyabinsk will be grateful to you vladimirovich for all time. thank you very much. if you find local investors who could take part in this general framework, yes, of course, we will, so do it. thank you. vladimir posin held a meeting with the governor of the chelyabinsk region alexei teksler. it is impossible to implement a high-tech program without specialists. about this vladimir putin said during a meeting with students and industry workers in the chelyabinsk region. the president was shown the plant where
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robots are produced and told how personnel are trained. the head of state noted that preparation should begin almost from school. in all. in schools, we have, in my opinion, 38,000 of them, work begins on early career guidance for schoolchildren from the sixth to the eleventh grade, the task is such that approximately 47-48, at 50% of schoolchildren of this age, from the sixth to the eleventh cool to be with them this kind of preliminary work on early career guidance has been carried out, i really look forward to it. that they will come to the enterprise, get acquainted with these enterprises, including those like your enterprise, and others, so that the guys look and choose their future in
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the profession, because this is generally one of the key issues in life, in order to be a successful, happy person, you need to find yourself in a profession, the industry perspective was discussed. already at a separate meeting, as the head of state noted, the industry today is developing confidently, despite external pressure, new supply channels for raw materials and components have been established, as well as connections with reliable partners, many domestic companies have successfully replaced imported products, mastered their own line of components for machines and equipment, attracted personnel, resources, technologies and organized production aimed at... those market segments where until recently western brands dominated, and we are talking about consumer goods in general demand, for example, furniture, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics, but not only, and we are also talking about
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high-tech products, such as pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, including electrical equipment, aviation and... mobile equipment, modern trains, it is impossible to produce everything on your own site, on your own territory , and it’s not necessary, but nevertheless, and therefore, among other things, we intend to expand international industrial technological alliances, build cooperation chains with those colleagues from the european union, from the brix countries, and wherever anywhere in the world, with other states and associations that are ready to work together. over the course of a week, russian troops carried out 30 missile and drone attacks on military enterprises in ukraine, the ministry of defense reported. factories where they produced fuel and lubricants for equipment, warehouses, as well as points of deployment of units and the formation of nationalists were hit.
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more details about the situation at the fronts, denis alekseev. in the kupa direction, our west group once again prevented the militants from breaking through the russian one. defense, what the armed forces of ukraine are counting on it, it’s unclear, such attempts cost them dearly, although no one in kiev cares about this for a long time, here are the personnel, the intelligence officers for... noticed the target, the enemy’s manpower, noticed from the air only on the approach to the lines, they are quickly working on them howitzer crews, one sighting, the other to kill, but something else is interesting here: our soldiers say the paths are trodden by ukrainian fighters and more than once ukrainian troops came under targeted fire here, more than once our military destroyed their plans, destroying both personnel and equipment, but the ukrainian command continues to throw people to certain death, with zero results. no one is worried about the overwhelming losses, we mainly hit
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the enemy infantry, reconnaissance reveals the places where rotation is taking place, and we immediately open fire, depending on how often we work, well, that is, reconnaissance works 24x7, so do we, accordingly, our calculations they are constantly on duty here, that is, from the command to the shot it takes two or three seconds, and group strikes do not stop. precision weapons this week only there were at least 30, all for facilities that the ukrainian armed forces use for military purposes. enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produced and repaired aircraft engines, radio-electronic equipment and ammunition were hit. in addition, factories that produced fuels and lubricants for equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, warehouses for military-technical equipment, as well as deployment points were hit. reconnaissance units of the tula paratroopers identified a cluster of high risers
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north of solidar, there are still militants there they are trying to counterattack, but everything is past, the southern group of troops, ours is not slowing down. on the southern donetsk front, the ukrainian infantry flew in from the city to the oporniks, an already proven way to explain to the enemy popularly, it is necessary. to go to their starting points in the southern direction , a subdivision of the vostok group of forces improved the situation along the front line with coordinated actions, repelled three enemy attacks, and also defeated units of the fifty-eighth infantry brigade, the seventy-second mechanized brigade armed forces of ukraine, 127 and 128 terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of settlements vladimirovka, harvest water of the donetsk people's republic and shelter of the zaporozhye region. armed casualties. ukraine in this direction in a week amounted to up to 1060 military personnel, two tanks, 10 armored
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combat vehicles, 23 cars, as well as 12 field artillery guns. and also footage from this direction, military personnel of the pacific fleet continue successful offensive operations. the marines secretly approach the line of combat contact, storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. within a week , the ukrainian air force lost a mig-29 aircraft and a mi helicopter. 24 405 drones were destroyed, quite a lot. in the total treasury of 12,500 downed drones, 15,00 units of ukrainian western armor have already been burned. denis alekseev, lead. two children brought to moscow after the terrorist attack in belgorod are in stable and serious condition. this was reported at the russian children's clinical hospital of the ministry of health. ukrainian troops attacked belgorod the day before. seven people died. and 19 were injured. in the russian children's clinical hospital at
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upon admission, the children underwent all diagnostic complexes, educational diagnostics, laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, they were examined by all the necessary specialists. currently , one child has undergone surgery on his lower limb, reconstructive surgery, and is feeling well. is going to shoot down all us satellites.
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elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what project we are talking about and what the vote in congress on aid to ukraine has to do with it. every day america cannot decide what russia is? the country is a gas station that extracts chips from washing machines to make missiles, or the number one threat to the united states, capable of destroying a significant part of the american satellite constellation with a nuclear strike. true, what at first was described almost as an atomic bomb launched into space. now it is taking on features that are not so scary; reitor analysts believe that that very mysterious russian technology is a nuclear power plant, that is, a device that needs nuclear energy to attack ... spacecraft. counterweight, the pentagon wants to create a program that will make it possible to launch satellites into orbit more often, and they will cost less than the current generation, and this will make it possible to counter russia and china. but washington is not going to talk to moscow because of its worries. as far as i understand, nothing has yet followed this order, and in any case,
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no signals from the united states, as far as i know, have been received in moscow. and the explanations that were given, although they are incoherent, by and large, in washington, but also others, in other western capitals, generally suggests that all this looks quite artificial. a story invented for taciturn congressmen and republicans who are not allowing another 60 billion dollars to be sent to ukraine, was also launched for those who were not caught. reagan's star wars. 40 years ago, the white house outlined the so-called strategic defense initiative. washington claimed that it intended to create a missile defense system, which would also be located in airless space. they planned to destroy soviet missiles and ground targets, and what this might look like was shown in a disturbing cartoon. refusing
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the policy of détente. i hoped that moscow would enter the arms race and would not spare any money on it; now they are going to spend their budget, but the americans themselves are asking the white house to resolve such issues without harsh rhetoric, and not to drive their citizens into hysterics. should we look at ways to strengthen our satellites or replace them with new satellites adapted to reflect this risk? of course, but is this the kind a serious threat to national security, which requires a general transition to panic mode. all day yesterday everyone was thinking, “oh my god, i need my bunker.” the president of the united states and the head of the pentagon have still not spoken out about the so-called russian threat; the ntc security advisor and the secretary of state are taking the rap. speaker of the house of representatives johnson first said that there was no reason for alarm, then he said that the issue was serious and urgent, so urgent that he was notified back in january. however, many senators who familiarized themselves with
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according to intelligence data, they directly stated that it is not clear what caused the panic. the kremlin called the statement about a new threat from... a ploy by the white house to extract money from congress for kiev. by the way, as for nuclear weapons, it was the united states that was the first to use them in orbit. in '58, a charge with a power of almost 2 kilotons was detonated at an altitude of 170 km, then the explosion was repeated at an altitude of 800 km. and a year later, the same pentagon tested the bold orion anti-satellite missile. so the states themselves carry out nuclear explosions in space started back in the 20th century. russia and china have been insisting for more than one year that an international treaty is needed.
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kromtsov, to lead. the central election commission approved the distribution of free television and radio broadcasts, as well as print space for participants in the presidential race. tomorrow they can begin media campaigning, but today the candidates and their proxies continued to communicate with voters. yegor grigoriev found out what kind of appeals are being received. natalya alexandrovna. it’s very nice and i’m glad to talk to you, what region are you from? thank you my dear. nadezhda papkina's voice on the other end the wires were recognized immediately. of course, they expected that the people's artist of russia would receive the call. she, as a confidant of presidential candidate vladimir putin, today worked in the call center of the election headquarters. the first appeal was from the city of snezhnoye, donetsk people's republic, a resident of donbass
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wanted to support the candidate. a lot of proposals were received. even now the call is not personal. absolutely, i am one of them too, they were protected, everything was fair, work experience was really respected, call center co-operator, volunteer from youth wing. the onf today added zara, vyacheslav manucharov, ivan okhlobystin, and mikhail porechenkov, well-known in russia. the call center of the election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin works around the clock,
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you can call a single federal toll-free number and send your appeal, more than 30 thousand of them have already been received by this minute. of course, not a single call goes unattended and responded to. nikolai kharitonov spent the day of his election campaign in the moscow region and came to lytkarinsky museum of history and local lore. about the most respected. i got acquainted with the products and production, the company was founded back in 1985 , since then they have maintained high quality standards, and what do you do with cardboard? no
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, we work on raw meat, everything is fine with us, but the state inspection, you know what it was like for the sausage, i know how much, how much of what meat was in the sausage according to gost 60%, 80% 64, the presidential candidate from the ldpr met with the residents of kazan , leonid slutsky. people shared their opinions on the development of tatarstan, proposals for the electoral program is collected at the regional branch of the party. activists told slutsky about holding an all-russian survey of citizens on his candidacy. many issues that really concern the population of the republic will become elements of my election program. well, in general, i want to thank the population. and i want to thank the management, we are very happy today. appeals from people are received by the presidential candidate from the new people party
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, vladislav davankov, requests are summarized, included in the election program about issues of supporting large families in creating a comfortable environment for them in urban spaces. the speech took place at a round table with the participation of the candidate’s party colleagues. and the presidential candidates themselves and their proxies are active. crimea is becoming the cultural center of russia, this is taurida, look how khersanez is developing, very soon there will be an amazing space there where everyone can get acquainted with history and participate in it themselves. in the making of history, that wonderful art school, the children's art school in hersanes, which has no equal there is no space. the candidates
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have a campaign period ahead from tomorrow until march 14, the central election commission clarified. free tv time will be provided from monday, and the first debate will be held on february 26. egor grigoriev evgenia kirilenko, konstantin berzov, news. the russian ministry of defense decided to resume training military financiers in specialized civilian universities. the military department today signed an agreement with the financial university under the government and the st. petersburg state economic university. both universities train highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and finance. many specialists have graduated from these higher educational institutions. continued to serve , including in military organizations, therefore, on behalf of the minister of defense
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, a lot of work was done to organize a specialist training program in the interests of the armed forces of the russian federation. and today we have a big event, we have gathered to sign the organization’s program. training of request officers and civilian specialists, well, just about what the benefits of the new program for the minister of defense tatyana shevtsova told students of the financial university under the government. now, in addition to civilian qualifications, they will also be able to obtain a military registration specialty. there is very great interest in the program, both among students and among participants in a special military operation. ability to concentrate in a critical situation and follow orders. any complexity that i previously acquired at the financial university helps me a lot with this, i am also convinced that the general
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efforts... we will win both on the battlefield and in the economy. russian government for regional development. subjects are widely using and implementing a set of measures to advance infrastructure menu tools, the quality of the urban environment is growing, work is underway to renovate buildings and resettle dilapidated housing stock. the modernization of housing and communal services also continues. one of the key tasks is the relocation of people from dilapidated houses, comfortably and safely. this is being done ahead of schedule; high indicators were previously noted by deputy prime minister marat khusnulin. we are moving towards emergency housing ahead of the program that was approved, the president made a decision, thank you, the government representative supported it, we received money for outliving funding, so we will definitely completely implement the program that was outlined in the eighteenth year, we will complete it fully in the twenty-fourth , among the regions where
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there is good... for the resettlement of emergency housing , the smolensk region. general director of the territory development fund ilshad shagiakhmetov is now there on a working trip. together with governor vasily manokhin inspected a number of infrastructure projects, including an apartment building built to resettle people from emergency housing and a house near caprimon. one of the key mechanisms for regional development is infrastructure budget loans. thanks to them, for example, the altukhovka, smolensk, and bogoroditskaya roads were built.
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rodida and high there and in smolensk, this could be various different housing and communal services facilities, the continuation of the program of infrastructure budget loans has been launched special treasury loans program, the principle is the same, i will not duplicate it, therefore, under this program samrensk has a limit of almost a billion, and these funds have already been allocated a large amount of such and 400 million rubles for the purchase, again, of this larger volume of buses, the following direction is also housing and communal services. as part of special loans, this year the reconstruction of the fourth main heat supply pipeline in the zadneprovsky district will be completed. on saturday they plan to visit the dorogobuzh katlomash plant, which produce boilers and block-modular boilers, the company supplies equipment to new regions and is installed in lugansk, donetsk, mariupol, melitopol, energodar and severodonetsk.
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for example, there were three boilers. we have indeed achieved significant results in construction work in the construction industry, in particular on roads. as you know, we have built about 350 km of roads and repaired them, of which about 150 km are municipal roads, 30 somewhere. repaired bridges and structures, this of course, it has seriously improved transport accessibility, but we also understand that there is a lot to come.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can get to the bottom of it.


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