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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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there are not many sharing services in our country yet, but there is already interest in conscious consumption, experts say. this means that eco-sharing also has a future. many people like the idea of ​​renting or the opportunity to purchase an item at a discount or for free. there are three sides to the advantage: the one who uses the product, the one who lends it for a while, earning money from it, and of course, this is also beneficial for the environment. but without government help, the global problem with textile and organic waste cannot be solved. perhaps the volume of waste that now... sent to landfills, it will be possible to significantly reduce it, precisely thanks to programs in the field of circular economy. anastasia panko, tatyana klepcha, olga labashova, nikita korniev, alexander makridin, sergei soldatov. news. over the course of a week, the russian military repelled 35 attacks in su in various directions. enemy.
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lost over 5,500 fighters. aviation and air defense shot down a ukrainian mik-29 plane and a mi-24 helicopter, and destroyed 405 drones. according to the ministry of defense, our troops occupied more than profitable frontiers. pavel prokopenko saw how the fighters of the south group fought and how they spent a short rest after successful work. it’s hot in the donetsk direction, the sun is shining. a heavy flamethrower system in one gulp covers an area the size of... football fields, the charge burns out, or rather incinerates everything around without a chance for the enemy. the exact hit is recorded by the copter, and this is what else the bird saw in the sky. an enemy infantry fighting vehicle drove into our minefield and remained there. he blew it up on nina, handsome guys. after successful work, a short rest, we loop through the policy until we don’t see the latter, which is, without exaggeration, the secret object that the fighters want.
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to show us that everything was done specifically so that the enemy could not detect us with the help of drones, a point for restoring the combat effectiveness of personnel, the strict military name very accurately describes the purpose of this fortified area. we always have clean towels there, wet napkins, that is, this is mandatory, that is, hand cream, because your hands also need care, everything is always clean, fresh, new, you don’t go to the bathhouse with bad thoughts. that's why all the excitement last day behind this door, here we have a steam room, the stove is heated, you can take a whisk for a steam bath, towels. the hum of washing machines complements the buzz of hair clippers; fighters update their hairstyles every 2 weeks, strictly according to the regulations. three, as usual. this point can accommodate 100 people at the same time, was equipped less than a month ago, and was designed and built by the 150th division.
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troop groupings, best practices are already being implemented along the entire front line, it is necessary to minimize the presence of personnel in the open air, and so it is desirable that the personnel go deeper, up to 5 m - this is the depth of the ceiling above us, in addition to the reinforced concrete slabs, there are also two more rolls of logs. one can only imagine how all this was arranged underground, and even unnoticed by the enemy, the front is nearby, a real underground city, a complex system of corridors, here you will immediately... get your bearings, but you will find one place, one room unmistakably, this is definitely a dining room you'll find it by the smell, it's really crunchy, yes, warm, warm, you can try it, bread from your bakery on the table first, second, compote and always fresh fruit, there are no free shelves in the warehouse. for every holiday there are new dishes, well, more salad, there is baked chicken, there is baked fishing rod. the head of the kitchen is a cook with the call sign cook. his recipe for a hearty lunch
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is very simple: i add a little pepper, a little bay leaf, a little soul, bulgakov helps some people fall asleep, while others go back to battle on the chessboard. checkers trains the brain; after all, a fighter’s head must work like nowhere else. who has won now? me, of course. the soldiers rest here for 3-4 days, then return to a task from which you so want to return home as soon as possible. is this a piece of home? or is this the house? of course, this is home for us.
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strikes in general quite rarely , practically does not strike, our rap works quite strongly today with high quality, so we plant drones, destroy them, everything goes as usual, the only thing i can say is that my subjective point of view is that all these arrivals grossi, they lead to nothing, and in general the europeans use the atomic topic only to to help our satellite ukraine , one way or another, but we just understand that the benefits... just as they came to donbass in their time, the osce, all european structures today, starting with the olympic committee, they are completely engaged in those structures that they pay money, that’s why we don’t believe in grossia’s visits, we do our job, protect the station, and give a peaceful atom to our territory.
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is it now possible to say unequivocally that the situation from the point of view of nuclear safety, atomic safety is completely under control ? control, and today they are with us.
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they surrender in ways that can generally be called civilian, that is , they end up in a hospital, they are transferred from a hospital to a hospital and there a person tries to escape to go to our territory, we record quite a lot of such cases, in our surveys, so i often meet with captured during interrogations, surveys, we record that those who have no relatives in the occupied part of the ukrainian regime are happy to go and go over to our side, not only... surrender on the battlefield with weapons, but search and civilian routes, how to escape to this territory, because well, our situation is completely different, people still watch telegram channels, they communicate with each other, they understand that the attitude towards prisoners is quite good, as it should be, according to the regulations military operations,
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if we talk about the number of prisoners that we received today and what we want and how we want to use it, then you know that in the donbass a formation has been formed... regarding how to properly use people who voluntarily laid down their arms or were even taken with weapons, but we analyze each situation individually, and the main thing is that they do not have relatives, because the ukrainian junta simply takes... hostage people who are on the territory under their control, if a person is captured, they are forced call, make you say that, look, your mother, your grandmother, they, they are waiting for you, you hang in there, and so on, that is, they are trying to use this, which, accordingly,
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the russian army does not do, and even more moreover, you know that sirsky’s parents live on territory of the russian federation and this is not something that is not used. on the contrary, it evokes sympathy among the majority of the community for the fact that such normal parents, unfortunately, have such an offspring, and we are different, we will not use family ties to blackmail a person, even forcing him to take some actions, by the way speaking, how do you assess the changes in the management of va, well, i’ll tell you my point of view, it’s good for us, because it’s a cheese butcher. he will end this agony faster, he is not like that a strategically prepared person, that is , to the depths of the front, he does not think the way the zaluzhny thought, the whole picture was zaluzhny from the very beginning. syrsky showed himself disgustingly from the point of view of the fighting on that side, in debaltsevo, in the ilovaisk
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cauldron, he showed himself in bakhmut, that is , you understand, a person who will stupidly carry out orders, an incompetent, is beneficial for us.
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an order was given to ensure payments under the zemsky doctor and zemsky felsher programs, tell me how important this is for zaporozhye region, are there any such examples? in general, how are things going in the healthcare sector? and you know, in principle, the program, by the way , i would like to emphasize, has already begun to work, while we still have isolated moments of payments of two million each to doctors and paramedics, but in this case i would like to say that the program is definitely very necessary for new territories, although we ourselves...
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teachers of the russian language and history, these are the two most important subjects that, in principle, we had for this, during the so-called anobiosis in which we were 30 years, they were missed, this is the category we need doctors, of course, so the president paid a lot of attention, naturally, working on our territories, and he is constantly working on them, this can be seen today in the activity of both the president, in general, in principle , the administration and the cabinet, so this program developed today should give a new impetus, it should give us an influx of doctors, as we say from the mainland, and we hope that this year this problem will be ... leveled out, but at least balanced to the point that we already have
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a figure of less than 80%, 20% remains only problematic due to shortage, because there are still battle lines in these hospitals in paramedic and obstetric centers, of course there is still a shortage, but we will level out this situation , here is a program that it works, it is very relevant. here's another interesting news : the regional menstroy reported that this year master plans for large cities in the region will be prepared, tell us how they are proposed to be developed. give accept - yes, you know, this is just the program, which we have never had at all, that is, such a large-scale project, when the territory of not only the city will be developed and a master plan will be created for akimovka, there melitopol, berdyansk and nargadar, an integral master plan will be created, which will take into account the development of large roads, i mean four-lane highways that should connect the north of the azov sea, and now we have an inland sea - railway facilities, recreation of the territory, the possibility of building and allocating sites for new facilities,
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recreation centers, cultural centers, that is, this is such an integrated approach, which, frankly speaking, has never existed in ukraine, so in this case this is a thing that should make a lot of money and give us in our program for the development of the zaporozhye region exactly that missing pool, that missing object. which today , by closing, we are getting a comprehensive development of the zaporozhye region, because we have industry, agriculture, we have a whole range of areas, here is the architectural part and in general, in principle, part development of the recreational zone, infrastructure, and development of the city, the city territory, when we systematically understand how we will build and develop for the next 10-12-15 years. as for the payment of salaries, again i follow the news agenda.
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these are foreign companies, and just people associated with nationalist battles with the fascist regime and the enterprises were abandoned, we gave people management, just take it, do it. but under the control of our ministry of industry, this situation failed because it went an unscrupulous entrepreneur who allowed himself, and the facts of theft are now being dealt with by the security forces, allowed himself to treat people like serfs, when they transferred from one money to another and thus avoided debts, well, in general, this is
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a classic, let's say ukrainian scheme, when people do not respected the law. and could afford such extremely ugly methods in relation to people, when debt is first formed, then transferred to another structure, and as if, well, yes, then maybe , but for now you go to work, so well, we we react to this very sharply, very quickly, and with the support of the presidential administration, we very quickly entered the enterprise, replaced it with a state manager, and now we have a state corporation working there.
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in the zaporizhzhya region, a stream of rogue people poured in, looking for options where to feed themselves, where the grain is not lying right, where the collective farm is some kind of half-abandoned, in general they come in and accordingly use the assets that the enterprise had, but we deal with these facts and react very sharply , fast, sharply in interaction with all power structures. evgeniyvich, another pressing
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topic is preparation for the elections, tell us how this work is progressing, has a commission been formed, and how are you going to provide it? after the referendum, after the local elections , the presidential elections are already underway , let’s say, we can say, well-established, we already understand the situation, how it works, how to work in the conditions of the russian federation, the people who are today at the polling stations in the commissions.
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this means that today we have a mechanism for days, 3 days will be on territory that is more protected, this is the first, second, that depending on the line of conflict there will be 5 which we will, military personnel will vote, we will have all the attached military personnel and lists will also be formed, but they will be closed, we have military personnel who are serving today will also vote at the polling stations. to protect the defense of the russian federation at the border of the zaporozhye region, in general , we do not see any problems in terms of the election process, today the most important preparation is not printing a newsletter, that goes without saying, it’s already been worked out, but today our affairs, the president pays great attention to new territories and we have
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crazy infrastructure projects going on, one of these is the buses that we launched. you know, 350 buses that are brand new today, well, well, i’m saying , honestly, we’ve never seen, well, never, we had one or two buses come in, if some new one, then it was an event that, which the governors came there, the presidents gathered, they cut ribbons , and what routes will they run on and how should they solve the problem of transport accessibility, buses will run both on domestic routes and on intercity routes, moreover, the program provides for an intercity bus like this... it was unprofitable to go, that too it’s logical, understandable, so in our situation, now the bus is still running, and we teach people that the route will work all the time, the route works,
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in this situation we collect money that people pay, respectively, in the provinces, but we pay all costs in full in any case, in the next few months, when the system is debugged and people get used to the systematic operation of these buses, then, in general, the balance of the economy will be equalized for today. or they installed gas in general, which , well, in some villages there was never any of it at all, there is the price of electricity, the price of gas, the price of utilities, people see it all,
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appreciate it, this is the most important thing in preparation for the elections , you see, this is what today is a systemic president, the government of the russian federation pays attention to our territories, understanding the problems, understanding the problems that the infrastructure has not been done for 30 years, that they have been abandoned... social issues, today all this is paid, today people receive passports and we already have about 5- there are 7% of passports that have not been received, and this is the category of people who, well, there are grandmothers, who you know, she, in principle, almost does not depend on this, her pension already goes according to that old system, she understands that, well, this means going somewhere we need it somewhere, here we come in the village, we still come, we have mobile groups, when we convince a person, well, there are many more who... are registered, but they are not physically there, so this figure, it tends to zero, but it i think that it will be very easy to achieve it completely in the near future, we literally talked to you before the new year and you said
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that it is planned to take some additional incentive measures so that citizens are more active in obtaining russian passports, some have already been decisions have been made and have any steps been taken in this direction? yes, well, first of all, i’ll tell you this: a person will not receive maternity capital with a ukrainian passport; today the whole system, by and large, is structured this way. that those who have not received a russian passport, they still find themselves in restrictions, one way or another, this is related to work, today it is no longer possible to get a job with a ukrainian passport , and you won’t be fired if you are employed, but it is no longer possible to get a job, no register, well, in general, here you can list for a long time all of them social payments, without this today there will be very limited opportunities to live almost fully and develop in the territory of the zaporozhye region. by the way, i wanted to say, regarding the elections, yes, indeed, i’ll also add that a decision was made by our election, our central election commission of the region, that
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after all, people with ukrainian passports who have not yet received additional ones, have time, there is no question here the fact that we allow people with blue passports to vote, the question is that many have handed in their documents, the documents are already in preparing for the issuance of a passport, but during this period it turns out that... the person has not yet received a russian one, but what to do? then, for some, the situation is connected with the fact that it is undergoing a deep check, some have relatives left in territory controlled by kiev, so the fsb checks the person and checks, accordingly, correctly, so this and such moments exist, some have related when a person served, we must clearly understand that he was not in a nationalist battalion and that his hands were not stained with the blood of civilians. therefore, accordingly, some people here also have a hard time, but to come and vote, a person must use his right, especially the presidential elections,
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so we have still left this area for these 5-7%, so that they can vote using your ukrainian passport, we will recognize these ballots and accordingly at this stage, but this will be very short, i hope, because in principle the whole procedure ends, very soon we... will proudly say that our zaporozhye region is just equal among equal territory of the russian federation, which is the same region as voronezh, lipetsk and so on. evgen nitalevich, and another important economic topic, the economic component in the region, from agriculture, tell us what your forecasts are for yields, what goals you set for yourself , whether preparations for spring field work have begun, you know, here we are in cities talking about which is 2.5 million. we collected tons in the zaporozhye region from four, almost five new regions there, this is a good indicator it is very important for us that we have
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a transparent situation. i mean there are no gray schemes, swindlers don’t come there to buy at a low price for 5, 7 thousand for cash, as we say, in the beginning this was the case, unfortunately, but now the situation is leveling out, we see it today all the indicators, we see the work of almost all collective farms, towards the battle line, the situation there is more complicated, because not all the fields have been cleared yet, and accordingly we cannot put them into operation yet, this year this situation will be... over completely, because our command staff is very actively demining the fields today, there is a demining map that we go through, clearing the fields of any metal that is explosive and just fragments of equipment there, and so on, so agriculture is one of our drivers, today there is no zaporozhye yet, we are not an industrial region, we will say more
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of an agricultural region, but... we pay great attention to this, already nitrogen fertilizers, in general, are applied according to the map of agricultural development, everything is applied according to program, the sowing campaign will begin in the near future, which, in general, is already underway, but is still in the preparatory stage, so i can say that our agriculture is at its best. the port of berlin ships and ships quite efficiently. evgeniy vitalievich, i wish you success and... thank you for this interview, thank you, vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins, the cause of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug angion helps improve microcirculation
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