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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 2:30am-2:57am MSK

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gallic screens on a car chassis are a legend of the 20th century, but even today they are actively used in the most difficult construction. large-scale federal facilities. the plant in the kostorom region places non-standard orders from oil and gas enterprises. at the moment, it produces truck cranes for the gazprom company with a lifting capacity of 100 tons. not everywhere is able to create special equipment for servicing compressor units and gas rigs. gallichsky truck crane plant is one of the industry leaders, ranked second place in russia and the cis in terms of production of truck cranes, providing 25% of this type of product in the country. in serial production. more than 70 models, many of
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which have no analogues in russia and meet truly strict international standards, among the company’s customers are the ministry of defense, the ministry of emergency situations, rosneft, spetsstroy, rosrezerv. in this production , the most important person is the welder. galicians, galician welders, they were, well , masters of the highest level, but we understand that with an increase in production volumes. you can’t do much with manual labor, the enterprise at one time went into a very serious modernization, including through the provision of a tax deduction, the form that we have for large serious investors, it was necessary to modernize production, install robots, install automatic machines , semi-automatic machines for in order to get away from manual labor as much as possible , to increase the volume of labor, and most importantly , labor productivity, the goli residents are very good at this, and this is the kostroma plant. components are the largest in russia and
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cis countries are specialized enterprises for the production of all types of piston parts . it sounds formal, but any experienced driver will appreciate the maximum variety as aerobatics. every year the company produces more than 22 million units of finished products, holding more than 40% of the russian market and supplying high-quality components to dozens of countries. if we go outside, we'll start counting. every second car will have our parts, that is, the engines of russian cars, tractors and even boats contain kostroma products automotive components plant, i came to the plant for the first time in 1985, i started working as a flyer in the gils flying shop, well , since then, it’s like the plant won’t let me go and i ’m currently teaching smelter flyers, continuing the work that i started when i was i am a worker myself, someone taught me, now i teach others, well, i probably have the best job at a factory, that is, i see the results. of their work, people who
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have been trained by me, they later become excellent specialists. from the noisy factory floors we go to one of the most peaceful places of the kostorom region. sumorokovskaya elk farm, thousands of tourists come to the picturesque reserve all year round for direct communication with animals in their natural environment. and from may to september, tastings of real moose milk are open. everybody is here. with a scientific approach, and it’s impossible to even name a newborn calf, no matter how. names are unique, they are given according to the first letter of the mother's name, and should not be repeated, ever. this is not kaandra, the best elk of the farm. this is not a zoo, not a safari, more like something in between. moose live almost in the wild, but under the care of people they trust. a group of scientists studies the behavior of animals, their diseases and morphological features. tourism everything.
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issues of import substitution, but in another area the medved concern, a modern manufacturer of heating, boiler heat exchange equipment and foundry products, is actively addressing issues. the main advantage of the plant is a wide range of products, both for industrial giants and for small industries. over 1 million units products are annually purchased by dozens of enterprises in russia, belarus, kazakhstan, bulgaria, the netherlands, germany, and iraq. there are individual orders, mine fans for the world's deepest meth.
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localization of the year, among the genuine ones will produce printed circuit boards, we plan to complete all the treasures of the kostroma region by the golden hands by the twenty-sixth local jewelers, it is no coincidence that their professional holiday is especially highlighted in the region.
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factory office. the 1937 world exhibition in paris is commemorated by the sculpture of workers and kolkhoznitsyna, but the jewelry from the krasnoselsky factory was awarded a gold medal there. and since then, the glory of the factory has not faded; filigree
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and filigree, the finest type of jewelry technology, are still practiced here, and taciturn craftsmen are not afraid of the threat of artificial intelligence and bear their telling names with dignity. 3d should help in the work, it shouldn’t dominate it all, because now artificial intelligence is, well, it shouldn’t be like that, it should still be a person who leads it all, that’s how we try so that it is not they who direct us, but we who direct it, that is, are you sure that after all , they are the product of human hands, they cannot be made at all, no, here is a filigree, for example, here we are making filigree, no one will do it except us. in terms of popularity and even epicness , the profession of a jeweler in the kostorom region can compete with the profession of a cheese maker, which contributes
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to the opening of thematic establishments with tasting, european-level assortment of their own production, intentionally not hidden from the eyes of visitors, here on the one hand fondue, raclette and... alpine pleasures, on the other - a careful attitude to the history of the native land, the absolute cult of the legendary variety of cheese isi, somehow kostroma, it has always been and then it’s russian. khonsky, that is, here is the following recipe, for some reason, just like kostromskaya, everyone somehow liked it for a sandwich and then grate some kind of kostroma into a casserole somewhere. in our country, cheese is a type of sausage, yes, yes, it ’s needed in such lambs for bread there and so on, we don’t treat cheese as a delicacy, as for dessert, well, in fact, people themselves began to understand that the culture of cheese consumption has changed, many already know, many people get carried away when... the assortment is different, many in the topic are already interested, yes, there is such a thing. meanwhile, the kostoromsky
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cheese factory produces many elite varieties of cheese with a long ripening period, from two months to 3 years. here, as a matter of principle , only milk from cows of the kostroma breed is used. the kostroma cheese brand is officially assigned to the region. over the past 10 years , cheese production in the region has increased by 2 half times. main event instead. gastronomic calendar - a summer cheese festival, which entered the top all-russian events and was noted by the russian ministry of industry and trade. and this is how cheese is born on anna smirnova’s farm. we didn’t find the whole family at home. anna's husband and daughter were away. however, this is a classic family farm, as is customary throughout the world. anna was once a primary school teacher, but for a long time she has been very successfully breeding cows.
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tiles, all concrete work, everything construction, it is entirely on our shoulders, we do everything, in fact everything is done by the three of us. anna also received government support in the form of an agrotourism grant in the amount of 10 million rubles. all this for the sake of master classes, tastings and even gastro festivals. they plan to receive about 2.0 tourists a year here; the owner of the farm considers it her duty to convey to consumers an important idea: only dairy products produced on the farm can be called farm products, and that’s it. the term needs to be protected by law.
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one of the most significant projects in the field health care of the kostroma region - the creation of a three-level system of providing care to cancer patients. the main institution in this scheme is the kostorom clinical hospital. dispensary. the modern cancer center opened in the summer of twenty-one, an illustrative example of the role of the individual in history and the effective interaction of doctors with regional authorities. here stood an abandoned building, it had been under construction since 2003, some trees were already growing on it, well, that is, this is a completely abandoned building in the center, now we’ll go through inside and you will see that this is really a very high-tech story, and most importantly, when we were building, you know, it happens like this... “you are doctors there, why are you getting in here, we builders here know everything, no, right
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there built the way we wanted , the way we wanted. the latest equipment allows us to target the tumor in a targeted manner without damaging healthy tissue, for example, to carry out the most complex manipulations on the brain, magnetic resonance and computed tomography scanners, which have reduced the time of research, four operating rooms, fundamentally new generations in which perfusion is carried out, the effect of the chemotherapy drug is only on an isolated organ, and not on the body."
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the liver, and we see that the number of cancer patients who come to the center is already referred, including even to federal clinics, that is the level is very high, we asked the chief physician what it was like to be in the role of guest stars, he offered another analogy, well, it’s like a question of rotation in law enforcement agencies, well, it is known that the regional prosecutor or the head of the investigation... the committee is not appointed from area, well, so that there wouldn’t be this cronyism, yes, yes, in fact, medicine is traditional, it is a very conservative industry, no one here likes changes, in order for there to be any changes, well , it is necessary that... right they came from outside, well, somehow they stirred up the system a little, in the good sense of the word, and built modern medicine. and this is what modern woodworking looks like, or more precisely, high-tech plywood production. the plant of sigi group holding became the anchor resident of the company created in galich, priority development area. it was built from scratch in less than 2 years, the total
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investment amounted to 13 billion rubles. this made it possible to create more than a thousand highly paid jobs. places in the era of composite polymers, it would seem that plywood has lost its former demand, but everything is different. composite materials can replace plywood in many things, but not everywhere. that is, in any case, plywood exists and will remain relevant. during the same period , all technologies for composite materials and plastics were developing. plywood has after all, especially birch plywood, i emphasize, has its own unique properties , taking into account the properties of the birch wood itself and...
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one of the obvious missions of the kostorom region is to decorate life, not only with forests, relief and architectural monuments, but also...
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the called upon gave his consent, it was by leaving here that he laid the foundation for a dynasty that ruled for three centuries. the people know very well that such events of national importance took place here, and they come to find out more about it. the derby turned out to be appropriate even with great ustyug, there is santa claus, and here we are losing snow maidens, in this combination of power, scope, on the other hand... small worked out details, the ability to turn the lens of the eye in the right way is one of the most valuable features of the kostorama region, the voice of which was nerichsky horn. it sounded everywhere in these parts, in the meadows in
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the royal chambers, at one time it completely fell silent, but was revived 40 years ago through the efforts of the group. somehow i don’t really want it, i want the tradition to live, to continue to exist, well, at least here, but although our task is very to popularize this horn culture so that it sounds. wherever we were , even abroad, as they say, we had to be in poland, in germany and how would they know our culture, but when we played, we had to perform there in town halls, somewhere in city festivals, there it came to tears, people cried, in general it turns out that the further we are from our place,
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the more tears there are. where it’s simple, where the risk is low, the profit is really low, so for the most part we do what we need to the buyer, often at the initial stages it really becomes unprofitable, but then we feel gratitude, i don’t imagine myself at all as if i were outside the kosram region, i ’ve traveled to more than... 40 russian cities, i have something to compare with, we have a great russian river volga, we have a golden ring, we have everything that is necessary for human life, we are located in the center of russia, this is the place where you can work your whole life. and be happy with this, how can you be unhappy working with such kids, yes with big moose, even moose cows that have grown up, we remember them as babies, they are all
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grown up children for us, and the little moose, look how lovely they are, here it is, fluffy happiness, going into the profession, our profession, we must first of all carry noble things, and in some way i was lucky that it happened so quickly that at the age of 28 i became.
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to occupy our social niche through service, this is probably one of the most important purposes of our region.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia
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, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are top of the world, stood up, dusted himself off and went, is russia ready to change in any structure? evolution is happening.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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vladimir putin congratulated the russian military on the liberation of avdeevka in the donetsk people's republic, and that the city came under
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the control of the group. sergei shaigu reported to the president from the military center. egor grigoriev has all the details. fifty-fifth, mountain assault, motorized rifle, guards. monument to the council.


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