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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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vladimir putin’s interview with tucker seems ready to break rating records on social networks, but at the same time it continues to become overgrown with disinformation and the efforts of those for whom it is critically important to sweep the russian truth about the events in ukraine in the west under the rug. we will tell you which training manuals have already been launched right now in the stop fake program on russia 24. so, let’s start with the most obvious, supposedly an interview in principle.
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social network x on former twitter, the number of views at the time of recording our program exceeded 200 million. for comparison, carlson’s interview with donald trump, published a full six months ago, has so far scored only slightly more, and in other indicators vladimir putin is already ahead by a significant margin. he has a million likes versus 850 thousand for the former us president. the difference in the number of reposts is 80,000, comments under the video with putin 76.00 in a few days, under the video with trump - 66 in a few months.
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if we evaluate traffic by the population of countries, then up to 330 million people live in the united states, and therefore 200 million corresponds to more than 60 percent of the american population, this is also approximately 2.5 of germany or four of spain, almost 6 of poland, 111 of latvia and half of the total population of the european union. and there are also views that are not so easy to track. there is no viewer counter on the official website of the american journalist taker carolson network, but you can estimate the dynamics. not difficult, the first source was the tacker website, where he posted his interview already where there is no counter, people started watching this interview because they were afraid that he might be blocked, they were afraid that he might somehow change on twitter got 200 million views, this is just one social network, there are about a dozen social networks widespread in the world now, and if we now add up the global counter, let ’s add up all these social networks. if we add up all
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the views, it will definitely be over 1 billion, and of course, this means a certain kind of information victory; by the way, there were attempts to accuse putin of avoiding communication with western media. and tucker carlson looks frivolous, especially against the background biden's court propagandists. however, the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, did not shake it off.
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on equal terms, not an attempt to create hysteria and debate there, an attempt to understand what is in the head of the russian leader, how a russian person thinks, who represents the russian person, why people are ready to go to the north military district zone, who leads them, this is where all this crazy hysteria begins screams because they are not capable of carrying on a conversation at this level, and talking with others now was pointless, really, why waste time for those who are looking for a fake one. sensation, a striking example of the tabloit the sun, its authors did not come up with anything better than to study putin’s facial expressions and gestures and came to the conclusion that, on the one hand, the russian president wanted to suppress the interviewer, on the other hand , he felt uncomfortable, because the quote laughed nervously and raised his hands to the face , but what kind of assessments would a real body language expert give, they pulled out the most convenient moments for them, and then very little, to say that putin was worried there, no, putin was
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confident, putin was calm, what he said in words, he drew it to us, showed it to us, moved something there, presented some images to us, this is behavior. an insecure person, that is, gestures , we call these gestures illustrators, naturally, putin was the main one in this interview, he came from the confidence that this was a serious conversation, then listen to me carefully, this is not a show, what americans are used to, this is our approach , russian with history lessons. well, we’ve sorted out the surroundings, now let’s move directly to the president’s statements and reaction to them.
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not only boris johnson, but probably it was some kind of collective decision, and boris johnson simply brought this news, they began to convince that this problem would be solved with the support of western countries, well... after that, politicians decided to continue the resistance, they intervene knowledgeable not only for johnson, but for foreign mercenaries, the existence of which some have the audacity to refute, the ukrainian project, which is positioned as an anti-fake project in good faith, claims
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that there are no nato soldiers in the square, however vladimir putin is well acquainted with real statistics. i don’t understand why american soldiers should fight in ukraine, there are mercenaries there. from the united states, most of the mercenaries are from poland, in second place are mercenaries from the usa, in third from georgia. and you can’t argue with this, especially since the soldiers themselves don’t hide the failure of their presence in the northern military district zone at all. of course, only the relevant departments have accurate calculations, but there is a lot of information in open sources. it has been established that there are from 2,600 polish militants in ukraine, about 900 came from united states plus or minus the same amount from canada. there are 800 georgian citizens in the country of the junta, 700 british and romanians each. another 400 are french, 300 are croatian nationalists, and let’s not forget about the belarusian radicals from the terrorist regiment named after kostus kolinovsky, there are also about 300 of them. at the same time, the number of the foreign legion , whose members enter into official contracts with the armed forces of ukraine, fluctuates around one hundred thousand, therefore , all the rest are
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mercenaries both de facto and de jure. naturally, the majority are people who, in general, come to fight for money, this applies primarily. various and numerous immigrants from , let's say, third world countries, but european countries represent part of the military, who are in an unclear status, perhaps they are on some other basis, that is, on the basis that they are sent by the government, among other things , but also collect about such things, spit out the chewy-blakit garbage dump, as well as throw mud at everyone who disagrees with them, or at least i’m ready to listen to all... points of view, in particular, the reputation and popularity of tucker carlson is clearly being belittled, he is said to be an inveterate conspiracy theorist, and a professional ukrainian-phobe brawler is, after all, a propagandist. in short , there is a whole media campaign designed to convince the gullible public that the interview with the russian leader is a dubious figure,
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whose activities normal people do not follow, and the solution is on the surface. as it turned out, special vacancies for trolls were opened in the ukrainian segment of the internet, so that they spread negativity about tucker. after all, those who will post comments in these interviews so that people who read, listened, watched this interview will then see in the comments some kind of discussion that would lead them to think that it’s not true or that it’s funny, that it’s some kind of conversation between unknown people, it doesn’t matter to anyone, well, where would we be without the american institute for the study of war, according to his pseudo-analysts, putin demonstrated his all-encompassing hostility and supposedly falsely. accused the west of forcing russia to attack ukraine, although the president listed specific aspects. the ukrainian leadership,
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which was under complete control of the united states, suddenly announced that it would not implement the minsk agreements; they didn’t like anything there. and she continued military activity in this territory. and in parallel, the development of this territory by nato military structures continued. it is impossible to dispute any of what has been said, but the point about the minsk agreements on the bank is highlighted separately. they do these days it seemed as if zelensky still wanted to carry them out, and it was only the kremlin that prevented this. however, here you go, a relatively recent conversation between the kiev leader and journalists from the german publication spiegel admits that immediately after coming to power he told emmanuel macron and angela merkel that he would not be able to implement the minsk format. zelensky constantly spoke himself, and through his talking heads there, explained that no, we never thought of observing minsk, it was preparation for war. merkel, she broke, although a lot rested on her, but
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americans, they adhere to the main line that the minsk agreements were used as an attempt to pump ukraine up with weapons, arguing that ukraine is being pumped up with weapons not at all for some noble reasons is generally pointless, and some in the west are also not shy about paying attention to this . large military contractors constantly wanted to admit new countries to nato. why? this country must. bring its military procurement in line with nato weapons specifications. mitch mcconnell was asked: are we really can we afford to send 113 billion to ukraine? he replied that don’t worry, in fact they will not go to ukraine, but to american defense manufacturers. direct speech by us presidential candidate robert kennedy the younger, who criticized the american military-industrial complex out of the blue. among those who are called especially active. general dynamics, its defense division, saw revenue increase 25%
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as the pentagon paid $27 million to produce one batch of abrams tanks. for ukraine, he plans to supply such vehicles for a total of 400 million. the lockhead martin concert earned even more from the twenty-second, he twice received large orders from the american department of defense for the haimers rszzo, the first is estimated at 430 million dollars, the second at 616, well, the raytheon holding is making good money to the rocket. air-to-air class eim 120 only in september 23, the ukrainian armed forces purchased similar ammunition for almost $200 million. in total, since the beginning of the conflict, the corporation has received about 3 billion. since the eighties approximately , the military-industrial complex was finally privatized, well, essentially privatized. and accordingly, the weapons they produce do not belong to the state. it needs to be bought, and the us government buys these weapons,
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in general, for its army from these corporations, and gives ukraine what they have, the army sells old equipment, receives new equipment in return, that’s how it works, whose country’s sympathies lie ordinary americans are easy to understand in a new amateur clip created with the help of artificial intelligence.
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plane, it hooks people, these people create certain viral videos, it actually plays into our hands, because it spreads our main narratives, that we have a strong leader, that we have a strong... president, why is russia ready to follow this president? here , of course, it’s impossible, by the way, one of the president’s favorite aphorisms: power is in the truth, now this truth has been conveyed to hundreds of millions of people around the world, no matter how much the global censorship machine persists along with the authors of the ridiculous fakes that we we will definitely continue to expose the stop fake program on the russia 24
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join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on that's it, and 200 days without interest, good morning, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city. and this is how our correspondents saw her. only here, only now only for very big money. factory of death.
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whoever has paws asked to be held in his arms, sits very quietly, we see him around the area for almost an hour. moscow behind the snow wall, as the townspeople experienced the next weather disasters, count and correctly expect that they will be fed. and was it the last one? snowfall? what do weather forecasters say? everyone listens to the program while breathing, so that the next day they can fix it inaccurately. within an hour in the hospital, as if any analysis comes here, they chop it off. robots, what is artificial intelligence doing in moscow hospitals? the doctor hasn’t even approached me yet, and i can already see what they prescribed for me, and what new products in the capital’s medicine were shown to the president? it was
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very sincere and pleasant, i come up in the morning and look there are no headlights, they don’t reflect in the mirrors, who is stealing spare parts from moscow car owners, according to the insurance in three months , but you need to drive now, and is it possible to protect an expensive part, the design itself, from theft, that is, as it were so, if anyone hasn’t looked outside the window in the morning,
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there is knee-deep snow there again, but there again thousands of trucks of snow removal machines, utility workers, working tirelessly all night, continue to remove tons of freshly fallen snow, and it will continue to fall all day, so it’s better not to drive into the city by car unless absolutely necessary. the height of the snowdrifts has already broken the sixty-year-old record a long time ago, but is this the last snowfall of this winter? oksana maksimova was convinced that even in such snow there are those who live well in russia, and weather disasters were just as vividly discussed half a century ago, it’s a pity tucker carlson left, he would have participated too. the heaviest snowfall since the beginning of february hit the capital on thursday morning; it seemed that the metropolis had completely dissolved in the snowstorm. moscow is in a bit of a cloud today. moscow was paralyzed on the roads by nine points. many were late for work, some never got to work. the drinks are terrible. prices immediately skyrocketed
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taxi. 5. snowfall interfered with the operation of public transport. the passengers themselves helped these buses get out of the snowdrifts. a quarter of the monthly rainfall fell in the moscow region. the number of road accidents increased, and the slightest rise... 1,500 workers removed snow from the roofs of city buildings. heavy snowfall brought moscow almost closer to the record: snowdrifts grew to 62 cm.
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periods of such abrupt growth of snow cover are associated with the passage of cyclones and frontal zones associated with static snowfalls. all the food was left under the snowdrifts capital birds. ducks wait out the cold on ice-free city reservoirs and try to stay close to people. body, because they calculate and correctly calculate that they will be fed. interesting fact: the harsher the winter, the more chicks there will be in the spring, and this is already in the moscow region. the white sheet of snow spreads over the horizon and pleases the eyes of farmers. the right side is azima's sowing crop and granary. the left side of our section of the field is also sown with winter crops, winter wheat, and commercial wheat. frosts are not scary for her, but deep ones snowdrifts in the fields up to 80 cm, to the benefit of the harvest. farmers make good forecasts. if our spring is more or less uniform , it will only have a positive effect, now there is a thaw in the moscow region, with
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temperatures around 0° there are less than two weeks left until spring, winter is not going to give up, according to forecasts, by the end of the day the wind will increase and it will snow rain, at the beginning of the working week it will drop sharply to -9. all these weather swings lead to one literary quote: fazil skander, the story of the beginning. the only one a feature of muscovites that has remained with me to this day. unraveled - this is their constant mysterious interest in the weather, you used to sit with friends over tea, listen to cozy moscow conversations, quieter, suddenly someone shakes himself and raises his head to the loudspeaker, they broadcast the weather, but everyone listens to the program in their breath in order to calm it down the next day inaccuracy. oksana maksimova, valery kupri, alexander felatov, enel borisova, a week in the city, artificial intelligence, this, of course,
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comes first. analyze huge arrays of data and make accurate diagnoses, and electronic medical books are generally the future and in moscow, in this sense, the most advanced medical institutions in the country. the country's president vladimir putin was shown for weeks about how everything works there, and we also listened and watched. the description period was reduced to 1:44 minutes. this is a doctor from the capital’s diagnostic and telemedicine center, telling the president about the results of introducing artificial intelligence into research procedures. they became 15 times faster. even in regular clinics similar systems are already able to make diagnoses themselves, but, of course, doctors approve them. here we see, he marked out these changes, he highlighted them in color, he took the necessary measurements, hint, hint, hint,
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yes. how moscow clinics and hospitals abandoned paper document flow, the volume of digital data has grown to a fantastic level, another innovation, electronic medical records, as it used to be, well, you are taking care of a relative who is in the hospital , call the chief physician, the attending physician, he something answers you, he has no time, and so on, today, but by the decision of the patient himself, all this information can go neither to relatives, nor to him, no one here. phone screen and are discussing something, probably we are talking about data from the electronic medart. we see all the studies, laboratory, instrumental, that were previously carried out on the patient throughout his life from the moment the unified medical record is connected. now in this card,
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more precisely in the annex on... to the electronic medical history, parents can it is now simply impossible to quickly receive information about the examination performed, to be in the dark about the child’s condition, about the procedures that are prescribed or performed. today we had an operation, and it was still going on, the doctor had not yet reached us, but i already saw that everything had already passed, that we were prescribed some specific medications, during the illness my child was in the hospital and, of course, i it was very
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exciting. when visiting different medical institutions, you no longer need to carry a pile of documents and databases with you all doctors have the same data, and patients can monitor their work at any time and ask any questions; in fact, we make the patient unobservable and not an observer from the outside. but a participant in our ongoing ongoing work. artificial intelligence involved in oncological diagnostics, glass with tissue particles is already yesterday, now all the data is not on glass, in digital form, and it is available to a specialist at any hospital. the patient no longer has to move from one place to get a second opinion. hospitals to another. doctors can hold consultations in real time and form a single conclusion.


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