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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

5:30 pm
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5:33 pm
“captured ukrainian soldiers and officers, they became an important factor in a special military operation, their fate is the only subject of communication between kiev and moscow today.” daily increase in the number of captured soldiers...
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more than 10,000 german soldiers and officers. today we have more ukrainians who surrendered than wehrmacht soldiers captured before our victory in stalingrad. a large number of prisoners is a sign of imminent breaking the enemy and losing him. volgograd, here in the museum there is a panorama of the battle of stalingrad, a significant part of the exhibition is dedicated specifically to prisoners. in the history of the battle of stalingrad is so huge.
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amount of details, here we are trying to give at least general information about the battle of stalingrad, about its main stages, about its main characters in the first place, yes, well , of course the story ends with... captivity, without which it would be incomplete. the command of the sixth army found itself in a mousetrap and no longer willing to carry out orders fuhrer, threw out the white flag. representatives of the soviet command presented an ultimatum. he was accepted. the bulk of the encircled troops stopped resisting. yesterday, these were still brave soldiers who paraded through paris, which...
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a mysterious smell, many folders are still classified as secret, in general this is an archive, a former party archive, now a documentation center for the modern history of the volgograd region of volgograd, here we also work to study stories related to prisoners, a lot, a lot of interesting ones, look, i’m getting to this place.
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to use all the forces to manage military development and prisoners of war, and this is the archive of the fsb directorate for the volgograd region, studying open sources and recently declassified documents, it becomes clear that prisoners in russia are treated in a civilized manner, not like in the west or that same ukraine, it was represented by german captivity. much better than at home, they were surrounded, they were provided with good food and medical care, they they were even given opportunities there and they were given books, to publish their own newspapers, to write letters to their family and friends, even
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to play sports, they had it all. alexander epifanov is a unique person, doctor of sciences, lawyer, historian. in the early nineties of the last century, veterans of the faith. published dozens of scientific works, epifanov wrote, did this much earlier, he wrote 50 books about working with prisoners in the ussr. orchestras, theaters, football teams, prisoners ? yes, of course, in large quantities, and not only that.
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the fewer soldiers the enemy has left, the faster we will win and they will save their lives, according to rumors. according to rumors, as they told me that there would be hell here, i can spit in anyone’s face for these words, he treats normally, like a person to another, just like a human being, well, you’re not saying this under pressure, i hope i’m saying this the way it is, that there is a good attitude here, i asked the boys, boys, can i make some tea, no questions asked, wait a little, let’s boil some water, let’s eat too, he says, if possible. that we didn’t sit there hungry, yeah , no one beat us, didn’t force us to do anything, yeah, during the great
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patriotic war we developed experience that is very important for today, we worked with prisoners ideologically, carried out intensive propaganda among them, the experience gained is relevant now, this is a prisoner’s cap, embroidered by a prisoner, stalingrad 1945, well , interesting, here’s a newspaper from camp 108, it’s just that the camp activists themselves were involved in organizing cultural and educational work, so what is written, this is christmas, well, new year, forty-sixth year, such a festive wall newspaper, and in general these wall newspapers were very developed, the prisoners of war themselves edited them, the anti-fascists used all the camp news, labor indicators for...
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the population, uh, tried to help, well, out of a feeling of pity, probably from the soviet, russian
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character, then, that they felt sorry for the prisoners, maybe they were thinking about their relatives who were captured on the other side, so - i was very interested in the information regarding sabotage, that is, i, as a historian , was involved in this myself, but did not have such information, it was literally declassified this year. in one of the documents , which belongs to a special folder of the stalingrad city defense committee, it is said that the prisoner of war is also trying to acquire some information that constitutes a state secret, so he quotes the words of the convicted matis, he was interrogated, who testified that while working on construction objects together with soviet citizens, we gradually bring some of them closer to ourselves by first fulfilling individual minor requests, like for example, the purchase of cigarettes and razor blades for us in order to then, by threatening to denounce
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the mgb about this, force them to fulfill our serious demands, such as forwarding letters, purchasing fictitious documents for us , establishing contact with embassies in moscow, was disclosed in 1950 the activities of a sabotage group among prisoners, which carried out all sorts of sabotage acts during the period of construction , restoration work, construction restoration work. only 18 people, at the head of this group was the commander of the third division of the ss panzer division, major general becker, a death's head, yes, a death's head, and that this group set its tasks to concentrate, well, as was the core, to concentrate fascist cadres around itself, if possible to collect as many weapons, ammunition, further planned to commit it armed.
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only about 400 minefields were identified here in stalingrad and its environs, and 58 fields were identified, and these were radio-controlled mines from hamburg, that is, at
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any moment these mines could be radio- controlled explode, we were not familiar with these mines, this is... the first time we met such mines, and also like prisoners whom we interviewed, who drew diagrams for us, they, of course, told us, counterintelligence officers, there are, we know, from hamburg, two people came here, officers, they, engineers, who developed experimental etimines, they only two people installed them, only they know these minefields, and the task was set to find them. these sappers who installed the germans and found the trace of someone schultz, but it turned out that he was killed, but the second alfred kizzi, an officer, was found after all, and so, this means that this alfred gave out all the information, outlined all the fields, and about a thousand of these mines were neutralized. so, in the soviet union, prisoners were a source
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of important information, not only intelligence, but scientific, technical. the counter-propaganda imposed on them over the course of decades is to give another point of view here is reliable, listen, someone showed
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someone these same newspapers, but they have never been exhibited in my memory too... well, okay, there is a newspaper, this is a very important thing, well, i’m also talking about the newspaper, yes, yes, this is a very important thing, for today there was a whole printing house working for prisoners of war, such leaflets were dropped at the front, on enemy positions, this is information, that is, it is clear that the leaflet serves as a pass for going into captivity, and, apparently, to strengthen it, the operator vikherev was signed here, apparently after the war, and now look, here is a list of whom he filmed, here is handwritten, here is listed, yes, all german
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generals, oh, so, who is there, and there is zedlitz, interesting, well, we have to look. here, and if you turn it around, yes, oh, seidlets, behind number five, number five, we need him, in fact, most of the former officers of the enemy soldiers were actively collaborating with the nkvd. the most striking example, captured in stalingrad, artillery general walter von seidlis, he was involved in the first days...
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vladimir makarov - historian of special services, candidate of philosophical sciences, compiler of a unique collection of wehrmacht general officers tell, it includes materials from investigative cases of german prisoners and war criminals. seidletz, of course, showed great activity, he spoke, wrote letters, acted as a german general, and went to even dangerous sectors of the front. spoke through a loudspeaker to german soldiers and officers, addressed them, so to speak, with a proposal to stop hostilities and turn their bayonets against hitler without... conditionally, that the german leadership was extremely concerned about such activity. attention, on behalf of 50
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generals, the general is now speaking artillery, president of the german officers' union, vice-president of the national committee for a free germany.
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to work together for the safety of their homeland, new ukraine and russia, i think, maybe even prisoners can go faster, because i don’t think that they are treated very rudely there, i think everything is absolutely yes, they see the relations of the west, the relations their own commanders there, their leaders, and our relationship, today we seem to be our officers, our soldiers for them, that’s who is with them now? works, we are an example for them, and this example is, of course, positive, and it still affects them. every day dozens of new captured
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ukrainian officers and soldiers appear in russia. i don’t remember that any of them declared their readiness to return home as an exchange to continue fighting. how do you see your future destiny? come back, get married and forget about all this. my personal position. i don't understand what this war is for. i can’t understand this, i just said, as i always said, let there be any power, give stability, a quiet life, that’s it, i’m more i don’t need anything, get married, start a family , work quietly, so that i can be confident in the future. a training ground near donetsk, a battalion named after bohdan khmelnitsky, former ukrainian soldiers and officers who were captured, they were freed and took up arms.
5:55 pm
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5:56 pm
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5:57 pm
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5:58 pm
does she really read minds or not?
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6:00 pm
after the commercial, watch the documentary. siege film war, information dumps, telephone terrorism, fraud with bank cards, all this is part of the information war, who is inciting it, why, how, declassified documents of ukrainian centers of information and psychological operations in new project of andrei medvedev, in a few minutes.


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