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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the presidential elections in russia are a little less than a month away. on wednesday, the moscow printing house of the state sign began printing ballots, where voters will see the names of four candidates. this is a self-promoter, the current president vladimir putin, a candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov, from the ldpr - leonid slutsky and from new people vladislav. this year, for the first time, it will be possible to vote remotely in the presidential elections in 28 regions. according to the electoral commission center , almost 2.5 million have already been cast to participate in electronic voting. applications. olga armyakova on how russia is preparing for the presidential elections? i would like to inform you about the upcoming elections for the president of the russian federation. there are candidates, you can check them out.
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to reach every voter in order to tell the targeted information project nationwide about the upcoming vote, representatives of local election commissions have a little more than two weeks to do this work, the elections are getting closer, let’s spin a little, five tv channels, three radio stations and 13 print publications on four candidates, campaign period started this saturday, free airtime of the area for publications in equal shares.
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into an empty square where the voter can make a note of his choice. exactly a week later, on february 25 , early voting will begin in remote, hard-to-reach settlements. by this day, all 113 million ballots must be ready, but while only the first edition was being printed, teams of candidates were collecting proposals from voters. at vladimir putin’s headquarters, his confidants, together with popular front volunteers in the call center, received calls from all over the country. medicine.
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life-forming industry and mechanical engineering, what is needed is support, accelerated training of personnel, tank building must be increased, otherwise, so that we do not fall behind. at this time, in the journalist’s house in the very tourist center of st. petersburg, leonid slutsky invited the owners of cafes and restaurants, with entrepreneurs, a nominee of the liberal democratic party, to a meeting.
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and electric buses, the discussion continued in samara, where vyacheslav davankov took a ride on a hovercraft along the volga. by trolleybus you need 700 hours to study, 100 hours for the bus. former presidential candidate from the civil initiative party boris nadezhdin tried to challenge the procedure for collecting signatures this week, his claims were rejected by the supreme court, well, yesterday the all-russian public opinion center published a new survey, nine out of ten participants of which know exactly the dates of the elections. the data shows a high turnout; if people had to vote today, it would be almost 80%. olga armyakova and pavel alekseev, news of the week. this is the news of the week, next in the program.
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while some in america are rediscovering russia, others continue to frighten it. now also with russian nuclear weapons from space. why the hysteria? what was it like in ukrainian captivity for our military correspondent anton stepanenko to meet with those returned from there? in the crimean khersanes , 100 years after its closure , the st. vladimir monastery is being revived. what makes it unique? in the territory. and germany, it has been 5 years since american nuclear weapons have been deployed. strictly speaking, this is a violation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, after all, although the united states formally retains control over its weapons in germany, they are stored in
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german warehouses on german territory, which means that control is already joint. this week germany decided to go further with american nuclear weapons. immediately nuclear weapons, but katarina barley is not embarrassed. on the way to forming a european army, this could become a topic for
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discussion. in general, what do you think of this story? guided by the green agenda, germany closed its last nuclear plants last spring, because how scary is that? peaceful atom, here no one in the country even mentions american nuclear weapons, moreover, they are dragging the state into nuclear games with britain and france, there is absolutely no logic, as with the expansion of coal-fired power generation after the closure of nuclear power plants, and now the french are refusing nuclear power plants they are not planning yet, although their nuclear park is becoming obsolete in the 21st century.
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defense lloyd austin, but general lloyd austin, openly neglecting his official duty, without telling anyone, disappears in the hospital for almost 2 weeks, how is that even possible? it is clear in these given that nuclear weapons in the west, both in europe and in america, are treated carelessly, to put it mildly, other examples are needed; even the future president donald trump has embittered such potential nuclear powers as iran and the north. korea, with iran, he withdrew from the nuclear deal, which imposed
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certain restrictions on tehran, and north korea behaved simply arrogantly, disregardingly. it was in the years eighteen-19. with great fanfare, then, having met with the north korean leader kimjong three times, trump even signed a agreement on american security guarantees in exchange for... complete denuclearization of the entire korean peninsula, but never did anything in this direction, deceived, then once publicly promised to call kim this coming sunday and never called, also deceived, then suddenly announced that he had received a warm letter from kim, but a refutation came from pyongyang: kim jong did not send any letter to trump. trump
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lied again. then trump simply forgot about north korea and his obligations, very american. we don't waste time on trifles. it is clear that north korea has no choice but to develop its nuclear missile potential further, independently taking care of its security. as a result, there is a danger of nuclear war in the world. in such conditions, it continues to increase, and at least because of human error, with such an attitude, human errors, as we see, are already following one after another, unforgivable negligence, about the way of doing things in the american way from the usa, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov. the american congress went on vacation, leaving zelensky without money with a confused biden, who there was no plan b for ukraine,
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not to test us. for ukraine, in the bill on emergency spending on defense, israel and taiwan are also included in it, 61 billion dollars are included, but zelensky, in the best case , would
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get about 14 billion. 15 billion. everything is as usual, ukraine is fighting until the last ukrainian, the american military-industrial complex is using the budget to the last dollar. ukraine will not be able to win the war against russia. ukrainian even western support of hundreds of billions of dollars will not help the military, yet the senate , which in its... ideas is always several years behind reality, decided to send another 60 billion to the ukrainian government, which is corrupt and authoritarian, i would like to voice a couple points affecting this bill: first of all, the allocation of a new 60 billion dollars for a hopeless war in eastern europe will only lead to an even greater reduction in the population of ukraine. this is a terrible, terrible bill in terms of politics. with the adoption of the bill , senator vance's fellow party members encouraged him. 22 republicans , led by the faction leader, the elderly
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hawk mitch mcconnell, gave the democrats the missing votes. open the champagne , the leaders of the democrats and republicans in the senate are halfway to kiev, they have 60 billion dollars with them, i don’t know in cash or not, but they are dragging your money to kiev, they have neither the time nor the money to deal with our border. but the champagne has run out and the language of war will not bring any of them to kiev. speaker of congress mike johnson lowers his front caravan with weapons biden barrier due to caravans of illegal migrants. on the border with mexico. nothing will force the republican-led lower house to vote on a military aid package if it does nothing to secure our borders. during 3 years of biden's presidency + 8.5 million migrants. since 2021 , another new york, two los angeles, four houston, and 12
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washington have entered the united states through the southern border. this is a national security crisis, a humanitarian crisis. the biggest threat in modern history it is not
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putin who represents security for our country, but joe biden’s open border policy. republicans need to secure the border. russia is placing nuclear weapons in space, so in the memory of americans, with the help of modern technology, the words of senator lyndon johnson from 1957 were revived, he then frightened his fellow citizens that soon the soviets would begin to throw nuclear bombs at america from space, like children throw from stockade.
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because they made the decision to do something in space. nuclear threat it’s not scary from the outside, but ohio’s forests have been bombed for a long time. they don't worry about providing answers to a city they just nuked. just 2 days before the disaster, the same derailed train broke down. did this company keep their train from sending out barrels of chemicals, knowing that the train would also run on wobbly brakes. no. having survived the environmental apocalypse, 400 residents of east palestine soon found themselves hostage to the foreign policy ambitions
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of the american leadership. last february for years, biden was engaged in ukraine; those begging for help were not interesting to him. he remembered them only now. the distance from palestine to washington is 450 km. biden traveled 378 days. too little, too late, written on the route of his motorcade, everyone is talking about it, he arrived late, and would he even be here if there were no elections, he will not receive my vote, the name of the one who will receive votes everywhere, on t-shirts, on banners, on lips. trump was there almost immediately, bringing drinking water and handing out magician’s caps. biden brought a promise, spoke for only 5 minutes, reading from a piece of paper and...
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queen riana is now dating jill. the jordanian monarch, judging by the expression on his face, needed all his royal restraint at that moment, because biden didn’t even think about
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stopping, he was always looking for someone. queen crown prince hussey, where is the prince? i thought he came out with us, oh well, never mind. biden still didn’t understand where the prince had gone; he didn’t know what to do with himself. this is not the first time the us president has been trampling from foot to foot. he is a man with a very low iq, our president. i'm willing to bet that among everyone presidents, and we've had many, joe biden is the president with the lowest
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iq of all time. so isn’t it time to go to the doctor? former white house doctor ronny jackson is sure it’s high time. today i sent another letter to the president, this will be the fifth letter i have sent. it contains a demand, namely a demand, that he come out and be honest with us. about your physical and mental abilities, as well as the results of the study. in a few months he will have his annual medical examination, but we have already been informed that a cognitive test will not be included in it. however, everything has gone so far that the americans’ certificate will not convince them. 86% of them believe biden is too old for a second term, by law, with kamala haris first in line. culture is a reflection of our moment and our time, right? culture is how we express what we feel at the moment and we should always take time to express what we feel at the moment, it is a reflection of joy because
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that, you know, it comes in the morning? this is terado haris - a rare example of connected speech, usually her speech is like a word salad, hence the rating is lower even than that of her boss, alternatively, someone calls michel obama, someone calls california governor gavin newsom. but more and more often they talk about biden’s replacement as if it’s a done deal. we have long known about biden's senility and mental weaknesses. the fact that the mainstream media and the democratic establishment are starting to pick up on this to me means... that they are preparing to get him out of the way. and precisely because donald trump is going to wipe the floor with biden this fall. i think so. they would replace it right now, but only biden, of all the democrats, has the electorate. the chances of fighting trump on equal terms are now separated by a few percent, but if you replace biden, then the situation will be completely different, which is why nicky haley is still sitting in ambush. we need
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someone who will work hard for eight years, not for himself, but for the people of america. the party that will get rid of its octogenarian candidate will be the party that wins. the us will have a female president. it will either be me or kamala haris. i'm trying to defeat both of these men because we need a leader who represents the next generation. a couple from georgia, famous throughout america, considered themselves to be the new generation. prosecutor fanny willis and state prosecutor nathan waite spent not only working days together, but also slept in the same bed. fanny willis - a leftist who thought this case would give her an opportunity to earn political fame, maybe even put in the senate or the governor's mansion because she will be trump's fanny killer, she was so smug that she thought no one would notice when she hired her boyfriend as the lead investigator on the trump case.
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both stars of cross-examination, whom america is now watching in santa barbara mode , did not wait for the end of the divorce proceedings; the lovers took everything from life. as of may 30, 2023, you have entertained miss willis a lot, haven't you? yes, to some extent. and in fact, according to from your testimony, it can be said that she also entertained you, right? yes, willis and wade had fun in the caribbean in florida, california, tasted wine, drank champagne and caviar, and went out with the money that waite received while working on the trump case. according to court documents , there is no evidence that nathan wade had any prior criminal history. and how did it happen then that wade was given the opportunity to lead one of the most high-profile cases in the history of the country.
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this is not easy for trump.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, not special gifts. who are you all looking at? well , there the girl is standing buried, maybe
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this is my dream. this is connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, layer on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch before anyone else in the application or on the website.


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