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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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militants of the kiev regime use toxic substances against military and sabotage purposes, they are talking about this today, so in the twenty-second , the head of the kherson region was sent by ricin, and the head of the lpr poisoned the beekeeper with the final compounds, which is what the criminal ukrainian is capable of.
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a strike on a british ship with anti-ship missiles, the ship may sink, and this is not the only military action off the coast of yemen, is this a new round of conflict, and should we expect a response from great britain? and we begin our release with latest statements from the ministry of defense. the ukrainian military used american chemical weapons containing the substance cs, which causes cardiac arrest. this was stated today by the head of the radiation chemical and biological defense forces of russia, lieutenant general igor kirillov. according to him , prohibited chemical weapons were used in december last year in the krasnolimansk direction. kirillov also cited other facts: in february 23, ukrainian armed forces drones dropped containers of hydrocyanic acid on russian soldiers. if ingested, even in small quantities, the substance can cause fatal poisoning. chemical weapons
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were used in organizing terrorist attacks, so the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik in december twenty -three received severe poisoning with final compounds, in august twenty -two the governor of the kherson region, vladimir salder, was hospitalized with signs of poisoning. i would like to draw attention to the statement of representatives of the armed forces of ukraine about the presence at their disposal of such formations, including analogues of combat toxic substance tabun, which is included in list a. convention and was used by the fascist invaders during the great patriotic war. cases of the use of corrosive substances have been recorded against russian military personnel. i will give examples: on august 19, 2022 , a toxic chemical was used, which is an analogue of the lethal substance bezet, included in list two of the convention. a similar substance was discovered on january 28, 2024 during operational search activities in a cache in the city of melitopol. poisonous
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the substance was in bottles labeled beosporin in ukrainian. igor kirillov recalled that the supply of such ammunition by the united states in a military conflict is a violation of the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, including that these weapons are of american origin, there is no doubt about it, american-made gas grenades loaded with the chemical weapons substance were dropped from copters on the positions of russian troops. this substance has sis. in high concentrations can cause skin burns, respiratory paralysis and stopping hearts. the compound belongs to a class of riot control chemicals. and in accordance with the deadlines set by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, the americans were supposed to complete the destruction of stocks of such poisons back in 2007, but this was done only in 2023. at the same time, control over the destruction was carried out by limited identification groups. russia
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was not allowed there at all. and according to the department of defense, discarded american ammunition was also found in other countries, including panama and cambodia. additionally, annual reports through 2018 cited the existence of 460 tons of unidentified chemical agents, including a compound known as novichok. as igor kirillov emphasized, all these facts raise serious questions and require international attention and control. community. the russian military completely liberated the avdeevka chemical plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. units of the armed forces of ukraine , hastily retreating from the city, abandoned their equipment and mined escape routes. during the day there were hundreds of booby traps and ammunition were neutralized. we’ll find out all the details from denis alekseev, he’s joining us. denis, we welcome you. tell us what is happening in avdeevka now? yes, important news continues to come from the center group in avdeevka. the ukrainian armed forces do not stop their disorderly
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retreat; our military is systematically destroying enemy fortifications with air and artillery strikes. russian flags are flying today on... on all significant hills of avdievka on the hangar of the coke and chemical plant, the station building, administration, a monument to the soviet war-liberator, also with a tricolor. in the vdeevsky direction, units of the center group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and completely liberated the avdeevsky chemical plant. the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the 71st jaeger, twenty-third mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and the 116th terrestrial defense brigade was also defeated.
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here on the screen are the names of the formations and units that took part in difficult battles, with their forces, the front line, the positions of the militants have been moved away from donetsk. in avdeevka itself now like this. fresh personnel from the ministry of defense, vsushniki fled, abandoning weapons and equipment, a lot of western-style equipment, koksakhi, on which the ukrainian command had high hopes, was cleared of militants. ovdeevka was supposed to become another fortification for something like azovstal. but tens of kilometers of tunnels and catogombs , which had been strengthened for many years, would have been filled with ammunition on the territory of the plant, seven anti-nuclear shelters for 4,000 people, in capable hands such a powerful fortified area could have been a trump card for a long time, but the tactics of our military
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turned out to be more elegant and more effective, even the national battalions of the type banned in russia azov, abandoned in avdeevka , could not influence the situation, but ukrainian propaganda has already reported, that’s all... but meanwhile, the work of our groups on other fronts does not stop, the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine are now concentrated near artyomovsk in the yar watch area, russian intelligence is well aware of the movements of ukrainian formations there, and therefore sophisticated methods
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of liquidating positions are constantly being found, like here a combined strike with air blowers and hurricane jet system. direction, units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, defeated the twenty-second, forty-second and ninety-third mechanized, seventy-ninth, eightieth air assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of novomikhailovka, grigorovka, kurdyumovka and kleshcheevka, donetsk people's republic. in addition, four attacks by assault groups, the twenty -fourth mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, were repelled in the area of ​​​​the village of leninskoye, donetsk people's republic. zaporozhye front , such a picture is not uncommon, destroyed armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces are scattered across the field, this is the outskirts of rabotin, our paratroopers and attack aircraft reached the southern outskirts of the village and established a foothold there, and the fact that the armed forces of ukraine has big problems with its own personnel was once again confirmed today by our ministry of defense,
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the west does not trust the ukrainian command, and therefore nato officers take part in hostilities on the side of kiev under the guise of mercenaries, they control air defense systems, missile systems and are part of assault groups. at the same time, the armed forces of ukraine, retreating and adhering to their principle, don’t let anyone get you, left a lot of surprises for our military. yes, and in the meantime, in avdeevka itself, already in our avdeevka, sappers began to clear mines from roads and buildings, and the enemy left many traps and many were very difficult to eliminate. separate groups of military engineers are inspecting surviving houses and courtyards. our correspondent, pavel prokopenko, visited the city where residents lived for the first time in a long time. time they may not be afraid of nationalists. entrance to vdeevka is literally through 100 m, the city begins behind that bridge, and this road, among other things, was also mined until recently. there was barbed wire, barbed wire and other obstacles all around; the enemy tried
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to complicate the advance of our forces as much as possible. the roads at the entrance were mined, and the ditches were equipped with anti-tank ditches. we drive into ovdeevka in an armored car, these are the most. this is one of the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, the destroyed factory workshops have gaping holes, brick and concrete have been turned into dust, jivelins are lying on the ground, these are abandoned weapons of the armed forces of ukraine, the sappers of the center group of troops have a lot of work to do here. the real work of the sapper group is how ovdeevka is liberated meter by meter, the guys are walking along the road and really don’t know what awaits them ahead, they are walking here. for the first time and we are with them, they are feeling the roadsides, here
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special attention is paid to the roadsides, any hill, any, any crater, a shell explosion, all this can be mined, everything that attracts attention, mines of old soviet production, nato is also present weapons, a lot, present, also there are, so to speak, traps that the enemy is very clever about in this regard, so we are working carefully, so our sappers step by step. another pillar rises from the break, our equipment is working, the fighters, having already taken positions in
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the city, push the enemy away from avdeevka, we meet a couple of attack aircraft, the sweeps return, tired, taciturn, but then, as if they are rolling into a dialogue, i want to share my joy and experiences, i provide assistance civilians, a lot, elderly people who need medical care, well, if possible, there was help. shown, we are asked to follow the trail and not step to the side, an absolutely correct warning, the sappers use these red markers to indicate a planted projectile, that is , it was discovered, it is here, apparently somewhere under the wheel, but this is not paramount for mine clearance, there is more serious significant objects, this one can wait, it ’s just marked like that, it’s better not to come close, in just today, more than 27 km of roads were checked, this is both... from the city limits, and in the city itself, more than 200 hazardous objects were destroyed, special attention,
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special attention, these are, of course, vital objects. the sappers of the central military district have a lot of work ahead, they not only clear mines, but often save lives. it was decided to adopt this cat so that he wouldn’t wander where he shouldn’t. he now has new owners and a new safe home. pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko. vesti avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. vladimir putin highly appreciated the courage of the sevastopol residents. the president of russia noted this at a meeting with the city governor mikhail razvazhaev, when he spoke about the increase in the number of residents. the head of state emphasized not to intimidate people. razvazhaev also dwelled in detail on the socio-economic development of sevastopol and promised what was achieved over the past year, anastasia efimova will continue the topic. doubling the budget in 3 years due to tourism, inventory of property
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under a simplified taxation system, the results of the work carried out in sevastopol, which the governor reported to the president. i quote mikhail razvazhaev, the economy is abundant , its own incomes are growing as it grows population, officially the city has more than half a million registered residents. today 56,100 people are registered. 4% lower than in the twenty-second, 0.4 lower than the national unemployment rate of 2.6 in russia now. the opportunity to find a decent
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job is certainly an important factor in the attractiveness of a city for its residents, but social infrastructure is no less important. thanks to the state program for the development of crimea and sevastopol, and its validity has already been extended until 2027, as mikhail razvazhaev emphasized, the region is at an accelerated pace, making up for lost time, those same 30 ukrainian years, when on the peninsula for... since the soviet period, no such institutions have been built, right from the eighties, the first such facility, four kindergartens, and fully introduced, three waterfalls, one of them with a swimming pool in inkermania, where the situation has always been quite depressing, now there is a beautiful swimming pool there, i wanted to draw attention to issues of preschool education, you asked me at the last
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meeting, what about preschool education and the waiting list for kindergarten, at the moment there is no current queue in sevastopol. as for the next educational level, school, two dozen institutions have already been repaired in 2 years, but this, of course, is not all. a cultural cluster will provide unique opportunities for young citizens; it is being built right on the seashore. the opera and ballet theater, the academy of choreography, an art gallery, a yacht marina are being built, the architectural appearance of the tavricheskaya embankment has been agreed upon, and no matter how ambitious the region’s plans are, it does not forget about the bribe.
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the supreme soviet of the ussr issued a decree transferring the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ssr. then, of course, no one could imagine what consequences this would lead to. it would seem that the peninsula simply passed from one union republic to another, all within the borders of the ussr. however, in reality, nikita khrushchev’s generous gesture turned out to be gloomy. only one person spoke out against it then, the first secretary of the crimean regional committee of the cpsu pavel titov. and for his words, he was instantly removed from office. transferred to another less prestigious job. why did khrushchev still decide to transfer crimea from the ussr, from the ussr? experts are still sorting it out. khrushchev wanted to transfer crimea to ukraine, this was motivated by the fact that since it is economically located next to ukraine, let it be ukraine, but in this way ukraine received
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absolutely unrelated lands of the population, which was never ukrainian. it was not, in fact, the same as before, this happened with freedom, that is , kharkov, with the donetsk regions. well, about the fact that the transfer process itself was illegal, in russia has been told for a long time, so in the ninety -second year the supreme council of the russian federation even adopted a resolution on the legal assessment of the decisions of the highest bodies of state power of the rsfsr on changing the status of crimea, in which they recognized them as having no legal force..., but yeltsin and his government are serious about this did not react. only after 2014 they started talking about this again. the head of the crimean parliament, vladimir konstantinov, has repeatedly stated that the transfer of crimea took place in violation of the norms of soviet legislation in force at that time union. and the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on cis affairs, konstantin zatulin, completely proposed to cancel the 1954 decision, recognizing
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it as illegal. of course, people in 1954 could not imagine what would happen. so much time and the soviet union will collapse , what was done in the fifty-fourth year actually violated the procedures and laws that existed at that moment, and no one today, except the russian federation, which is the heir of the soviet union, has the right to judge at the legislative level about adopted then acts. in a recent interview with tucker carloson, vladimir putin also noted that after the collapse of the soviet union, russia agreed with the borders of the union republics and did not take crimea back, although it had. this is right, but relations between fraternal peoples, as we know, did not stand the test. it is difficult to find a person in russia who would not dream of justice and a better life. few people know that at our national enterprises
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the salary is more than 100 thousand rubles. free medicine and education, interest-free housing, every second family with many children. and it will be like this everywhere. we played at capitalism, and that's enough. for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, is number one on the ballot. time for something new.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i
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am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, is number one on the ballot. time for something new. i'll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky's case lives, slutsky, candidate for president of russia. mikhail mishustin held a meeting of the coordination council to meet
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the needs of the armed forces, on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, he congratulated russian citizens on the upcoming february 23, and noted that everything must be done to provide comprehensive support to our military. the prime minister noted that it is important to help those military personnel who are now on the front line. in this regard, he instructed to increase the supply of almost all material and technical resources to the russian armed forces, and also continue to improve the weapons used in the northern military district zone. mikhail mishustin noted that in this case we are talking about dozens of similar projects. this urgently needed work allows our military-industrial complex to increase the efficiency of technology and equipment on the battlefield, and as a result, save many lives. both from the military themselves and the civilians they protect. therefore, i ask you to intensify the process of modernization of existing combat systems as much as possible, including by expanding them
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functionality. also at the meeting of the coordination council , mikhail mishustin recalled that the russian government had launched a comprehensive development program for the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. during its operation , it was restored in new regions of the country. 1,800 objects, including 6,500 residential buildings and social institutions. and more than 2.0 km of roads were also repaired. the prime minister noted that the president instructed to integrate new regions into a single socio-economic space of the country and bring it to the all-russian level in all indicators. mikhail mishkustyan spoke today about social support for military personnel, so the russian government will allocate a grant of 18 billion rubles. defenders of the fatherland foundation. according to the prime minister, these funds will be used to help participants in the special military operation and their families in solving life situations. we are talking primarily about the acquisition of appropriate
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medical and technical products. for rehabilitation for those dismissed from service, as well as on professional retraining and assistance in future employment. mikhail mishutin also clarified the rules for assigning child benefits to the families of fighters who are participating in a special military operation. the government has changed the rules for the appointment and payment of monthly benefits in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child for the families of those who are currently defending the interests of the country. now in the calculation among per capita income to determine. the right to a single benefit, one-time payments made in compensation for damage caused to life and health in connection with participation in a special military operation. we always do everything together. we support. each other, we believe in
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the best, we care and give warmth, and we overcome difficulties, together, together, we are strong, we vote for russia.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia,
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is russian industry capable? replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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on foreign policy hospitality. russia is counting on a visit from the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev in the near future. he is always a welcome guest in our country. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko announced this today in moscow during a meeting with the speaker of the lower house of parliament of uzbekistan ismailov. parliamentary delegation republic is in russia on an official visit. russia and uzbekistan are today at such a level of cooperation of mutual understanding, which can be characterized as a comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance, this was fully confirmed during the official visit to moscow in october last year, the president of the republic of uzbekistan, established between the heads of our states determines such special trusting relationships, which generally create such a favorable atmosphere.


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