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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:24pm MSK

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we just saw that the president again, for the second time in a row in 2 days, climbed into the cockpit of the tu-160 strategic bomber, we don’t know what this means, dmitry sergeevich, and why he now entered the tu-160 again, because yesterday he received the decision to fly, now there is still a flight, now there will be a flight. we are watching, thank you. so, the more and more powerful roar of the engines, this kind of power, you know, impending, is felt right here, a few tens of meters away, we are watching together, in a few seconds, apparently, the launch will take place. so, we are now witnessing a truly unique, very bright event, supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin, on board the most powerful, largest.
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this, as you and i understand, is a military secret. presidential press secretary peskov said that the flight will last about 40 minutes, and you and i know, of course, the tactical and technical characteristics, we know that this missile carrier can carry nuclear warheads, for now these are all the details, we are waiting for the president to return here for airfield in kazan. which is exactly
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you need to watch without comment, putin is in the commander’s place, this is called a normal situation. residents of kazan film and post on social networks what they see above their heads. many hundreds of thousands of residents of kazan, tatarstan and perhaps in which of these houses most likely saw the flight of vladimir putin, because pay attention to the excellent, bright, clean, blue,
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so, the flight of vladimir putin lasted 30 minutes, of course, the most interesting thing is now to find out about impressions, it’s hardly possible to do it right here, because it’s very noisy it’s very frosty, but we’ll, i think, we’ll all try to find out about his impressions, we run to the missile carrier, it’s very cold, damp, putin’s press secretary, peskov is trying to warm his ears with his hands, so vladimir putin descends strategically.
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compared to how it was 19 years ago, you know, this is a really new, new car, new in many ways, it handles better, can be seen even with the naked, non-professional eye, the reliability is very high, but also energy, weapons, well, it’s new, new plane, that's it, thank you, thank you, well, comfort some kind of military aircraft, but... thank you, but nevertheless, it has been improved in this sense, because there is a block where crew members, crew members , can rest if necessary. and, it would seem, this would be the end of such a hectic working day. putin left the aircraft factory by helicopter. you won't believe it, but apparently this is not all. the president now occupies, yes, as we see, the seat behind the wheel in the cab of a kamaz. now we see this moment, and
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then, as deputy prime minister khusnulin just told us, they are planning together with president, so we see something behind the wheel , planning to go with the president around... in tatarstan, before flying to the bombers , vladimir putin opened several social facilities, inspected the new route while driving a kamaz and talked with the heroes of the special operation. well, in chuvash, the president met with residents and held a meeting on the development of the region at anastasia efimova’s busy program. the city
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is being transformed, of course, the president’s remark was made in kazan, which he examined first from the helicopter cockpit, and then again from cabins, but already kamaz. the head of state got behind the wheel personally in the role of navigator on business, the dream was forgotten, i once dreamed all my life, when i drove a kamaz all over the country in the nineties, to get on a good road, in a good car, that i didn’t even have the president i dreamed, here we go, here we go, imagine, the first part of the route is kazan mfz, a multifunctional zone, a resting place for drivers with whom the head of state spoke today. by the way, while driving a kamaz, the head of state today assessed the quality of the road surface in the conditions volga winter and even stopped at a gas station, and on the way managed to answer a question from our
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colleague, the author, the host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, inquired about the president’s reaction to the attack of his american colleague joe biden, who, apparently, was following the speeches of the russian leader. we will work with any president, but i believe that for us, for russia, biden is the preferable president, and judging by what he just said, he said, i am absolutely right, because this is an adequate reaction to what happened it’s said from my side why, because he can’t tell me, volodya, well done, thank you, you helped me a lot, as we said then... i think so now, and i can repeat it, biden. biden will probably also study these images carefully. it’s late evening, and the russian president, who in one day has already managed to open social facilities in tatarstan, fly a kamaz truck at the wheel of a strategic bomber and drive
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along a high-speed highway, are heading to the next region, chuvashiya, where they were waiting for him for 5 hours, literally, and waited. 5 hours, 5 hours, yes.
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alekseevich will probably say about this, especially since both the share of the defense industry and the share of civilian production are growing here in a balanced manner. and after the meeting , the president again went out to the chuvash residents, who were expecting him at 11:00 at night. these shots were taken by my colleague pavel zarubin. the president concluded the meeting, and on the way back he stopped again with local residents, and there were more of them here. more, we are watching with you, that's it, good night, please,
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you are better. more about the meeting chapter region oleg nikolaev said that the hop growing industry is gradually being restored in the republic, that is, growing... hop, it turns out, producers used to buy foreign raw materials, now imports are being replaced, and for the region this can become another source of income from its own budget, which and without that, they have grown five times, two times in 5 years, as the president noted, this is a good indicator. touch the rock star burger king votter on
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they had no idea they were in the country russian deserter pilot maxim kuzminov. on monday he was found dead in the province of alicante, shot at least six times. last august , kuzminov hijacked a russian military helicopter and handed it over to the ukrainian armed forces for a reward of half a million dollars. the topic will be continued by elizaveta khramtsova. what in ukraine was called the special operation of the century, ultimately ended with a body covered by a tent on the asphalt, is overgrown with details that make it clear that the last months of the traitor kuzminov are even attempts. live beautifully, crashed due to the mediocre organization of the escape. the spanish periodical publishes a copy of the passport with which the defector entered the country. it catches your eye. those who made the fake document were too lazy to remove the characteristic features from the photograph by which the criminal was easily recognized; the scar above the left eye was clearly visible. the new ukrainian name , igor shevchenko, was clearly invented by a person with not the richest imagination. they took the name
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of a militiaman who died defending donbass in 2014. publicly, the spanish authorities are still being cautious. abarona stated that the state did not know that kuzminov came to the country, and the government is trying to avoid speculation. i must say that the investigation is currently underway, so we cannot disclose the details of the case yet. let 's let the civil guard do their job. the investigation is ongoing. but not on camera, the intelligence services are ready to share the details of the investigation. according to elpais, the russian trail, criminologists have no doubt, although they cannot prove it, but the version about the participation of certain professionals from russia is questioned about that. publication that published a photo of kuzminov’s fake passport. the method of committing the crime is another important aspect, it is not like the russian intelligence services due to lack of professionalism. there were eight shots, two of which missed the target and one was non-lethal. local reporters cannot rationally explain the choice of alecanta as a place to move. in this part of the kingdom , russian speech is heard almost more often
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than spanish. but it was not the fact that he was recognized that could reveal kuzminov, but his own carelessness, allegedly he invited his ex-girlfriend to come to spain over the phone, this led the killers to him, however, the deserter’s father believes that the former pilot chose his fate himself, well, my personal opinion, of course he was removed because he was traitors , neither side respects traitors , neither enemies nor their own, so a traitor is not a traitor, and he will be removed anyway sooner or later, after the vile murder of his colleagues , he fled to ukraine, kuzminov’s life was not long full of the glory that he dreamed of which he discussed in...
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work until spanish investigators are unable to prove such a convenient version that for the sake of a traitor the russian special services staged an entire liquidation operation, they have to consider a version that is much more suitable to the scale of the personality of the deceased, there is a high probability that kuzminov became a victim of banal criminal showdowns on a local scale. elizaveta khramtsova, anna pogodina, news. a new building of the main hospital of the russian guard was opened in the moscow region. army general victor took part in the ceremony. commander in chief national guard troops inspected the new five-story building and presented an award to the previous head of the medical institution. anastasia panko found out who else received the insignia. specialists' offices, chief's offices, war center, medical examination, financial service, production business. the head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov , inspects the new building of the departmental
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hospital, this is an administrative building, but the department for quality control of medical care will also operate here. scientific and medical department and center of military medical examination of the russian guard. i am convinced that the measures already taken and the planned steps will contribute to the high-quality modernization of medical care in the troops. i have no doubt that the team at the hospital will make every effort to effectively develop new opportunities. with the new building, medical care for the soldiers of the russian guard will become even better. the opening of a new five-story building is a gift for the seventy-sixth anniversary of the formation of the main military clinical hospital. russian guard created as a military hospital for the famous division named after derzhinsky the hospital became one of the leaders among the country's military medical institutions. the head of the department thanked the previous head of the hospital, viktor gubani, for his work and was presented with a chest badge by an honorary employee of the russian guard. state and departmental awards are presented to hospital doctors. deputy
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director of the russian guard alexey vorobyov says thank you to those who save lives every day and help to recover. to our soldiers, to all of you, medical workers, a deep bow, many thanks, after the official part of the communication with the military personnel, alexey vorobyov visits the participants of a special military operation who are now recovering in the hospital. on behalf of the commander-in-chief, i present you with an award for health, success and a speedy recovery , return to duty. the opening of the new building of the national guard hospital is not the end of modernization; already this year it is planned to reconstruct and overhaul the gastroenterological department. department of treatment and diagnostic building and department of functional diagnostics. anastasia ponko, news. in the dpr, the first residents of the liberated avdeevka received documents to receive russian ones. passports, the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk reported. employees of the mobile passport and visa service accepted documents from 29 people from the locality. people who are
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in temporary accommodation centers were also helped with the registration of everything necessary for acquiring russian citizenship. the war, the bombings, i can’t describe it in words, i expected everything to happen, but since uh. the russian people helped, they took me out, and everything is already getting better. mobile office of passport and visa service carries out regular visits to assist in obtaining passports for elderly citizens, people with limited mobility, and people in difficult life circumstances. today we are accepting documents from people evacuated from avdievka. the procedure is as quick and comfortable as possible. after all necessary activities have been completed. they will be issued passports of citizens of the russian federation. the international multi-sport tournament, the games of the future, continues in kazan. every day
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new disciplines start, one of which is fidital single combat. our colleague danila makhalin found out what this was like at the scene. you can call this even more mixed martial arts, where physical strength alone may not be enough to win. that case when you need to be able to fight not only for yourself, but... but because of your virtual character, one of the most unusual stories at the games of the future, two fighters, being in the octagon before the start of the fight, pick up a joystick and play mortal combat, neglecting the virtual battle is not an option, because thanks to this, the truck is already in real combat, in our hall, they hung up a tv, took a console, i don’t remember from whom, but they took the console and we played, we played, there wasn’t much choice.
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access to a real ice rink. the first draw of the tournament, which was preceded by drama in the game between local akbars and legitim, a shot at an empty goal, a post and a goal in
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a return attack 4 seconds before the end. despite such a dramatic ending, ak bars hockey players were able to equalize a few seconds before the end, but still lost on shootouts. all-star game plunged into the computer world even olympic champions, even for them. try our hand at how we can fight with younger guys, daniil makhalin, alexander.


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