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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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my dad and i went here as children.
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by the way, tomorrow i urge all military personnel, veterans, not to be ashamed to wear a uniform with awards and go out into public places, you will see how the reaction of our residents will change, they will look with admiration, because we are now proud of our army, and this, by the way , was done thanks to this very clear, painstaking way, when , among other things...
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but the americans, who took a lot from the roman empire, this is all the symbolism, this is what they love forums events, there was a very clear division that the defeated peoples are second class, they are barbarians, so they apply exactly the same not only to ukrainians, but not to europeans there, because what we see is the dismemberment of industry and everything else, just killing, let's call it that way, the standard of living of europeans, this is treated like barbarians, they simply extract resources to live well. in this situation
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, an important point is that we see how the americans are modifying civil society, if from a military point of view it’s clear from the point of view, they change , transform all the money from the social sphere, take it into the military-industrial sphere, but we see how they begin to change the brains of ordinary voters, after 5 years there’s a war, the russian enemy is there, that’s it, the border is closed, you can’t communicate with them, this the process will still go on, we must understand this, but the most important thing is that they are starting to prepare, let’s say, a mobilization reserve, they are starting to strengthen...
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in order to pay for, and some olympic sport, which is represented in russia by 0.0%, they get paid fees there abroad somewhere, they occupy thirtieth place, here without reference to any kind of sport, but it seems to me that now we still need to change this pyramid of importance towards military-applied disciplines, even non-military, defense-significant ones, the fact that there are some things, that is, this is shooting, this is something that can be used at the front, after all , really change some of the money from the olympia... species that are not currently
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participating, redirect there, this is really will give a serious breakthrough, because look, it’s a simple situation, those who are now they do fpv at the front, and those who started doing it here are former... enthusiasts who did it, so now fpv drone competitions are starting to be held in the regions, martial arts are starting to gain popularity, and of course, shooting training is this an expensive thing, if rich people can afford it, then nuggets that can shoot , of course some kind of accounting of the state is required here, when i studied at the suovrov school in the nineties, i remember these remnants of the dosav clubs that were, we went to. ..
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it’s very expensive now, yes, there’s a lot of shooting, but to shoot well you have to shoot a lot, yes you can be idle for half your life, but to shoot you have to shoot, and for professional snipers and other shooters, you need to pick out the nuggets who can do it, and there are many more such sports , we see how small mechanization at the front is being developed there, and motorcycles and bugs. quad bike, whatever, so, we have greatly modified the military-industrial complex, now, of course, it is important, including for regional businesses and governors, to pay attention to the soviet legacy that we inherited is all the bases and new complexes, and really pay attention so that
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young people can study there, well, of course , the explosion in the production of small arms in particular is colossal, that is, now the company has begun to produce such amazing weapons, that... just a feeling of pride, there is only one thing, it has become better in the world, we are proud of it now, well, vladimirovich , as they say, complete this story, rich hunters, when they bought themselves exclusive long-range guns, are chasing with our russian rifles, now they are trying to outbid the line there, because they understand that the quality there is of the highest quality, well , here we are saying, this is a bespokgan, labaev is a great fellow, but he is a real patriot, a wonderful guy, and what he does. we buy a lot of this product and send it to the front. orsis, big, well done, fantastic guys in st. petersburg, yes, soyuz tam makes amazing products, and of course, our flagship kalashnikov is there, which produces the whole range of weapons, starting there from shotguns, and of course, there
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the legendary aka, ending with fantastic pistols, because there are lebedev’s pistols, that is, rygi on leb, it’s just a feeling of pride, and of course, now i really like the fact that... both the supreme commander-in-chief and the minister of defense are awarded with personalized weapons, and for officers to receive, well, this is especially still state, that is, from the president of the russian federation, from the minister of defense of the russian federation, but it is expensive, and we expect that tomorrow they will be able to hang it on the side, yes, at least for now it’s an award, by the way, now there are very beautiful traditions when the hero’s stars also help him out for a city pistol.
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i wanted to say that he was crazy, but then i thought, if he had any sense, he would, but he won’t, because i really don’t understand what he’s talking about, i honestly don’t understand his statement, he says: listen, how are you going to europe with these russian statements? yes, very simple, but what about in europe? well, europe is a special environment that gave birth to fascism, neo-nazism, that’s it, this is this this is generally so ordinary for them, this
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... that is, well, it’s obvious to me how these negotiations will end, you know what the problem is here, in my opinion, everything is so bad for zelensky everywhere at the front, including this the story has dragged on too long since november, this is all, first the carriers, then the farmers, and this actually demonstrates zelensky’s inability as a politician to solve this problem, he is ready to solve it at any cost, i can assume he will fly to poland, he will completely capitulate. but inside ukraine he will present it as a political victory , i say, he flew to resolve all the issues, but
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he will resolve how the issues, he will resolve all these issues in the interests of the polish side, he will not defend the interests of the ukrainian farmers, but he won’t, why, because the polish ones are on strike the agrarian , the ukrainian agrarian will wipe himself off, go to work, and if he blathers, we will send him to the front, but i don’t understand, the problem is on the border with poland, i mean, what’s the problem? well, literally, because zelensky explained to everyone that the path through the black sea, which is much cheaper , but if not, but if he has a free black sea , if all the routes are cleared, well then, logically, he should generally tell the poles, ha ha, i ’ll now send everything by sea, or what happens, one lie somehow, no, no, of course, because he really is everything. this is lying, by the way, he says that only 5% of ukrainian exports go through poland,
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although i think much more goes there, but even more comes from there, help goes there too, poland is some kind of hub, yes , through which, by the way, it is supplied not only such a kind of hub, yes, a hub is everything , yes, by the way, here, about the hub, i just , you know, i’m asking one question, how stupid a person do you have to be to invite two leaders to a meeting, i’m confronting...
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meeting, this meeting took place with the deputies , although mr. arakhamia said that no, we did not discuss any personnel issues there, reshuffles there, and so on, we discussed the situation at the front, the economy, support for western partners, and so on, although i think this is not so, but in ukraine you know, yes it is necessary, for this information to settle a little, in a day or two it will flow, all the deputies will tell what happened there, how it happened there and so on, but i am convinced that zelensky there was a piano, there was no piano.
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no, why isn’t he at the front, i don’t know , his age, but it’s scary, who, him, you, by the way
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, yesterday, it seemed to me that in theory he should have been on the front line, it’s better if he was afraid to give a command to the golden eagles, what front line, by the way, yesterday, vladimirovich, without even realizing it, they told an almost ukrainian joke, remember, when you spoke yesterday about the future of ukraine, they said, here the fields are growing, the chimneys are smoking, yes, there is an anecdote about this about yanukovych, when he was driving. to work, he says: oh, and someone’s fields are so beautiful, it’s your son, sashka, he says: well done, what kind of factory is that smoke there, so this is so beautiful, he says, so this is the second your son?
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position with yanukovych in the presence of the leaders of poland, france and germany, they signed an agreement, the political process began, it’s clear that people’s mood improved a little , because 3 days before there were murders, well , it’s scary, i mean on the maidan, there’s a political process here, that means there will be...
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the hr department called me and many people from the administration and said that they’ll quickly pour it out from work, because bandera’s guys will come and kill everyone, so in fact , february 21 ended, we understood that something terrible was being prepared, but here’s how, if the europeans said, they signed, of course, the next day, that is, on the 22nd, that’s all it was thrown into the trash, and we know what happened on the twenty-second, twenty-third, especially there already on the twenty-fourth, like...
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britain will sign this piece of paper, there are economic relations as they are now, that we will help, this is no guarantee, bih -bikh fell, they were just talking, beating themselves in the chest and zelensky yermak. that we alone received a guarantee, we received a guarantee, then the italian takes everyone and says: but there is no guarantee, so what did we sign? and what did you sign, what did you sign, and which ones,
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you know, when a person lies, lies, lies, he’s lying , he can’t lie for so long, because well, he’s a european, the head of the foreign ministry is a whole, italy says, johnson has been lying all his life, what am i talking about, it’s the boys who cheated yanukovych 10 years ago, they are exactly the same now.
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is trying, but sooner or later he will fail for one simple reason, because he is a bank project, he is a bank project, so no matter how good words he says,
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no matter how beautiful words he says, arrestovich is not a bank project, aristovich is panyakovsky's classic version, which will sell you all will buy it, so he no longer remembers what the project is, that’s who brought the money, he’s the project, tomorrow the cleaning lady will bring him two candy wrappers, he’ll have it. project aristovich is a nonentity, well, you already know that, well , february 23 has already arrived, i congratulate all the defenders of the fatherland, men, women, military personnel, people who are now ensuring victory at the front with their military labor, all those who weave camouflage networks , who collects parcels to the front, all the children who draw pictures and send them to the soldiers, you are all defenders of the fatherland. holidays to you, dear friends, see you on sunday
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, well, it turns out that we are now heading towards the enemy, yes, but we can’t relax here , we can’t, this is a border area, we have a classic positional defense here, of course, what happened on december 30 was a disaster , that is, i had the feeling that it was on fire all year long, well, that is, this is a czech production, and what he was trying to do, apparently, yes, this is just our reality, we are always thinking about what we can do and secure.
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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project
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of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal.
4:57 am
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5:00 am
shots of this day. vladimir putin, as part of the crew, flew the supersonic strategic missile carrier tu-160-m. after landing, the president assessed the equipment, called the plane reliable and noted its good handling. all the details of the flight are in the report by the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program. pavel zarumin.


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