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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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today in russia they celebrate defender of the fatherland day; it has long become a national holiday, not only for those who serve or have served in the army. vladimir putin congratulated residents on this significant date and noted that it is a symbol of the heroic history of our army and navy. military traditions are carefully preserved by current soldier-officers. the supreme commander-in-chief thanked the participants in the military special operation for their valiant performance of duty. dear comrades, friends,
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congratulations to the veterans, personnel, civilian personnel of the armed forces, everyone, who completed military service, happy defender of the fatherland day. this holiday is one of the most revered in russia; it has long become a national holiday and is always celebrated widely throughout the country, in all groups and families. in every city or village, with an understanding of the great significance of military labor, with great respect for our military personnel, for everyone who stands for the homeland, protects its interests, the safety of citizens, the sovereignty and independence of russia, we are proud of our dear army and navy, their steadfast , undaunted character, which got caught up in tough battles. their loyalty
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to the russian military school, the testament of great commanders, the experience of many generations of russian soldiers. the defenders of the fatherland in our country are surrounded by genuine people 's love, and devotion to the fatherland, the sacred duty to take care of it, to defend every five of our lands, have always been and remain our most important, indisputable values. on these holidays, we bow our heads before our heroic deeds. fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who crushed nazism, we get their military orders and medals, photographs and letters from font soldiers, we say our heartfelt thanks, we tenderly hug our dear veterans, we will always remember that it was the soviet people who defended the freedom of our country, throughout europe, throughout the world. russian soldiers and officers worthily continue the glorious military traditions. on the front. region
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today are participants in a special military operation, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery in defending russia. you, our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that this is difficult for you, and we will do everything possible to you were able to complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for.
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strategic submarines. just the other day in kazan , four tu-160m missile carriers were transferred to the armed forces. in general- purpose forces, we will also strive for the highest levels of equipment with modern weapons and equipment. i repeat, this work is carried out systematically and consistently. in recent years , defense industry enterprises have multiplied the supply of the most popular weapons to the troops. primarily high-precision weapons
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against unmanned aerial vehicles different types: tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, as well as air defense systems. counter-batteries, communications and reconnaissance equipment, next in line are the development and serial production of promising models, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the military sphere. among the top-priority tasks are increasing combat training, skill, and coherence of actions of our units and formations, training commanders at all levels, a strong support here for sergeants and officers who have proven themselves in battle. fought heroically on land, in the air and at sea, true commanders, brave and resolute, they lead the soldiers, behind them is the future of our army and navy, dear friends, the country, all citizens of russia believe in
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the strength and reliability of their defenders and know that you are always on duty, always guarding the interests and security of the fatherland. i wish you good health and new successes for the benefit of your homeland, and of course, warmest congratulations to your families, your loved ones, those who love and wait for you, who are a reliable support for you in life in the service, happy holiday to you, head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu handed to the soldiers especially distinguished themselves during the special operation. awards, the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of troops; for their valor and determination, the military were awarded orders of courage and medals for bravery. shaigu, together with chief of the general staff valery gerasimov , congratulated the participants of the special operation on defender of the fatherland day and expressed confidence that these
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awards will not be their last. dear friends, colleagues, i sincerely congratulate you on these awards, i am sure that this award will not be the last one ahead of us. a lot of work, you fight with dignity, for this you were awarded state awards, the country has appreciated your work, brotherly work, only forward, only to victory. good luck to everyone guys, congratulations. on defender of the fatherland day , patriotic events and actions are held throughout the country. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, the celebrations began with a rally at the memorial to the fallen.
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the marine of the pacific fleet received the last gold star of the hero of the dpr for the liberation of the village of pavlovka. despite the injuries, the commander and his soldiers provided a springboard for further offensive. for myself , i can’t say that i’m a definite super hero, did something, performed tasks just like all the other guys. today yuri is 26, he says to be a military man, this has been his dream since childhood. although no one was ever from the military. i didn’t even have an understanding of the service, well, the dream was in the zone of a special military operation, a marine from the first days, when he told his wife that he was leaving on a business trip, she tells me that i’m pregnant, i say, well, generally super, his wife tatyana , holding
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his one and a half year old son in his arms, tim still remembers their telephone conversation 3 weeks later no connection, hello, hi, hi, found out, found out, what are you doing? for tatyana, her husband is a real hero and he will see these congratulations for the first time on our broadcast, my dear beloved! man, i want to congratulate you on february 23, and wish you great health , good health, or rather, good health, but i want to say that you are a real hero, that i am very proud of you, that i love you very much, that i will support you in in any situation, and that i will always be by your side, and we love you very much, that you are on loud communications and the entire office. mine hears you, i understand, i’m just interested
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in what you said there, well, the whole truth about you, connections, vladivostok, moscow, anastasia and alexander khromtsova have been married for more than 10 years, alexander is also a marine, it was difficult when performing a combat mission wounded, were evacuated from the battlefield, a shrapnel hit the face, yes, the head, the face, the arm, there, a broken leg, a torn arm. well , a serious injury, despite the long recovery, the officer is sure he will return to the front, for anastasia and their daughter, husband and dad is a hero, i of course congratulate him, for me he is a hero, he is a hero for my daughter, i love you and am waiting, let's come home soon, and this is alexey spesivtsev, a tanker , thanks to the well-coordinated work of his brigade , russian soldiers managed to take avdeevka, namely his subordinate approached the kremlin for an award... the president asked not only a new tank for the t-90 crew, but an award for the commander. youth, he is after
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the award ceremony. later, vladimir putin will note that such military brotherhood is characteristic only of russia. initially they knew that all of us the crew was awarded. they were presented , or rather, well, for the award ceremony, yes, they left earlier, they were awarded on the ninth on hero’s day, the president was very, very impressed by this act, these footage of the fierce battle in which the russian tank crews survived. aleksey , originally from donetsk, remembers how in 1914 the ukrainian military came knocking on his house. then i decided that i would join the militia detachment. now the question is what he wants more. of all answers: finish the essay, finish the essay, so that
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peace can finally come, so that there is no war, most of all i want to. when real heroes are in a combat zone, they are always warmed by the support of their families. lieutenant colonel stepan shinkaruk admits that he counts letters at the front in the evenings. the best letter is a letter written by children, only written by children, the letter that he wrote himself. from the advice of their parents, let it be with mistakes, this is exactly what is so precious, today they are congratulated not only by their loved ones, but by all of russia. alexandra perfileva, denis tsitsaronov, pavel varbuzov and ksenia kolchina. news. now short advertisement, then we will tell you how the russian military protects civilians in the belgorod region. where is the best place to buy osaga? where there is competition, choose osaga on the sravniru website or in the application,
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the so-called rolling mortar crew of the armed forces of ukraine. the precision strike was carried out by drone operators. the militants are also destroyed by aircraft and artillery. meanwhile, repair crews are rushing to eliminate the consequences of shelling in the region. our correspondent igor pikhanov saw how this work was going on. you can even see how old the metal is and it’s broken through. resident
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marina voluyskaya, a new tavolzhanka village bordering ukraine, shows her private garden. fences, house walls and windows are cut by fragments. shells , the woman says, ukrainian armed forces militants attack populated areas almost every day, here everything was in small holes, shells, warheads were lying in the yard, there were pieces of metal flying like this, everything was here, well, you could see it either from a tank or something, but that’s all was torn apart, residential buildings are only 3 km away from the border, militants are hitting civilians with guns, tanks and hail, drones are hunting for people, the house of eighty-six-year-old zinad... the portless one was twice subjected to mortar strikes during the great patriotic war ; zinaida fedorovna ’s family died during nazi shelling; her parents, brothers and sisters, she was left alone; recently , her grandson was seriously wounded during an attack in su, i’m right there the windows were lying there, my bed was lying and so cracked, i thought that our people were beaten in
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our huts, not only on our glass, but the glass was broken, despite the danger in all the settlements that suffered from shelling, builders are working, they restore damaged housing. now cold weather has arrived in the region, so the teams are working in reverse mode, some houses are being repaired more than once due to repeated impacts, the men say that here you need to always be on the alert , carefully monitor the sky, by the sound, if a copter is flying, of course it's better to go away and hide.
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scouts go out on a combat mission in the kupinsky direction, uav operators monitor the line of contact, even in a snowstorm , drones comb the area, tracking down the enemy who is preparing to attack civilians villages. in order to prevent our fighters on that side of the front , an electronic warfare unit is working, in order to deceive the enemy, our specialists are carrying out special firmware for the copters, now they can fly long distances. a drone of russian fighters carries shells, reconnaissance officers discover the so -called. a nomadic mortar, the target is mobile , you need to act quickly, in a matter of minutes the enemy is neutralized, for detection we constantly hang in the sky, and we are on duty both during the day and at night and do not let the enemy drive up, they, consisting of four or three people with mortars, can drive up, turn around in 2 minutes, fire two shots and drive away, this is
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within 4 minutes. scouts work in close contact with other units of the ministry of defense, when militants are detected , information is immediately sent to specialists, tactical aviation and long-range artillery are trained on the enemy, enemy missiles and drones are shot down by russian air defense, every destroyed mortar and rocket is a saved life.
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khl championship. in the 2016-17 season mozyakin, as part of magnitogorsk metallurg , finished the regular season with 85 points based on the results of 60 meetings. having won, dynamo topped
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the khl standings with the capital team's score of 94 points. after 6 matches, st. petersburg ska scored 93 points after the same number of games. anna kalinskaya reached the semi-finals of the tennis tournament in dubai. the russian is in the quarterfinals. wta, the athlete does not yet have any victories in singles tournaments in this organization . the dubai tournament falls into the category.
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who was the clear favorite in the pair, tried to make up for it after the first unsuccessful match, the portuguese lost 2:4, but in regular time brago managed to score only
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twice and the match went into extra time, where the teams exchanged goals, it went to a penalty kick, but in the 120th minute neriman akhunzade scored for the first time in history led karabakh to the 1/8 finals of the europa league. today the fourth competitive day of the games of the future is taking place in kazan. in basketball, the participants of the all-star match took to the floor and were divided into two teams: the first was enba champion timofey mozgovu, the second european champion sergey monya. stas rednikultsev tells more about this and other activities at the games. an entire entertainment and educational city has grown up around the igor of the future. here you can easily communicate with artificial intelligence, be the first to get acquainted with technologies that will become a reality tomorrow, and of course, immerse yourself in the virtual world. we are testing the autodrome in sochi.
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imitates and repeats the technique of mountain skiing, not only does this simulator what is useful is that if you ski incorrectly or try to ski incorrectly , it simply will not go and will not take you, that is , it obliges you to ski correctly, that is , the platform moves in it, there is ski tilting, and the computer shows ski tilting angles and you can see , which can be seen among beginners, that is, one ski is finished more, the other less, and we say correct more, and there is a multiplication, that is,
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which... is the movement of the skis. the games of the future have received their own postage stamp. such an honor only the most outstanding events are worthy of tradition. the circulation is limited - 80 thousand stamps. just as once at the end of the 19th century, baron pierre de coubertin created a new product from existing ancient sports, breathed values ​​into it, and the olympic movement has been moving around the planet for hundreds of years, so we are now.
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miss in a computer simulator, the score is to say the skill at the ring, it is important that the virtual one will continue in the real game, and this is the key to a bright show with clear meanings, those guys who, on the contrary, are actively engaged digital sports, yes, they like to play on the computer, the second side is very useful for them, to develop their body, so combining these two things allows a person to develop harmoniously and be ready for the challenges of the future, but the main thing in games is of course ... sports competitions in a unique format. one of the most popular gaming disciplines of the future is dota-2. star esports players are fighting for the main prize of a million dollars, and tickets for the final sold out in 5 minutes and there is nothing surprising about this. the ambience in the gaming hall is impressive, as if you were in a theater of the future, and it is not clear who is playing the main roles, people or computer characters. games of the future confidently take their place in
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the sports world, but not here. news from kazan, republic of tatarstan. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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