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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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today is defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin noted that this holiday is one of the most revered in russia and has long become popular. the president addressed congratulations to military personnel, veterans and their families. he noted: russia is proud of its army and navy, their persistent, intrepid character. the head of state assured the defenders of the fatherland that... all russians believe in their strength and reliability, they know that they are always on duty, always guarding the interests and security of the state. at the forefront today are participants in a special military operation, you you fight for truth and justice, you show courage and bravery in defending russia. you are our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that it is difficult for you, and we will
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do everything possible so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty, for your honest, selfless service to the fatherland. dear comrades, in the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore the powerful potential and high combat readiness of our army and navy are guarantee safe. russia, its free, sovereign development. sergei shaigu presented state awards to the fighters who especially distinguished themselves during the special operation. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. for their valor and determination, the military was awarded orders of courage and medals for bravery. shaigu, together with chief of the general staff valery gerasimov , congratulated the participants of the special operation on defender of the fatherland day. and he expressed confidence that these awards will not be their last. dear
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friends, colleagues, i sincerely congratulate you on with these awards, i’m sure this award will not be the last, we have a lot of work ahead , you fight with dignity, for this you were awarded state awards, the country appreciated your work, goal-oriented work, only forward, only to victory, so... flowers were laid in the efa to the monument to the hero of russia, commander of the 112th bashkir cavalry division minegali, sheimuratov. despite the twenty-degree frost, representatives of law enforcement agencies and public organizations, participants in a special military operation and their families, cadets, students, regional leadership and ordinary citizens. in volgograd today.
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an event in memory of the heroes was held, and victory volunteers, schoolchildren and students took part in it. they laid flowers at the memorial. the motherland will leave its covenant on the mamayev mound and to the small mass grave, where the defenders of stalingrad who died in the battles for the hero city are buried. memorial signs were presented to several families of military personnel in the amur region. the ceremony dedicated to defender of the fatherland day was held at the local parliament. the symbolic fire of the hearth was lit and passed spouses. invited to the cadet's holiday. the head of the voroshilov family, viktor, has been in the armed forces for almost a decade and a half, and is now teaching cadets how to fly drones. and the head of the meshcheninov family , alexander, smashed neo-nazis in the northern military district zone. first as an attack aircraft, then as a gunner of a self-propelled artillery unit, he was awarded numerous military awards. liv 52 cleanses,
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largest country in the world. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. in russia regularly appear. new opportunities to study well, alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus, but mirestin is a plus, it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet. voting at home, oh, i ’ve been sick for some time, i’ll have to miss the elections, why will you vote at home, but how is it, if the reason is valid, you can invite members
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commission home, for this you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, you can do it in person, you can do it through friends or relatives by phone, on the public services portal, when is it necessary? submit an application from march 7 to 14 march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, yes, members of the election commission and an observer will come, give out a ballot, and they will also bring a ballot box, of course, for home-based people voting uses sealed portable boxes, that's good, and i'll vote. we continue the release: vladimir putin sent greetings to the participants of the super final of the leaders of russia competition. its opening ceremony takes place at the moscow manege. the president noted, and i will quote: over the past years, the project has given tens of thousands of young people from many regions of russia an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their talent,
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creative organizational potential, and achieve new heights in their chosen field, end of quote. leaders of russia flagship project of the presidential platform russia country. opportunities 302 participates in testing people from 63 regions of russia and four foreign countries. the names of the winners will be announced on february 25. all the details about alexandra perfileva. alexandra, greetings, how did the opening of the super final go and what awaits its winners. yes, roman, welcome, but the opening took place in such a solemn atmosphere, now entering the hall, we see how the participants with... finalists, there are more than 300 of them here, this year for the first time there are 302 people, they are deciding such managerial decisions now cases, among the participants, as i already said, 300 people from 63 regions, as well as participants also came from other countries, these
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are china, cambodia, belgium, but now we were asked not to touch them, not to disturb them, but we did not miss the opportunity, of course, to communicate in advance, here they represent absolutely... different areas of which they are proud promoted in their regions. we are developing hospitality and tourism in the russian federation and have launched the first hospitality classes. opened dual training on their territory, and also launched training from kindergarten. now, in fact, we are engaged in the integration of new regions - into russian legislation, therefore , what we are now doing on our territories is a huge, large, gigantic, one might say, project of the russian federation. i am developing a domestic it, a company called reliability technology. in fact, we are implementing, including projects with the state.
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are already winners, each of you has become the best out of 160 thousand, you are already winners, this is important, i want to wish you, in relation to the people who are now sitting at the tables with you, to feel that these are not only competitors, there are 302 of you here, very strong, already quite experienced, promising managers. well , let me remind you that more than 300 people have already received a million rubles, they say that
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the most important thing for them, of course, is not money, it’s communication skills and the search for new potential partners, but this year the leader of russia and innovation were included in the competition , this is that as part of the competition , all participants conducted lessons for schoolchildren, as is known, this is the most honest assessment on the part of children, but a regional stage was also added, where...
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they are the ones who decide all the participants . well, now the work is literally in full swing, management cases, and i remind you that we will find out the names of the winners of the best of the best on february 25th. roman, thank you, alexandra perfilyeva spoke about the opening of the super final of the leaders of russia competition in the moscow manege. now watch. author's program besagon tv in a re-release nikita mikhalkov discusses how modern information reality is formed, why fake news becomes official and how not to become part of a controlled crowd? i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on our new release of the author's program besagon. we called her independent in uniform. i think you
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will understand why our program is called that. today, i would like to talk about the information reality in which we find ourselves today and exist. just remember how it was before. it was, who remembers, in soviet times, when we practically received the same information, when in the speeches of our leaders, be it khrushchev or brezhnev, congresses or plenums, we looked between the lines for the hidden meaning of what this one wanted to say leader, everyone thought so. we even had a joke , there was such a song, we say lenin,
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we mean the party, we say the party, we mean lenin, that is, we say one thing, but mean something completely different, and this really was the case, in the circles of the intelligentsia it was always hotly discussed, so to speak , what i wanted, what to expect , well, besides, of course, uh, those radio stations that were jammed at... we have radio liberty, and the voice of america, and the bbc, we all know how we were looking for a place where they jam less , how to catch.
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when the internet appeared, it’s a completely different matter, instant dissemination of information, any , today, in principle, advanced people consider it their dignity, they say that i don’t watch tv at all, and this is true, and young people, in particular, they are all on the internet, they get from there what they need they are interested, television in this sense has lost quite a lot, but what is interesting is that you will agree:
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nevertheless, we heard some information that at least gave a feeling of some kind of stability. what happened next? and then something completely opposite happened. thing. this is a very interesting opinion of one dissident from eastern europe, when the berlin wall collapsed, he said a brilliant phrase: everything that socialist propaganda told us about socialism was absolutely perfect.
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how subtly it works, how the internet works and how interesting it works, it is configured to generate fear in a person, uncertainty, doubt, condemnation, i will give you just one example, look,
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the tragedy at sheremetyevo, when landing the plane hits, catches
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fire , of your profession, of course, it’s instant spreads on the internet, instantly, and of course, there is a backlash immediately, what kind of scum, what kind of people are we, of course , now, how can we fly when such bastards sit, instead of being sorry or helping, they sit and they joked, everyone was bright , what happens next, the breakdown of the prestige of the airport, and the dispatchers, everyone to everyone... and so on, it turned out that it’s not true, it’s not true, but it already worked, already a little bit of znovzhechka, this is poison, it’s already ...
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that is, we understand that any news, be it a plane crash or a failed takeoff missiles, in any case, are immediately aimed at
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such things as the victory parade, at such things as the immortal regiment, at such things as the mass laying of wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier, why? what's special about this? well, how does this prevent mr. gozman and other opposition... forces from having this happen? consolidation, if we see the parade on may 9, we feel strength, pride that we have such an army that can protect us, if god forbid, we will have to protect it, or is it an immortal floor when people walk the wrong way they were driven away, and in this year, it was completely clear that people were doing this themselves, because there was a hurricane, people were still coming. people walked, carried portraits of their relatives who died at the front, because they wanted it, it was theirs, it was their mission, internal, it was their internal
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desire, any consolidation around something, but national, healthy, be it the olympics games or the world cup , brilliantly organized or something else, it causes... irritation and an instant reaction, instantly this healthy impulse needs to be poisoned by some fake, rather heartbreaking news. it’s interesting what roman nosikov writes. fear and grief have great virtues. first of all, these are powerful motivators. they are able to force a person to actively act, create and destroy. revenge, save, protect, kill. in addition, human grief and fear make it difficult to think. therefore, those who are afraid and
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grieving are extremely vulnerable, amazingly, for sure. a person gripped by fear, grief and sincere emotions is soft clay, waiting for the hands of its sculptor. begin search for the culprit. the search for the culprit begins, who is to blame? the question arises: what to do? this is where those who tell you what to do appear? and this information, it is like a virus, for some time it is capable of picking up, capturing the mind of a person, this mental virus at this time, it turns a person, even a thinking one, can turn into... into part of an absolutely controlled crowd, and this this is already serious, this is already power, this is already one way or another
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, more or less successful, but an attempt to capture the minds of a huge number of people. a let's just go through the events that were covered in a certain way by these independent media, let's say, the 2008 war in georgia, the beginning of shelling of our peacekeepers in abkhazia, the world media did not notice at all, they are silent, as if it did not exist, immediately all channels turn on , as soon as ours begin to respond to this. a twelve-year-old girl on fox news said that it was saakashvili who started the war, what was on the channel at that time, look. um, but before i say anything else, i just want to say that i was running from georgian troops, bombing our city, not russian troops, i want to say thank you to
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the russian troops that were helping us. from this fake news that enslaves minds and brings people to the streets, let's just remember what this test of colin paul with washing powder is worth, which he passed off as poisoning things, how it ended, with this.
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this wall was libya, you are destroying it, you idiots, for thousands of migrants from africa, for supporting al-qaeda, you will burn in the water, and so it will be. this is how it ended the monstrous torn apart of a man whom he made into a prosperous country. here's your
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reaction to this. one of the leaders of the united states of america, and how milosevic paid for the truth that he dared to express out loud, for this phrase: russians, look at us, remember, they will do the same to you when you disunite and give in, the west is a chain mad dog, clinging to your throat. "brothers, remember the fate of yugoslavia, don’t let the same thing happen to you, he died in prison, and what is this worth? fake attack by white helmets, a terrible attack on civilians, who besides us, besides rt, a satellite, who showed a boy who honestly admitted that he was asked to play a poisoned child for dates, and he..." we
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were sitting in the basement of our house, mom said that we had run out of food and there would be nothing to eat until tomorrow, i heard a noise outside, someone shouted that we needed to go to the hospital urgently, we did that, as soon as i was inside, some people grabbed me and they started pouring water on my head, someone got indignant, this is not there, because this is the truth, it is not needed, because this is a lie. there are absolutely precise tasks that i want to talk about, how does this happen? we decided to delve deeper into this issue, well, for example, there is an independent online information publication belinket, it was founded in july 2014 by a british citizen, journalist and...
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above the donetsk region, and numerous subscribers, higgins’s associates, and not only they asked independent journalist to understand the tragedy, and i...


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