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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent.
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message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. hmm, she smiled, that is.
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smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm , love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb, a bank for the real, if you get up more than twice at night, and... at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for early treatment of prostate adenoma. he is so pure that he is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas - the ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. alain again. shopping gifts on marketplaces with
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a vocation, technology, into live communication, work. into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. in honor of defender of the fatherland day and the birthday of the workers' and peasants' red army , the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov and the party's presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov took part in a patriotic rally in center of moscow. today war has been declared
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on the russian world. the russian world has absorbed 190 nationalities, has not destroyed a single faith, culture, tradition, has done everything in order... to rid the planet of fascism, today is a great holiday, the creation of a working peasant army back in 1918 confirms the hearts and souls people are drawn today to the society in which power was created, when our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for right and cause, today a festive rally was held in moscow, the slogan of the event a special military operation must be carried out...
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under the auspices of the liberal democratic party they sew for our people, show maternal care for our defenders of the fatherland. today is the most important holiday, and it further consolidates and unites us. in the tver region, presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov , laid flowers at the rzhev memorial to the soviet soldier, dedicated to the memory of those killed in the battles near orzheev during the great patriotic war. according to davankov, february 23 is a special day. for his entire family, almost every family has relatives, who defended their homeland died during the great patriotic war, and i am here today with my family, i am from the family of a fighter pilot, my father in a military town every year on february 23, of course
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they celebrated this holiday, today our heroes and within special military operation also protects our homeland, of course, we all want... to return alive and with victory. co-chairman of the central election headquarters of vladimir putin, vladimir mashkov, on defender of the fatherland day, met with volunteers of the young guard and the all-russian popular front in tula. he thanked the activists for their work as part of the campaign to collect signatures and noted the cohesion of the team. in any work, not only this one, you need to be very attentive, attentive. be attentive to what you do, first of all, to the people who surround you, with whom you meet, to the people who come with suggestions, to the people who come with their pain, with their problems, it is very
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a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald trump's speech in south carolina about the fact that nato must be paid for, otherwise he will turn off the collective security, produced the effect of a bomb exploding. the republican candidate did not just open pandora's box, it seems he has already started the process of oxidation of the north atlantic alliance, tensions inside america, outside its borders, these are the very words: the president of a large country once asked me: sir, if we don’t pay for membership in nato, and if russia attacks us, will you defend us? i replied: “i will not protect you.” moreover, i will support.
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states, among those disillusioned by decades of failed, expansionist us policy, and how the american authorities from...
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texas to ukraine, then maybe even the senators will focus on protecting the us border. i have never seen the nursing home better known as the us senate so diligently spend american money on foreign wars. you haven’t heard the phrase american dream for a long time, because now it’s an american nightmare; under the trump administration, you lived much better than today. how does trump differ from the current trump 2.0, so to speak, in this matter, in that trump now has a very serious support group, i feel this danger, by the way, joe biden is even making this position of trump an element of his election campaign. for 75 years, nato was
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the most important military alliance the world depended on. everyone supported nato except donald trump. and of course, the fact that all these words spoken by him were pronounced on the eve of the munich security conference, where a delegation led by kamal haris went there this year, could not help but strengthen trump’s rhetoric. plus they also dragged us homeland security secretary maierkos there, who was impeached by the republicans in the house of representatives literally on the eve of his departure, that is, america appeared before those whom it is trying to inspire with its example from a very weak side, plus, of course,
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military defeats were superimposed on this that zelensky has undergone recently. ukraine spends in a month what the united states produces in a year. we are discussing increasing the production of shells to 100,000 per month by the end of next year, while the russians are producing almost 500,000 shells a month right now. the point is not that we want to leave europe alone with its problems, but that we need to focus on east asia, and european allies to deal with the problems in europe. it is also important to note that all this happens on the anniversary. that is, an extremely important year for americans, this year is the anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, an anniversary summit is scheduled to take place in washington in the summer, and towards this summit donald trump is doing things that are dangerous for them statements. in general, if we talk about who supports trump’s ideas regarding minimizing america’s role in
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foreign policy processes in general, then we can pay attention to several groups at once. on the one side. here are the new wave politicians who came to power, including in the senate, in the house of representatives already under trump or thanks to trump, these are people who can be called trumpists and opportunists, people who understand in which direction the republican party has now swung balance of power parties, main the losers are grouped in this case around senate majority leader mitch mcconnoll, who personifies. ourselves, well, there is also a bipartisan consensus on the need to give more money to the american defense-industrial complex, all this is mixed up with cool non-acon idealism, with the eternal ideas that america is the main judge, the main arbiter in such matters, and america can still dictate something to someone, and the other group are
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realists who understand that the role of america has already changed, that the world has changed, well, those who want... to join them, the most eloquent figure here, of course, is the figure of senator lynsey graham, at one time lynsey graham was remembered for a number of completely wild anti-russian, russophobic statements, probably the most his odious speech was the words he said during last year ’s visit to zelensky, when he said at a meeting with zelensky that american money is not wasted, because it is spent on killing russians... in any case, lincegrem was not far from such positions what is happening to him now , an amazing transformation is happening to him, firstly, he did not vote in the senate for the very defense law that involves the allocation of 61
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billion dollars to ukraine, he focused on the fact that first of all... the american administration must deal with the situation at the border, that is, repeating exactly the same thoughts that donald trump voices. moreover, lince grem is already saying that if ukraine is given money, it should be given on credit, and these loans will be secured maybe, well, for example, ukrainian lands or minerals, ukraine has something to pay for military assistance, this, of course, is an absolute change of rhetoric, an absolute change of approaches, it does not suit the white house at all... and it destroys, in general, the idea, which joe biden is still trying to grab hold of as solomenka, joe biden wants his voters to help ukraine militarily. trying to sell under the premise that all this money will remain inside the united states. although this money is intended for ukraine,
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it will be spent here in the united states, in arizona where they make patriot missiles, in alabama where they make javelin missiles, in pennsylvania, ohio and texas where they make artillery shells. biden hoped that these words would help him gather a support group in... with military assistance to ukraine , there are a number of problems with voting on this issue, well, for example, one of these problems is the calendar of the congress, very great efforts have been made to so that the... aid package passed by the senate is voted on by the house representatives, without this it will not be possible to allocate money. biden waged a very persistent campaign, and apparently, in order
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to inspire or somehow push members of the house of representatives to vote correctly, an information and psychological operation was carried out, as they now say, to influence the minds of those same republicans in the lower house. it has been reported that russia is allegedly trying to place nuclear weapons in space, and this is a very big problem and a threat to the national security of the united states, at a minimum. a new threat to us national security. according to intelligence received, russia plans to place weapons in low-earth orbit, possibly nuclear weapons, which pose a threat to american satellites. russia is under threat to national security. we’ll generally leave aside the extent to which the definition
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of a threat to national security can, in principle, be applied to space, since no country has sovereignty in space, but information has generally appeared that the americans themselves are thinking about deploying this type of weapons in space, here you can draw several conclusions, on the one hand , they inspire those who disagree to... still vote on the military assistance project they need, and number two, they think about what to do next after ukraine, they think about how to further develop huge budgets, after all, each successive defense budget of the united states exceeds the previous one, the american military-industrial complex has been accustomed to the fact that it has not been on a starvation diet in recent years, if there is no ukraine, then what will happen in return? here you go, one of the ideas, how... an idea was realized at one time, for example, spro, all this gave work and provided colossal finances. the american military-industrial complex is a private
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business, this private business wants to be sure that the white house’s tactics towards ukraine will not change in the very near future, which is why it so insistently demands that joe biden voice this strategy, because for now everything reminds me. weapons, it is not clear how to replenish reserves that have been used up or transfer them from the solution. the pentagon has to save money some regions in order to help ukraine, which will make up for this. the u.s. army has spent more than $430 million this fiscal year, including on training ukrainian troops and moving equipment to poland and ukraine. if congress doesn't approve new funding for...ukraine , u.s. military operations not only in europe but in africa will be affected, army officials say, and difficult decisions will have to be made, such as not building new barracks or reducing military recruitment. if
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if we talk in general about the attitude of party wings to the problem of ukraine, then we can state that both sides of the american, so to speak, political spectrum are, by and large, tired of ukraine. ukraine is like a hot potato. throws biden to trump, trump and biden, each of them wants ukraine to become synonymous with defeat, the opposite wing. this is a very interesting trend, and if this is true, then this is, of course, very bad news for zelensky. and of course, anyone who tries to delve into the essence of the positions of the two american parties , the arena of confrontation of which has now become foreign policy, probably the first american elections, where the foreign policy factor is so strong, any of our spectators, any person from the outside, may be wondering whether there is still such a thing
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in the united states? forces that are aimed at dialogue, what needs to happen in order to reduce this tension, in this sense, of course, the opinion of our ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, is very interesting and authoritative, we specifically talked with him, and we asked him the question, are there those in america with whom it is still possible to build a dialogue, and if such people exist, such forces exist, then what could this dialogue be about in principle? there are wonderful people here who think it’s abnormal, and even this one we met just yesterday, they called me the word wild the state of russian-american relations, when two great powers, two permanent members of the security council do not talk to each other, do not discuss pressing problems. is there such an opportunity to normalize relations between the russian federation and the united states of america, there is such a possibility, but there must be a clear
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and clear understanding. that this is possible only with a radical change in the foreign policy of the united states of america, it is very important that here they finally understand that the russian federation has its own national interests, and until they learn, understand, and recognize russian national interests, nothing will work out, but in the meantime, the fate of military assistance to ukraine still remains vague, there is no compromise option for the hawks from the senate... it was not proposed to the lower house, so in the lower house the centrists, fitzpatrick from the republicans and goldon from the democrats, proposed a bill that they called the bill to protect the borders of democracy, firstly, the amount was reduced, we are no longer talking about 95 billion, but about 66, ukraine , accordingly, should receive under this bill not 61 billion, but 47, but also... and
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the most important thing, which, of course, will not absolutely suit the dem party, is the tightening of migration policy, well, in particular , it should be spelled out there, that all applicants for then, in order to get to the united states, they must wait for a decision not inside the united states, on the territory of mexico, that is , they will also have to negotiate with mexico, congress will return from recess on february 28. ideas, probably, as these authors of this bill want, they would probably like to put it to a vote right away, but this will also not be possible, because the main issue on the agenda will be the issue of temporarily extending the american budget , avoid the so-called shutdown, because it’s already march 8th, if not to accept a package of temporary funding, american government programs
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again, face the threat of termination of funding, that is, again there will be no time for ukraine. this was america, all the best to you.
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well, that is, this is a czech production, yes , what he did, apparently, yes, this is just our reality, we are always thinking about what we can do, protect. in moscow, at these minutes, fireworks begin in honor of defender of the fatherland day, a bright end to today's holiday.


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