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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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this is a clear, clear signal: is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, would you give me a recipe, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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“a certain gentleman from a beautiful garden especially tried, for whom everyone who does not belong to the golden billion is a weed. the eu also supplied weapons to the kiev regime with money from the peace fund. ukraine.”
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call it a profitable business project. so much so that the united states, having abandoned any decency, has become profitable, it turned out to be for the military-industrial complex. in parallel, a certain process was persistently moving forward to discuss a completely dead-end pseudo-peace formula at various gatherings, within the framework of which, either in copenhagen or in davas , the countries of the global south and east were dragged in with all sorts of restrictions. to then pass this off as broad international support.
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the young generation, now no longer young, is caught on the street like cattle throwing meat assaults designed to show western sponsors that their investment is paying off. today we heard, and will continue to hear, many pathetic words.
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they kill, the us and europe supply them with weapons, and by doing this, we oppose putin, the end, paying for our interests in life. the united states is also trying to solve its geopolitical problems in the best neocolonial traditions , to prevent washington from losing its self-appointed role as a world hegemon, or from allowing other powerful and self-sufficient poles to strengthen in the world. be that as it may it was, today, already obvious that in this war , by proxy, the united states of the european union and nato against russia were using their hands.
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supposedly freeing itself from energy dependence on our country and falling into even stricter energy dependence on the united states. moreover, today not only ukraine, but the whole of europe risks once again becoming a springboard for military confrontation, in which you are gradually being drawn in from overseas. does the population of european countries need this? that no, a public opinion poll conducted in january in twelve european countries, shows that only 10% of europeans believe ukraine can defeat russia. european farmers are rebelling, not wanting to lose agricultural markets due to dumping
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by ukrainian exporters. footage of scandals on the polish-ukrainian border, where polish border guards refuse to let ukrainians through, has been widely circulated. it is obvious that there is no european future for a thoroughly corrupt , criminal ukraine with an impoverished population, into which the current puppet leadership has turned it from an all-union breadbasket. light, because ukraine, from the moment it gained formal independence, was assigned the unenviable role of an anti-russian late. in 2004, it hosted, in fact, the first anti-constitutional coup orchestrated by the west, which in the end the people did not support. then the west began to prepare the coup in such a way that there were no more misfires in order to forever destroy the patriotically oriented opposition.
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this is exactly what has been happening all the years since the maidan coup of 2014. the coming to power is sponsored. thus was the beginning forced involvement of kiev in adventurous projects to inflict strategic defeat on russia, a course has been taken to ignore the interests of trampling on the rights of residents of the south-east of the country. sought to preserve its identity, its historical and cultural roots, a cruel inhumane,
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so-called anti-terrorist operation was unleashed , during which the army, national battalion, nationalist battalion, nationalist battalions were involved in violating the constitution of ukraine, there were no terrorists in the donbass, that in its recent solution confirmed by the international court. don’t we feel sorry for sending our sons to fight in ukraine? of course, it’s a pity, a pity for the unfortunate
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ukrainians who are sent to die for the geopolitical interests of the west, but he, i mean the representative of great britain.
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nazi symbols, then they are nazis, and you are simply too cowardly and selectively
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blind to admit it all. again, taking advantage of the presence of mr. sizhrune and mr. cameron at today’s meeting, it’s true that they are not in the hall right now, they are really not in the room right now hall, i want to raise another extremely inconvenient issue for some time now for our western colleagues. the ukrainian authorities to implement them, and only used them to seriously delay, did not intend to push the time and give kiev time to prepare for a war with russia. this was essentially a confession from the leaders of these states, openly and even proudly recognizing the fact of
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their deliberate violation of security council resolution 2202, which enshrined the minsk agreements. but this does not prevent representatives of these same states, no matter how what has never happened, today to speak in the council with lectures addressed to other members, and talk about the importance of complying with the international plan and blaming other countries for not fulfilling it. more precisely, they call for a rules-based international order.
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conscientious and consistent implementation of the document fundamental for the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, a set of measures to implement the minsk agreements turned out to be even, it was decided to launch a special military operation to protect the lives of residents of donbass in in accordance with article 51 of the charter of he. madam chairman, today my american colleague, trying to find new reasons for attacks on russia, has just uttered about...
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fears about the russian threat, from which she needs to defend herself, while denying russia security at gunpoint, intensifying her legitimate defensive interests. this is a hopeless, flawed approach that undermines the basic principles of the indivisibility of security. you are whipping up ridiculous fears about russia's supposedly upcoming aggression against european countries. and you haven’t forgotten that these are european states. in different eras: poland, sweden, france, germany and a number of its satellites, almost all of europe during the second world war, attacked the russian state with enviable tenacity, trying to conquer it and invariably suffered defeat. the us tried to do the same during the cold war. the well-known and unseemly role of great britain, whose
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diplomacy for centuries pitted nations against each other, continues to do so to this day. "russian statehood formed under conditions of constant external threat. our peace-loving western colleagues really don’t like to remember the fact that it was russia that all the time had to repel western aggression, but our people remember this very well. we know that the public in western countries is increasingly believing anti-russian propaganda about the mythical russian threat. therefore, it is surrounded by a bubble of lies, in an effort to prevent it from happening.”
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a discussion about a fair and indivisible system of euro-atlantic security is emerging. in its current distorted form. it is valid only for the united states and its nato allies, which have arrogated to themselves the right to interfere in any international issues or the internal affairs of other states. their base is located on our border, in violation of key understandings that ended the cold war era. western leaders deceived us then and want to continue to deceive us now. making nato's right to expand uncontrollably an absolute right and turning almost every corner of the world into the alliance's zone of responsibility. i want to remind. russia proposed a substantive conversation about guarantees security at the end of the twenty-first year, nato and the united states put forward concrete proposals, but they responded arrogantly.
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the result was a new hot conflict in europe. the west simply did not leave us elections, we simply had an obligation to protect our people and our future. at the same time, we have never refused negotiations. the kiev regime has banned itself, i want to emphasize, i want to emphasize , it is still possible to preserve ukraine in some form, but it must be a peaceful, neutral ukraine, in which there is no discrimination and russophobia, in which nazi criminals are not gyrified and do not pose a threat to russia. our special military operation is aimed at achieving these goals. therefore, the choice is up to the collective west. will this require us to fight to the end, as we did? and they will try to save at least something from ukraine,
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thank you, this was a broadcast of the speech of russia’s permanent representative to the un, vasily nebenzi, at a security council meeting on ukraine. the real legend is immediately visible. it's almost impossible to touch, but not for you, it's yours legendary alfabank credit card, order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, for your grandmother, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage, it’s dad plays like that, is that all dad has? balance, add different numbers to the total balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently! alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if
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hopelessness. defender of the fatherland day was celebrated in russia. on february 23, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. the president paid tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers. minutes of silence.
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the auditorium of the central academic theater of the russian army was blessed with gold shoulder straps, and the military personnel of their families were congratulated by the minister of defense sergei shaigu. defender of the fatherland day is a holiday that unites the heroes of bygone times who fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland. in the hall there are very young fighters who have distinguished themselves special military operation and experienced army generals, like viktor ermakov. guys, in battle, the strongest who knows how to see the enemy wins. because combat is
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a mutual process, if you are less prepared than him, he will hurt you, kill you, if you are better, you will achieve victory over him. this award was given to me for the capture of one of the settlements on the territory of ukraine. in a populated area, he simply destroyed six pieces of equipment from an ambush. the victory museum on poklonnaya hill has traditionally prepared a special program. the musical marathon, russia, my motherland, brought together more than 600 musicians. various brass bands and vocal groups. young visitors to the museum took part in master classes on weaving camouflage nets; at the world of tanks exhibition, nine models of armored vehicles from the great patriotic war were shown. the varoshilovsky shooter interactive shooting range provides the opportunity to try out historical firearms. admission for men is free. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko laid flowers at the grave unknown soldier at the kremlin wall.
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patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill also laid flowers at the eternal flame. dear warriors, defenders of the fatherland in your person, i mentally appeal to all the soldiers who guard the security of our fatherland. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin also paid tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers at the eternal flame of the kremlin wall. on the initiative of the governor of the moscow region andrey.


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