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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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the annual vienna festival, which will be held in may and june, announced the cancellation of the concert planned for june 12 on the stage of the burg theater. german radio orchestra conducted by theodor kurenzis.
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this will last for a long time, some people think that maybe it will even get worse, but i, so to speak , by nature, am probably an optimist, so i know that this is all, well, i would like it to be sooner, of course, they are late, but it will end, here again, so to speak, colossal connections will be established, contacts, so to speak, of the russian intelligentsia, russian science, russian theater , russian music, in general with all the countries that have today severed these ties, i think that this is a temporary phenomenon, i am sure of this, so to speak, in general, i just want to pray that it will be faster, so to speak, in general this sad time is over, the sculptor and painter mikhail shimyakin, although he was born in moscow, but... he spent part of his childhood in
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east germany, where his father served. in '57, the shimyakin family returned to the ussr. mikhail entered art school at the leningrad institute. painting, sculpture and architecture named after repin, but was disqualified for a worldview that did not correspond to the norms of socialist realism. he worked as a laboratory assistant, a laborer and a loader in armitage, while simultaneously being creative. in the late sixties, shimyakin created the art group petersburg together with his friend, philosopher vladimir ivanov, and developed the philosophical direction of metaphysical synthetism. which became one of the fundamental ones in shimyakin’s artistic aesthetics. in in sixty-nine, the first foreign exhibition took place in one of the galleries in new york; in seventy-one, after forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital, the artist was deprived of soviet citizenship and expelled from the ussr. shimyakin settled
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in france, where he quickly gained fame. at 74 he showed the watercolor cycle “st. petersburg carnival” at an exhibition. and... usa after 8 years received american citizenship. in the ussr, shimyakin was recognized again, already during perestroika. in the eighty-ninth year in moscow, in the central house of the artist for the first time, a retrospective exhibition of his works was held. among the famous sculptures of mikhail shemyak is the memory.
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to imagine that the marinsky theater will suddenly dance, so to speak, in general they will go to the ballets of the marinsky theater in paris, this is practically impossible to realize on the roads today, russian
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art, which is a huge phenomenon on the world stage, so to speak, in general it was , will exist and... everything, everything must be restored, restored, we must wait out some difficult moment, but and not to use it, because when i watch the news, i’m a little worried about this quasi-patriotism, you know, this is one of the most terrible phenomena, you know, patriotism, a patriotic impulse, so to speak, it must be real, this deep-seated feeling . this is a colossal feeling that is ineradicable in you, it is laid down from birth, this is love for your homeland, love for your people, love for the great thing that he has created, done everything, the ability to forgive some
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absurdities that, so to speak, in general inherent in every nation, so, but the most important thing, so to speak, is not to fall into this pseudo-patriotic attitude at all. in my art, so to speak, in literature and so on, so on, these moments, of course, need to be remembered, so to speak, and the most important thing is not to repeat them. biography of mikhail shemyakin from vilista, more than half a century ago he was expelled from his homeland, where he was able to return
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only many years later. there were plenty of other adversities as well. apparently, that’s why he’s sure everything will be fine. with all the difficulties that befell the russians today, victory must to be, so to speak, generally behind reason and art, so to speak, which is the main... new horizons: russia of the present and
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the future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition, it’s almost impossible to hide here anywhere, everything is clearly visible, there’s gunfire, borya will have time to escape from the dugout send short. video of walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes
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, i don’t want to go home, i want to, who doesn’t want to, why is it here then, the homeland must be defended , a point was born for me, i went on vacation, yes we went, held it in my arms and back, that’s right, we are standing in the trench where i personally dug , there is a tv, everything is there, in principle, so not detached, as they say, from the world, the guys who are here at the moment, they are writing history, 15 km gave us no combat contact, but we we are approaching the position. israel continues to insist on the need for a complete military cleansing of the city of rafah on the egyptian border. even washington is already against it. biden, as eyewitnesses say, and netanyahu speaks obscenely. however, these are emotions of practical steps to... stop the israeli leadership of the united states, and no one is taking them. during the recent
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valdai club middle east conference in moscow, we spoke with one of egypt's most respected diplomats and international affairs scholars, nabil fahme. the tragedy of the current war between israel and palestine is not only that thousands of innocents have been killed of people. it’s even worse that a cataclysm won’t happen. egypt also wants peaceful coexistence between palestinians and israelis, but hope is slim. the existence of international legal norms that everyone must follow will finally cease to be
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supported if the situation continues to be left to chance. all we see is the concentration of power in the hands of non-state actors and the growing popularity of far-right parties, and this is truly dangerous. previously , both left- and right-oriented forces actively participated in politics. today we are facing a loss of trust in the nation state. the only way to turn the situation around is to use force ourselves to advance our
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interests. if we want to avoid new wars, we need to change the environment, which is becoming more and more aggressive. i don’t want to dramatize, but the events of october 7 did not give rise to, but rather intensified, the desire for retribution, which will be realized by individuals on both sides. and no one will be able to criticize either the israelis or the palestinians.
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there will be no rationality in actions, desire retribution will overshadow all other motives, the same is true for the israelis, we need to restore people's faith in the world in the justice of the international system, the rule of law, otherwise the israelis and palestinians will take the initiative into their own hands, and this is very dangerous. in addition, i observe the arrogance and disdain with which the israelis treat the palestinians, in addition to the outright...
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the problem with the arab spring was that everything happened too quickly if society gradually increased pressure on government structures with demands to modernize the institution of power and improve the governance of the country, perhaps something would work out. political institutions have weakened greatly over the years, when the arab spring broke out, everyone expressed a desire to lead the country without any political base. a couple of liberals, a couple from the expert community, if people from tahrir square came to government offices and expressed their requests without demanding the destruction
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of state institutions, perhaps the solution would have been found, but all the dissatisfied gathered in tahrir square. as if it was a heavenly place where one could find a solution to any problem. the average age of those who entered the square is less than thirty years. in fact, the only ones who had an ideology, who were able to mobilize a large number of people, were the muslim brothers, and they won the elections. what did the west want? turn the course of events in a direction favorable to him? if the west were smarter, it would be building development potential, creating new opportunities in region.
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useful youth activism, although it is not yet fully organized. the main problem in the middle east, which has persisted for many years, is resistance to gradual change. the desire for change does not go away. every 15-20 years it results in explosive situations leading to instability. let’s take, for example, lebanon, which i respect, a unique country in many respects. for the past 40 years in lebanon , with an interval of 15 years. there is no understanding of how the country should develop, because they are not used to gradual changes here. i would really like to see egyptian solutions calling for order, involving their own population in solving regional problems, and not europeans or asians. at
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the same time, we must be connected to the rest of the world. unfortunately, this is often forgotten, including in egypt. the sinai peninsula is part of asia, not africa, we are connected to the world. many of our quite intelligent analysts mistakenly believe that egypt needs to go into strategic hibernation, but if egypt goes into hibernation mode, who will provide him with resources? for us, this is not a working, even erroneous strategy; on the contrary, the leaders of the middle eastern countries should strive. act, we cannot compete with the united states or russia, but on a regional scale, at home, we are able to bypass both the united states and russia, we have already done this. egypt, let me remind you, has been a member of brix since january, so you will have to listen, as well as another new member of the association , iran. our regular author, yousef jalali,
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visited the iranian city of rasht, and it is famous not only for its cuisine, but also for the fact that there with with russia's participation, a section of the future large-scale transport corridor, north-south, is already being built, so we will all be there. iran is a country of ethnic diversity, the people here have different languages, traditions, music and even taste preferences. this northern province of gillan is known to the world for its gastronomy. food here is the main tourist attraction. the capital of gilan province, rasht, is recognized by unesco as a unique city, the custodian of intangible cultural heritage, in other words, original gastronomy. here culinary festivals are held annually on...
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there are even dishes that are associated with russia, for example, the recipe for ragu vavishka appeared here in the forties of the last century. the fact is that the soviet union and britain together temporarily occupied iran, where pro-german sentiments were strong. the consent operation was supposed to prevent a coup in the country in favor of nazi germany. stewed meat and potatoes reminded the soldiers of the food that was prepared for them at home, like at grandma's, they said, the soldiers left after the end of the war, and... the chip remains. we have tried to preserve artifacts from world war ii. this museum displays uniforms of soldiers from all over the world. soviet, american, british,
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iranian, there is also german and french, as well as military equipment, weapons and documents. gillan is one of the oldest regions of ancient persia, it appeared more than 250 thousand years ago, as if sandwiched between the alborz mountain range and the caspian sea. gillan is also famous for being incredible. nature beaches. authorities say the place is popular among iranians and plans are now underway to attract foreign tourists, especially from cis countries that are geographically close to gillan. gilan is located in the strategic north-south transit corridor that connects russia, india and the persian gulf. now iran and russia are working to develop the infrastructure of the trade network to turn it into an alternative to the traditional route of the suede canal.
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is under sanctions, it can become a full-fledged alternative to the suede canal and even a more convenient route. it’s symbolic, because thousands of years ago gilan was a key a stop on the ancient silk road that connected china with europe. in the past , trade routes passed through iran, for example, this caravanserai is called shah abassi. it was used by traders and travelers, who came here on camels and rested.
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people's review , see you, we'll skate cleanly on points, we'll pass , you remember everything, you know everything, calm down, get together and win, kodyukh, dad, kiss already, well, you're beautiful... this is skill, come on, shank, all hope is in you , well, old age is not a joy, yes, it’s nice to leave, whole of...
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that's it, that's great, ice three.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovsky investigative committee, special yes, who are you all looking at, well, here’s a girl, maybe this is my dream somehow is connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without amateur performances. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you
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remember them and enjoy them. russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together , we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at
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today, on defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall, the president honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence, defense minister sergei shaigu and combat veterans students of suvorov military schools also laid flowers at the eternal flame. the ceremony ended with the solemn march of the honor guard company.


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