tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 February 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK
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there is internet there, and according to mosaics there is, it’s quite a low-quality fake that anyone can make, and even more so, when you hear some voice unknown to you, and you can’t double-check it, then here you can hang any noodles on is already your consumer and talk about anything, so of course the content that we see, hear, and should not be perceived as pure beckons, especially, by the way, artificial intelligence is now actively used in order to fabricate even an audio recording, that is any artificial intelligence can actually portray a voice now. at the same time, i would like to find out what is the reason for the enemy’s own eloquent complaints about the quality of communication; according to the militants, the connection to starlink in the front-line territories has either completely disappeared or slowed down to a critical level, although an uninterrupted signal should be provided by as many as 5,000 satellites, all of them are located in low orbit in the range from 350 to 550 km, as stated by the guarantee:
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internet subscribers at a speed of about 100 megabits per second, for comparison, now the boys can count on 1 megabit, it is quite likely that our electronic warfare equipment could not do without it, well, for example, the tirada 2s complex can jam satellite communications and disable the spacecraft themselves; in april last year it became known about the development of a turnip with an altitude radius of up to 36,000 km, this is already a geostationary orbit where heavy us spy satellites fly. here. this is, as it were, the war of the future, on the one hand, this is complete manufacturability , the use of the entire satellite constellation, with on the other hand, the ability to work at the moment when the satellite constellation is extinguished and communications are extinguished in a separate area, and you will not have pictures from the satellite on the battlefield, this is what now greatly excited the americans and the british when it all began , let's rewind to february twenty-second. years that they were saying that
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this entire satellite constellation would destroy russia, now we are at the point where they are colliding with the reality of the edges of their illusions. in its turn the kiev regime has clearly lost the ability to adapt to new challenges. the further, the more obvious it is that it relies solely on the help of its foreign masters and tries to block a series of failures with ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia-24 tv channel. give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest, what a blessing that novito is on sale with discounts of up to 70%. give!
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have nothing to do with protecting freedom of speech. it was discussed in the new episode of our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. leading renowned journalist tucker carlson. watch it now. the defining feature of the united states is freedom of speech, if there is one thing that makes our country truly exceptional, it is that we have the first amendment to the bill of rights, we have freedom of conscience, you can say what you think , there is no exception for inciting hatred, just because you are disgusted by what someone else thinks, you cannot silence them, because we are citizens, not slaves, but this is a right, this is fundamental.
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it's important to note that it's not just the private sector doing this, these efforts are being led by the us government, which you pay for, at least in theory they are accountable to you, but they are taking away your rights at a record rate, most people understand this intuitively, but they do not know how this happens, how censorship occurs, what
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mechanisms are involved. mike bence is someone who can confidently be called a world-class expert on this subject. mike bence previously worked in cyber. security at the state department, he's now the executive director of the foundation for online freedom, and we're going to discuss one very specific type of censorship with him. by the way, we highly recommend that if you want to know how this happens, mike bence, benz, is the one to read. but today we want to talk about a special type of censorship, the censorship that is carried out by our military-industrial complex. our defense industry and foreign policy establishment in washington, this is especially important now because we are on the threshold.
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and government-funded institutions are depriving us of freedom of speech. of course, one of the easiest ways to start the story is with an overview of the history of internet freedom and transition. freedom to internet censorship, since freedom of speech on the internet has been an instrument of government almost from the very beginning began the privatization of the internet in 1991, we quickly discovered, thanks to the efforts of the department of defense, the state department and our intelligence agencies, that using the internet people gathered in blogs on forums, the promotion of freedom of speech was primarily carried out by the pentagon, the state department and... all this architecture, existing tools tsrunko, as a way
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of supporting dissident groups around the world to help them overthrow the authoritarian governments that they were presented to us. in essence, freedom of speech on the internet has allowed a kind of instant regime change operation and provided an opportunity to implement the foreign policy agenda of the state department establishment. google is a great example of this. story. began with a us department of defense grant to larry page and sergey brin, while they were graduate students at stanford, they received funding as part of a joint cia-nsa program to study how people of similar interests find each other online using search engine algorithms, and then a year later they launched google, which soon became a contractor for the ministry of defense. the history of google maps began with the acquisition of satellite software from the cia, possibly. the use of free speech on the internet as
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a way to bypass government controls over the media, in places like central asia and other parts of the world, was seen as a way to begin to do what cia stations and embassy and consulate officers had previously done, increasing the efficiency of such work by tens once again, all technologies for freedom of speech on the internet were originally created by our services. wonderfully, from about 1991 to 2014, when the stage of discussion began about how
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useful such freedom on the internet was. the high point of the use of freedom of speech on the internet was the arab spring, in 2011-2012, when, one after another, all governments unfriendly to the obama administration, egypt, tunisia, began to fall in revolutions organized on facebook and twitter. and the state department then collaborated very closely with the social services. maintenance to iran's preferred opposition group twitter asking not to carry out planned could use twitter to win elections, that is, freedom of speech was used from the very beginning as a tool of political influence by state security structures. all this architecture, all the ngos, the relationships between technologists. companies and state security initially supported such freedom. in 2014, after
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a coup d'etat in ukraine , an unexpected counter-coup took place, as a result of which crimea and donbass broke away. and they broke away using military support, which nato was then completely not ready. the last desperate attempt was made during the vote on crimea’s accession to russia in 2014. and when the crimeans voted with their minds and hearts for annexation. russian federation, this was the last straw for the concept of freedom of speech on the internet in the eyes of nato. from their point of view, at that moment the fundamental nature of the war had changed, then nato announced what they first called the gerasimov doctrine, named after the russian general who was said to have given a speech that the fundamental nature of the war had changed. not you need to win battles to take control of central and eastern europe. everything you need. control the media and the social media ecosystem, because they are the ones who determine the outcome of elections, and if you bring
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the right people to power, they will have control over the military, that is, instead of conducting a war , it is infinitely cheaper to conduct an operation to exercise political influence through social networks, traditional media. an entire industry was created that united the pentagon, the british ministry of defense and brussels into an organization for conducting information and political struggle. was created. infrastructure, central and eastern europe to create , initially located in germany and in psychological buffer zones, to create conditions for the military to work on social networks and media on... censoring russian propaganda or censoring right-wing populist groups in europe, which at that time were gaining political weight from -due to the migration crisis, there were systematic campaigns organized by the state department, our intelligence community and the pentagon against groups such as the german adh, an alternative for germany, and various groups in estonia, latvia and lithuania. when
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brexit happened in 2016, it became that crisis moment when suddenly... it turned out that we had to worry not only about central and eastern europe, it went to the west, this is the idea of russia controlling the hearts and minds of people. and brexit happened in june 2016, the very next month at a conference in warsaw. nato officially amended the charter to explicitly commit itself to hybrid warfare, giving the alliance a new quality, that is, they have moved, essentially from 70 years of thinking in tank categories. platoons to create tools for censoring sources that were classified as russian proxies, again, we are not just talking about russian propaganda, these were also groups of brexiteers, or, for example, mateo salvini in italy or in greece or in germany or in spain with the party vox. at the time , nato published a study arguing
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that the biggest threat facing nato was not a military invasion by russia, but the loss of internal elections across europe. to all these right-wing populist groups who, because they represented mainly the interests of the working class, were campaigning for cheap russian energy, while the us was pushing through a policy of diversifying energy purchases, so they put forward the argument after brexit that the entire rules-based international order will collapse , if the military does not take control of the media, because brexit will lead to frexit in france with marine lepine, to expexit in spain with the vox party, to italexit in italy, to grexit in germany,
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their countries will get their way, they decided to fight it. yes, you know, all of this has a rich history going back to the cold war. the cold war in europe was, in essence, a similar battle for the hearts and minds of the people, especially in central and eastern europe. yes, in these sort of soviet buffer zones. and somewhere in 1948, this union
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"listen, the world is cruel and unfair, we at the cia just rigged the elections in italy, we had to, because if the communist had been defeated, it could have been the last elections in italy. this is very effective guys, we need an agency that carries out these types of shenanigans around the world, this is essentially a new social contract that we are making with the american people. we didn't do diplomacy like that before, but now we 're not allowed to." but ultimately we created a kind of firewall that separated foreign and domestic affairs. let us have a department of dirty tricks that can rig elections,
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control the media, have the ability to interfere in the internal affairs of the soil of other countries, but there is sacred ground on which our homeland stands, where they are not allowed to operate; the state department, the department of defense and the cia are strictly prohibited from operating on the territory of the united states. of course, this is so far from the truth that it is not even funny, due to a number of methods of legalizing activities that they have developed over the 70 years of their existence, but in essence, at first there were no moral difficulties regarding the creation of the censorship industry, when it was emerging in germany, lithuania, latvia and estonia, sweden and finland, this began to be more actively discussed in diplomatic circles after brexit, then this... was promoted to its fullest when trump was elected, and then there was little resistance , which was then, was overshadowed by the hysteria around rush gate, which gave them
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the indulgence not to be tormented by doubts about the morality of imposing censorship on their own people, because if trump was an agent of russia, then it was no longer about the issue of freedom of speech, it was a problem homeland security, just the exposure of the effectiveness of rush gate in july 2019, when robert... this transition happened when they took on this entire censorship architecture spanning the department of homeland security, the fbi, the cia, the department of defense, the department of justice, as well as thousands of government-funded ngos and operating government orders from private companies, all of them have essentially switched from the agenda of external interference and russian disinformation.
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legitimacy from the idea that this government with democracy can be said to derive its consent from the people being governed, that is the country is not ruled by an autocrat, because the government is a reflection of our will, expressed by our approval through voting. all these measures are after the '16 election , after brexit and after a couple of other social media-influenced elections that have passed. according to the state department scenario, like the elections in the philippines in 2016, their goal was to completely overturn all our ideas about the foundations of a democratic society in order to overcome the threat from freedom of
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speech on the internet, what they essentially came to is that it is necessary to shift the emphasis in the idea of democracy with the will of the voters, that it is based on the inviolability of democratic institutions, and what kind of democratic institutions are these, but it is ourselves, it is the military, it is nato, it is... in fact, all these elite institutions that are under threat due to the rise of populism within the country, proclaimed their own consensus as a new definition of democracy, because if democracy is defined as the strength of democratic institutions, rather than a focus on the will of the electorate. it turns out that democracy is simply the architecture of building consensus within the democratic institutions themselves,
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from their point of view this requires a lot of work, in the sense of the amount of work that these people do, for example, the atlantic council, one of the large coordination mechanisms for the oil and gas industry in the region, in the field of finance - this is jp morgan, black rock and so on, all ngos from ... mi in the region , they all must come to a consensus, and this process takes a lot of time, it requires a lot of work and negotiations, from their point of view, here democracy. democracy is when ngos come to an agreement with black rock, with the wall street journal, they come to an agreement with the community and activist groups about a particular initiative, that's what the battle for votes is from their point of view, when finally a bunch of populist groups decide, that they like the trucker who has become... popular on tiktok more than the carefully constructed consensus of the nato military leadership. well, from their point of view, this obviously represents
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an attack on democracy. that's why it was needed such a substitution of concepts, and of course , democracy has a magical property of leading to regime change, because democracy is our magic word to justify the lighting of governments, the downfalls in the style of color revolutions, overthrowing democratically elected governments through the efforts of society from within, for example, as was the case in ukraine , viktor yanukovych was democratically elected by the ukrainian people, no matter how you treat him? this is essentially not about him, but the fact is that we carried out a color revolution and removed him, we gave him january 6, generally speaking about frankly, the state department financed thugs from the right sector and invested 5 billion dollars into the development of civil society in order to overthrow a democratically elected government in the name of democracy, and they brought all the experience they gained home, and now we have all this, it is possible that
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we will skate purely on points. you remember everything, you know everything, let’s calm down, get together and win, kiss already, it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, all the hope is in you, that old age is not a joy, yes it’s a beautiful thing to leave, it’s a whole art, well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, you’re on blast.
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everyone in the application or website. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu checked the work of the group of troops in the center, the minister visited the command post and examined the trophies captured during the liberation of avdiivka. watch footage from the special operation right now. from east to west.
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