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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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and the foundation just helps, lends a helping hand to such real devotees, those who are ready to help others, how have the projects themselves changed over these 7 years? well, the projects have become more professional, that is, the people, because in many ways such professionalization occurs from very such volunteer initiatives, when just a few people gathered at their place, then they understand that, after all, some kind of organization, some documents need to be drawn up in order to...
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observing those we support, here literally, we do not yet have full reporting data for the twenty-third year, but over the previous five years we see that the volume of work of these non-profit organizations that we support has almost tripled, in general the entire non-profit sector, it is somewhere then it grew by one and a half times, that is, these are impressive rates, because other sectors of the economy are not growing like non-profits, but here it is clear that the effect was of a low base, but still this is the same thing when we call these numbers what's behind this stands behind it, there are people behind it, that is, we , for example, evaluate the results of projects every year and now we see that we already have a positive impact, the projects have had an impact on the lives of 15 million people, this is 10% of the country’s population, that is, it is clear that it is uneven , that is, there are lives saved here, there are people who were saved by the search teams that we help, or these are people who underwent a complex operation or who were diagnosed at the right moment, again taken to the right place... and for some, a child went to the section
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free of charge, some went to training camps for free, went, took part in the olympics, received some kind of support, that is, of course, the majority are, after all , sports such educational events, beneficiaries, but 15 million is a lot, in ultimately, everything is done to ensure that positive changes occur in the country, that is, this is a real social effect. which we actually evaluate every year and see that this is exactly what the organization is becoming more efficient and the scale of their activities is becoming more. on february 1, you started accepting applications for a new competition, are there any, are there any intermediate results, which regions are most active, which projects would you highlight as the most significant? well, we’ll see, we hope that by march 15, everyone who wants to receive presidential grant support again, and this is a real change immediately in the life of the organization and in the life of your wards, to those with whom...
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to work, for whom you were created who you want to do, you need to prepare right now, go to the presidential count website, and prepare a good project, but we see that all regions are actively participating , absolutely everyone, here are all 89 regions, but the winners will already be determined by an independent expert, we have more than 800 people, they will have hard work ahead, choose the best , the most worthy , and even if someone does not receive support , in no case should you despair, what are your expectations from...
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wins the election. all the details in the program america with valentin bogdanov. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald trump's speech in south carolina about the fact that nato must be paid for, otherwise he will turn off collective security, had the effect of a bomb exploding. the republican candidate did not just open pandora's box, it seems that he has already started the process of oxidation of the north atlantic alliance, tensions inside america, outside its borders, those are the ones.
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this is isolationism, a healthy, but very limited, in his opinion, american participation in military operations and in general international security, as he calls it, of course. understands, the republican candidate advocates conducting targeted operations, which, of course, are in no way consistent with the same international law, well, we well remember the strike on the iranian general qassem sulaymaniyah, and yet trump , with this idea, has gained great support here inside united states, among those who are disillusioned with decades of failed us expansionist policies, and...
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play on the intensification of trump's rhetoric and the fact that all these words he said were pronounced on the eve of the munich security conference, this year a delegation led by kamal and haris went there, plus they also dragged us secretary of homeland security mayorkos, who was impeached by the republicans in the house of representatives literally on the eve of his departure, that is, america appeared before... those whom she is trying to inspire with her example are from a very weak side, plus
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this, of course, was superimposed on the military defeats that zelensky has suffered recently. ukraine spends per month what the us produces per year. we are discussing increasing the production of shells to 100,000 per month by the end of next year, while the russians are producing almost 500,000 shells right now. the point is not that we want to leave europe alone with its problems, but that we need to focus on east asia, and european allies to deal with the problems in europe. it is also important to note that all this is happening in an anniversary year, that is, an extremely important year for americans, this year the anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, in washington an anniversary summit is supposed to take place in the summer, and donald trump is doing things that are dangerous for them towards this summit. statement, in general, if we talk about who supports trump’s ideas regarding minimizing, in general, the role
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of america in foreign policy processes, then here we can pay attention to several groups at once: on the one hand, these are the new waves of politicians who came to power, found themselves including in the senate in the house of representatives already under trump or thanks to trump, these are people who can be called trumpists and opportunists. people, who understand in which direction the balance of power has now swung within the republican party, the main losers are grouped in this case around senate majority leader mitch mcconnall, who personifies, well, this is also a bipartisan consensus on the need to give more money to the american military-industrial complex , all this is mixed up with cool neocon idealism, with age-old ideas. that america is the main judge, the main arbiter in such matters, and america can still
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dictate something to someone, and the other group are realists who understand that the role of america has already changed, that the world has changed, and those who want to join them, the most eloquent figure here, of course, is the figure of senator linsey graham , at one time lince grem was remembered for a number of completely wild anti-russian, russophobic statements. his most odious speech was the words he said during last year’s visit to zelensky, when he said at a meeting with zelensky that american money was not wasted because that... they are wasted on killing russians, after which lynsey graham himself began to say that his words were edited, that the ukrainians did it, and so on, but the fact remains that lynsey graham, in any case, was not far from such positions , what is happening to him now , an amazing transformation is happening to him, firstly, he did not vote in the senate for that same
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defense law, which involves the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, he focused on... an absolute change in approaches, it is completely arranges the white house and she destroys it in general that idea that joe biden is still trying to grab hold of as solomenka. joe biden is trying to sell military aid to ukraine to his voters under the premise that all this money will remain within the united states. although this money is intended for
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ukraine, it will be spent here in the usa, in arizona, where it produces. ohio and texas, where artillery shells are fired. biden hoped that these words would help him gather a support group in the form of people like lincegram, but lincegram chose a side donald trump, and this significantly, of course, undermines the positions of this bipartisan hawk wing, but strengthens the positions of those who... oppose biden in the house of representatives. there are a number of problems with military assistance to ukraine and voting on this issue, well, for example, one of these problems is the calendar of the congress. great efforts were made to ensure that the military aid package passed by the senate was voted on by the house of representatives; without this, it would not be possible to allocate money. biden waged
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a very persistent campaign, and apparently for in order to inspire or push in some way. members of the house of representatives to a correct vote, ipso was carried out, as they now say, an information and psychological operation to influence the minds of those same republicans; in the lower house it was reported that russia is allegedly trying to place nuclear weapons in space, and this is a very big the problem is a threat to the national security of the united states, at a minimum. new threat to us national security, according to intelligence received, russia plans to place weapons, possibly nuclear, in low-earth orbit, which pose a threat to american satellites. russia is threatening america's national security with something so terrible that our government can't even tell us what it is. we generally leave aside the extent to which
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the definition of a threat to national security can, in principle, be applied to outer space, because in outer space there is no such thing. not one of the countries has sovereignty, but information has generally appeared that the americans themselves are thinking about deploying this type of weapons in space, here you can draw several conclusions: on the one hand, they inspire those who disagree to vote on the military assistance project they need, and number two, they think about what to do next after ukraine, they think about how to further develop huge budgets, because everyone the next defense budget of the united states. exceeds the previous one, the american military-industrial complex has been accustomed to the fact that it has not been on a starvation diet in recent years, and if there is no ukraine, then what will happen in its place? here you go, one of them ideas, how the idea, for example, spro, was realized at one time, all this gave work and provided colossal finances. the american
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military-industrial complex is a private business, this private business wants to be sure that the white house’s tactics towards ukraine will not change in the very near future, which is why it is so persistently demanding that joe biden voice this strategy, because for now everything resembles situational decisions. the pentagon has to save weapons; it is not clear how to replenish stocks that have been used up, transfer from some regions in order to help ukraine, which will make up for this. the u.s. army has spent more than $430 million this fiscal year, including on training ukrainian troops and moving equipment to poland and ukraine. according to army officials. if congress does not approve new funding for ukraine, us military operations not only in europe but in africa will suffer , and difficult decisions will have to be made, such as not
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building new barracks or reducing military recruitment. if we talk in general about the attitude of party wings to the problem of ukraine, then we can state that both sides of the american, so to speak, political spectrum are, by and large , tired of ukraine. biden is throwing ukraine like a hot potato to trump, trump and biden, each of them wants ukraine to become synonymous with the defeat of the opposite wing. this is a very interesting trend, and if this is true, then this is, of course, very bad news for zelensky. and of course, anyone who tries to delve into the essence of the positions of the two american parties, the arenas of which are confrontation. now foreign policy has become, probably in the first american elections, where the foreign policy factor is so strong, any of our spectators, any person
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from the outside, may be wondering whether there are forces in the united states at all that are aimed at dialogue, what should happen in order to reduce this tension, in this sense, of course, the opinion of our ambassador in washington, anatoly, is very interesting and authoritative...
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we must wait for a solution not within the united states in order to get into the united states, the states, on the territory of mexico, that is , mexico will also have to negotiate, congress will return from recess on february 28, in theory, probably, as these authors of this bill want, they would probably like to put it in place right away to vote, but this will also not be possible, because the main issue on the agenda will be the question of... to temporarily extend the american budget, to avoid the so-called shutdown, because it’s already march 8, if the temporary package is not accepted financing,
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american government programs will again face the threat of funding being cut off, that is, there will again be no time for ukraine. this was america. all the best. all the most important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain new knowledge, to feel inspired, to build a career, to realize our plans, to start a family , to renew life, to pass on traditions, to preserve the memory of the past, to conquer new heights, in our hands to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together. we are strong, we vote for
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vladimir putin expressed condolences to the relatives of the chairman of the supreme court of russia vyacheslav lebedev, as well as the entire judicial community. the kremlin press service reports this. the president noted that vyacheslav lebedev was a brilliant lawyer, a prominent scientist
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and teacher. he devoted himself to serving the law and made a truly outstanding contribution to the formation and development of the modern domestic legal and judicial system and legal science. vyacheslav lebedev died in moscow, he was 80 years old. he has headed the country's supreme court since 1991. lebedev advocated the expansion of the jurisdiction of the jury, the creation of independent appellate and cassation district courts. he was a supporter of the decriminalization of minor crimes and spoke out against replacing real prison terms with fines for... the chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation, vyacheslav lebedev was born in moscow, graduated from the faculty of law of lomonosov moscow state university with a degree in jurisprudence. during the soviet years, he worked in the district courts of the capital, and then headed the moscow city court.
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chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation, since ninety-one, chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation. vyacheslav lebedev combined leadership of the country's highest judicial bodies with legislative, organizational, research, teaching and methodological work. he has more than 50 articles, comments and publications on various judicial issues related to judicial reform, development of the judiciary, improving the country's judicial system, expanding access to justice and promotion. efficiency and quality of work of courts. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko expressed her condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of vyacheslav lebedev. she noted that lebedev made an invaluable contribution to the reform of domestic law and law enforcement, while at the same time preserving its inextricable ties with the key traditions of russian jurisprudence and domestic justice.


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