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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction. the ministry of defense reported this. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army also continued to move and occupied more advantageous positions. in addition, it repels enemy counterattacks. in the avdeevsky direction , a subdivision of the group of troops-center continued to occupy more advantageous positions, and also defeated the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in the areas of populated areas of pervomayskaya swallow on donetsk people's republic. repelled two
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counterattacks by assault groups of the fifty-ninth mechanized third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 425 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 10 armored combat vehicles and 24 vehicles. they promise to increase military supplies to ukraine , reduce russian revenues from oil sales, and are not yet going to give up illegally frozen russian assets until quote: moscow compensates for the losses. this is stated in the statement of the g7 countries following the results of the so-called.
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exodus, and russian missiles and drones rain down almost daily. russia this month scored its biggest victory in nine months, taking avdeevka, ending deadly urban fighting. in kiev, former british prime minister sloppy boris johnson couldn’t even tuck his shirt into his trousers. it was he who
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, in april 2022 , convinced ukraine to disrupt the implementation of the istanbul agreements when russia made a gesture of goodwill by withdrawing troops from kiev. now standing at the gastomel airfield, western leaders are passing this off as a victory, especially after the disastrous counter-offensive in the ssu. russian troops wanted to quickly take this airport, followed by kiev. well, we are here today because they were wrong. your fight is our fight.
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and germany, however, their top officials, despite all the promises, chose to remain on the sidelines on the anniversary of the conflict, delegating the heads of mit instead, the frenchman was generally only present at the online g7 summit, anna lena berbach , instead of kiev, secretly came to odessa, while german chancellor olaf scholz recorded an appeal from berlin. our best guarantee is conservation. following the meeting in kiev, the group of seven adopted a lengthy statement, promising to help restore ukraine and, of course, counteract russia. we will continue to put significant pressure on russia's energy and other commodity revenues. we will continue to take steps to tighten oil price controls and enforce these measures.
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$61 billion in aid, money from washington is badly needed. however, the promise of us president joe biden is blocked by republicans in congress, casting a major shadow over kiev's hopes of fighting back a larger and much better supplied russian army. as the political publication writes, after 2 years , there is more and more disappointment in zelensky’s office, and the atmosphere there is, quote, quite gloomy, and how could it be otherwise, if in ukrainian cemeteries there are crosses, yellow flags and... flags banned by the nazi upa, the personification of that zelensky’s very peace formula, which western politicians promise to continue to support, ready to fight to the last ukrainian. boris ivanin and artemy bondar, lead. during the unsuccessful counteroffensive, the command of the ukrainian armed forces repeated
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the actions of the wehrmacht. this opinion was expressed by the deputy president of the russian academy of missile and artillery sciences for information policy, konstantin sevkov. he wrote an article for tas where he compared the numbers. aviation personnel, armored vehicles of the kiev regime in the summer of 2023 with what germany had near kursk in july 1943. all the details of the article are in the material of stanislav bernwald. the collapse of the citadel 2.0 - a great thoughtful article by a doctor of military sciences konstantin sevkov, for tas, is dedicated to the failure of the ukrainian, so-called counter-offensive, article. the author provides very important figures. strike group of the ukrainian armed forces at the beginning of the offensive. consisted of 132 thousand personnel, these are 110 battalions, more than 2.0 tanks and other armored vehicles, 960 field artillery pieces, 114 aircraft, more than 45% of the personnel of the total force and more than 75% of
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the strategic reserve were trained according to nato standards. western countries handed over about 600 tanks to ukraine, more than 2 thousand armored fighting vehicles and more than 1,000 artillery. systems for various purposes. if we compare these figures with the composition of the ukrainian armed forces’ strike force, we can see that in terms of the number of armored vehicles and artillery, it is quite comparable to what the wehrmacht had near kursk in july 1943. there were significantly fewer members of the armed forces of ukraine grouping, there were only personnel and aviation. with the exception of aviation, the ukrainian armed forces strike group was, according to sevkov, comparable to what the wehrmach put up for operation citadel. then the goal of the operation was decisive defeat. strategic grouping of soviet troops on the kursk ledge by encircling it. the offensive operation of the ukrainian armed forces, under the strict guidance of the westerners, pursued the same objectives, to decisively reach the coast of the sea of ​​​​azov, cutting the group of russian troops on the southern flank of the russian ukrainian front and thereby suppress
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the land communications of continental russia with crimea, but competently prepared defense of the russian armed forces in all directions did not leave any chances. the russian army prepared thoroughly to repel this offensive; measures were taken to create a defense along the entire front line, more than 1.0 km long. just imagine, along the entire length of the front line , over 3,000 support troops , 45 thousand dugouts and more than 150 thousand shelters for equipment were equipped, about 2,500 km of anti-tank ditches were created, more than 7,00 km of minefields were installed, where about 5 million were stationed. in addition to the troops occupying defensive position, the russian command has provided significant reserves of general numbering about 60 thousand people, having more than 8,500 units of military and special equipment. one of the conditions for the success of breaking through such a defense system is that
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the attacking side gains at least time-limited operational superiority in the air, but in the air russia’s superiority remained undeniable. apparently, the command of the armed forces of ukraine is their nato curators. relied on unmanned aircraft, but they failed to achieve superiority in this area. according to the author of the article, the enemy started for health, finished for peace. the enemy's armored formations advancing in the main direction initially suffered losses from attacks from atgm crews and helicopters deployed in forward positions. at the same time , the cornet complexes demonstrated the ability to effectively defeat the latest well-protected western leopard and vaunted bradley tanks. enemy last the ukrainian command decided to strike in the kherson direction and by mid-december the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses there - 79% of the original composition of the thirtieth
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marine corps. in mid-december, according to the author, it became clear to everyone, even western politicians, that a widely publicized strategic offensive was taking place in the armed forces of ukraine. failed on all fronts. the losses of ukrainian army personnel amounted to 166,000 people. 789 tanks and about 2,500 armored vehicles, as well as 130. two aircraft, impressive, but you shouldn’t relax. the author reminds us that just as after the victory at kursk, there was still a long road ahead to berlin, so today, after the failure in the ssu, we still have a long struggle ahead until final victory. stanislav bernwald, news. well, in france, the international agricultural exhibition began predictably with mass protests by farmers who are very dissatisfied with the policies of emmanuel macron. and according to media reports, macron is ready to give in to farmers. promises new support measures, will this help both farmers and macron himself? just a question. from paris, our
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european correspondent, anastasia popova. macron simply could not avoid attending the agricultural fair. visiting her is a tradition. moreover, this time the salon is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. realizing how this could turn out, given the mood of the farmers, the police blocked one of the pavilions, but it did not help. angry that they received nothing but promises, the farmers broke through the cordon in the hope of finding the president. we are going to endure, we are at home , we are farmers, we are dying, he will get out of here , he will not be walking the streets with his riffraff, additional police, urgent reinforcements to hold back the crowd, here and there, exhibitions flared up in the alleys fights. according to tradition
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, law enforcement officers did not risk releasing tear gas inside the pavilion; they sprayed people with pepper, which also burns the eyes and causes severe coughing attacks. someone, possibly farmers, had tapped into the fire hydrants.
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we will not be able to respond to the agricultural crisis in a few hours, it will not be resolved today at the fair, the agricultural fair is an important moment for our farmers, it is a moment of pride and recognition, and this fair must go well, calmly, for the sake of the french farming sector, we all have the same goal: the protesters don’t even want to hear, they have long had their own opinion. macron is engaged in macrology, today he tells you one thing, tomorrow another, from what he said today there will be no consequences... there will be no consequences, this mr. liar. amid disapproving whistles and cries for him to resign, macron opened
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the agricultural exhibition and cut the red ribbon. the president did not dare to participate in a public debate with farmers; he threw off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves and decided to talk to trade union leaders, but quickly lost my temper. you need to have the courage to look at the situation as it is. take a look at the income.
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farmers are demanding the abolition of strict environmental regulations and protection of the european market from goods coming from outside the eu. in the case of france, we are talking mainly about ukraine. the proposed measures are empty words, there are no more farmers. organizes demonstrations in the center of paris, blocked highways and an entire tent camp at the entrance to the agricultural fair, they say they won’t leave here until they achieve results. anastasia popovia bernacki, evgeniy samsonov, lead paris, france. the chairman of the supreme court of russia, vyacheslav lebedev, has passed away. vladimir
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putin expressed his condolences to his family, as well as the entire judicial community. the president noted his professionalism, integrity and dedication to the cause, about what contribution to... the post-chairman of the supreme court was entrusted to him back in the days of the soviet union in july 1989. good morning. dear participants of the meeting. mikhailovich was a very caring person, and it fell to his lot to reform of the russian judicial system. and i know
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how much worry he had, and how he felt about this issue, how he felt about the judges. how he defended each judge. lebedev was, without exaggeration, one of the creators of the modern russian judicial system, one of its symbols and pillars. he was a man of the highest professional level, deeply understanding the very essence of law and justice, their importance for society, for the state. in his work, vyacheslav mikhailovich followed exclusively the interests of russia; destinies depended on his decisions millions of people, further formation and development of the judicial system of our country. the judicial system, i am not saying this because i am the chairman of the supreme court of russia, it is the most accessible, probably, any person, in the manner prescribed by law, can appeal to the supreme court. he sought to correct judicial errors and humanize legislation. we have had a significant reduction in the number of people serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, but
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the very sentence to any measure of punishment , a fine, correctional labor, isn’t it... entails very negative consequences. he paid special attention to the system of military courts and the protection of the social rights of military personnel and members of their families. vyacheslav lebedev was a highly professional and talented leader, and enjoyed well-deserved and indisputable authority. vyacheslav mikhailovich did a lot for the development of the russian judicial system and military courts. as an independent power, the supreme court submitted 190 bills to the state duma on its ideas and proposals for legal development.
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became a full knight of the order of merit was awarded the highest awards of the country, the fatherland, from the hands of the head of state he received the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle, the highest award of the country, which is awarded only for exceptional merit.
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organization, which took place at the international exhibition forum russia. representatives of the regions and ngos that work there discussed support for public initiatives and their importance for the life of the country. during this time , the amount of funding that regions invest in supporting non-socially oriented non-profit organizations from regional budgets also increased significantly. in
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total, we found that 43 thousand projects of socially oriented non-profit organizations were supported. approximately 19 organizations and 43,000 projects. but the most important number is probably this. the number of people who received help thanks to this is more than 15 million people. in moscow, the super final of the fifth season of the leaders of russia competition is in full swing. more than 300 participants from 63 regions of our country and four other states gathered in the capital’s arena. the names of the winners will be announced in sunday. emotions of the contestants and the most interesting projects in the report by evgenia petrukhina. the fifth anniversary season of the competition leaders of russia in moscow. manege, today there are non-stop discussions, practically a meeting of competitors with mentors, an opportunity to discuss not only the tasks of the competition, but also to present personal initiatives, of which today’s leaders have many. alexey kulishov
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from the stavropol territory came to moscow with two projects: cyberlyceum and cyberwars. a participant in the leaders of russia competition creates smart buildings. his idea is this software and hardware the complex can be used in educational institutions. at the competition site , kulishov’s projects were supported. the cyberlyceum appeared in the project. the idea of ​​combining all the latest innovation development technologies to combine not only in an automated building, but to introduce them directly into the educational process itself, so that children can study and study ohm’s laws, kirhoff’s rules, the laws of thermodynamics, the cyberwar project in lnpr has already begun reconstruction of the building for a special educational platform for russian patriots, for those who are going to enter a military school, that’s it... at this competition, i made a decision for myself that i donate all my development, to which i devoted more than 8 years of my life, to
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natalya moseychuk came to the lugansk people's republic from the lpr to the super final of russian leaders to take part in the competition, she wanted back in 2017, after the republic returned to russia it became possible, here natalya is here, communicating with those people who are here, from them you gain experience, get recharged, they have a very large inventory. knowledge, i don’t want to leave my region, because i want to develop it, i want it to be revived, today the contestants spoke about the development of small towns in russia, voiced their proposals to their mentors, ivan glazunov’s team was looking for a solution for the city of nevelsk. nevelsk is only 2 s less pose than renmar, so its problems were, in principle, familiar, close, so we managed, it seems to me, with the team to build a very interesting and a logical chain for the development of the city of nevelsk, now it can generally become the fishing capital of the world. participants in the leaders of russia competition say that they are ready to go even to kamchatka, if only they have the opportunity to implement their ideas effectively, and for this it is necessary to constantly study. prize of 1 million
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rubles. according to the terms of the competition, the super finalists will be able to spend money on training. for the winners, there will be about 100 people, annual support from experts from the russian leaders site is provided. the support we provide gives us the opportunity constant dialogue and support for the guys when we are not easy. we evaluate their projects , and we help to implement them, so, of course, i myself am determined that those guys who will become winners, whose mentors will continue to provide maximum support to ensure that they take place, that their projects are implemented and that their coefficient beneficial effect was as high as possible. the governor of the samara region, dmitry azarov, has already looked at the leaders of russia for a specialist in the region’s team.
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russia is a country of opportunity and competition for leaders russia truly opens its doors to those who want to develop russia; the impressive geography of the competition only expands the opportunities for future leaders. evgenia petrukhina, yuri gonchar, anton senchenko, news! the future needs to be created together!
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more on russia , russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. practically hide here impossible anywhere, everything is clearly visible, shot through, from the dugout he will have time to send a short video of walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes.
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i don’t want to go home, i want to, who doesn’t want to, why is here then, the homeland must be defended, the point was born i went, yes, he went, held it in his arms and back, that’s right, we are standing in the trench where i personally dug, tv, everything there is, in principle, a world that is not detached, as they say, the guys who are here at the moment, they are writing history, 15 km of contact, but we are approaching the position.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts
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, we are discussing how... we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign ones? suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, go, are you ready? is russia changing, is there a revolution happening in any structure?
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we just can’t believe it, that here, one and a half meters away, two meters away, shells are exploding, there are no shell shocks, no shrapnel on us , the fact that i even received a wound, i ’ve come to terms with it, and it’s as if right away i was even the first one as soon as i received , i wasn’t a little upset right away, because this is my choice, i made it myself voluntarily. therefore, no one forced me, did not call me, did not drag me, it was my choice, i myself agreed to the contract, the fate of each of the heroes is unique, but their the characters are very similar, when people’s veins are shaking, but do not fulfill their task, do not leave, it is always a story about duty, determination and, of course, about love for their country, people, family and comrades.


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