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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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alexey gololovko and pavel zaruben. the takeoff of the heaviest combat aircraft in the world is an unforgettable spectacle. the tu-160 missile carrier is a legendary white swan, capable of covering 12,000 km even without refueling, and even at supersonic speed. such unique aircraft are born at the kazan aviation plant named after gorbunov, just like assembly work at all defense enterprises. and modernization of military equipment is carried out in three shifts. modernization of the tu-160 is the most important task of the russian defense industry. new car received the index m and is now capable of carrying up to 24 cruise missiles, including those with a nuclear warhead. the coating makes the aircraft more invisible to enemy radars. the bomber also features new avionics and new, efficient and more powerful engines. and at the plant’s test floor
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another plane landed, also assembled in kazan: lighner tut-214. on it , vladimer putin flew to the republic of tatarstan and immediately headed to the new hangar of the kazan aircraft plant, where four modernized missile carrier. the head of state climbed up a vertical ladder into the cockpit of one of them, then studied the aircraft control systems for several more minutes. apparently, it was then that it was planned to take off the next day. and seeing that two planes have personal names, the other two do not have inscriptions, the president makes another decision.
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in one position or another, mentemir shaimiev headed the tatar autonomous soviet socialist republic and then the republic of tatarstan for a quarter of a century. with him and the current head of the region, rustam minikhanov, vladimir putin discussed the opening ceremony in kazan of the first ever games of the future. beautiful, energetic, very, dynamic, modern. a spectacle that one could imagine at the opening of any olympics. a bright show fantasizing about esports. athletes from more than a hundred countries came to the games of the future, and leaders of the cis countries also arrived. they were greeted at the airport with chakchak and bread and salt. the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan were guests of vladimir putin at the opening ceremony of the game. games of the future. this
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freedom from political conditions, any kind of discrimination and double standards. an international tournament in the figital concept for the modern chronicle of world sports, a unique story, and this story begins right here, now, in russia. good afternoon. fidital is a word made up of two others: physical, physical and digital.
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you have every chance for this with the help of digital technologies, a coach from one country can teach an athlete from another, and new sports appear constantly, the president they suggested trying floorball. but vladimir putin still decided to pick up a new hockey stick. they decided not to involve presidents in competitions in digital triathlon or the game dota-2, these disciplines already have millions of fans in the world, so that the world’s interest in this discipline is clear, the final of dota 2, the world championship was watched by more people than the final of the olympic games in tokyo. but on this day, the heads of state also held bilateral negotiations with vladimir putin, the games became an excellent occasion to talk about joint ones.
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with russia, you support many of our undertakings, you personally even take part in the march of the immortal regiment, we are trying to exclude any possibility of joining the western sanctions against russia, almost every day they try to persuade us to do this, give us a lift in the east, this was another unexpected moment at work trips.
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orenburg, tyumen and will reach vladivostok, connecting parts of the world with high-speed automobile traffic. the first 810 km of the road already passes through moscow, vladimir, murom, arzamas and kazan. it will take this year to get there to the urals. in the next one, the canvas will reach siberia. well, then the far east and china. the transport corridor already affects life around it. look how the villages around you are growing. this is nothing, 3-4 years ago. well, it appeared immediately and it became convenient, since there are trips, so cool! the new road itself is convenient, there are 32 modern gas stations on it, and the president makes a stop at one of them. it becomes noticeable that vladimir putin
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is still wearing a blue flight jacket, which means he moved to the truck straight from the tu-160 plane. at this gas station, vladimir putin communicates with those for whom the road is work, with drivers and truckers. it with the allocation of land, with the connection of electricity, in 2000, in my opinion, in 1932 , all federal highways should be provided, well, now we are looking at the twenty -fourth, we will try to speed it up , truckers raise an important question for everyone who
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spends a lot of time on business trips about the amount of daily allowance, from january 1, our daily allowance was approved as 700 rubles in the russian federation, 2,500 here.
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supreme commander-in-chief, putin, motorcade putin on the roads of chuvashia, a trip through the village appeared in the evening, an unexpected stop to capture what was happening, then you need to run, because the car with journalists in the motorcade is one of the last, and putin’s is the first. despite the frost, the president decided to go out to the people gathered.
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“we love you very much, thank you very much , we gave out, gave in, squeezed, finally, and how long did it last for 5 hours, the money does not disappear anywhere, it is invested as needed and where needed. many issues of the development
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of the republic were decided during the meeting, our the program still saw what happened immediately after it was completed. the president concluded the meeting, and on the way back he stopped again with local residents, and there were even more of them here. let's look at unique footage with you, how it looked through the eyes of the residents themselves, oh, your hands are so cold, run home already, good night, vladimirovich.
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the excitement in general here was such that one can , of course, understand the non-stop excitement of the head doctor of the local hospital during a tour of the updated medical and obstetric center in the village of ryndino who said?
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i'm sorry and we are very grateful to him for creating such wonderful conditions, a small, modest building, but the quality changes people's lives, he took a consultation for a patient.
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aircraft manufacturing plant, stopped bowing to the west, which just a couple of years ago was determined to simply crush russia, crush the state and destroy society through subversive activities, it didn’t work out, our growth rates are higher than in europe, precisely during the period trials in our society have developed the mood of brotherhood, the warmth of mutual assistance, people send everything to the front. everything from warm clothes for soldiers in winter trenches to camouflage nets and drones
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made in small-scale production. volunteers , supported by their families, are going to the front from all over the country, all this paints a picture of a country with a great present and a great future, all of this has somehow become especially clear now, but you know this, when suddenly you freeze and at some moment you feel... .. in a new state, the peculiarity of our state today is farewell to betrayal. in the history of modern russia there have been moments of betrayal , voluntary or involuntary, but... there were times when , during the collapse of the ussr, during a period of some euphoria, expectations of a new rosy world, we actually betrayed tens of millions of russians who remained outside our new borders, when we, like the new russia, they betrayed our old reliable allies, be it in cuba or in the gdr. examples, the tragic fates of the ex-leader
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of the german democratic republic erich honecker or the legendary east german intelligence officer marcus wolf. in the nineties, in the hope that the economy would build itself, and the world would be kind and noble to us, we joyfully betrayed thousand-year-old russia, despising our own army as unnecessary and even our own unity, which also seemed like a kind of archaic, meanwhile the country was degrading, it seemed to us that we were living in a large global supermarket, where you can buy everything from the shelf, how can we have oil and gas... while the heads of the west were stroking us , we were degrading in a vicious inertia, we were degrading like the state and degraded as a society, the feeling of involvement in the fate of the homeland, citizenship was no longer palpable, but patriotism, wise men raised ridicule, by the end of the century we were as if we were not from here, those who could, began to send children there, money there,
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real estate there, leaving became a dream and good form for many... even not so wealthy people, since there was nothing to expect here, it wasn’t even called betrayal, but what the heck, let’s go, we’re in a free world in a free country, what questions, the mood was generally sour , people alienated and disunited, dirt on the streets and dirt inside, the prospects for the very existence of russia became vague in such a context, young people. fortunately, they don’t remember this, but now everything is completely different, all because the betrayal within us, spiritual, civil, cultural , disgusted us with its futility, it turned out to be completely counterproductive and pathetic, there is no idea and no mission in it, betrayal is the lot of the weak and weak in spirit, you can’t
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build anything on it, we wanted to build, because looking into the abyss for... centuries we were horrified scale of losses, sometimes it is useful to look at yourself from the outside, with the eyes of those who are not clouded by hatred, look, listen, feel how magical russian music lifts europeans to goodness, but we even gave our creative impulse to the europeans without using it ourselves.
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it is already distant 2012 in the dutch mastricht at the anniversary of the johann strauss orchestra under the direction of conductor and violinist andre rieu. russian waltz by dmitry shestakovich. we’ll return to the russian drum, but for now one more look at the greatness of russia from the outside, sometimes we need just that, in a reflected mirror, to refresh our perception of ourselves. the greatest symbolist poet of the early 20th century was rainer maria rilke, an austrian who wrote in german, french and russian.
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he called russia his homeland in a spiritual sense. traveling around russia in 189. russia has become, in a certain sense, the basis of who i am, internally i come from there, life and worldview, it made me the homeland of my feelings, my inner source is there, and this comes from rilka, all countries. border with each other, only russia borders with god, it is precisely this border with god that we feel today, as if after scales had fallen from our eyes. having gotten rid of the internal betrayal of ourselves, it somehow became clear to us who we are, why and what to do, we are a huge and rich civilization,
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united by beautiful and solid values, they want to devour us, like byzantium in their time, because we, like byzantium, for them, is still a huge and incomprehensible barbarian civilization, and they have, as they believe, a mission there, that ’s why they are so irreconcilable towards us, so we are from... unity. the other day i spoke with the commander let's meet, restore our historical cossack reconnaissance and sabotage battalion yenisei with the call sign amigu. here is his photo. the volunteer warrior is 60. now he is on the front line in the senovata area. and this is how he explains the general task to his soldiers. the return of our lands lost as a result of betrayal. maybe for some it’s not politically correct, but it’s a fighter. intelligible, russia was transformed during this battle, emerging in new greatness, we are no longer those who abandon someone, but those who
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save, what would happen to edward now snowden, as with julian osange, or even worse, but he lives freely in russia, got married, became a father, happily walks the streets with his child. putin at one time, despite the wrath of the united states, provided snowden with asylum for humanitarian reasons. in russia, yes, on the conditions that he would not engage in anti-american activities from here, but he saved the guy, the leader of what other country could have done this, and not just one. putin also saved erdogan by warning him about the impending armed coup with an attempt on his life. the americans were preparing. but no one even from erdogan did not warn the leaders of the nato countries at that time. putin's word in the world today is the word of russia. everyone knows that. but firmly, but do you have to go far? chechnya at one time voted in a referendum for its fate as part of russia, after all, too, relying only on putin’s word. and how prescient was that?
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chechnya today is perhaps the most warring russian region. chechens are sincerely fighting for the freedom to live their own way of life, as they could not have done if not for russia. hardness. putin's word means the word of russia, attractive to the countries of the world majority. china has reached a level of sincerity with moscow like no other, that’s a fact. arab countries have radically changed their geopolitical trajectory, turning towards the multipolar world proposed by russia, too. within the country, the unity of the people at least in the figure of approval of the president’s activities - 82% according to fom’s latest measurement, but what is much more important is that this is
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active approval, people are united in common steadfastness, mutual assistance in a single impulse to defend russia, we work, we feel each other better , the relationship itself has become cleaner and clearer, yes, someone made a different choice, but it’s even good when everyone stood under... their banners, the situation is clearer, who is with whom for what, we are for peace, but peace is always the result of war, for us the war became forced, which means we will win our peace again with victory , russia, as a result, both for the planet and for ourselves, now appears in its new, natural greatness for it, as a very healthy, strong and attractive structure, in fact, such as it is. .. it must be impossible for anyone to cancel it, just as this russian waltz by shastakovich cannot be canceled.
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this is the news of the week, further in the program, how did the bloody path of february 2014 turn out for ukraine, and what did the western sponsors of the war celebrate in kiev? in a campaign video, biden swears that he will never bow to vladimir putin, so with the american president.
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