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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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and preventive examinations are being carried out, this is oh, everything is already starting to go wrong for me, sorry, and we are very grateful to him for creating such excellent conditions, a small, modest, small building, but the quality changes people’s lives, consultation on the patient and took a chair for him, studied how telemedicine works, i have no questions, right? yes, i have a question, is it possible, and i have a question, is it possible? i received an answer to your question and before leaving, we will introduce you to the treatment room. what can we say about the excitement of the villagers, when even experienced participants in presidential events in moscow did not take their seats, but everyone clearly understood everything when presidential hints were heard calling for help for this or that project. 200 million for the web, well
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, what is 200 million, i understand everything, igor ivanovich, since he stopped working in the government and began working in a bank, he has changed a lot. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater. i'm
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just skating, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup , you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother , forward three. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile unit that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely runs so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and the same as on a regular site? present
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passport, you receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, and the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the voting is completed. there will also be observers at the site.
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new yandex browser, give me neurosil, make any text better, download the new yandex browser, surprise! vtb together everything will work out, touch the croque star burger king, votter, on fire, in the know,
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new game hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million.
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the first rule of hunting is that it starts at any time. second, the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy. 20 million. hunt, test your instinct. 100 lotto. well, credit card debts are 20% dripping, we need help. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off. making purchases or
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getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. the country is changing qualitatively from the inside, becoming more self-sufficient, more sovereign, more self-confident, this is the time of russia. we were surprised by new russian brands and manufacturers and those who promote these brands in vast china. of course, the producers took their breath away,
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and the president also tried a moisturizer on himself , of course, and tried on the iron while he was burning. you just need to cut it off for a snack who has it up to -50 and we are proud that the bushlad filler from russia apparently liked it so much that the president left right in it, thank you very much, goodbye, but nothing to leave, no, you know , well, this young man immediately gained favor not only.
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let's see, for example, yes, maybe we we treat people of non-traditional sexual orientation quite tolerantly, we just don’t stick it out and...
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during the teleconference with schools, of course, they talked a lot about russian history, and even after that, too, putin with those who help in providing teleconferences. you know how it is preserved, no, on the ground, in clay, clay, it is preserved. thank you very much, the president has such knowledge after repeated conversations with academician valentin yanin, who devoted his whole life to the study of birch bark letters, they are very much talked about the history of russia. at the site where the ancient court was located, a birch bark letter was found, and the subject of the trial became clear, and a few years later, almost five. and it became clear how the trial ended, it’s just
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amazing, i’m sorry that she’s in this state, but she has an interesting inscription here: don’t ask, don’t tempt, this story about sales in the novgorod region was aired many years ago, and therefore it’s more important now to recall this fragment of it: i don’t know who was the first to joke that kiev is the mother of russian cities, the question is, where was father? right here, paul. what do we know about the president's schedule next week? there will be a meeting with members of the security council, but of course the main event of the week is the president's message to the federal assembly. of course, relevant departments are involved in the work, but putin always prepares for the message personally, edits are made until the last minute, so only he himself knows the final text, we are waiting. messages to the federal assembly are setting tasks, and putin will set these tasks on thursday, and...
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subscribe so as not to drown in messages many similar telegram channels , well, next sunday only our program will tell you about big politics more than others, this is right to the point, thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and we’ll meet the audience after a short break, i’m waiting for you in sunday evening studios. new game hunting, draw every 15
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minutes, main trophy from 20 million, hunting, test your instinct, how do you like it, we ’re going on vacation, class, and we’re going, third year, and we haven’t started saving, so open a savings account, rate 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to... tb will be even more profitable, let's go to the bank, mountains, skiing, speed, you've saved up faster than you go down, vtb, together everything will work out, new yandex browser, give me neuropower, make any text better, download the new yandex browser, be amazed at your neural powers when you give tickets to a russian... it may turn out that you gave a million rubles or a mega jacuzzi, every second ticket wins, buy
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stolota on the website in branded stores, enjoy your favorite dishes with taste classic provencal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish, fantastic, i love to cook, well , debts on credit cards are hanging on interest, you need a loan, take out credit cards, transfer debts to a master, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of from credit card debts, easy with pain. the first rule of the hunt, it begins at any second, the second rule of the hunt, the prey
2:46 am
goes to the one who pursues it, again the game of hunting, every draw. the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. 100 lotto. let's do without panic. is there an internet beeline? let's find a better one. sumny network of yubiline. you communicate in a variety of situations. again i spa everyone. with the internet so and so on your side. siot can be accelerated.
2:47 am
when you give russian lotto tickets for a holiday, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles or a mega jacuzzi, a wardrobe like a star and even 101 poodles, who knows what the money will be spent on, but we know for sure that every second ticket wins, give for those who value a million possibilities, buy on the website in branded stores hundred lotto 100 lotto.
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the west is returning to its roots, robbery, looting, from which it began its global expansion with the same thing.
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wanted, we wanted a partner who would be oriented towards the west, who would become european, but this is not what putin did. how desperate and terrible this situation is for ukraine. putin, through all this, also destroyed his own country. and we will continue to tighten the stranglehold on him and force him to seriously sit down at the negotiating table, or we will continue to live with the russia that he created, but which is not the same russia, which.
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this is not only about biden, but we are talking about the fact that investigations will be carried out into everything that has to do with the financing of the ukrainian case. and not only
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hunter biden’s son will come to light, but all the schemes will come to light, in which, apparently, many representatives of the current american administration are involved. i was at the origins of this case. the money goes directly there to finance their small family business, so to speak. for hard working americans november 5th will be a new day of liberation, and for liars and swindlers and censors, traitors
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who have appropriated our government, for them it will be judgment day, their judgment day when we... will be retribution, your freedom is our reward, the unprecedented success of the usa is mine i believe this is our last chance, your victory is absolute revenge, that's what i want, success will be our revenge. the closer we get to wonderful liberation.
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and just think about it. in another 4 years of biden's administration, the horde of illegal immigrants crossing our borders in panic will exceed 40-50 million people. medicare, social welfare, health care, public education, will cave in and collapse, everything will collapse, just as surely as you sit or stand there, everything will collapse. it should be noted that sensible voices are heard not only in america, but in europe, just don’t... you don’t need to look for them somewhere in the eastern, well, let’s say, rabid part of europe. here's what it says: the west cannot
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admit that the strategy of the conflict in ukraine to destroy the russian federation is not working. soon after the conflict began, the ukrainians made it impossible to reach a peace agreement with the russians, although they were close. in the west they decided that mass support for ukraine, like... russia is neither politically nor economically on its knees. in 2023, during the conflict , it received more territorial gains than ukraine and adapted its military production to new conditions. this war began back in 2014 with riots.
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without to ensure an immediate ceasefire, that the only plan is to support the mutual murder of the slavs , the prime minister of slovakia says reasonable things, i will show the film today, it very accurately characterizes russian character, these are the guys who took the battle, on june 24, they stood in the direction of the main attack. they withstood the nazi offensive and now continue to fight there on a temporary ledge, i ask one of them, a hero of russia, i imagine, i
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say, do you even have nerves? says: it’s on the tip of a bayonet, here we have it, therefore , no matter what they say, no matter how sanctions they impose, no matter who they threaten us with, we look at them and think what kind of people you are, we understand everything, we are you we see right through what’s wrong with your holanda, what’s wrong with your gutkov, gutkov tusa, i thought that...
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hello, i’m boris akimov, and i’m oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all the resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is
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russia ready?


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