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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the third point, which is very important, is the moment at the end when scholz began to talk about how the military strategy of germany and europe will develop. and here 21 countries really sounded, but it sounded in german, it sounded there, or rather in german, not in translation, in the native language, it sounded just a little, so now there are 21 countries, but there are some more, at least one , who can join, one can only guess who he had in mind; in general, this is overkill. yes, it's too much, but it's
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royal point, so you can play it in different ways, well, in general, we won’t argue about this here, so this is the first and this is very interesting, many years ago i attended an evening where ben hodgers was present, and who just then, he then led this entire, this entire group, and just then he spoke a lot about defense, nato, american troops, to which the german generals present told him: but we can’t do anything, we destroyed our air defense system, we don’t exist at all, you might say, we don’t need this, the germans have now returned to this bundeswehr, in particular, i know that it was the people there who insisted on this, they came to this conclusion that they can now create their own air defense system, well , firstly, let’s just say, they have already tested irist in ukraine, the germans still don’t have these systems in the bundesphere, but now they... what they gave to
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ukraine, what ukraine did, they tested, now they are creating their own new shield, they can now sell this new giant industrial machine that will make money, they will sell and prepare all this, i don’t know who will buy it , who will pay for it, but at least that’s how it was stated, and there is one more point that is also very important to understand, if you interpret the words correctly scholz, germany is ready to take a leading role in nato, and this role is being discussed on...
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the deepest political crisis in germany, which could really end at any moment, not only with biden, it could end up simply being internal some kind of rebellion, as a result of which schols will leave, then everything that i just talked about will not play any role, merz will come, who is a representative of black rock and who will absolutely play an atlantic role with whom it will be possible to talk about anything at all , i think biden's decision is actually very important. who will lead nato, because the choice of the dutchman, of course, says that guys, everything is calmer, i don’t want a big war, if someone else comes to germany now, the chances they are growing up for a big war, and germany is ready for a big war, because here we are talking, and there are arrests, well, as far as i understand, the ryuts won’t let them through, that is, we are talking about the fact that the dutch are going to. block who
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will come in his place, it’s hard for me to say and how this can be, i’m just further, i’m not a military man, that is, well, i don’t have a military education, but just if you think about it, arist is not an air defense system, it’s one of the fragments of the system , absolutely, this is not a wunderkind and not a panacea, that is, it needs to be built, it it’s difficult to build, these are different types of products, since it’s completely different, that is, it’s much more difficult for the second point. is there anything left in europe at all that can be used to grow an independent military machine? for now , i think that you are absolutely right, i think that you already know this, this is a declaration that should be taken exactly as a declaration, because so far everyone we hear on this topic are civilians , not military people, military people they are frightenedly silent, because they understand that the tasks set before europe are tasks for generations. based
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the fact that russia will fight with its hands tied behind its back, without using it, here.
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hello, i'm boris. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction and struck. in the avdievsky direction , units of the center group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also
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inflicted defeat with a concentration of manpower and equipment of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the 107th technical defense brigade in the area of ​​the tonenkoye settlement of the donetsk people's republic. also reflected. seven enemy counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of novgorodskoye, leninskaya, lastochkino and novobakhmutovka, donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 100 military personnel: four armored combat vehicles, eight vehicles, an rszzo grad combat vehicle, a d-30 howitzer, and a bukovel ad electronic warfare station. donetsk has been under fire since the morning. when retreating the ukrainian armed forces are carrying out terrorist attacks on several areas of the city at once. petrovsky, kiev, kuibyshev and kirovsky , an elderly man and woman were wounded, there is destruction. the peace plan will be handed over, but it will not be discussed. the head of the kiev regime on ukrainian television said that ukraine has some proposals ready for moscow on
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a measured settlement; at an international conference in switzerland this spring, they will even be passed on to the russian side, but there will be no negotiations with russia. such is the logic, but for now kyiv continues to beg handouts from its western patrons, the main burden has to be borne by the europeans, since in the united states republicans are blocking the allocation of new military tranches. boris ivanin wondered what they were going to do in kiev under such conditions. the ukraine forum, timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the conflict, was supposed to be a platform of triumph for vladimir zelensky, but turned into a stream of ridiculous excuses and outright misunderstanding.
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we need to support the kiev regime not completely, now, otherwise, quote: the end will come very quickly, but even the audience of ukrainian publics raised all his statements with ridicule, judging by the reactions with the clown badge, and the journalist of the italian career of sera was interested: if there is no help from the united states, will cave save the agreements signed the day before with the prime minister of the republic, but instead of a clear answer, zelensky explained like a buffoon, can europe replace it?
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only inviting ukraine to nato will give europe and the world a real chance to return to genuine security. his ukraine is seeking to get
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an alliance summit in washington in the summer of 2024. ukraine's entry into nato will be blocked, at least by slovakia. this has already been promised by the prime minister of the republic robert fitza. this war began back in 2014 with riots by ukrainian neo-nazis. and today nato is already going so far that ukraine can become a member state. i personally think this is a good place to start. war, the fact that a military conflict with ukraine could spread to the territory of nato countries also frightens many ordinary residents of europe. in germany, more than 60% of germans think so. this a fresh opinion poll from the country's largest newspaper , bilt. readers were asked about the prospects for ukraine's accession to the eu and nato. but the germans remain skeptical. only 18% of respondents are in favor of both entry options. in addition, only 15% are in favor of membership, at least in the eu, and 14% (in favor of joining nato, 41% are against both options for joining, 12% abstained from answering,
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also about half of the germans are against the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, however forum in kiev they made it clear that they would continue the course of escalation. boris ivanin, evgenia semtsova, maya alenova and artemy bondar, lead. the ukrainian authorities admitted that the country's citizens do not want mobilization, although there is a need for this in the army. this statement was made by the head of the pro-president faction this week. servant of the people in the verkhovna rada david arakhamia. he believes that slogans about canceling mobilization are populism, because according to arakhamia, some brigades are only 40% staffed. this is why military commissars continue to take men by force right from the streets, although every day they meet more and more resistance. with details from evgeny petrukhin. usa more than 22 thousand euros in toaster boxes and boxes of chocolates. from the chernigov region he put it in his pocket, and those who paid, so to speak, were excused from mobilization. the sbu detained the former head of
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the military medical commission of the chernihiv region. for a long time he sued, well, essentially, local authorities over the amount of his pension, filing claims to have it recalculated. it so happened that they came to him with searches, here is the man who was sued the most and cursed for a small pension, a miserable existence, in fact, he has $1 million in cash. mobilization in kiev is not carried out, perhaps for the same reasons, due to the insatiable military commissars. in addition, as the head of the ukrainian transformation office, maxim bakhmatov, noted, military pensioners can also be taken to the front, once again.
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good evening, military commissariat, what did you want? and we go to pavel yaroslavovich, he is not there. and where he? he's in poland. meanwhile, the recruiting center in lviv was visited by the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky. during the visit he looked inhibited, did not say anything, it seemed he was not tresv, maybe published by avdeevka. obviously , he did not expect that, having come to
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the post of commander-in-chief, his career would begin with the fall of avdiivka from... that they simply did not notice what was happening, the policeman stood nearby and did not react in any way, and why did the police not react, because they understand if they won’t collect tsk, it’s like mushrooms in the forest in the required quantity, but the men will have to conditionally go to the police. ukraine is facing total mobilization, said oleg dunda, secretary of the rada defense committee, and noted that it is possible
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to envisage the closure of the country and even blocking the economy in order to primarily provide for the army. we must realize that step by step we are moving towards total mobilization, and it will involve actually closing the country, closing the economy, we will produce most of the products ourselves, and accordingly there will be money to finance weapons, ukraine’s budget for this year is $86 billion, from there are 42 billion of them, almost half of them need to be searched for, if they are not found, there will be no pensions, well, here... i looked at the results of the work economy in the first month of january , they collected 110 billion hryvnia, and 150 billion are needed for the army alone. the ukrainian parliament, although it passed a bill on tightening mobilization in the first reading, but in reality the tcc is not yet very successful in catching 500,000 future soldiers, it even has to
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enter public transport with checks, from where military commissars are pushed out by ukrainian women, many of whom... early voting has started in russia for the presidential elections, this year it is also being carried out in new regions, residents there are the first to vote settlements near the line of combat contact, as well as military personnel. in the north and east of the country, members of election commissions travel to polar weather stations, reindeer camps and distant settlements; they have to get there by helicopter, snowmobile, and sometimes by dog ​​sled. the main days for the presidential elections will be from march 15 to 17. the international multi-sport tournament games of the future continues in kazan. the tank game competition, which our colleague danilo makhalin attended, ended the day before. details in his material. on the fifth day of the tank game competition, the audience
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actually became familiar with the formats, with the rules, and partly even with the participants. therefore, it adds to curiosity.
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you are an invincible turbomash machine, bed saber dance simulators with virtual and real movements are present at games in
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demo mode, having the opportunity to later become a full-fledged discipline. in our country they dance and play the game at the same time, that is, not like in football, for example, or in hockey, but it is necessary in different locations be there to take part. and specifically the game, what is the execution of the movement, the execution of the battle. performs the movement as correctly as possible, now we have a very strong player on the dance floor, and how did you determine this? and i just know because he’s on my team. the tournament has reached its equator and will last another week, and it will all end on march 3, when the closing ceremony will take place. daniel makhalin, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, with mart uskaev, leading kazan. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire. "a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, message from
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the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time" . let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 26, 1712 , by decree of peter i , the first state arms factory was founded in tula. was walking north war. russia lacked cannons, cannonballs, and guns, and russian gunsmiths had been working here since the end of the 16th century. made his contribution. merchant and industrialist nikita demidov. and the state made production modern and massive. peter gave the order. at the sloboda armory, a convenient place,
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to build factories where guns, fuzes and pistols could be drilled and polished, and sharpened knives with water. we installed the latest equipment. master yakov batishcheev came up with a machine for grinding barrels, up to 16 pieces per day, which was considered a lot. ivan polin invented the first multi-shot pistol in russia. during napoleon's invasion, tula supplied the russian army with 600 thousand guns. the plant was called imperial and was quickly recognized as one of the best in europe. the mosin rifle brought him worldwide fame. in the soviet era , machine guns, aircraft cannons, tt pistols, and sniper rifles were made here. and today the tula arms plant, the oldest defense enterprise in russia, produces guided missiles and much more. even under catherine ii, at the plant...
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he and mosaic disease, which he studied so that understand the mechanism of infection. ivanovsky filtered the sap of diseased plants through a porcelain filter and a chamberlant candle, but contrary to expectations, the infectious principle did not disappear. from this he concluded that the causative agent is a small bacterium, quote, capable of passing through the filter due to its insignificant size. using a regular light microscope, the scientist was able to see plate-like and crystalline clusters of viruses. called the ivanovsky crystal, but they were isolated and photographed much later using electronic microscope thanks to ivanovsky, scientists have learned where
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many come from and how they are transmitted. various diseases, learned to fight the viruses of rabies, smallpox, fever, dengue and hiv. today, more than 6,000 viruses have been described in detail, and in general there are millions of them. on february 26 , 1952, winston churchel announced that britain had an atomic bomb. the british began to create it back in the forties, the first of the major powers, but then they stopped the developments that merged with the american manhattan project and gave the go-ahead. for the bombing of kheroshima and nagasaki, killing more than 200,000 civilians. then churchel called for bombing the ussr. when the americans refused to share atomic secrets with their former ally, london resumed its program. mathematician and physicist william penney was returned from the states and he headed the center in ulden masten. the first device, with a power of 25 kilotons, was too heavy and bulky for an airplane, so
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the british blew it up on a ship. u... british serial ammunition was made on the west coast of australia. the first one in a year. it was an aerial bomb which was called the blue danube. according to available information, today the uk has 225 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. it has nuclear-powered missile submarines, each of which can carry up to 16 ballistic missiles. trident 2. february 26, 1991, humanity. first became acquainted with a web browser, it was developed and presented to the public by british computer engineer tim berner slee. this invention became part of the global project to create the internet. the first browser mainly displayed text information, but it already used the http protocol, without which communication on the network is unthinkable. the browser was called the same as the world wide web, worldwide web, and soon a browser with a graphical interface appeared.
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mosaic. nexus, netscape, internet explorer, google chrome, opera and many others. today , browsers already include many functions and can even replace operating systems. and browsers with built-in artificial intelligence further expand the horizons of users' search capabilities. this is what this day in history was like. let's skate cleanly on points, we'll pass, that's it remember, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, shank, all hope is on you, so what?
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you're a goner or something, what did i think? yes, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, that ’s all, that’s cool, three ice.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. does she really read minds or not? premiere? anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special data. who are you all looking at? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine somehow related to this case? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just look. no amateur performances, listen in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, ann medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.


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