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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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with the awards you deserve for your courage, for the courage that you showed during the fighting, i wish you further success in the battles for the liberation of our land, so you can return home alive. the head of the donetsk people's republic visited the liberated avdeevka; in an interview with our channel, denis pushilin shared his impressions and told how they would make decisions about the future fate of the settlement. of course , a decision will be made not only at the regional, but certainly at the federal level, and after the assessment of specialists, but with taking into account the fact that now donetsk itself is also still subject to restoration, that is, there are a lot of repairs and other things, taking into account the housing shortage, taking into account the fact that avdievka is a suburb of donetsk, that is, it practically touches the city of danetsky, of course this city will be in demand, accordingly.
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and in all likelihood, in my opinion, of course, we will restore it, of course there will be very serious work to clear mines, to clear the rubble, and then to assess the situation by specialists, and of course, taking into account the experience that we have in working with liberated settlements, including mariupol, then of course we understand what to do next, again the question comes down to the most important component, this is a question of security . kostrama paratroopers destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the artyomovsk direction. reconnaissance discovered the enemy's defensive position from the air. an armored group in airborne combat vehicles was sent to destroy the position. the crews delivered the attack aircraft to the target point, they attacked the defensive post, destroying a large number of infantry and the enemy. having completed the task, the paratroopers promptly retreated to a safe area.
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we worked point by point... in dugouts, in trenches, the enemy snaps, aims artillery, they try to catch us with birds, but we run away, we enter everything at a fast speed, quickly work out, turn around and leave, the us government is again threatening a shutdown, a partial closure of ministries will happen 1 march, the full march 8, if the budget or spending timeframe is not adopted by this time. this was announced by the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, chakshu. according to him, over the weekend, congressmen were unable to reach bipartisan agreements on continuing funding for the government. let me remind you that while the ministry is under threat of a shutdown, congress cannot agree on aid packages for ukraine and israel. the last time a shutdown threatened the american government was in january. then joe biden signed a bill to continue funding federal structures until march. kyiv intends to transfer moscow. a peace plan, but there
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will be no negotiations, zelensky stated this on ukrainian television. at the same time, the head of the kiev regime said that the vzo is already preparing a new offensive, everything depends on the support of the west. for now we can only count on help from the europeans. the united states still cannot agree on a new military tranche in kiev. and boris ivanin will tell you what they are going to do in such conditions. the ukraine forum, timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the conflict, was supposed to be for...
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there is no alternative not to win, no, if ukraine will lose, we will not exist, our existence will not exist, therefore such an ending is definitely not suitable for us, but whether ukraine will lose , how many victims there will be, depends on you, on your partners, on the western world. comedian zelensky seriously tried to convince foreign reporters. western countries need to support the kiev regime not completely, now, otherwise, quote: the end will come very quickly, but even the audience of ukrainian publics laughed at all his statements, judging by the reactions with the badge.
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"i am very grateful to mrs. milone for that we signed an agreement yesterday, but can't you give me the air defense systems that you have, i know what italy has in detail. from this dialogue it became clear that milonya herself did not give zelensky any hope yesterday. meanwhile, the balance of forces in the field is 1-7, not in favor of ukraine, this is what they say in kiev itself, but instead of sober assessments there are unrealistic promises to organize a new counter-offensive, judging by the speeches, it is just as disastrous." everyone says that it is better for our actions, they say our results, we do everything possible and impossible to make a breakthrough. plan 2024 is already there, we do not talk about it publicly, it is powerful, it is strong, it gives not only hope, it will produce results in 2024, so we are working with all
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relevant security and defense forces to achieve the goal. but how many weapons from the usa and britain reached the ukrainian front line? the journalist decided to ask about this on the forum. europe and the world have real chances to return to genuine security. his ukraine is seeking to get an alliance summit in washington in the summer of 2024. ukraine's entry
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into nato will be blocked, at least by slovakia. this has already been promised by the prime minister of the republic robert fitza. this war began back in 2014 with riots by ukrainian neo-nazis. and today nato is already coming. so far that ukraine could become a member state. i personally consider this to be the basis for the outbreak of world war iii. the fact that a military conflict with ukraine could spread to the territory of nato countries also frightens many ordinary residents of europe. in germany , more than 60% of germans think so. this is a fresh opinion poll the country's largest newspaper bilt. readers were asked about the prospects for ukraine's accession to the eu and nato. but the germans remain skeptical. only 18% of respondents are in favor of both entry options. in addition, only 15% are in favor of membership, at least in the eu, and 14% are in favor of joining nato. 41% are against both options for joining, 12% abstained from answering. also, about half of the germans are against the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, but at the forum in kiev they made
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it clear that they would continue the course of escalation. boris ivanin, evgenia semtsova, maya lenova and artemy bondar, lead. fight in the city limits in the forest, storm the enemy. igor pikhanov watched the training. heavy snowstorm, poor visibility for scouts, ideal conditions for training at the training ground. russian soldiers in the kupinsky direction of the front are practicing their skills. in a battle, covering each other, two machine gunners hit targets, this is how the process of combat coordination takes place, for which such inductive training is needed so that it is already possible to complete tasks everything was easier, sharpened, the mechanism should work harmoniously, as one whole, as one organism, everything is for the task, especially in
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the assault, the fighters are armed with upgraded kalashnikov pkm machine guns, this legendary weapon, 7.62 mm caliber, is distinguished by its simplicity and reliability , a reconnaissance... an experienced attack aircraft, says that during battle his machine gun helps to carry out even complex tasks. there is a device for silent, flameless shooting, which extinguishes the flame by 100%, reduces the sound by about 70. if you install a good scope, this device can be used as a large-caliber rifle, a sniper, that is, a range of up to 1500 m. engineering soldiers are working in the adjacent section of the training ground. division, each soldier must be proficient in all types of small arms, hitting targets with a large-caliber dshk machine gun, thanks to its great penetrating power and high rate of fire, the gun is used to combat lightly armored vehicles, shelters, as well as air targets; at the training ground, soldiers hone their skills, even
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those who already know a lot can do this, this needs to be promoted, a person must, well, learn something new, learn something new, because... all this does not stand still, it is also an enemy, they are learning something new, and here one of the most difficult tasks is being practiced , storming the enemy creperine, under the guidance of experienced instructors... the division goes on the attack, seizes positions, teachers share their experience with the fighters. instructors teach fighters to work in forested areas , to hide behind trees, to use cover every bump, adapt as much as possible to the terrain. soldiers fire special cumulative projectiles from an rpg grenade launcher. they are capable of burning through the armor of military equipment. the charge is effective against tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. while the grenade launchers are practicing on enemy equipment, the assault unit is taking it. enemy fortified area. in addition, fighters study the enemy. the instructors tell you
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how you can outwit the enemy and destroy his military equipment. according to them, western weapons were not ready for severe conditions, the long cold of autumn will unravel. meanwhile, russian equipment has confirmed its effectiveness in the special military operation zone. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. the winter arts festival led by yuri bashmet has ended in sochi. world stars and young musicians performed on the same stage. three premieres of classical masterpieces were performed at the concert. sofia sergeeva attended the closing ceremony of the festival. the february arts festival under the leadership of yuri bashmet became a good traditions of the city for a two-week festival, people flock here from all over the country. watch the performance of world stars. magnitude, and of course, to get into summer in the middle of winter, right to the sea, i wake up in the morning, open the curtains, there is
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the sea, seagulls, the sun, i had so much energy that i went for a run along the sea, propane, barbecue, everything is as it should be, then i came to the rehearsal, guys, these are some unique people, from 12 to 22 years old, then we have masters, who are, well, a block? the idea of ​​the winter international arts festival sochi arose spontaneously, one day over dinner, when the mog commission was considering the city as a candidate for hosting the olympic games. the idea arose that we should organize a festival in sochi regardless of anything. but winning sochi will not win the right to host the games. the vote in guatemala spurred development at that stage of the festival. he began to grow very dynamically, become saturated, and acquire
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muscles. the olympics in sochi have passed, but the festival has remained, incorporating the best educational programs, performances, masterpieces of ballet and concerts of academic, jazz and ethnic music, which, not only in sochi, are extremely difficult to attend in moscow. and every concert involves young people. yuri bashmet believes in the younger generation. and accompanies him on the thorny musical path, the festival is 17 years old and i am 17 years old, and it turns out that every year we all come here, so many talented, young performers play in the orchestra, and just come here, that is, there is some kind of the atmosphere is very understanding, very sensitive, for dessert, concert, closing of the festival, yuri bashmet supplies.
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this is a very old instrument, the egyptian rabbaba, it consists of coconut, wood and two strings, a metal one, which gives a low and deep sound and an izkon hair, when played by a musician... whoever asks a question immediately finds the answer. the festival in sochi entered the top twenty best festivals in the world, and today, despite the turbulence of international relations, its authority is recognized abroad. in the west they say: we are for freedom, for freedom, so why can’t we come to russia without consequences if we are free? i have many friends here, i often come here and try to bring as many foreign performers as possible. now it’s difficult with europe, inviting people from china and arabs. countries friendly to russia and states. well, while politicians argue, art ambassadors speak the
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same language. on the final evening of the festival , on the stage of the winter theater in sochi, italian belcanta peacefully coexists with french opera, a symphony orchestra with russian folk and arabic instruments. sofia sergieva, stanislav petrov, kirill aksenov, lead. now personnel from the government house, good morning, dear colleagues, the government is carrying out systematic work to support the regions.
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because clean water and warmth in the house are what primarily affect the comfort of people's lives. during the implementation of the infrastructure menu, its tools have proven their effectiveness; with their help , not only housing and communal services facilities, but also kindergartens and schools are annually repaired or put into operation in the regions, roads are brought into proper condition, public services are updated transport, i am sure that thanks to...
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in production. this is what our education system should focus on. every year, based on applications from russian subjects, the government creates quotas in almost 900 areas of training. for the next academic year, it was decided to increase the number of target places for almost half of them. but over the past few years , enrollment has been growing for engineering and technical professions in information technology, electricity, and heat, which are extremely in demand today. energy, aviation, rocket and space technology , for construction, by the way, in some specialties, for example, such as special radio systems, design of aircraft and rocket engines for target aircraft, the number of places has increased to 70% of their total number, and up to half in the field of ship construction , ships. moreover, the regions expressed
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a need for twenty-two new areas, including fundamental applied biology, nanoengineering and nanomaterials; in total , over 145,000 places were allocated for targeted training, this is about 6% more compared to last year. this approach will help to more accurately orient universities toward the successful employment of graduates, and , of course, strengthen the leadership position of the domestic engineering school. another question concerns approaches to the system of additional education for citizens. the president noted that a. the state must help people become competitive in the labor market. this work takes place within the framework of the federal project employment promotion. we provide our citizens with opportunities to gain new competencies for employment. application for participation in free educational programs today can be submitted on our portal work in russia. for each region, a list
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of specialties that are needed locally has been compiled. over the past year , more than 150,000 were trained in this way. people, this year the federal budget has allocated over 6 billion rubles for these purposes. taking into account the instructions of the president, the circle of participants in such programs has also been expanded; people who have contacted our employment service to look for work will now be connected to them, disabled people, as well as parents or guardians who are on leave to care for a child under 3 years old, and of course , young people and citizens still have the opportunity to improve their professional level. pre-retirement age, participants in a special military operation and members of their families, and a number of others. we hope that the decision made will help with personnel in the regions, including through a more attentive attitude to the needs of our enterprises, to our employers, and it will be easier for those who have undergone retraining to find your own business to your liking. mikhail mishustyan held
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a meeting with deputy prime ministers. we continue, the confiscation of russian assets will create a threat to the global financial system. system, because there really is no legislative possibility of confiscation of assets, there are basic principles of financial super-capitalism, which will be destroyed by such confiscations on...
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from direct financial assistance, analysts note. another theoretical option is to transfer assets to a special fund, but on what grounds and on what principle will it be distributing these funds further remains a big question. meanwhile, the group of seven countries said they would keep russian assets frozen until ukraine is compensated. we confirm that, in accordance with our legal systems, russian sovereign assets in our jurisdictions will remain frozen until russia. will pay for the damage caused to ukraine. in kiev they say that they barely cover military expenses, everything else is financed by western partners. according to estimates of the ukrainian
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cabinet of ministers in 22-23, the country received from them 74 billion dollars. the european union, as experts say, provides support at a loss, while the united states, according to deputy secretary of state victoria, is thus helping its own economy. it is necessary to remember that. the bulk of the funds are returned to the american economy for the production of weapons, including the creation of good -paying jobs, in approximately 40 states. ukraine, meanwhile, is drowning in debt, dragging the european economy with it to the bottom. at least four palestinians were killed after an israeli airstrike in the southern parts of the gas sector. this was reported by the arabic tv channel al-jazeera. the sahal military shelled residential areas in... a hotel, in the border rafah, the city is already overpopulated and people have nowhere to hide, but refugees continue to stay, the al-amal hospital in khanyounis is in
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critical condition, serious destruction was recorded by members of the un delegation. meanwhile, at the nasser hospital, the israeli military completed its operation, 10 thousand displaced palestinians and 300 doctors were in the besieged building. palestinian media reports that many of...
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the final match of the russian mini-football cup took place in norilsk, the owners of the site received guests from yugorsk. alexander abramov will tell you who won. this season's russian minifootball cup was played in the arctic circle in norilsk, a city that loves minifootball more than any other sport. we are the only professional club here, and bringing such gifts to this house, where it is very cold, now their hearts are warm, and today they will rejoice, probably all evening, great! final four of the russian cup for mini-football, relatively new format, tournament dates. its location had a direct impact. the two semi-finals were originally supposed to be played on friday, but the games were postponed a day. the local airport was unable
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to accept planes due to severe weather. so. that the participating teams were unable to reach the city on time, the bronze medal match and the cup final were already on schedule. first of all, i would like to thank the russian football union for making such a difficult decision to accept this cup here, because it’s hard to get there, weather conditions and so on, but i think the russian football union is not only completely satisfied, but what they see now is a holiday for them. the home team played in the cup final of the second most important trophy in russian club mini-football. narilsky nickel versus gazprom-yugra. contrary to stereotypical expectations of cautious finals, the two teams scored six goals in the first half. nor nickel led 4:2. subsequently, this score remained until the end of the second half. the result is 4:3. narilsky nickel won the trophy for the second time in history. this is already the second victory. i think first place
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, because... and i took part in all the games, i took part in all the games, i also got the best goalkeeper, so for me this is in first place so far, victory, great joy, especially from the audience who today we got together and really wanted us to raise this cup over our heads, so everything was done for them, now it’s already a little empty - but we will definitely rejoice, because of the way our viewers are behaving now, this just euphoria, wonderful feelings. ahead of the teams is the continuation of the fight in the russian championship in the super league, the regular season will end only at the end of april, after which the playoffs. i said at the beginning of the season, i want two golds, i have one, let’s go for the second. alexander abramov, oleksanchuk and umar tuskaev. news narilsk. in rostov, nadon has opened a new enterprise that produces components for domestic tractors. this is the first stage of the investment project. further plans
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to expand the product line. our correspondent evgeniy danilchuk visited the plant. a modern plant looks exactly like this: a huge production area flooded with light, spacious aisles, snow-white shelving and, of course, super-technological equipment. these numerically controlled metalworking systems produce parts with incredible micron precision. these gears will spin in gearboxes produced at the new plant of the rasilmash group of companies, called “new dynamics”. essentially, it is a factory within a factory. assembly production facilities have been moved here mechanical gearboxes and axles for tractors of the 2.0 and 3.00 series. bridge kits for combine harvesters will also be produced here. the main advantage of the new enterprise is the elimination of dependence on foreign supplies. that is, we started with the first one, this is the production of components from other manufacturers of axles and boxes for tractors and combines. and now we have logically brought about 90% import substitution for these products
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by opening production and launching production. on the release side. plant for the production of axle transmissions and gearboxes is a large investment project, the total investment volume is more than 10 billion rubles. successful implementation became possible, including thanks to active government support. 5 billion rubles from the industry support fund, a special special investment contract that we signed, which gave us the opportunity to present additional preferences to our partners, they have actually been implemented, that is, we see exactly what... is also in action. the new enterprise is already fully operational, the first batch of axles and gearboxes has been assembled, but the official start keeps a report from the start of the test bench operation; it is launched by pressing the symbolic button. while this is only the first stage of the investment project related to the localization of the most important transmission elements, within the second stage it is planned to develop the production of automatic transmissions for tractors
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and road construction. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. we’ll skate cleanly and pass on points, you remember everything, you know everything, let’s calm down, let's get together and win, nadyuh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well


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