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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 27, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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russia will continue to strengthen its special operations forces and their strike potential. vladimir putin stated this when congratulating the soldiers and veterans of these troops on their professional holiday. the president thanked the special operation forces who are fighting ukrainian neo-nazis and noted their courage and heroism. special words of gratitude to the soldiers, participants, military
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operations in the most dangerous areas, on the front line, in the deep shadows of the enemy, in raids and rapid attacks, you honorably carry out your tasks, act boldly, competently, decisively, these high qualities, special hardening, have always distinguished the fighters and commanders of special operations forces. the decision to create them was dictated by time and the need to effectively respond to new ones. challenges. in a short period of time, you passed the period of formation with honor, ensured the continuity and development of the unique traditions of the russian special forces, worthily accepted the baptism of fire and became a powerful striking force of our army. special operations forces units have proven in practice that they are ready to defend themselves at the first order homeland, to defend the national interests of russia anywhere in the world. you protected the residents.
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comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen, officers, dear veterans, february 27 is celebrated as special operations forces day in the armed forces of the russian federation. this holiday personifies the centuries-old traditions of the russian army, which were established and strengthened in the battles for the integrity and independence of our homeland. i am confident that special operations forces will continue to...
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insist on protecting national interests russia and its sovereignty, i congratulate you on the holiday, thank you for your dedicated service, wish you good health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of our fatherland. and now the defense information about the progress of the special military operation, the aircraft of the center group hit another fifty military targets in the ssu, the settlements of ocheretiny and novoselovka, and destroyed our heavy flamethrower systems. five enemy strongholds in the orlovka area. in total , several hundred were discovered and eliminated in this direction. enemy objects. and the guards-paratroopers from novorossiysk destroyed the infantry of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy settled in a strong point, which was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. target data was promptly transmitted to the command post. the task was carried out by the calculation of the grad multiple launch rocket system. high-explosive fragmentation rockets rained down on the militants. percussion.
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technology, thanks to the coherence of the crew , everything turns out so quickly that the enemy no longer has time to think about it. russian air defense forces struck this night.
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this financial assistance, it will be paid for a period of 6 months, all citizens who arrive, they also have the right to receive a measure of social support, it is called state. assistance to low-income families, the amount of such assistance is 4,000 per family, plus, if families have minor children, then we will make an additional payment for each child in the amount of 1,500 rubles. regarding the situation in the middle
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east, the israeli defense forces are carrying out another operation to open tunnels in the south of the gaza strip, the washington post reports, citing sources. according to their data in israel believes that... the leader of the palestinian movement hamas has surrounded himself with a human shield and is hiding underground in the southern part of the enclave. the tsakhal has already cleared out an entire network of tunnels. it is claimed that they stretch for 10 km and connect the north and south of the sector. the bodies of hamas fighters were found inside a weapons storage facility. meanwhile, palestinians forced from their homes are asking for help in overcrowded camps. previously, israel agreed to skip the supply of flour for civilians, but supplies are quickly running out. "i wish my children dead because i can't get them bread, i can't feed them, i can't feed my own children, there's death every day, we have no food at all, no rice, no flour, what did we do to deserve it, they're seeing
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an unprecedented level of despair, people in gaza are under threat of starvation, in the southern part of the region." air raids with egypt do not stop. doctors say that there is practically no room left for the wounded in hospitals. now footage from telegram channels is a namkat road accident. a cargo truck flew into two cars. it can be seen that the car was parked right on the roadway. the driver of the station wagon managed to jump away when he realized that a collision with the truck was inevitable. polish carriers will resume protests on the border with ukraine from march 1. they intend to block four border crossings at once. the reason is still the same, import of cheap products into the european union. and all the details are in the material by maria slobodyanskaya. protests
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by polish farmers continue unabated. checkpoints on the border with ukraine and germany are blocked, and grain passing through the country is being destroyed at train stations for the fourth time. the last incident occurred at the border. dorokhusk station. 160 tons of products from ukraine were in transit to the port of gdansk, and then to other countries. the fourth case of vandalism at polish train stations, the fourth case of impunity and irresponsibility. how long will the government and polish police allow this vandalism to continue. the situation with ukrainian agricultural products has long been causing discord between the two countries. a few days ago, at the same railway station, unknown people poured women and slaves out of the cars. even earlier near the point.
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payments and non-bank payments, this is what also oppresses agricultural producers in hungary, poland and romania; protesters see the solution either in a complete ban on imports from ukraine, or the introduction of quotas, although it has not yet been possible to agree more. there is
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a certain conflict of interest between farmers and producers in ukraine. if the price of agricultural products drops significantly, if it suddenly turns out that the market has been filled. some other people's goods, then this is really a problem on a national scale. meanwhile, ukraine is losing revenue. the key markets for the country are western european countries. rules from february 1st.
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news. now economic news. alexander the cabinet of ministers may introduce a temporary ban on gasoline exports. this is what the media reports, tell me, how long will it last? tatiana, presumably for six months, starting from march 1, for now on to other topics. the ministry of finance is developing a proposal to update the preferential mortgage program. according to the news, the ministry proceeds from the fact that the system should be comprehensive with favorable conditions, primarily for families who need government support. and representatives of target specialties, and the share of preferential programs in the primary market should not
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exceed 25%. at the end of 2023, the volume of preferential mortgage programs in the primary market actually reached about 90%. the system's targets and specific parameters are expected to be discussed below with interested market participants. vca participants are going to be exempt from paying. on consumer loans, according to izvestia , the government approved the corresponding bill on monday, now it is expected to be submitted to the state duma. military personnel will pay only the main part of the debt; the remaining amount will fall equally on financial organizations and the budget. the state will allocate 5 billion 700 million rubles for these purposes. for those who have already managed to repay interest during the grace period, the bank will have to reduce the debt proportionately. if it is already closed, the amount will go towards other loans. over the past 2 years, salaries in the russian military-industrial complex have increased in various areas by 30-60%, in
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general in the manufacturing industry by 20%. deputy prime minister of industry and trade denis manturov announced this in the evening program with vladimir solovyov. according to him, last year alone the defense industry managed to attract more than 500 thousand new workers. meanwhile, modernization , which began back in 2006-7, allowed the industry to quickly adapt to the creation of consolidation of enterprises, the formation
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of holdings, integrated structures, from march 1 for six months, russia may introduce a ban on the export of gasoline, as reported by rbc, citing a source close to the government prime minister mikhail mishustin supported this proposal: the ban will not affect supplies to eu countries, mongolia, uzbekistan, abkhazia and south ossetia. in addition, the standard for diesel sales on the stock exchange may be increased to 16%. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are: dollar 92.63, euro 100 rubles. 17 kopecks and that’s all i have for now. tatiana. alexander, thank you, alexandra nazarova was with economic news. and on other topics, equipment and weapons damaged in the battles in the kopinsky direction are being restored by specialists from the repair battalion. fighters they act quickly and work efficiently. combat vehicles are returned to service in a couple of days, i am convinced of this.
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activity on the front line, in addition to the fact that it has a large margin of strength and survivability, the designers created it in such a way that the equipment could be easily restored in case of damage in the kupinsky direction of the front before... the tanks return to service within a couple of days after the shelling enemy. well, i think so that it can be disassembled and reassembled somewhere near the battlefield, probably so as not to drag it, allow for major repairs. this armored personnel carrier arrived at the repair base the day before and craftsmen were working on its engine. while performing a combat mission , a ukrainian drone dropped a mine on him. the car
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reached the repair base under its own power. the rear axle engine was damaged. protective anti-drone. the screen weakened the impact of the battery projectile, a new engine and wheels will be installed on the car, soon it will be handed over to the crew, the crew was not injured, they left, thank god, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy, they are really looking forward to it, they are really looking forward to it, constantly they are interested, the introductory mechanics come to help, there they are interested in how, what, where, we also share our experience with them. the specialists of the repair department are called generalists; in addition to military equipment, they also restore artillery pieces. we have a well-coordinated organism , that is, the guys were all in one way or another - before mobilization - connected with technical specialties, somewhere we learn something new, somewhere our colleagues tell us, a shell exploded next to this mstab howitzer, the gun was damaged fragments, in a matter of days the damaged parts were replaced with new ones, soon the artillery sniper gun will return to
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the front, while it has not lost its qualities, with high accuracy the howitzer strikes at a distance of... the cumulative projectile damaged the shield, damaged the skin, recoil brakes, now the skins have already been welded, now we will install a new recoil brake, the military ural arrives at the garage for major repairs, the army special service takes place here around the clock, in just a couple of days the heart of the car will sound in a new way, specialists they will overhaul the engine, the mechanics say it’s on the cutting edge, the equipment works in extreme conditions... the lives of the soldiers completing the mission depend on its reliability. troops and equipment arrive without preliminary washing, dirt and clay are on board - an element of a kind of camouflage, metal that glares in the sun is visible tens of kilometers away for enemy drones. among the team, many were mobilized in a year and a half; they became real professionals for their courage and skill. almost all fighters
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of the unit were awarded orders and medals. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti, belgorod region. in the khabarovsk territory , trains began running along the third track of the trans-siberian railway for the entire far east; this is a strategically important project. for the first time, work was carried out without stopping traffic in dense residential areas. anna leonova with details. here is the historic sound of wheels on three branches of the trans-siberian railway at once among residential buildings, industrial enterprises in the very center of khabarovsk, now trains are running simultaneously. he takes the third path. on a new one on a new third way, here is the third way to move opened, responsibility for the construction alexander zhabin does not hide his joy that it was ahead of schedule, the builders laid 6.5 km of a completely new highway, the section is one of the most heavily loaded on the far eastern railway, traffic was not stopped. this is a unique construction project, for the first time in the far east, all the work is being carried out among dense residential buildings,
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so along the entire route these protective screens, 11 meters high , absorb the noise level by 75%, so they are installed on both sides at once. work on this strategically important infrastructure project 70% complete. this is what made it possible to launch the movement so quickly, despite the fact that the construction of the facility did not go so smoothly. when laying the foundations, difficulties with soil inputs, until we reached higher ground, we had to pump it out. there is also a lot of communication here, that is. guys, before we plunged the piles, we took all the cable communications out of the piling work area, and then we worked safely, the opening of traffic immediately relieves congestion on the trans-siberian railway, increases the capacity of the section from 113 to 155 pairs of trains per day. the modernization of the route is the same course to the east announced
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by the president; additional volumes of cargo, almost 200 million tons per year, have gone in the direction of the pacific ports. by cutting the window to the asia-pacific countries, western sanctions did not affect either the cost or timing of the project. at the design stage, it was envisaged that the maximum possible replacement of equipment and materials with those produced in our country, therefore the sanctions did not have any particular impact, we did not experience any disruptions due to the hostile actions of western countries felt. all equipment is made in russia or our allies in the customs union. with the establishment of positive. temperatures builders will begin installing overpasses. intense traffic along the trans-siberian railway in dense residential areas will definitely be safe for people. anna lenova alexey shabelnikov, vesti khabarovsk.
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my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i 'm going to the presidential elections so that we can all live worthy. and freely in a modern and peaceful country, lived with love and the future, lived in a new way. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. now let's talk about sports. alexander, this thursday the fight for the gagarin cup will begin. tell us what date the last game of the final series is scheduled for. tatyana, the playoffs will traditionally last 2 months if the final series lasts as long as possible. possible seventh match, then this game will be held on april 29. the final day of the regular season took place in the continental hockey league. in
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on the last day, the fate of first place in the east was beautifully decided in a head-to-head match between conference leaders metaluga and avangard. the metallurgist only needed 48 seconds to open the brush, nikita grebenkin threw it. in the middle of the second period, metallurg already led with a score of 2:0. then in the third, the vanguard returned the intrigue, nikolai prokhor scored the puck. 2:1, the guests stepped up their game, the vanguard was close to equalizing the score, but magnitka held out and set the final score 5 seconds before the final siren. beat metalg 3:1 vanguard and won the eastern conference. dynamo and cska met in moscow last night. dynamo escaped defeat with a 1:3 gap, and in overtime, alexei kudashov's team won another victory. before the game , dynamo forward nikita gusev was awarded a golden shleb. in this regular season , nikita gusev broke sergei mozyakin's record and scored 89 points during the season, which is more than anyone in khl history. dynamo also received the continental cup. the blue and white are
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the best regular season team in the western conference and in the entire summary table continental hockey league. the playoffs start this thursday. in the first round of the gagarin cup, the regular season winner dynamo moscow will play against dynamo minsk, which took eighth place. ska vs torpedo. the current champion cska will begin their title defense in series against lokomotiv and spartak severstal. in the east, metallurg will hold a series against khabarovsk amur, avangard lada, slovat yulaev tractor and akbars avtomobilist. the entire playoff series is traditionally up to four wins. and let me also remind you that starting from the second round, it will go like this called cross playoffs. this is new this season and teams from different conferences will be able to face each other. minnesota forward kiril. kaprizov was recognized as the best player of last week in the national hockey league. over the past 7 days, kaprizov scored the most points in the league. in four matches this week, 12 points according to
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the goal plus assist system. kaprizov also broke another club record during this period. by points scored per match for a particular period. this happened in a victorious match against vancouver, which minnesota won with a score of 10:7. kirill kaprizov has been scoring points in eight matches in a row. minnesota is fighting to make the playoffs. the fifth racket of the world andrey rublev made a successful start at the atp-500 tournament in dubai. in the match of the first round of the competition, rublev, who had the second seed in dubai, beat the representative of china, the forty-sixth racket of the world, dzhan jigen. the meeting lasted just under 2 hours and ended in three sets in favor of the russian. 6-7 6 2 6 4. andrey did not lose a single game on his serve, with this time he took the serve three times.
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the games of the future continue in kazan; yesterday the eighth competitive day of the tournament took place in kazan. the kazan circus hosted semi-final matches in the robot battle discipline. in the final, the russian team dady bots lost to the team from india. also on monday , the final round of the group stage of ks2 took place at the tennis academy. in total, competitions in twenty-one disciplines are held at the games of the future. the tournament will end this sunday, march 3rd. that's all about sports for now, see you in next hour.
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i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart, due to my years, of course, i did not fit, but as a military specialist i considered it necessary to be here in a difficult time for russia , i just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, the time had come for russia that i had to again get in line with your former colleagues, guys. our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours until we destroy
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this nazi... we do not let's calm down. serve under contract. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes. let's skate cleanly on points, we pass, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, we get together and win, kiss. well, it's beautiful
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going out on the ice is a skill, come on, shank, all the hope is in you, that old age is not a joy, but leaving gracefully, a whole art, well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, you’re of great taste, i became a coach, i am now my colleagues , i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, don’t look
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, let’s translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there are instructions, it definitely reads the mind or not, premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, she has a special gift.
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parent company of tenkov bank registered on russky island in a special administrative region. why the company moved from cyprus, alena logvinova will talk about it. tenkov changed the cypriot jurisdiction to russian, and the group’s parent company was registered on russky island. tks-holding is the first public structure to become a resident of a special administrative region. as stated by the head of otenkov bank stanislav bliznyuk. the return of foreign assets of russian companies show their effectiveness, this allows not only maintain public status and shareholder structure, but take into account the interests of all categories of investors. the vast majority of assets are located and generate revenue in russia among the motives of returning, maintaining focus on our market and maintaining business value for investors. this allows, well, to increase the liquidity of this instrument on the russian market.


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