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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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well, look, this is one of the entrances, portals, into the heart of our cyber home, here we have high-tech, our future, the cyber testing ground is the core. the core of our cyber home, wow, here a virtual copy of our country and not only has been recreated , here are all the hackers, all the it specialists who did something in the country and saw how it works, they transferred their knowledge and created a virtual copy, here every second, every day of the year, essentially there is a big cyber battle, someone from all over the world attacks this virtual side, we invite hackers from all over the world, come, attack, someone is defending their objects, there can be no spillover here...
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trains collide, ships collide, you can flood the city by blowing up a dam there, this allows everyone to learn very effectively, well, for us this is one of those one of the key elements of essentially demonstrating russian cybersecurity for foreign delegations, guys, you definitely still have questions about how cool we are in doing what you see. now your working time is distributed among which projects, so if you take it in general, then by percentage, well, now the main focus of my attention is, after all, our site project, this is a project to create a pro...
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national cybersecurity, i devote a little time to the positive, it is positive, well, it is the locomotive of quite serious changes in it and not only in it in the corporate world. well , this is probably where we should talk about ipos . in 21, you said the goal of making positive technologies public is not to attract investments, but to find co-owners who can bring into business, advice, examples and awareness, and may your main goal be positive. after all, to become a leading company on a global scale, well, that is, the number one company in cybersecurity, and publicity is an opportunity to essentially attract very strong people who may be ready to start their own business, it or in cybersecurity, this is the way attract very strong people with sufficient motivation to make them partners in the good sense of the word, co-owners of this great result, in order to make the company number one in the world, because in the conditions of current geopolitics
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, he will talk about specific contours. you mentioned several times that you are expecting a hundredfold growth of the company, what drivers are needed or already exist for this? we don’t wait, we aim there and go systematically. the main positive bet is essentially a bet on such unmanned technologies, when the result of cybersecurity is achieved without human intervention. and of course, you have a completely different potential. in markets like indonesia, pakistan, where there is no such hacker cyber abyss school, this is very an innovative approach is not something that is copied from western technologies, it is its own authentic branch of development, and of course, this is the main factor for positive success in the russian market, but the main driver of great growth is still worldwide sales. what role do government contracts play now? government contracts, if we say that these are contracts with government agencies, then... a small
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share, a slightly larger share is the commercial private sector and corporations with state capital, what share of revenue is exports now to what numbers? well, these are percentages, these are percentages, but in essence we are now talking about a geopolitical confrontation, geopolitical confrontation in cybersecurity began long before the ip, and roughly 10 years ago positive was a truly international company, there are many contracts in italy, there in switzerland in america, but at some point in time the russian cyber demons began to simply clean out the western parts of the world, you come somewhere to an italian company and there they talk about we are from the russians from the russian company. went to nato, we looked at some lists, didn’t find anything positive there, bought, well, every such sale, it
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just started to turn into a nightmare, that is, any contract over a million dollars turned into something so unimaginable, at that moment we said, okay, we will not fight against a closed door, we... it can be learned, we are all russians to a greater extent, well, all the people of the earth, we have it,
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we are just losing it, hacker thinking is when you ask the question why, and are not satisfied by what you were told, this is so, and this is edok, we have a good master class on hacker thinking and the hacker approach. approach - our president did when he gave an interview to carlson, because in essence the world audience wants simple answers, why this is so, and this is so, but he took, attracted the attention of the entire planet to this interview, began to tell what follows from what, and people are forced were these listen to think. that is, there are several companies here, residents of the cyberhouse, on what basis are people here, well, there are residents here - these are companies that are participants in the common and just people who in general, if you want to do something for the cybersecurity of the country, you can come here to get this
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residency, work together with people like you, i came here one evening once a literary circle was sorting out hacker books , the day before yesterday or a few days ago i saw guys meeting startups in the region. security told their ideas and potential investors talked to them, looked, and then we invite all our comrades from large state corporations and say that if you want soak up this energy , see how very innovative things are done , come here, here, but you said that there were also people here who, let’s say, manage serious processes in the field of state regulation, of course, we have a minister here and... .. the heads of state corporations and big, big businessmen from the largest ones, they come here, here we have the minister of digitalization maksud shadayev gathering his regional ministers, they were developing, working on a strategy, in general it turned out to be very lively communication, but here
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we lack this liveliness when we solve very complex government problems, this is the space in which we experiment on how this can happen, let me show you - yuri, what qualities do you consider the most valuable in people? good question, well, i really appreciate in people the ability to see themselves from the outside, to have an honest conversation with themselves, it seems to me that this is a skill that develops throughout life, well , that is, many of our troubles, they are from self-deception,
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and such a sweet one self-deception when you i don’t want to tell myself the truth so much that it’s your fault here, the reason is you, and you say, no, well, it’s not my fault. you can be a little happier, then what's missing? follow your dreams, not be afraid of people
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, have relationships with them, even seemingly incomprehensible people, and of course, family, you mentioned family, that this is part of your structure of happiness, let’s call it, you there are children, a daughter, a daughter, what in general, well... you do from the point of view of the company for the children, that is, this is also an important story that everything is laid at this small age, in general, now it’s very interesting that in general, it’s as if people are becoming different, so i look at children, how they think, how they do business, those who are older, they are others, and it seems to me that this focus on children, who they are today, they show us how different the world will be... in 10-20 years, and you understand that now it’s as if changes are happening, well, generally colossal,
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i'm talking to my daughter, she's 10 years old, she says things like that that i began to think about closer to forty, wow, how she doesn’t analyze the sequence of her feelings that led to this or that action, about how she is ready to reject any boundaries, any postulates, without being convinced is that whoever... who put this rule or some postulate there has some kind of reasonable explanation for this, no, that’s it, that means it doesn’t exist, well , hacker thinking, hacker thinking, can you estimate the volume the market for hacker services, the global market, well, the criminal part in general... hacker community , it is structured very hierarchically, where a hacker performs fairly
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low-grade work, well, that is, he is a person who hacks something, this is a whole mafia, there are people there, coordinators, someone there collects money from atms, who - something is being transported there, a hacker’s reward, a black hacker, a closed world is very interesting, but what amounts can we talk about, what is the spread there, after all, the hacker’s reward is now. in a criminal organization it is less than that of those hackers, that is, if we say that here they can get 60 million rubles per team, conditionally for a team of 5-10 people, then there this amount is less, there is a positive dynamic in this when such a market of demand for hacker services appears, legitimate, profitable for people, for young people who feel i have this desire in myself to get to know the digital world through touching it, touching it, trying it out, and then opportunities arise.
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i think that we cannot consider the security of the electoral system only in the cyber plane, we must consider it in plane as a whole, but the question is whether they are ready to cross this line or not, i don’t know, i think not, the security of the state, if we are talking about russia, what level is it at now, how do you assess it? well, there are ratings, but i wouldn’t trust them, because it’s still a very incomprehensible industry for many, i would know, i would pay attention to something else.
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the success that we have, could be worse, could be much worse, but what we have does not tell us that we need to stop, we need to do even better, even better, even better, sberbank gave out specific numbers, what... is that a number? the number of attacks has increased very greatly over the past 2 years, but it is important to understand that we call this how large their number is now and is an attack, there is such a noise, you know, when
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the internet is scanned, such low-skilled attacks occur on small objects on the outside perimeter. based on this, not only our own, but to build the future of our country and that part of the world that wants to gain independence and sovereignty from those who would not want it. i want to talk more about
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saberus, what is it and why is it so important to you now? an ambitious project that, in essence, contrary to how relations generally develop between business and the state in the world, how relations develop between competitors in the commercial world, is a project that is designed to combine the efforts of the commercial sector, the private and the state in order to create a national product, to protect the country, to export this product outside, this project brings together the most successful commercial companies, private cybersecurity companies, a number of state corporations.
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and so on, we have corporations that know how to sell good quality products that are actually of great benefit, there are a lot of them... our task is to build a form of cooperation in which there are very different forces, after all, some kind of commercial hacker some company and a state corporation are very different forces, so sitting together and
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agreeing on how we act is the main challenge, why our task is to build partnership? ok, i am a representative of some interested state, i come to you and say, i want to protect my country from cyber attacks, how long will it take? cost, well, it will cost billions of dollars, that is, it turns out that now you are trying to re-establish or create an alternative it industry, it architecture, this is such an incredibly global task, fortunately, which cannot be won alone in this battle, that is we need allies, definitely and not just allies within the same country, that is, you are within the same countries must show a completely different partnership. than is customary, well, within the framework of international cooperation, that is, we are talking about the fact that now , fortunately, the moment has coincided, that cyber wars begin,
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they force us to look at cybersecurity differently, and then when we start doing cybersecurity, we are beginning to see that the architecture of the digital world, the way the solution is made, it is, in principle, not amenable to such a large-scale protection project, the architecture is not entirely correct, you know, because protection... and conditionally threats, they have always developed simultaneously, planes crash , aviation protection appears, buildings burn, fire safety, they always go hand in hand, now architecture must change, at this moment we say that friends, we are for world, we are creating a base: cybersecurity is the basis, the foundation of the new digital world, but the digital world will also need to be re-understood, here... our task is yandex, vkontakte, the core, all key russian companies must unite in order to start thinking country level offer.
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operating system, applications, environment, that's all, russian engineers, they can do it, moreover, now there is still a very good trend, now there are many people who have lived in the west for a long time, worked in a good environment, such... i i think that the total capitalization at the beginning will be more than 100 billion rubles. still, you understand, at the heart of the site there is a fund, it is generally similar to an investment fund,
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but its role is different, we are talking about the fact that if key companies are taken and transferred to this fund will take a minority share of its company and become shareholders of the common fund, then this will unite us all with a common cause, so the creation of this investment fund for the exchange of shares, essentially through the fund, is the core of this system. different players in this very decision at the state level, that is , we get, among other things , operating income, which allows us to open new missing companies, that is , it turns out that this is not a monetary contribution, but an exchange of shares of different companies, yes, and there is already a positive , and there is money there too.
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when there is a big deal, when in general we have a lot of patriots in the country, when a person understands that he personally and the company that he now owns or manages can make an important contribution, well, that’s it, this is the basis, the president knows about cyberus, i think yes. new yandex browser, give me neurosil, put together a presentation with such pictures that the client will melt. oh,
11:56 am
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11:59 am
the revelation of western mercenaries who are fighting in ukraine about how commanders in the ssu profit from the sale of western weapons, even from their own dead soldiers. the militants made the scandalous statement in a conversation with russian pranksters. in ukraine already western special forces are operating, the financial times writes about this. thus, a high-ranking european official commented on the words of the french president about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. a man of the era
12:00 pm
, nikolai ryshkov, the oldest russian senator and head of the council of ministers of the soviet union, has passed away. he was 94 years old. large-scale fires in the state of texas were such that the plant where atomic bombs are assembled and dismantled had to be stopped. a state of emergency has been declared in sixty counties. for the ceremony in the column hall of the house of the unions vladimir putin also arrived today. after saying goodbye, the president approached lebedev’s wife and daughter and talked with them for about 10 minutes. vyacheslav lebedev has continuously headed the country's supreme court since july 1989.


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