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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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prizes at a delicious point. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the studio maxim ovchan. in moscow, they began to try the person accused of a fatal fire that broke out in a dormitory, killing seven people. investigators were able to quickly find the likely arsonist; he turned out to be a recidivist neighbor who allegedly decided to get even with his inmates. topic maxim shevchenko will continue. in a glass box at the moscow city court. yuri khomchenko behaves like a businessman, lounging on a bench, he doesn’t try to hide his face and almost poses for the cameras like a model, but he doesn’t want to comment on his feelings after a year spent in pre-trial detention, and meanwhile he was detained very loudly in february
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23rd, burned yuri khomchenko, with his hand bandaged, was taken out of the paddy wagon, when the attention of the press was new to him, he at least somehow answered the questions. yuri, do you feel guilty? no, it's did you get burned like that in a fire? the terrible fire on the international street that happened last winter caused a huge resonance, the old building of the mosk-kabelmet dormitory flared up like a match, burned out so quickly that it left no chance for seven residents to escape, in apartment number 62, where the fire started, 10 people lived, two women with their children, four members of this family died, the neighbors remembered how it all began, but the neighbors came up, we made a closet, so they came up and said: you don’t have to knock, we say that we are making a closet, they they are leaving, so we feel the smoke coming from a fireman, the neighbors were immediately sure that the fire was started by khomchenko, he allegedly came to them the day before along with his partner, who, by the way, also died in the fire.
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the evacuation helped to avoid large casualties; it was carried out smoothly by the rescuers who arrived in time. the rest of the work was carried out by representatives of the capital's main headquarters of the investigative committee and the moscow prosecutor's office, under the personal supervision of the leaders. they also. according to investigators, khomchenko started a fire to deal with his cohabitant; an incident allegedly happened between them discord, the man set the door on fire, ran towards the metro in only his slippers, and in the morning, as if nothing had happened, he went to work at a construction site, where he was detained. a newcomer from belgorod, he can already boast of several convictions, from economic crimes to racketeering, and even an attempt to escape from a colony on the day of his arrest
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, khomchenko did not repent. don't you think so? shells fly into hospitals, schools and residential buildings, often killing defenseless children and the elderly. a large number of foreign mercenaries are fighting in the ranks of ukrainian formations. the investigative committee identified more than five thousand people from 46 countries, including citizens of the usa, georgia and british citizens. most of the persons we identified participate in hostilities as mercenaries; they are citizens of the usa, georgia, great britain, canada, israel, and germany. in lithuania and latvia, in general, criminal prosecution is being carried out against 593 foreigners from 46 countries, for example, a sentence was recently passed on a citizen of georgia, mamuka gatsarelia, who, as a foreign mercenary, took part in military operations on the side of the armed forces of ukraine. in an interview with tas, the head of the investigative
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committee also spoke about the problem of fakes that artists who left russia will be responsible for discrediting our armed forces. according to alexander bastrykin, the artists who left are trying to please the elites of western countries. that's where they want it. continue their activities, make a profit, hoping that they will avoid punishment, but as you know, traitors are not welcome anywhere, today they have shown their unreliability, they have turned their backs on the country in which they have been doing this for decades their multi-million dollar fortune at the expense of ordinary... citizens attending their concerts. they talked in an interview about the military assistance from abroad that ukrainian nationalists receive. the chairman of the investigative committee said that western countries are exponentially increasing the intensity of arms supplies, which is contrary to international law. taking a deep breath for the first time in 20 years, the equipment of the distillery, which for many years poisoned the air and water in the village of the ulyanovsk region, finally began to be dismantled. huge production caused severe poisoning. turned the ponds into toxic swamps, and alcohol was bottled virtually without
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a license, and even despite the court’s decision, it was not easy for the bailiff to enter the production area. word to olga zhurinkova. in the half-empty workshop of the hippocrates distillery in a mule, representatives of several departments at once: rosalkogol-tobacco control, rosspirtprom and bailiffs. by court decision, equipment for the production of alcohol is dismantled. right here. some of the equipment is cordoned off with warning tapes, according to the decision of the arbitration court, the equipment must be confiscated and disposed of, the list is impressive, the enterprise actually produced ethyl alcohol without having a license to do so. the decision came into force back in may of last year, but for several months representatives of the plant did not allow entry. to the territory of the bailiffs, they managed to remove
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some of the equipment, and at the same time hastily re-registered the premises with the equipment to another owner, an affiliated company with the telling name pink panther. residents of mulovka were waiting for the alcohol plant to stop almost for two decades, the notorious hippocrates distillery poisoned the life of a small village for years. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program have repeatedly spoken about the difficult environmental situation. in addition to harmful emissions, plant workers discharged them into local water bodies. industrial waste, the so-called borda , because of this, fish died in the rivers and lakes, this is what agricultural land looked like from the air, huge pits, the size of football fields, filled with brown-burgundy slurry along the banks of poisonous crusts, in recent years the population of mulovka decreased by a third , half died, half left, we lost ponds, our river was polluted, allergy sufferers also suffered, ischemic patients suffered, because the air... was disgusting, local residents associated
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numerous cases of allergies and problems with the emissions from the plant with breathing in children. i have two sons, when the wind was in our direction, my children were suffocating from this smell. the youngest son had a severe allergic reaction, that is, he even lost his voice. gulka gebadulina lives a few meters from the plant in her house, like being chained to an oxygen machine in prison. for years, the woman could not breathe on her own due to emissions. earlier , local journalists reported that one of the final managers of the plant could be former police officer dmitry ostrovsky. i believe that today we have won a victory over the stinking production of the mule, you met with the management, you always behaved brazenly, boldly, the inhabitants of the mule. they also complained to security officials, but
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no one seemed to notice the dubious proceedings for years. we've already come close to closing several times. of this enterprise, but all the time there were either those who defended it, or some new legal trick, thanks to which the enterprise evaded responsibility and got off with either another fine or a criminal case against some next switchman, but continued to produce this product. i’m afraid, he says boldly, i hope that after the equipment is confiscated and destroyed, this harmful enterprise will not be able to resume its work. activities for. killer water suspended, residents hope that forever, in the few months that the enterprise has not been operating, they have finally begun to breathe clean air. olga zhurenkova and dmitry manushev, anton fedotov, sergey soldatov, denis bezlakovsky, denis novozhilov. news, duty department. deputy minister of internal affairs of russia, colonel general of police andrei khrapov, on behalf of the minister of internal affairs of the russian federation vladimir kolokoltsev, introduced the omsk police to their new leader. vadim bolotov became the acting head of the regional department of the russian internal affairs directorate. in he has been serving in the internal affairs bodies since 1994,
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and has come a long way from the position of a police receptionist to the deputy minister of internal affairs for the altai republic, and now he has headed the department of the ministry of internal affairs in the omsk region. the illegal money flow was blocked, a large-scale police operation in st. petersburg detained the persons involved in a large financial laundry, who
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were withdrawing tens of millions. employees of dealer organizations entered fictitious data about non-existent clients, while the sim cards were activated and were handed over to swindlers, and these operational footage was filmed two years earlier, showing the first arrests of members of the same group of telephone swindlers, which supplied batches of anonymous sim cards. when the police searched the apartments where the crooks lived and worked, they found about a dozen internet centers. how does it work or is
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it like a phone? gray sim cards played the role of a pocket bank for scammers, the fact is that a personal account is already linked to any phone number, and although there are many restrictions on it, for example, sim cards cannot be withdrawn for more than 200,000 rubles per month, criminals actively take advantage of this, first, call center employees from abroad call russians and lure money from them, then with this money they top up the accounts of sim cards issued to dummies, and from there with small sums are withdrawn for... of course, suspicious transactions quickly attract the attention of auditors, such sim cards are almost immediately blocked, but criminals simply replace them with new ones and the criminal loot flows out of the country. according to the materials of the criminal case through secret internet centers that were covered by
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st. petersburg operatives, about 150 million rubles were spent. but this is what is called a drop in the ocean, because just last year, telephone scammers lured people out. more than ten billion rubles. finding secret internet centers sometimes takes months, or even years, because such equipment is easy to hide, for example, in a rented apartment in an ordinary residential building, and none of the residents will even suspect that criminals are providing money traffic to their accomplices through the wall, however russian security forces cut off illegal financial channels time after time. the special operation in the northern capital is a worthy indicator. where's the mobile phone? well, yes. as for dealers and mobile operators who provide fraudsters with gray sim cards, they will also have to answer to the fullest extent of the law. in total, st. petersburg operatives detained six people, these are managers and employees of two dubious companies. it is possible that during the investigation the circle of suspects will expand significantly. sultan
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zeganov, elena stepanova, lead: duty department. over the past 2 years, 1,500 residents of our country have been punished for other people's debts. mistakenly received fines for other people. we are talking about a typical mistake of bailiffs, when instead of the debtor, his mother-in-law has to pay. databases often contain so -called legal twins, people who have the same last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. statistics are provided by the official website of the prosecutor general's office of russia. it is noted that over the past two years , employees of the supervisory agency helped victims of such errors will be given back no more, no less, 650 million rubles. pay for... sewing, how criminal printing houses stamp counterfeit fortune and where they spend it, the entire illegal business of counterfeiters comes to light, see tomorrow in our special report, to whom money is just paper, counterfeit mints of the country are stormed by special forces soldiers, how
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swindlers print for themselves billions of rubles and to whom they sell counterfeits, last name, first name, patronymic, literally dried up here. why do they make crispy fakes out of everything? criminal masters use a paint rag and a new year's toy. a shiny element - this can also be from primitive painting with some kind of silver metallic dye to gluing rain. how to distinguish a counterfeit bill from a real one - laughter and tears from the best industry experts. to imitate all this, you need to put a lot of effort into it. a lot of effort, and these imitations are, in any case, what i saw, imitations of the last two thousand banknotes, you can’t look at them without tears, and also why the russian ruble is one of the most secure in world of banknotes, on this? strategic enterprise, many employees work in earplugs, the noise level at the machines is prohibitive, protection for the pocket and the entire economy, in
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detail, alena skachkova with a report straight from the financial heart of the country, tomorrow at 18:30 and 21:30 the program will report the duty department only on tv channel russia 24. a specialist in issues of prison life is now under arrest in vladimir, a policeman along with soldiers of the russian guard were detained. a repeat offender, who, according to their version, occupies one of the highest levels of the criminal hierarchy, to put it simply, in in some circles he is considered a criminal authority and can give orders to more senior criminals, while the identity of this person is not revealed, citing the secrecy of the investigation, is it known that he is 43 years old and he has allegedly retained his influence for 10 years, by court decision the repeat offender was sent to a detention center, a teacher in captivity, an american court sent to jail a blogger who was filming a family video about happy
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motherhood, which the lady taught her... in this role, fashion blogger from the usa, ruby frankie, is unlikely to ever appear planned, during her career as a video maker she managed to make a lot of videos that received thousands of views, when suddenly, finding herself a defendant in a criminal case, during the final hearing she unexpectedly supported the strict court decision to send her. i take full responsibility for what i have done, i agree that i have to serve a prison sentence, and just recently the mother of six children on her youtube channel shared with viewers the secrets of parenting and the secrets of a happy marriage, in general, she made a reality out of the life of her own family show. i have never i’ve never forgotten to blog, it’s like forgetting to eat or breathe. against this background, she fits well into the trend of family vloggers, therefore. at this point, frankie
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met mental health counselor jodi hilde brunt. i have shared with ruby many times that anger is one of my favorite emotions. the problems that were raised in these videos - deception, trust, as well as the proper upbringing of children, however, it became known like a bolt from the blue. frankie is not a good mom allegedly drove the children into hysterics , starved them, deprived them of entertainment and gadgets for long periods of time, and also engaged in assault. when everything became known, frankie first brushed off the accusations, and then hid the children with friends; law enforcement officers had to look for their new place of residence with the support special forces, later in court she was charged with this, children were regularly denied food, water
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, beds to sleep in, they were beaten from... now american television journalists are in full swing discussing what awaits the psychologist? how are you do you think it's worse to harm your own children or to harm others, that's what the judge is going to consider because, at least as far as i'm concerned, judy hildebrand may in some way be the instigator because she directed ruby frankie's actions. the answer will become known soon. residents of the states are following the story as if they are waiting for the continuation of the show. only a question hung in the air. how soon will frankie's children be able to recover from their participation in the painful performance? maxim shevchenko, sultan zeganov and ekaterina lekhamanova, vesti.
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duty department. another high-profile scandal in the clinic of the star plastic surgeon timur khaidar is only gaining momentum. after the death of the patient, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, the chairman of the department took personal control of him, and searches are being carried out in the medical institution itself. report by ekaterina lekhomanova. in the plastic surgeon’s clinic, no matter how strange it may sound, the situation is again unhealthy. the footage was in our possession; the video showed investigators leaving timur
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khaidarov’s clinic after a thorough search. in it the surgeon khaidarov himself is grasping for time. he does his best to pretend that nothing extraordinary is happening, in his office there are journalists and television cameras instead of patients, before the interview begins he nervously talks to someone on the phone, and it seems that he is trying to explain himself, he called an ambulance, the ambulance arrived, i don’t know what they offered hospitalization there, but they didn’t. we are talking about one of the patients of timur khaidarov’s clinic. the famous businessman pyotr gavrilov was not afraid to go under the surgeon’s scalpel in this very institution. despite high-profile scandals related to
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poor quality. didn't wake up anymore. a thirty-five-year-old man felt his health deteriorated. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the producer's relatives suggested that blood poisoning occurred during the operation. experts are considering another option. they say operations aimed at losing weight are complex and unpredictable. such patients must be closely monitored. be very careful so that the seams do not fall apart. if in one place there will be a hole or hole. then the contents enter the abdominal cavity, this is peritonitis , if this is not recognized in time, although gastric peritonitis, they proceed more favorably than intestinal ones, because there is an acidic flora and an acidic environment, then of course in this case the consequences can be fatal. timur khaidarov said that the showman was operated on by his colleague, ilya ilagin. as our ilya borisovich says, he says: don’t be afraid, says bariatric surgery, be afraid of excess weight. surgeon with
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many years of experience, candidate medical sciences. that he greatly regrets the death of not only a patient of his clinic, but a comrade, and assures them that they have nothing to hide. it seems that the scandalous echo will haunt the clinic of star surgeon timur khaidarov for a long time. again you will have to prepare for checks and give evidence. and once again prove that their doctors are not to blame for anything. but this time it's more serious. the case of the death of a businessman, who underwent a serious operation in this
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clinic, was taken under personal control by the head of the investigative committee. another scandal from lives of the rich and famous, the former mayor of irkutsk viktor kandrashov succumbed to extreme sports and staged a wild race with drifting on the ice of lake baikal, and to make the entertainment consistent with his status, he performed stunts behind the wheel of a snow-white limousine. kandrashov’s limousine is the first such car on alkhon, although you can’t get far around the island in it. so, apparently, the former mayor decided to test the ice around the coast. vigilant users of social networks immediately remembered that travel on the lake outside the ice crossing is prohibited, and testing for strength unchecked areas on such a heavy machine are deadly. but apparently, there was money for a limousine, for a fine, and there will also be money. and the video turned out spectacular, no doubt about it. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honestly the detective. subscribe. also our investigation and daily releases on
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the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on the honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. right now on the russia channel. four, again, the main facts of this day: tula defense industry enterprises will transfer the majority of supplies to the search from the second half of the year to the first. this task was set today by the minister of defense. during a working trip to the troops of the western military district, sergei shaigu inspected the production and held a meeting. according to the head of the ministry of defense , production time has already been reduced for certain types of weapons and military equipment, from 6


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