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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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all fakes. uh, on the other hand, again in the constitution there is a question about how, and there is the concept of acting president, you understand, no, it really says there, perform duties until the new president takes office, but there are also the powers of the speaker of the supreme rada, who , if it is not possible to fulfill the powers of the president, takes office io, and if anyone doubts, again remember, today why can’t he be elected speaker, but he can’t, he’s not a deputy.
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at macron for this crazy idea, why is he playing along with putin, he was almost accused of being an agent of putin, and he’s all there, that’s it, but i liked the phrase most of all: what is he even suggesting, to fight for us for kramatorsk, yes, he says , and europe is not going to appear for kramatorsk, moreover, we lost in afghanistan, even to afghanistan, of course, we will lose to russia, so it’s better, the author concludes, to give weapons to ukraine, that is, you... you understand what are we talking about, that is, what kind of weapons do the italians want? give? well, yes, that there will be something , probably the problem is that they don’t have carabiners , she has carabiners, there are carabiners, with carbines, there are no carbines, what am i talking about, well, think about it, there is a foil, the very approach , ukrainians need to read this , you understand, they tell you, ukrainians, die for kramatorsk yourself, we know that we will lose, but if europe, we need to go to macron and ask, what about the old man, to kramatorsk? it’s time, yes, as it was said in the
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very work that kuleba quoted, and the answer was, it’s time, it’s time for our soviet columbarium, columbari, what am i talking about, if they understand that even the west of russia will lose in the fight for kramatorsk, what do you think, yes , the ukrainians, they believe in your victory, yes, but, but at the same time, you know, when here we are ukrainians were quoted yesterday who called for a fight with europe there, now... this korchinsky also added there, who called for the fact that let’s raise an uprising in europe, so i see that now there are more and more demands in poland that they are going to close the border altogether, you know, completely, yes, yes, now now i don’t know how to finish, there should be a debate in the dutch parliament late this evening, almost all factions, including rutte’s ruling faction, have introduced a bill demanding restrictions.
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benefits for ukrainian refugees, that is, in conditions when they are constantly traveling and traveling, a note to vasyl, he loves such statistics, now officially 50-70 ukrainians a day, a day like...
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well, they can’t, if they give up, they’ll be right there will lose their profession. by the way, kirby, in general, gave a relatively sad picture for himself happening in ukraine. the situation is terrible, as i said, the russians not only took avdeevka, they took a couple of other towns and villages in just the last 48-72 hours. these guys on, these ukrainian soldiers on the front, i mean, they, they're making really hard decisions about where they 're going to shoot and what they're going to shoot with, they're running out of ammo, and it's... it's not like jake said the other day: they don't run out of courage, they run out of ammo. so, the situation is very difficult, i'm not in that position to indicate the time and say: you know, by such and such a date they will lose the war, but they are certainly starting to lose territory, territory that they conquered from the russians, and now they must
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return it to the russians, because they cannot, they can't fight them off. no, because this is russian land, i must return it, i will return it, read bismarck, what? secretary, and he only broadcasts the agreed opinion of the heads of state of nato members, we won’t send, well, since he said it, that means we will do the same thing for national times, which says about this , special forces are already located there, and so they are there, but in addition to special forces, one must
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assume that there are also numerous personnel associated with the operation of military equipment and even with combat use, which especially concerns forces air defense systems. and if such panicky statements are being made from kirby, the same macron said that we cannot allow ukraine to lose, then it is possible that in the near future there will still be some supplies of military equipment will begin in ukraine, and if this concerns some types of armed forces, well , the same forces of means, well, there is no time to retrain ukrainian calculations, so it is quite possible that the equipment will... arrive with the calculations of those countries where it was located or in storage or in service. no, of course, fighters, officers, armed forces, states, nato members, in the first line of those attacking or defending there will not be represented, but in repair bodies, in radio intelligence units,
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electronic intelligence, radio-electronic fight, counter-battery fight, probably the second crew, the second crew, will be presented by the military personnel of the state, the participant. nato, because in such a short time they simply will not be able to retrain a significant number of ukrainian fighters, and in fact, the version that says that when our il-76 was fired upon, an american crew took part in the combat work, it also has validity are quite compelling reasons, maybe they did not directly occupy the officers’ jobs there, launch shooting, captures, and so on further, but they could easily be standing behind their back like click here. elaborating here , such a calculation in this regard is not excluded, therefore this component of the presence of soldiers and commanders of nato armed forces on the battlefields in ukraine will only
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intensify, only intensify, and what now concerns some aspects of strategic and both state and military control , then in general, of course, here is the ukrainian one and... his whole, his whole, his whole policy is built only on the basis of what they will give or not give, and if they give, then in what volume, and if in what volume, then when? the same is the strategic planning of the use of the armed forces of ukraine, it is based on the same principles: they will give, they will not give, how much, when, based on what volume we can plan some kind of military operations, but on this issue, well, the issue has not yet been resolved , that’s why all of zelensky’s calls there...
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well, that’s why this american panic, which kirby is broadcasting, is , in fact, connected with this, which is quite possible, no, the situation, of course, is tense, the enemy is resisting fiercely, showing everything possible, well , without any exaggeration, military skill, to say that we are now breaking urams there , everything there will now collapse, and the front, the line of combat contact will move beyond the dnieper, well, that’s probably not worth saying , but nevertheless, it’s worth it, but not now, a little later. but the situation, the situation, nevertheless develops, develops in our favor, and if this delay in the provision of
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material resources continues, while they are having debates there, while they are there to reason, and money does not automatically mean appearance, well, somehow they are not transformed into ammunition, guided missiles, fuel food, uniforms, medical equipment, all of this also takes time, so well, without any attraction, we need this window of opportunity take advantage of. we need to take advantage, but i just see that we are working very seriously, today the minister of defense, army general sergei kuzhgeevich shaigu, again inspected military factories, he was very pleased, because well, look, checked the fulfillment of the state defense order by defense industry enterprises in the tula region; during the verification of the fulfillment of the state defense order, the minister demanded that the manufacturer of artillery reconnaissance complexes for multiple-reconnaissance missiles and shells adjust the delivery schedule. across the entire range of manufactured weapons , shift the timing of the transfer of equipment to the second
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third quarter, that is, to the left. the ministry of defense inspected the new production facilities of npo alloy, which made it possible to increase the production of shells across the entire range by four times, and in some positions by seven times. at npo strela. shvaigo was informed that the production task was to release them to the enterprises of the yasterb av reconnaissance radar complexes and the 1m zoo.
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look, i have this phrase, i remember kuleb’s phrase, when he exchanges money for a chair, and if we dig a little deeper, we understand that the lives of ukrainians are these chairs that they sell for money, but in reality ukraine should look at the basic , probably statements or basic documents that americans sometimes voice like that, in fact they are always on them they rely on, because when you get used to listening to their slogans, you begin to get carried away with it and you have already forgotten how their population is. coconut fish there are 2 days of remembrance , they have already forgotten what they said before, let me remind you, mark mealy, the chairman of the joint
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chiefs of staff said back in the early summer of 22 that in the framework of this conflict in ukraine, we have the americans three goals, but we understand that these are from some kind, so he let it slip, as he, by the way, showed the situation room in white at home, there on the weekend, where you can see that the situation on the battlefield in ukraine is being monitored 24 hours, that specialists are sitting there, there are a lot of them. this is on the shoulders of the europeans , that is, their task is to give this impetus, to spin the flywheel, then europe will constantly support it with its resources to everyone else, so in principle, europe quite conscientiously fulfills this task, we see that the baltic countries are understandable, they have two of their own there they gave away an atv and one artillery mount and there are no questions for them, they have nothing else,
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european powers are more powerful, they resist, but nevertheless they empty the warehouses, the same denmark says, well , here we have... it would be more correct to talk about expanding the mission, there is a mission there anyway, an american military mission, which, without hiding, has been discussed the issue of sending troops, in fact , the american military is led by a general, yes, this is a mission to control
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the expenditure of weapons, everything else, but as mikhail mikhailovich said, we don’t know where they press what button, there is...
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but we don’t care they are preparing surprises the fate of ukraine has been prepared for several other states, we see what the situation is now happening in moldova, how they are now beginning to intensify this case, as they say, we need to unpack the conflict in transnistria. it is clear that ukraine may not like it, running around the world begging for ammunition, it is constantly licking its lips at 2,200 tons of shells in the sausage warehouse,
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it is clear that it is mined, but in their understanding, it will work out. the last few days there have been mailings to collective farms, cars, something else, it’s just the population there very not stupid with colossal connections with russia, they understand well that the romanians should not try to invade moldova, this is also such a big, complex question, that is , it then breaks... the whole concept, that is, the situation is very non-linear, and we i don’t want to say anything, the military will decide better, but it cannot be said that transnistria is in a zone of inaccessibility, that is, yes, it will require a slightly different use of forces and means, that is, but everything is possible, if desired, everything is possible, especially if we
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will treat romania as not brothers and we’re screwing them over the fact that they didn’t use them in ukraine to protect them. it’s starting to slide towards this, this is armenia, we already discussed it today, this is just a tragedy, i feel sorry for the people of armenia, because we have close ties that are now simple.
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armenia is starting under the leadership of the west, for some reason again the french ears are very serious, it’s difficult to say whether this is an american decision or a european one, well, there are historical reasons for such a role.
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why is no one in armenia fighting for the fate of ruben vardanyan? the very fact is that it is so easy pashinyan allowed the arrest of the government of nagorno-karabakh, in particular ruben vardanyan, who, of course. the strongest political leader of armenia, who would be a direct competitor to pashinyan, because unlike pashinyan, he fought, he
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spent all of his own, that is, all of his wealth on his people, on the country that he loves, which he considers his homeland, well, and yes, he is an armenian, now vardanyan is in prison, and pashinyan has never raised the question of handing over our citizens to us, some kind of exchange, although obviously there is a peace agreement signed contract could say. well, what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. when you give russian
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miss the elections, why are you voting at home, how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home, to do this you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, in person, through friends or relatives by phone, on the public service portal, when should you submit your application? march 7 until 14:00 march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11. everything will be like at a polling station, yes, members of the election commission and observers will come, give out a ballot, and will they also bring a ballot box? well, of course, for homeworkers voting uses sealed portable boxes, that's good, and i'll vote.
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weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries constantly end up on the black market. medium and large-caliber weapons come from ukraine, thanks to the supply. we have provided ukraine with military support and will continue in the same spirit. some army insiders have confirmed that there are indeed weapons being supplied. diamonds, they are easy to transport, not a single scanner there takes them, the weapons themselves most often do not reach the front, that is, they are writing it off, all the jewellins, two of the same ones, these warehouses began to explode.


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