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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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rise, rise contact. a soyuz launch vehicle launched from the vostochnaya cosmodrome. on board is a meteor spacecraft for weather observation, and a group of small satellites. security of border areas, creation of a special economic zone in shibekino and repair of roads. what issues concern residents of the belgorod region. our correspondent in the region will tell you about the results of the governor’s direct line. meeting at the border. trump and biden plan to visit the u.s.-mexico border and speak out on migration, one of the hottest issues these days. american elections. vladimir putin will address the federal assembly today. the president will announce state tasks for the next 6 years. the messages will be covered not only by russian, but also by foreign journalists. in gostiny dvor, where the event will take place, the final
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preparations are now underway, my colleague, anastasia efimova, works there, she is now joining the broadcast, anastasia, greetings, can you guess what topics the president will touch on in his message? yes, daria, hello, of course, an assumption, frankly speaking, just like fortune telling is not the most rewarding , however, some more or less reliable conclusions can be drawn from what has already been said in previous speeches by the head of state, and of course, in the context of the policy being pursued by the state today. but i ’ll start, probably, with the atmosphere of this very hall, the hall where the president’s address to the federal assembly will very soon be heard, here now, on the one hand, it seems half empty, on the other hand, there is of course an incredible bustle here, because the last ones are coming preparations, and by the way, there are very few journalists here, compared to the total number of press, very few journalists are allowed into this particular room, the majority will work in the press center, where everything is equipped so that you can see and hear.
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6 years of the task, most likely, these are the ones that will be formulated, at least, vladimir putin stated this when speaking at the axis forum, most recently in february, so the speech, of course, will be programmatic, on the one hand, on the other hand it will concern will be predominantly, we can certainly talk about this in domestic politics, traditionally the message to the federal assembly focuses specifically on the internal russian agenda, we will probably talk about technological sovereignty, this is the key topic of the last two years, the possibility...
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of a grown child, so that the state is nearby at all stages of the birth and maturation of a young citizen, it is likely that all these measures, which are now working together, will either be supplemented with something or formulated into a single project, maybe maybe a national project, but i would venture to suggest that this topic will also be in the focus of the president’s attention today, of course... we will talk about children, a lot of attention to young citizens, this is another serious area, youth policy, we see that there is also enough systemic steps are being taken in this direction , the knowledge society has been revived, by the way , on the initiative of the children themselves, the first movement, an all-russian movement of children and youth, was created, and the head of state regularly meets with those who, in fact, by this movement the first are dealt with by those who take part in it, and this is probably
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how they influence people’s lives? the president holds such meetings, let me remind you, with a variety of groups of citizens, with the same, by the way, children, with teenagers, with schoolchildren, with students, with businessmen, with large families, and in various regions of the country, all of the latter’s regional trips time,
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are marked by precisely such meetings, surely the conclusions that the head of state draws after these meetings are systematized, collected together formulated into certain single sentences, will also become part. today 's presidential address to the federal assembly , i remind you that there is very little time left to wait, as usual, we will tell you everything and show everything on our broadcast, colleagues, yes, thank you, anastasia, anastasia efimova, spoke about the expected topics of the president's address to the federal assembly, well our channel will show the speech of the head of state live, starting at noon moscow time, a soyuz launch vehicle launched a few minutes ago, this is the first one this year launch... of a spacecraft from the vostochny cosmodrome to the amur region. the main thing is the rise. the launch took place as usual at 8:43 moscow time. the warhead, together with the frigate's upper stage, has already separated from
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the third stage of the rocket. now the alliance is heading into orbit, where the meteor m spacecraft will be delivered, which will monitor the climate and collect data on ice conditions. also a rocket. will launch a group of small satellites into orbit, including one iranian to track movement sea ​​vessels for observing the earth's surface. now there is a special operation in the kupa direction, where crews of russian drones discovered a satellite communications station in the armed forces of ukraine. artillery responded to the coordinates and the object was destroyed. igor pikhanov will tell you more. scouts go into the gray zone to search for ukrainian positions. they track the line of combat contact in order not to give themselves away to the enemy, the fighters move through forest belts, this measure is forced, the enemy is also not asleep, you need to be extremely attentive, listen to every sound, because there may
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be enemy birds in the air, if the sound is heavy and muffled, it means it is equipped with ammunition, scouts raise a drone into the sky, a copter combs the area in an abandoned holiday village, detects an enemy satellite communication station, the enemy is holed up in a private house, information the target is reported to the artillerymen, and a few minutes later russian long-range artillery hits the positions in su. with precise strikes from howitzers, the enemy is neutralized. ukrainian militants are being attacked high-explosive fragmentation shells. in this sector of the front, the ukrainian armed forces lost the ability to direct their drones and missiles. we are trying to get np out. mortars. equipment, their own pickup trucks were sought out, covered, practiced on them, interaction with other services, well, we are very honest with them, and this is one of the training centers for uav operators of the ministry of defense, it is here that specialists are trained who beat militants throughout the special military zone
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operations, drones have shown their effectiveness in modern armed conflicts, in the current realities, this is primarily safety, the life of our... soldiers, adjustments, direct strikes in hard-to-reach places are also possible, drones can be used to deliver a small batch of bulls directly to the front line. drone flights begin with this class, fighters master fpv drones on simulators, the maximum speed of some reaches 200 km/h. you need to fly up to the target to destroy it. leopard tanks were destroyed there. there are such machines as they were, all this is nato equipment, and we know how to defeat it, we will defeat it, the fighters directly study its weak points and accordingly learn to hit this target. the operator must not only control the drone, but also upgrade it if necessary. to protect against
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enemy electronic warfare service , new firmware is installed. some captured enemy drones also undergo this procedure, then they go to beat their former owners. all those shot down were ukrainian. these specimens flew to us, we managed to plant them, in fact, yes, that is safe, this copy. it is self-made and is used with jet propulsion. the military says that the use of drones at the front is a new area; textbooks for cadets and scientific papers are being written with the participation of soldiers on the front line. the wishes of the soldiers are taken into account by domestic drone developers. this affects task completion. dozens of graduates of the training center received the title of heroes of russia and the order of courage. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin. news: kupinsky direction of the special military operation. energy development was discussed at intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation between russia
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and iran. the negotiations took place in tehran, our delegation was headed by deputy prime minister alexander novak. anna lazareva will tell you what we managed to agree on. 3 days of work by the delegation of two countries, 200 people only from the russian side. the result was a whole series of documents in completely different fields, from education to space, from medicine to the automotive industry. but of course. the peaceful atom is the sirik nuclear power plant , the second or third block of the bushehr nuclear power plant. another important area is transport, namely construction. railway line rasht-astara. industrial cooperation is also developing successfully. trade turnover fell 17% last year to $4 billion, but its potential remains high. we are implementing the project. our joint company russian railways to complete the construction of a 163 km
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section in order to ensure a cargo turnover of 15 million tons per year, of course this is agriculture, where we have common projects for the supply of agricultural products, both from russia to iran and from iran to russia, we have many projects in the transport sector, this is use of the caspian sea. well, we asked the deputy prime minister about the domestic russian market, namely, we asked him to confirm the information about the introduction of a six-month ban on the export of gasoline from russia from march 1. of course, i confirm that such a measure will be taken from march 1 for 6 months; this will only affect motor gasoline, since we produce, to put it mildly, a sufficient number of cars. gasoline, but the main task of the government of the russian federation is to ensure that the market is
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balanced, it is stable, so that prices at gas stations did not rise at the level of low inflation, so that wholesale and small wholesale prices and prices on exchanges would allow the normal formation of the economy of oil refineries, the small wholesale segment, six months is an approximate period, the deputy prime minister specified, the embargo can be lifted at any time as soon as the domestic market is saturated a ban on... export of diesel fuel is not on the agenda, added alexander novyk. anna lazareva, sergey rubanov, host tyageran. the renovations have been done and you can relax. a cash loan with a comfortable payment will be enough for what you need and for pleasant. come for the money. post bank. who will take the trophies and rule the water in their real and digital worlds, games of the future,
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a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. a new control and monitoring center for communication networks began work in novosibirsk. ksenia klimena will tell you more. instead of traditional cutting of red. proper operation of the internet, television, telephony in siberia, the urals and the far
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east. the responsibility for making quick, effective decisions increases, therefore. it is obvious that we need to move to larger-scale and global management systems; all the latest knowledge and technologies are concentrated here, not only in infrastructure management, but in ensuring information security, which is especially important today. charts and graphs on a huge multi-screen, like a center flight control, all this so that the internet can fly for users. here we see by region, for example, perm, now here. in a network of 80,000 active users, there is currently a piece of hardware called bras, which is responsible for releasing a subscriber to the network; it can handle no more than 400-500 user sessions; if the load on it is higher, then all subscribers will experience service degradation. to ensure stable communication, triple redundancy system.
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accidents on lines are detected automatically mode, the data is immediately sent to engineers. problems are often resolved in time. even before the subscriber can find out about them, dozens of monitors with different graphs, here, for example, they monitor the operation of the network, landline telephony, monitoring is carried out around the clock, all problems and malfunctions are instantly displayed on the screens, we monitor accidents, i deal with the far east , sakha yakutia, magadan, amur and khabarovsk, in the monitoring center they see everything, hundreds of thousands of kilometers of communication lines, thousands of servers and millions of wi-fi routers, on a large scale. in novosibirsk in the region, rostelecom is responsible for the cybersecurity of government agencies, regional authorities are already planning new joint projects, the development of the agro-industrial complex of a safe city in terms of increasing the fleet of cameras and a new service
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for law enforcement officers and for city residents , it is quite possible to modernize city lighting. both in terms of replacing lighting equipment and the intellectual part of this important urban infrastructure. sums east will work synchronously with tsums west, launched last year in krasnodar. if the need arises, each of these centers will be able to take over monitoring and management of the entire country's network. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. vesti, novosibirsk. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be.
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the russian economy is growing faster than the world average, as vladimir putin notes, such dynamics were ensured primarily by our internal capabilities and good growth potential in all regions. russia's gdp increased by more than 4.6% annually in terms, this is 2% more than a month earlier, while for the entire last year
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gdp increased by 3.6. even representatives of the international monetary fund speak about the amazing growth of our economy under sanctions. in return, development economists emphasize that we have coped with external shocks, successfully overcome the pandemic and adapted to restrictions. there were no ready-made recipes for how to resist them, we looked for them together, found them together, as a result, the russian economy recovered, it recovered faster than forecasts, is now growing at a rate higher than the world average, the reasons for this stability were a number of factors, this is the margin of safety accumulated over previous years, macroeconomic stability and, of course , active targeted support from the state, but the main, most important factor is entrepreneurial initiative, business flexibility, russia is confidently entering in the top five
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countries, if you look at the volume of gdp at purchasing power parity, said first deputy prime minister andrei belousov. industrial production also grew in january by more than by 4.5% in annual terms, and specifically the manufacturing industries added 7.5 % at once. we have created a modern competitive industry that can solve almost any problem that the country faces, suffice it to say that this industry has been almost completely updated, in 20 years almost 100% of the capacity, 85% of the capacity was built anew, very impressive growth and the fact that industry volumes have grown almost 2 and a half times since 2000. vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized that unemployment in russia is at a historical low. in january, according to rosstat, its level decreased again, the result was 2.9%, without excluding the seasonal
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factor. despite this, the central bank notes that tension in the labor market has stopped growing. real wages grew by almost 8% last year. according to preliminary data, the average monthly accrued indicator for the organization’s employees, while inflation should return to the target 4% this year. that the main result of the past year was the growth of real incomes, the growth of real incomes naturally supported demand, consumption, of course private in the first place, but also at the expense of budgetary funds, investments, and again this is a significant contribution to gdp growth, it is important to continue this trend, so far it is clear that investments continue to grow in our country, and very it is important that investments continue to grow. private, this means that economic agents see a lot of prospects and continue to count on strong growth in the future, including , of course, increased demand. in the fourth
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quarter of last year, investment activity reached a new historical maximum. according to the expectations of companies that participated in the monitoring of the central bank, it will remain high in the first quarter of this year. among the reasons is the need to expand production capacity, increase the cost of labor, and high profits. in a number of industries, as rosstat reports, retail trade turnover in january increased by more than 9% and approached four trillion rubles. the public catering segment at the same time added more than 2% and received 239 billion. we see how quickly this an area such as public catering is one such test for the sustainability of the economy, but you understand that when the population becomes poor, it is less so. they use public catering and prefer home -cooked food, well, this year there has been an increase , accordingly, for example, the consumption of our products, that is, clothing, has also
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increased, and this... has affected the growth of production volumes within the country, that is, our manufacturers of clothing and shoes increased production volume by as much as 40%. russia does not forget about strengthening the technological sovereignty. on wednesday, vladimir putin approved a new development strategy. it will help use intellectual potential to ensure the country’s security and competitiveness, as well as to implement strategic national projects. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna strovskaya, investigative committee. non-special givens. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who to kill? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still, don’t
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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considers it his duty to wait with interest to see what the president will say today, which is why an address of this kind can be considered an address to the nation, this will be vladimir putin’s nineteenth address, and in fact this is the constitutional duty of the president, and it becomes not only a point of summing up , control, essentially over the execution, as i already said, of orders -


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