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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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the main thing is the rise. the soyuz launch vehicle launched from the vostochny cosmodrome. on board is a weather observation spacecraft called meteor and a group of small satellites. security in border areas, the creation of a special economic zone in shibekino and road repairs. what issues concern residents of the belgorod region. our correspondent in the region will tell you about the results of the governor’s direct line. vladimir putin will address the federal assembly today. the president will announce state tasks for the next 6 years. the messages will be covered not only by russian, but also by foreign journalists. at gostiny dvor, where the event will take place, final preparations are currently underway; my colleague anastasia efimova also works there. she joins the broadcast. nastya, greetings, what are the topics in your message. will be affected by
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the president, is it possible to talk about this now? yes, yes, hello, again, but an hour ago we talked about what topics could be touched upon in today’s message, and it’s interesting that some of the forecasts that we expressed are in in general, they receive their confirmation , i don’t know how well you can see now, but behind me, on either side of the stage, there are three large screens, which, in fact, are necessary in order to broadcast infographics, the main points of the presidential speech, the numbers that. .. he will voice over in order to make the speech not only meaningful, but also as visual as possible, now on these same monitors we see how videos are broadcast, obviously prepared for today’s message, one of them is completely obviously connected with youth policy, we said that this topic will certainly be reflected in the president’s address to the federal assembly, since the state has been paying a lot of attention to this in recent years, we are, of course, talking about the movement. created on
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the initiative of just the young citizens of the country, about the revival of the knowledge society, about working in principle with the younger generation, preschool education, school education, secondary vocational, higher education, of course, and judging by the personnel that we we see on the monitors right now, perhaps you even hear it very loud here at these minutes in the guest courtyard they are checking the sound , and judging by these frames, we can conclude that we were not mistaken, moreover, it is obvious that it will affect... . speaking about this , the president and the integration of new russian regions into a single space of a large country, precisely in the context of education, in the context of upbringing, in the context of the humanitarian work that is now being carried out with the new regions, which specifically concerns the repair of libraries and delivery new books, showing russian films, and of course, retraining teachers, the opportunity to provide school students with new modern, russian textbooks, readiness...
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surely the head of state will also speak today, geographical connectivity is probably also one of the issues that he will touch upon, especially in the context development of domestic tourism, which we have generally turned to quite closely since the twentieth year, we see a huge increase in passenger flows for objective reasons, this is completely understandable, in the current situation, domestic tourism is developing very quickly and often does not keep up with demand. how can i change this? it is quite possible that vladimir putin will talk about this today. in general, we just have to wait. and the wait, as i hope you see right now on our screens, according to the countdown, is very short. dash, yes, thank you, we will monitor what the president will say on these topics, but really there are less than two hours left, anastasia efimova is working at gostiny dvor, she was at direct connection with the studio. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast today at 12:00. by moscow time.
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the situation in the belgorod region remains tense. the day before, the village of teshanka came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. lep, a house and a truck were damaged. the governor’s direct line was discussed yesterday about what concerns residents of the region and what solutions local authorities are proposing. and now our correspondent, igor pikhanov, joins the broadcast from belgorod. igor, hello, what's it like today? the situation and what topics, what problems were identified by residents of the region during the direct line. hello, darya, as you said, the situation in the belgorod region remains the same due to regular shelling by ukrainian militants.
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50 km from the state border - so far this is confirmed by the shelling that unfortunately continues from the armed forces of ukraine, the beginning of training in a twenty-kilometer zone is not possible, based on the results of each quarter
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we gather villagers ministry of defense, we discuss the current situation and make decisions for the next quarter. there were also questions on the direct line related to the construction of protective structures ; the head of the region, as well as the mayor of the city of belgorod , reported that concrete modules will continue to be built at public transport stops and also in places with large concentrations of city residents; in case of danger, people can be there take cover, the issue of automatic opening was also discussed. intercoms in residential buildings during a missile alert, so that people can to take refuge there, the head of the region reported that special equipment is now being installed for this, also this equipment had already been purchased the day before, if there are forces and equipment to carry out this
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work, in addition, exercises will be held regularly in public places, and especially this will be given to schools where full-time education has been restored, let's listen, an episode from a live broadcast, people's lives often depend on the actions of the authorities, now people's lives depend, so we are obliged to provide information, we are obliged to consult with people, we are obliged every day to look for new solutions that would protect both large and small residents, again not only belgorod, but all border territories, also a large number.
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with disabilities were able to receive technical means of rehabilitation using an electronic certificate from the social fund. this is data for 2023. maria valieva will tell you how to use this service and what its advantages are. i try to verticalize and position more. five-year-old nika takes her first steps with the help of a walker. mom is insuring for now, but hopes that soon her daughter will be able to move around the apartment independently. rehabilitation means they really are. are needed even more and not only to maintain interest in the child’s life, but also helps to fight various associated diseases that arise with our diagnosis. natalya purchased a walker for her daughter using an electronic certificate, wrote an application to the social fund for public services, 5 days later
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received the necessary document for a fixed amount, immediately made an order on one of the popular marketplaces, purchase quickly brought to the house. to date. for citizens with disabilities, an electronic certificate is the most convenient and fastest way to obtain rehabilitation aids. due to the fact that this registration is quick, a person does not spend his money on a large selection of goods manufacturers. after connecting one of the most popular marketplaces to the state program for paying for technical rehabilitation equipment, russians now have access to a huge range of mass- produced products. the electronic platform presents more than 10 thousand products from 300 various manufacturers. last june , the social fund significantly expanded the list of technical equipment.
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does he need a stroller there or does he need a protest there faster or something else, so this is such a necessary thing, it’s really a big plus in general. compared to 2022, last year the number of russians who used an electronic certificate to purchase technical rehabilitation equipment doubled. in 2023 , more than 15 million different products were purchased throughout the country. evgeny kirilenko, konstantin berzov and viktor vinogradov, host. vladimir putin
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sent condolences to the family of the last head of government of the soviet union, nikolai ryshkov. the president noted his enormous contribution to solving the problems facing the country, loyalty to ideals and principles. let me remind you that the oldest russian senator, nikolai ryshkov, died the day before. he was 94 years old. economists expect that today's presidential address to the federal assembly will determine the vector of russia's future development, and the speech of the head of state should give responses to the challenges of recent years. alexandra nazarova will tell you how the economy copes with them. the russian economy is growing faster than the world average, as vladimir putin notes, such dynamics were ensured primarily by our internal capabilities and good growth potential in all regions. in january gdp. added more than 4.6% in annual terms, which is 2% more than
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a month earlier, while for the entire last year gdp increased by 3.6. they talk about the amazing growth of our economy under sanctions even representatives of the international monetary fund. the economic development exchange emphasizes that we have coped with external shocks, successfully overcome the pandemic and adapted to restrictions. there were no ready-made recipes for how to... resist, we looked for them together , found them together, as a result, the russian economy recovered, recovered faster than forecasts, and is now growing at a rate higher than the world average. the reasons for this stability were a number of factors, such as the margin of safety accumulated over previous years, macroeconomic stability and, of course, active targeted support from the state, but the main, most important factor is entrepreneurial initiative, business flexibility, and the speed with which companies have adapted. to new challenges and restrictions, the constructive and trusting nature of the relationship that has developed between
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business and the state, russia is confidently among the top five countries, if you look at the volume of gdp at purchasing power parity, said first deputy prime minister andrei belousov, industrial production is also growing in january by more than 4.5% in in annual terms, and specifically the manufacturing industries immediately added 7.5, we have created a modern competitive industry that... can solve almost any problems that the country faces, suffice it to say that this industry has been almost completely updated, almost 100% in 20 years capacity, 85% of the capacity was built anew, very impressive growth and the fact that industry volumes have grown almost 2 and a half times since 2000. vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized that unemployment in russia is at historical. at a minimum in january, according to rosstat, its level decreased again, the result was 2.9%, without excluding the seasonal factor.
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despite this, the central bank notes that tension in the labor market has ceased to increase; real wages over the past year increased by almost 8%. according to preliminary data, the average monthly accrual for the organization's employees is about 74,000 rubles. at the same time, inflation should return to the target 4% this year. that the main result of the past year is the growth of real income, the growth of real income naturally supported demand, consumption, of course private in the first place, but also at the expense of budgetary funds, investment,
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in the first quarter of this year, among the reasons is the need to expand production capacity, increase in the cost of labor resources, as well as high profits in a number of industries. according to rosstat, retail trade turnover in january increased by more than 9% and approached four trillion rubles. the catering segment at the same time added more than 2% and received 239 billion. we see how quickly an area such as public catering is being restored, this is one of those... tests for the sustainability of the economy, but you understand, when the population becomes poor, they use public catering to a lesser extent, they prefer home-cooked food, well, this year there was an increase, accordingly, for example, the consumption of our products, that is, clothing, also increased, and this affected the growth of production volumes within the country, that is, our
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clothing and footwear manufacturers increased production volumes by as much as 14%. russia does not forget about strengthening. technological sovereignty. on wednesday, vladimir putin approved a new development strategy. it will help use intellectual potential to ensure the country’s security and competitiveness, as well as to implement strategic national projects. the russian ministry of defense reported that the motorized rifles of the southern military district in the zaporozhye region have successfully secured new positions in the village of rabotina. footage of the assault in the report of our war correspondent. in this video, two assault groups of the 70th guards regiment enter the bmp to the village of rabotina on the arekhovsky direction of the zaporozhye front. it can be seen how armored vehicles fire at pre-identified enemy firing points without slowing down. they are supported by artillery and covered by a drone from the air. just when his operator notices, when the first infantry fighting vehicle passes
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the intersection, they try to shoot it down with a grenade launcher, but miss. and to the place of the shot. he even points with an arrow. the infantry fighting vehicles disperse along parallel streets to land troops. the group dismounts and disperses among the ruins. and so clearing buildings where the enemy is trying to hold the defense looks from the first person. his tank paved the way for the infantry through the mined fields and streets of the village itself. the tankers went first, using mine trawls. my commander, he completed his entire task.
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they cleared routes to the village for infantry from several directions at once; they don’t talk much about their work, but they speak with admiration about their colleagues. the thief who is already walking along a concrete road, these are our real heroes, the guys who were walking along a concrete road, already subsequently, on the same day in the evening , our infantry began to slowly arrive and enter svobotin, as it were, a difficulty. it was the fighters of his unit who were secured in the liberated positions in the village; the task of my unit was to consolidate after the advance of the assault groups, namely the so-called fastenings. while
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the attack aircraft were working, his fighters supported them, creating a density of fire on the positions. he worked with competent command, by protecting the soldiers, and also by personal courage, for which he was awarded this order. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, news: zaporozhye front. the pentagon is trying to decide how to use the last $4 billion in reserves earmarked for the zelensky regime. money for kiev
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has practically run out, there are not enough shells, kiev’s allies are trying to look for them in third countries. there is more and more talk about a peaceful settlement. maria will talk about the results of the summit, which took place in albania the day before. they walk along the red carpet and under the sun of the balkans. the fate of ukraine, the kyiv authorities are stretching out their hands, money for war is needed like air, but the tricks are boring, the promises are stingy. a difficult day awaits us, we will discuss the growth program, we will talk to president zelensky about the common market, this is not an easy topic for us. kiev is ready to do anything for money, bow down, humiliate itself, beg, even sign us security guarantees, but the money comes first. in the evening, a chair in the morning is money, or better in the morning. write the media, american and german tanks are overrated and cannot help
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in sow, write national interest, which means collecting weapons around the world to throw bottomless kiev, the latter is simply useless, analysts say. zelyansky, like a garbage pit that literally eats up the budgets of nato countries, a video is going viral on american social networks. internet users advise kiev to forget about western help and think for itself. more and more congressmen are in favor of negotiations with russia, writes politics. american politicians, especially republicans, no longer believe in ukraine’s victory, the article says. the us has plenty of its own problems, including biden. mental health of the head of the white house raises questions for everyone except him. mr. president, how are you feeling, is everything okay? american journalists are trashing biden’s policies, they say only hypocrisy and double standards. sorry, i was told that the biden administration is talking about
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russia allegedly bombing ukraine. yes, yes, this is a war crime. i'm sure they give the same advice to israel. hey israel, can you be a little more careful with your bombing? great advice america gives israel by handing over all the bombs. everything they could give ukraine's allies. have already been given away because of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, scholz is at enmity with macron, newspapers write, germany’s policy was based on helping the kiev regime without a direct clash between nato troops and russia, the attacks of paris and berlin are unnerving. it surprises me that some people don’t care about this at all, they don’t even think about what this will lead to, what our participation in the war will entail? germany has already spent almost 18 billion euros on kiev; even the president doesn’t know where to get more. we must help ukraine, who should pay for it and by what means? the president of germany is not the one who should offer
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something to the ministers of finance, economy and defense. all that paris and berlin can now offer ukraine is a couple of baguettes of french bread and scholz’s fear, the evil irony of euro-satirists. some units of the ukrainian armed forces lost from 80 to 90% of their personnel, writes military watch magazine. western strategy in ukraine. if the west wants to stabilize the situation, it could result in pushing kiev, as long as necessary, probably into negotiations with russia. territorial concession, emphasize analysts. maria skorodilka, news. and
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we return to gostiny dvor, where today at noon vladimir putin will address the federal assembly. the president will assess the state of affairs in the country and determine the main tasks for the next 6 years. my colleague dmitry gorno is working on site, he is in direct contact with the studio. dmitriy. hello again, what’s going on in gostiny dvor now, what’s being discussed on the sidelines, did you manage to communicate with the guests? yes, daria, i welcome you again, indeed, it’s all over now - a lot of people have already gathered here in the foyer of the gostiny dvor, everyone is waiting for the moment when they can go into the hall and sit there in order to listen to what the president will say today in his address to the federal assembly, the topics discussed here on the sidelines are really very different, and... because well, a very large number of people, these include governors, participants in a special military operation, who will also be present in large
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numbers in the hall today, these are... representatives of the clergy and many, many, many others who, of course, care about in including its own specificity, its own profile, as the president himself stated a little earlier, his tasks announced today will be designed for the next 6 years, despite the fact that the federal assembly, that is, the parliament, is considered to be the main listener and recipient of this information, the upper and lower chambers, the federation council and the state duma, of course, will mainly be present here today.
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everyone is waiting for what will happen, it is clear that the president largely determines the direction of russia’s movement, in many ways they say in the world is determined by what happens in russia, so not only we, citizens of russia, are waiting for what the president will say, but the world is also waiting for what the president will say, this is actually the case, so i am absolutely sure that there will be events today, today there will be said. e things that will surprise will determine how the world and how russia will live in the future. well, by the eighteenth address of president vladimir putin to the federal assembly, virtually everything is ready, it must be recalled that this is actually the constitutional duty of the president, and to carry out such summing up the results and building a conjuncture of plans for the near future. the topic, as we have already said, runs here itself. different
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, but among the main ones, of course, everyone here expects the topic of a special military operation, support for its participants and their families, this speech, including the practical and digging, will be closely watched, today we talked with the chairman of the people's council of the donetsk people's republic with artyom dzhogo , who was himself a serviceman, he said that it was to him that the soldiers from the front line addressed their so that some kind of screens, some kind of televisions would be installed for them. the internet, so that they can watch live what the president will say, of course, we are waiting for tasks from vladimir vladimirovich, instructions on how the svo will proceed further, what tasks we will receive, our military guys, they called me yesterday, they talked commander, you will participate there, so to speak, tell me in which row, we will look at you, well, this is a joke, of course, but in general he says, listen, what are the general tasks, what further, the avdievka began to fall.
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accordingly, several more settlements in a row fell at once, so to speak, everyone is charged with moving as far as possible, so i hope today we will hear where this will be as far as possible. they are, of course, waiting for new solutions to problems in the regions, we also had time to talk with the governors, they, in particular, said and noted the success of the implementation of previous orders of the president, including the end of a number of national projects this year. which have successfully proven themselves and, of course, the heads of regions express the hope that somehow either existing national projects will be extended, or there will be some fundamentally new things that emphasize and reflect, of course, influencing the development of one or another segment of the region. daria, yes, thank you, exactly one and a half hours left before the start of the broadcast. dmitry gorn spoke about
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preparations for the presidential address.


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