tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 February 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK
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yes, today russia and many other countries are faced with a decline in the birth rate. demographers argue that this challenge is related to global social, economic, technological, cultural and value changes. young people get an education, build a career, improve their lives, and postpone having children until later. it is obvious that not only the economy and the quality of the social sphere influence demography and the birth rate, but to a huge extent those life guidelines that are laid down in the family are shaped by culture, education, enlightenment. the work of all levels of government, civil society, and pastors of our traditional religions is important here. supporting families with children is our
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a social contract, sorry, can be submitted through the state services portal with a minimum set of documents, we will expand the availability of this measure, this will require additional money somewhere in the region of 100 billion rubles, but they are provided for, in general i will name these additional expenses, they are all being worked out. i want to repeat, the problem of poverty is still acute, now it directly affects more than 9% of the country’s population, among large families, according to experts, the poverty level is about 30%, we need to set clear goals and consistently move towards solutions, to their achievements, to ensure that by 2030 the poverty level in russia falls below 7%. among
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large families decreased by more than two times, at least up to 12%. that is, we must place special emphasis on reducing poverty, especially for many. families, i understand that in general the fight against poverty is not an easy task, it is absolutely systemic in nature, multi-vector, so i repeat once again, it is important that all the measures that we take in this area, all the tools that we use, are effective and effective, gave tangible, real results for people, for our families. we need constant work aimed at improving the quality of life of families with children, to support fertility, and for this we... will launch a new national project, which is called the family, in a number of specific about a number of specific initiatives, right now i will say, first, russian regions, in addition to
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federal programs, are implementing their own measures to support families with children, i would like first of all to thank my colleagues for this work and propose to further help the subject federation, where the level of... the birth rate is below the russian average, this is especially important for central russia and the north-west, in 2022 in 39 regions the total coefficient the birth rate was below the russian average, by the end of the thirtieth year we will allocate at least 75 billion rubles to such regions so that they can increase their family support programs. funds will begin to arrive next year. second, last year over 110 million square meters of housing were built in russia, which is one and a half times more than the highest soviet figure, which was
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achieved in 1987. then 72.8 million km were built, now 110. more importantly, over the past 6 years, millions of russian families improved their living conditions, including more than 900,000 with the help of a family mortgage, and this program began with us in 2018. let me remind you that we constantly increased its availability, first families with two or more children could take advantage of it, then families with one as a child. the family mortgage program is valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030. while maintaining the basic basic parameters, special attention should be paid to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and also, now at the birth of the third
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child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 45,000 rubles. i also propose to extend the following: the norm until 2030, this year it will take almost 50 billion rubles for this, then increasingly more and more, but there is money for this, in general, the task is to make housing under construction more affordable for families, so that the housing stock in the country is systematically updated. third, in russia there are more than 2 million families in which there is growing...
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a large family, which people asked for, he the situation must be filled with concrete decisions at the federal and regional levels, based, of course, on people’s requests. in families with many children and a lot of worries, parents should have more free funds to solve everyday problems. i propose to double it to 2,800 rubles. per month tax deduction for the second child and up to 6,000 rubles per month for the third. each subsequent child, what does this mean, for example, a family with three children will save 1,300 in their budget every month rub. at the same time
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life expectancy in russia should be at least 78 years. and in the future, as we planned, we will reach the level of 80 plus. special attention should be given to rural areas, regions where life expectancy is still lower than the russian average. the national project “long and active life” will be aimed at solving these problems. at the same time, it is important that it grows, and it is important that the duration of a healthy, active life grows, so that a person can devote his time to his family, loved ones, children, grandchildren, we will continue federal projects to combat cardiovascular diseases, cancer, as well as with diabetes. in addition, i propose to launch a new comprehensive maternity care program. preserving the health of children and adolescents, including reproductive health, so that children
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are born and grow healthy, in the future and they have healthy children. among the priorities of such a program will be the expansion of the network of antenatal clinics, the modernization of perinatal centers, children's clinics of hospitals, and in the next 6 years only for the construction, repair and additional equipment of health care facilities. we will allocate more than a trillion rubles; further, in recent years , the number of citizens who they regularly go in for sports, this is one of our significant achievements: we need to encourage people who take responsibility for their health, starting next year we will provide tax deductions for everyone who regularly undergoes medical examination on a scheduled basis, and also successfully passes
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the gto standards . remember, the people's slogan. everyone remembers this joke: stop drinking, go skiing, this is the case, the moment has come. by the way, as for drinking, here we have a noticeably good result, really, without anything. extremism - we have significantly reduced the consumption of alcohol and, above all, strong alcohol, and this certainly affects the health of nations. i propose, at the expense of federal resources, i propose, at the expense of federal resources, to build at least 350 additional sports facilities annually in the regions, primarily in small towns and rural areas. these are universal complexes and prefabricated playgrounds where
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children, adults, and entire families can exercise. we will additionally allocate about 65 billion rubles from the federal government for these purposes over 6 years. budget, conditions, conditions for playing sports should be. colleges in schools and preschool institutions. by the way, many of our kindergartens were opened in soviet times and need updating. we'll start next year. as for schools, about 1,800 buildings require major repairs; by 2030 we will help the regions completely solve this accumulated problem;
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in the future we will carry out school repairs as planned; what has been done so far shows that we... here in addition, i propose in the next 6 years update or open medical offices in schools where there is such a need, and there is such a need, because now we have... only 65% of our schools have medical offices, there is something to work on. and another very important topic: today many large cities are actively growing, while
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the burden on the social sphere is becoming greater. the number of schoolchildren who study in the second shift is increasing in some schools. even a third shift is being introduced, of course, this is a problem that also needs to be solved in those cities where overcrowding is an issue educational institutions is the most acute problem, but again we will have to solve this problem at the expense of the federal budget, at the expense of federal resources; we will build an additional total of at least 150 schools and more than 100 kindergartens. dear colleagues, the dreams of accomplishment of our ancestors and older generations have become achievable, and we are proud of these achievements, and the future of the country will be determined by the aspirations of the current, younger generation, its formation, its successes, life guidelines that will pass any test of strength - this is the most important guarantee and
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a guarantee of russia’s sovereignty, a continuation of our history, i propose to consolidate on... in the field of youth policy and already this year launch a new national project, the youth of russia, it should be, it should be a project about the future and for the future of our country, this is how they understand their vocation, your high mission and responsibility for the younger generations, our school teachers, thank you very much for your ascetic work. the role of the mentors. from september 1 , 2024, i propose to introduce a federal payment of 5,000 rubles per month for all advisers to educational directors in schools and colleges. and something that didn’t exist before. and
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i propose a separate solution for school class teachers. rub. what else i would like to add: in 2018 , may decrees established requirements for the remuneration of teachers and other public sector employees, based on the average monthly income from labor activity in a specific subject of the federation. these provisions are
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the so-called may decrees must henceforth be strictly followed. but, at the same time, it is necessary to improve the wage system in the public sector, to achieve an increase in the income of specialists employed here. the level of average salaries in the economy in the regions is different , which means that the incomes of public sector workers, even in neighboring regions of the federation, are sometimes noticeably different, while the work of a teacher or doctor is equally complex , extremely responsible, and there is such a wide range. in salaries from region to region it is unfair, of course, i understand that the problem is long-standing, very complex, capital-intensive, so to speak, we discussed it with colleagues. from federal departments, with regional leaders, with teachers, doctors, and other specialists, but of course it needs to be solved, i won’t go into details now, it’s really complicated, and deputies and
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government members understand what i’m talking about, i’m just asking the government already in the twenty- fifth year to work out a new model of remuneration for public sector employees within the framework of pilot projects in the constituent entities of the federation, in the twenty-sixth year to make a final decision for the entire countries. a separate issue is the creation of additional motivation for young professionals so that they come to work at school and see here a prospect for professional and career growth. at the same time, we will specifically allocate more than 9 billion rubles from the federal budget to update the infrastructure of pedagogical universities. our school education has always been famous. innovators, innovators, unique, original methods, these are
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the teaching teams that will take part in the creation of promising schools, we will begin construction of the first leadership-level educational school this year in the ryazan, pskov, belgorod, nizhny novgorod and novgorod regions. they will appear in the future. in all federal districts, in the far east, in siberia, in the donbass, in total, by 2030 we will open 12 such schools. now about the content of education: the academic workload for children should be reasonably balanced, of course, it is clearly not beneficial when they teach one thing in class and ask another in exams, such a discrepancy, to put it mildly, between school program questions in exams, and this happens, unfortunately. but this forces parents to hire tutors, and not everyone can afford this. i ask my colleagues from the government, together with the teaching and
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parent community, to sort out this problem, it is obvious. in this regard, in this regard, and about the unified state exam, it still causes wide public discussion and controversy, we are all good about it. retake the unified state examination in one of the subjects; create this; do this to the end; admissions companies. documents already taking into account retake, such everyday things, but they are important for people. dear colleagues, last year
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the russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world’s, so we were ahead of not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the states of the so -called big seven. but what i want to note in this regard, i want to note is that the fundamental margin of safety that has been made over the past decades has played a huge role in this. today, the share of non-resource sectors in the growth structure confidently exceeds 90%. that is, the economy becomes more complex, technologically advanced, and therefore much more sustainable. today russia is the largest. europe's economy in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity and fifth in the world, the pace and most importantly the quality of growth
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allow us to hope and even assert that in the near future we will be able to take another step forward, we will become one of the four largest economic... powers in the world , such, but such development must be directly converted into an increase in the income of the families of our citizens. in the next 6 years, the share of wages in gdp countries should increase. by comparing inflation and the growth rate of average wages in the economy , we index the minimum wage . starting from 2020, the monthly wage has increased one and a half times from 12 to... 1900 rubles per month; by 2030, the monthly wage should almost double to 3,500. this will certainly affect
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can lead to a slowdown in economic growth and our development in general; this is , first of all, a lack of qualified personnel , our own advanced technologies or their absence in some areas. here you need to work proactively. therefore, today i will dwell in detail on these two strategically important topics. i'll start with the personnel base. a large young generation is growing in russia , oddly enough, yes, there are demographic problems with population growth, here is a large young generation, we have a place to be, in 2030 there will be 8.3 million citizens under the age of 20 in the country , from 20 to 24 years old, in 1935 there were already 9.7 million.
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