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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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together we are strong, we vote for russia.
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i wouldn’t want to repeat after my colleague, my neighbor on the presidium, but everything that the president listed, i probably tried to see for myself, like probably many others, after all what was not said, after all, well , the enumeration of the task means that in preparing for this speech, the president worked a lot, as he himself spoke with the government and... in the
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presidential administration, and the main thing is that he heard voters with whom he met, so i’m trying to figure out what was said, i would like to complement what has already been started, namely, well, probably the shortest connection with the topic related to the outside world, from which i made only one conclusion for myself that without a sovereign strong russia there is a new world order is impossible, and accordingly this means one thing: we are not discussing what the west expects from us? how he reacts to this, we are building our country and thereby providing answers to all the questions that the west would like to ask us. these questions are related to what sovereign russia is, its position in the world, i agree that sovereignty is of any kind, and it is in the field of military technology, technology in general, economic sovereignty, and so on. the topic of security, which today may well become a product with which russia can enter the international market, it also concerns the military sphere, and the technological, intellectual, moral, ideological and so on. but
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let's see what 's behind the listing of all these numbers, and here, in my opinion, there are very important key points, well, firstly, i think you and i should see or hear. a phenomenon or a thought in the message is that today we are talking to you about a completely different approach to economic processes, well, look, you asked a question early on, which i would also like to try to answer
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answer, this whole amount of money is possible or not, why it didn’t exist before , and so on, we talked a lot about this, it’s like a balm for the soul, in fact , the president said it very clearly and clearly, and he made it clear, that from... there are answers to the questions, because today this amount of money does not even need to be counted, it is connected with one thing, that if we consider even analogues, but russia is developing in its own way, but studying the experience of our neighbors, and friends and foes, so here an increase in the money supply of 10 trillion rubles today is a normal, expected phenomenon, we lag behind world powers in these indicators, therefore the tasks facing our economy are growth rates of up to 10 percent or more, but otherwise not up to... all these results presuppose the presence of a money supply, control over the money supply today is carried out in smaller volumes by the government, we just need to extend this control to a larger money supply. then we talk about the planning system, of course, medium-term, long-term, i said the president, we are leaving beyond the horizon of 20-30 years, which means
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that today he clearly understands that all these tasks have already been calculated today and the government understands how this policy will lead to what results. third, you and i can talk about, for example, the equalization of life in the regions, the quality of life, the quality of life, what is the president talking about, technological sovereignty and a highly qualified workforce, for what? only with this can we come to an increase in labor productivity, which underlies the fact that more efficient labor will give the state more, well, accordingly, products and so on, and we will receive through a tax refund, accordingly a larger budget, but if we are talking about highly paid people,
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we are not tied to any specific numbers, the scale of our country and its potential is much higher than any of these places, why? yes, because all these examples, i recently visited saudi arabia, before that we were in the united arab emirates, listen, 40 years ago, these united arab emirates did not know at all what
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tourism business, look what is happening today, are they unique, maybe they use something that we cannot use, yes, of course, we can and should use our own experience, but we cannot ignore this when speaking about personal construction , you touched on this topic , you know how china decides, they have many solutions, but one of the solutions is, for example, a fund where everyone who wanted to buy an apartment pays a small percentage of their salary, the amount accumulates, then the state provides, naturally, the funds accumulated at the expense of the citizen provide this amount and then give a two to three percent loan for a long period so that the person can purchase an apartment, that’s all, he makes direct contact with each other as consumers of these products. the state and private business, about which a lot has been said today, are partners, but state tasks should be formulated by the state , create prerequisites and formulate tools on its own, and private business should be provided on contractual terms, and not
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you wish, on contractual terms for the execution of government tasks, and the better they are fulfilled, the more private business will earn, but not on its own, mentioning such directions of roads there as roads and railways. is it really that private business will do this, it will do it, it will do it, but according to a state program, formulated clearly and clearly, therefore, in my opinion, today’s presidential message contained a programmatic action and, in general, the program of our candidate: to the president, because today he explained what it will be like country and in 6 years and beyond, so i will fully support it, a little advertising, now it will appear, come on, what kind of card is it for...
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to be close to their closest ones. we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true. and sber will help you implement everything you plan. “if you don’t be offended, i’ll give the communists the floor, if you don’t mind, because otherwise the communists will be offended by me, it will be scary, no, it’s just that karen georgivich and i are the last marxists, as has already been established within the framework of our program, please, when a special military operation began and, in fact , western aggression against our country, gennady andreevich zyuganov said that the world has two development paths: fascisation and socialization.
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ukraine, most of the west, have virtually taken the path of fascisation. today’s message from the president says that russia is on the right path, the path of socialization, and we are pleased that a number of key proposals and decisions that the president spoke about are in many ways similar to zyuganov’s program proposals for our party in the nineties, in the 2000s, and that zyuganov suggested. kharitonov, our team, i would like to say that we can talk a lot about proposals today, many very bright ones, necessary, necessary for our country, i will focus on three. and the president today, speaking about decisions, he said that on almost every issue he consulted not just with members of the government, governors, with people when he held meetings, these are the meetings that took place during the presidential campaign, when khariton and i went out, they they say that there are indeed several key problems, the demographic problem, if you look at the thirtieth year of capitalism, the excess mortality
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rate of 16,800 thousand - population loss, yes, 5 million rubles due to migration, but migration policy is a separate issue of a long conversation, this problem needs to be solved, and solutions have been presented, but when we go only into a conversation about moral values, because the most key issue, and youth is will say , after all, the question of socio-economic policy and the level and conditions of life, talking about poverty and the fight against poverty, the population out of poverty, this is just a conversation about the fact that a family can have the means to have a child and provide him with decent support , i'm scared, that the highest birth rate is in poor countries, well, let’s look at russia, all the regions, i did an analysis by the way, in regions with a higher level, the birth rate
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is higher there, including, for example, imal in a few circles, well, i don’t take it, the caucasian says, moral core, this is not only the educational environment, this is not only values, well , the question is how much you will have to spend on education, how much you will have to be in debt mortgage bondage in order to buy an apartment, so solving socio-economic issues, including the question is for a young family to have housing, not through
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a mortgage, with a fairly high stake, and i now... we have an example of countries where these very issues have been resolved, but without certain moral and ethical issues , there will still be no increase in the birth rate, social economic, moral and ethical, this should be taken together.
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the fact is that today, probably, the president said for the first time, this is accelerated industrial development, we once talked about high-tech industrialization of the 21st century in the program of the communist party of the russian federation, this was when the president spoke about this, well in fact, this completely rejects the liberal dogmas that were instilled in us that the market will solve everything, the main fight against inflation,
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this whole policy that was carried out, by the way, i could never understand the phrase, the market will solve everything, oh, how i began to understand stalin, i don’t justify any repression, but i began to understand some things differently, so that’s it. from the point of view of tasks, machine tool building, the key task of the development of machine tool industry, i looked at metal-cutting machines, nine times since the destruction of the soviet union
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the number has decreased, and those produced , vehicles have doubled, trucks have quadrupled, but the most important serious lag is the aviation industry, we have 80% of airliners from the west, and there have already been stories when berezovsky, when he owned aeroflot, routes were sold by lufthansa that flew to africa,
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to any guy or girl from a remote village, regardless of the wallet of their parents, regardless of origin, if you are talented, hardworking, if you want to benefit the country, then you have the opportunity to develop, as it was in soviet times, here we are yesterday, unfortunately , nikolai ivanovich reshkov passed away, gennady andreevich spoke of him as a great giant of the soviet union, but this man was born in the donbass, passed away. path from the master of uralmash, the director of uralmash was the chairman of the council of ministers of the sss, a man who came from the bottom, the same gennady andreevich zyuganov was born in the village of the oryol region, khotonets
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district, a politician not only of russian, international scale, president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimir, it’s good that you don’t have a cult of personality in your party, vladimir vladimirovich putin, from the tver province, family, he himself was born in a leningrad simple family and through skills, training, education.
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in all spheres, namely, including with the support of the state, because they defend our homeland, well, two points: the communist party of the russian federation, opposition parties, we always oppose the idea of ​​being an indoctrination cap somewhere, two points: housing, indeed, in terms of housing, the pace has exceeded soviet times, but let's see in in soviet times, housing was mostly free housing, now the vast majority is commercial housing. next , let's look at what kind of apartments they are. in soviet times, one-room apartments were 16-17%, now 45-50, that is, a one-room studio is the way for a young family with high mortgage loans that are difficult
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to repay, 40% of housing now in large cities is investment housing, that is, which is rich people use it as an investment system, by the way, housing water, you know, quite a large part of the private sector, so mortgage... problems from price disparity, so we need to look deeper into many issues, even where we have some successes, in order to avoid making the same mistakes as they did with the army and defense industry under serdyukovno. tactless
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question: what is your opposition? well, i listened, i heard everything except opposition, i can say one thing, the president is right when he talks about the consolidation of society, today the communist party of the russian federation practically believes that many of alexandrich’s theses that we expressed are being implemented, this is the task of the opposition, to give constructive proposals , there is only one small nuance, a problem. is that these theses are realized when this implementation is possible, because when your party was ruling, it managed to lose our homeland, so every time we look at the recipes of the past, we are forced to take into account the mistakes, because this is our common tragedy, this is in general, this is a common tragedy, so we are not blaming anyone for anything now, we understand that we need to go into the future, taking into account our gigantic historical experience, both successes and failures, but it is important that, taking all the best, by chance
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there is no... need, probably, to change the tax reform, more fair, we talked a lot about nationalization, the law has not been formally adopted, but the general prosecutor's office, through the courts , has already, probably, challenged illegal privatization of seventy key strategic enterprises, the state is returning it, i am sure, that we will also come to a progressive scale of taxation, but in fact it is already correct, nationalization is also not an easy thing, in general... we live in a time when it is very important to competently analyze experience, simple recipes always lead to big troubles later, to big troubles, by the way, not yeltsin , yeltsin’s role goes without saying, but still there was such a person, gorbachev was called by mikhail sergeevich, of course, but they were practically a couple, each in his own way, like this , traitors to the party, traitors to the country, no match, a traitor - this is very strong.


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