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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the russian army carried out 23 group strikes on ukrainian formations and the military-industrial complex in a week, among other things, the production of drones, arsenals and fuel bases were destroyed, over 100 attacks were repelled, zelensky’s formation lost almost 7,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers, 39 tanks were destroyed, including the american abrams, as well as about 80 other armored vehicles, 97 self-propelled guns and vipers.
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moscow demanded an explanation from berlin regarding the conversation of the bundeswehr general about preparing an attack on the crimean bridge. editor-in-chief of the russia today media group margarta simonyan published an audio recording of german officers discussing the use of taurus missiles. as a result, in germany they blocked the social network accounts in which this file appeared, and as bilt reported, the recording is probably reliable. what is published says a lot. a genuine recording, even if the bundeswehr has not yet officially confirmed it. a spokeswoman for the ministry of defense explained the situation this way: we are checking to see if any communications were intercepted in the area where the air force is located. military service counterintelligence takes the necessary measures. we cannot say anything about the content of the message that was apparently intercepted. so, german generals discussed the possibility of transferring 100 long-range taurus missiles to kiev, including for an attack on krymsky. anastasia yafimova has all the details.
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the head of the exercise operations department of the air force command of the bundesferra, named graefe, air force inspector, inga gerharts. the entry, which was published by arti editor-in-chief margarita simonyan, also includes other high-ranking officers of the german army, fensky and frostette. they considered this conversation strictly confidential, and therefore communicated without cuts. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge, we intensively studied this issue , unfortunately we came to the conclusion that the bridge. due to
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its size, it is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. it is believed that taurost will succeed if the french rafale fighter is used. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i'm not promoting the bridge idea, i pragmatically want to understand what they want. the mentioned bridge in the east is, of course, crimean. and german officers are racking their brains about how exactly to get it with taurus cruise missiles. and at the same time pretending that berlin supplied these same taurus to kiev and trained the ukrainians to use them has nothing to do with it. the germans, direct participants in this war, the germans, are absolutely hypocritical to the highest degree, they lie about the fact that they are not involved, that they say they have no plans to supply such weapons, and this is a situation where in fact these conversation.
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nato, in particular germany, a leader who denies his country's participation in the war, is fully involved in preparations.
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the russian army is conducting a successful offensive and this could lead to a collapse of the front for the armed forces of ukraine, colonel of the general staff of the austrian
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army markus reisner stated this in an interview with the zdf channel. the situation of the ukrainian armed forces is critical. a russian breakthrough could have a domino effect. ukrainian troops. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come to... russia. hello, this is the senate program. my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council. and about how the work of senators affects the development of regions
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of our country. learn more about everything right now. strategic tasks for the future, the president addressed the federal assembly with a message. you and i have already proven that... to solve the most complex problems, to respond to any of the most complex challenges, sovereignty and security, industrial and technological potential, economics , regional development and social policy, the institution of family and measures to support fertility, not some one-time steps, this is a consistent government policy to support our families, gasification of the far eastern regions, what goals are set and how to overcome all difficulties, industrial production will grow.
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targeted support for fishermen tax deduction, how will it work? regarding fish, these decisions have already been made, it is important that this is not just compensation, but their efficiency. the most important goals of state policy and priorities of the country's socio-economic development, as well as ensuring national security. the president addressed the annual message to the federal assembly. at the ceremony, which took place in gostiny dvor, in addition to senators and deputies, there were heads of regions, representatives of the government, the central election commission, the public accounts chamber, and leaders of major faiths. participants in a special military operation, you and i have already proven that
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we are capable of solving the most complex problems and responding to any of the most difficult challenges. we, for example, we repelled the aggression of international terrorism, preserved the unity of the country , did not allow it to be torn apart in due time, we supported our brothers and sisters, their will to be with russia, this year marks 10 years of the legendary russian spring, but... now there is energy, the sincerity and courage of its heroes, crimeans, sevastopol residents, residents of the rebel donbass, their love for their homeland, which they carried through generations, certainly causes pride. all this inspires, strengthens the confidence that we will overcome everything, together we can do anything. and today, when our homeland defends its sovereignty and security, protects the lives of compatriots. in the donbass in novorussia, the decisive role in this righteous struggle
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belongs to our citizens, our unity, devotion to our native country, responsibility for its fate. the president spoke about the importance of strengthening the country's defense capability and creating new types of weapons. he devoted a significant part of his speech to issues of technological sovereignty and industrial development, announced the launch of five new national projects, separately stopped...
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next week the house council will approve a new plan and measures for implementing the president's message, and senators are ready to begin implementing this plan immediately, but in the meantime we have gathered them...
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as it once was with the soviet union at the turn the beginning of the eighties, the national family project says that there will be support measures for families, and developed demographic measures related to healthcare, and it is no coincidence that the president paid special attention to a healthy
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lifestyle, passing the gto and also medical examinations, which... is also extremely important, especially in terms of reproductive health, i emphasized this, we are now living in the year of the family and therefore it was very gratifying to hear that a new national family project will be created, we will have to work on it this year, develop our own activities, we have included a work plan for the committee, and we will monitor how it will be implemented throughout its entire duration.
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international community, the message was, from my point of view, extremely pragmatic and based on an absolutely accurate knowledge of the problems of our country, the problems of the development of our country, its economy, and its social sphere, and what is very important, focused on solving both macro-large economic problems and the problems of specific families, families with children, residents of different regions. more about the tasks set by the president: gasification of russian regions is gaining momentum. the gas supply development programs for the omsk and amur regions will be amended. this is due to the need to convert thermal power plants in these regions to gas. the issue of financing has already been practically resolved modernization of the blagoveshchensk thermal power plant, almost 3 billion
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rubles will be allocated for this until the twenty-seventh year. this was stated by senator andrei kutepov following a meeting of the council on gasification of subjects up.
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now, by order of the government under the jurisdiction of the administration of the omsk region, we see that certain tasks that arise in the regions quite ambitiously require an increase in gas consumption, the issues that arose concerned only those regions where everything was quite small while gas consumption has always been an alternative fuel supplied to the regions, today we need to reconsider our position. perhaps we need to be more attentive to those that exist in the regions, perhaps these are not two regions that we will consider in the near future, that... industrial production will grow in the far east, and we must be prepared for this, again , when we talk about the development of production, we are talking about the development of domestic production, domestic
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production includes gas supply the organization that requires it, again, it is necessary to prepare personnel, it is necessary to prepare production facilities for this, this is a fairly large spectrum, what are the main difficulties in implementing the assigned tasks? quite a short time, the president’s order must be carried out quickly and dynamically, therefore, only in time, we must prepare regulations, legislative initiatives that must be introduced and adopted, and we will thereby give impetus to the development of these regions, and we see that management regions are already ready for this. a competition for mentors to be, not to appear, will soon appear in russia, which will be aimed at broadly involving citizens in patriotic education. the president gave this instruction; a report on its implementation must be prepared no later than july 1. and during his address to the federal assembly, the president announced the creation of a new national
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project, youth of russia. meanwhile, the best practices of mentoring patriotic education are already actively used in the formation of the youth policy system. one of the striking examples is the prionezhye shipbuilding educational center, where they train specialists in courageous professions and raise true patriots of russia. the cadets' training routine begins. the formation of the divorce, the anthem, the march, the removal of the flag, looks especially solemn from the outside, but for these young men it is a normal start to the day. the shipbuilding and pryanezh cadet school combines general and additional education, military discipline and vocational training. law enforcement officers, future military personnel, firefighters, and rescuers are trained here. special attention is paid to career guidance training. we prepare students for mastering a future profession through programs such as young lifeguard. young firefighter, initial military training, basic life safety, fire training. now there are more than 150 young men studying at the school, many
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of them have already decided on a profession. in the future i would like to become a lifeguard. when i graduate from this school, i would enroll in the ministry of emergency situations. i'm going to the college of emergency situations after the ninth. it is not surprising that the profession of a rescuer is one of the most desirable. cadets they often see the teachings of the ministry of emergency situations employees, because. next to the school there is an arctic rescue center, the young men are shown the capabilities of special equipment, various methods of rescue in conditions of extremely low temperatures, for example, a multifunctional boat sled, which will come to the aid of those who are caught in the approach. for rescue , first of all, from wormwood, during the period when the ice rises, it is spring, yes, that is, we have a lot of fishermen skating on ice floes, no matter how strange it may sound, the design of this device allows the rescuer to quickly fisherman, and even from...
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children's, strong brotherhood, we walk firmly in line, their day is scheduled minute by minute, after school, additional classes, drill, fire training, meetings with honored figures of culture, sports, art, as well as politicians, when we graduate them after the eleventh or ninth grade, these are completely different guys, we are proud of them, they are true patriots of our country, and for this we do everything possible, they meet the best and most famous people of our country. get their advice, ask them questions, we collaborate with various educational institutions to prepare them for their further studies. in the new academic
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year, the number of students will increase to 200 people. this task was set by the founder of korabelov prionezhe, senator yuri vorobyov. a young man from any region of russia can join the ranks of cadets, the main thing is to pass the competition. cadets get into our school based on the results of individual selection, which involves careful attention to their condition. health, no contraindications for health reasons, the academic performance of each of the applicants, as well as internal tests, primarily in physical training, entrance tests, which include an interview, as well as test events in various areas. all conditions have been created at the cadet school to choose their professional path: among the graduates there are students from prestigious universities, law enforcement and military departments, as well as civilian universities, legal and technical fields.
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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother in donbass should go there you go just like that for passengers here to ride i came for my brother in a couple of days you will go there into the gray zone behind this line you will become different and then what was my childhood and youth and now the enemy.
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that's it, we're leaving, it's scary, no, it's hard to get used to, my passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn't intervene, i betrayed him , now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. coming soon,
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we'll see. explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. next in our program: modernization of housing and communal services and testing the strength of the russian winter, what work is needed in the regions to reduce the number of accidents at housing and communal services facilities? unfortunately, today we do not have time to repair networks; they wear out faster. what recommendations did the senators prepare? targeted support for fishermen tax deduction, how will it work? regarding fish, these decisions have already been made,
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it is important that this is not just compensation, but theirs. russia will contribute to the establishment of peace and stability in the middle east through diplomacy, senators are ready to provide the necessary assistance. valentina matvienko stated this at a meeting with the chairman of the council of ministers, minister of foreign affairs of the republic of yemen, ahmed awad ben mubarak. the head of the upper house confirmed her readiness to resume interparliamentary dialogue as soon as possible in the context of the ongoing military-political crisis in yemen. we are closely monitoring what is happening. than in yemen, where it has been going on for 9 years now civil conflict, recently the situation has become even more aggravated due to illegal bombings by the united states and great britain, they are a gross violation of international law, they do not solve the problem, they only aggravate and aggravate the situation in the region. we are satisfied that ours are either close
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or coincide. views on ways to establish peace and stability in the middle east and to form a new, more just world order. ahmet awat bin mubarak, in turn, emphasized that yemen is proud due to the special nature of relations with russia , they understand how important its role is on the world stage. our state has a 95-year-long relationship, valentina matvienko emphasized, recalling that yemen became the first arab country with which the soviet union. signed a full-fledged treaty of friendship and trade. during this time, russian universities have graduated thousands of yemeni students, who now occupy important positions helping to develop the economy and humanitarian ties in the republic. not only maintain, but increase the pace of housing construction, like this to achieve in modern conditions, which regions are leaders in modernizing utility infrastructure and where these processes have not been resolved for years, what needs to be done to change this?


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