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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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well, we probably need to somehow improve relations again, after all, well, there is also a crisis in connection with fuel, it is bought at an inflated price, from the us west, that is , they are starting to pay attention to the fact that the military most likely, as they wanted to not complete this, it needs to be done differently, so yes, in information terms. is also reflected, the precedent is this, this is just the il-76, where ukraine says, missiles were stored and transported there, in the west they already understand that delivering missiles by plane 30 km from the front line is madness, then kiev emphasized this, well, yes , they repeated it, but they understand that it’s getting worse, that is, people are already into this, they don’t fall for it, janus putkanin, worked in finland as a journalist, editor, was a local. patriotic
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party, until due to political persecution he was forced to leave his homeland, in 2015 he came to donbass, now lives in lugansk, works as editor-in-chief of the finnish international news agency. if we really manage to get out of this military escalation, what i'm talking about will happen always said. western countries, through a snowball effect, will begin to suffer from civil wars. sweden is in such a state. several years, but they don’t want to talk about it, the situation with migrants is getting out of control, here before the start of special operations the front line ran along this river, and there were cases when it flew side by side? absolutely
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morghest, but we saw the civilian population here, and we had a discussion, the situation is calm, and uh, the fights has moved away already from this region, i i think they haven't cleaned fully at this.
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cars, cars, cars, in 1414, and the last one, the bumper, was driving and let’s put it in advance , the gun was attached, that’s where they went, well, i went and looked, that’s who and what and how, and these are the ukrainians to they came to us, uh-huh, just like that, the ukrainians came, well , it turns out there’s a war and this is why they didn’t come for us. to protect, no one touched us, yeah, that would be the situation, on the fourteenth , let’s go, i had a good building here, there ’s only one foundation left, here two hailstones fell here, here i have it here rossad, there's one cherry tree left, it's wounded, there's a trunk, a trunk, and the rest are...
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trees, i've already planted a new one, it's blown down, the small ones have blown off the subbarks, let's go, i'm planting a vegetable garden, everything's fine with me, lampposts.
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why finland joined, it happened at the behest of the pentagon in washington, where they created operation atlantic .
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he also knows other languages, but he remembered the story of 1939, when the soviet union
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fought with finland. 1939 fate, my country, finland became a victim of the russian imperialist ambitions. ukrainians not only deserved the respect of the entire civilized world, but also gave us
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the right sector - this is the prototype of those organizations that have already been created in finland. finland is not in the spotlight yet, but it will be soon. nationalists will be gathered under a common anti-russian russophobic pretext, as a nationalist movement. the azov europe project is powerfully manifested in finland. this project is nato's operation gladio 2.0. the nato operation cladio 2.0. johnny from australia says that when in 2010
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ended up in eastern europe, lived in serbia , became interested in the slavic world, then visited many cities in russia, in 2019 he learned for himself what kiev is, now in donbass he is trying to open the eyes of the whole world to this. people in kiev. they are like russians, they speak russian, i never heard ukrainian spoken there, they were like russians, i didn’t see any difference, but i saw one difference, it was hatred towards russians.
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it was very alarming, but in fact, you know there are many different other things in life, i paid attention to this then, but not enough, but i thought seriously when i saw that the western media were only lying, they did not give any truthful information. there was not a single day during the 6 months of my stay in donetsk when there was no shooting. i reached out to people, it was very important for me to show the victims of war, the real victims of war, and these are civilians. there was shelling by two
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hymers, then about five or six people died and many were wounded. young people in donetsk when they hear sounds. this is donetsk, a city on the first line of fire, when you start talking to people there, you everyone has a tragedy. recently, foreign journalists working in the donbass say, their reports are becoming more
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in demand, including by the editors of some western media, on the pages of social networks, which. the interest of subscribers in the real state of affairs at the front has increased; many want to understand the causes of the military conflict and what global consequences it can lead to; the information blockade built by the west in its early days is gradually breaking through. this was very important for me because i i feel that this is not a battle between russia and ukraine, i feel that the ukrainians are being used, i think that this is a battle for the future of humanity. all my friends thought i was crazy, they said what are you doing there, many reacted positively, of course, everyone knows about the trolls who write all the time that russia is paying me, that the kremlin is paying me, this would be a great success for me , but they don't pay me. many people are very positive, very grateful, now
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i am also conducting a dialogue, and i think that i now have a chance to get into the main media on west. it falls when republicans in the us started asking questions, a snowball effect began . now those globalists who are advocating to continue this are having difficulty maintaining their narratives. and, for example, in germany, patriotic parties began to ask questions about their pressing problems, asking questions about why they were cutting their
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budget funding and should send money to ukraine. this question is closer to pragmatic people.
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1:00 am
the russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu, and also improved the situation in many areas. zelensky’s formation lost over 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks and 14 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 18 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly american, british polish production. air defense systems shot down five storm shadow cruise missiles and seven rockets.


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