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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the scandals surrounding the published conversations of the german military about an attack on russia are becoming increasingly detailed. the german ministry of defense confirmed the negotiations between bundeswehr officers. quote: intercepted in the luft wafe sector. the audio recording is real, the department said. and the fact that scholz allowed this to happen only shows that his government has gotten into trouble. this was stated by military journalist florian flade. the bundesfer is disgraced, he also stressed. the bundeschancellor simply sat in
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a puddle. all this exposes the german bundeswehr in the face of its partners as an army that does not able to keep secrets. there are questions about why such dangerous political topics are discussed in this way. the hijacked conversation could create tension between berlin and nato, the wall street journal notes. the german military admits that us, french and british soldiers have been fighting in ukraine for a long time. nato structure. completely rotten. the alliance is lying to the world, the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot, wrote about this on social networks. nato has been at war with russia for a long time, everyone is told that this is not so, he emphasized. and now to kazan, where the games of the future took place semi-finals in fidgetal skateboarding, even a team from the usa performed, although its participants at home were advised not to go to russia. the competitions, real and virtual , were assessed by stas redikultsev. the best skateboarders
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on the planet effectively land the most difficult tricks on the territory of the spaceport, these are also games of the future. digital skateboarding is one of the most spectacular and personally anticipated disciplines of the games of the future. skateboarding is directly related to balance; finding a balance between the complexity of a trick and its ability to implement it in virtual space is the main thing the complexity of this discipline. alex does something incredible, a really cool trick, and i'm sitting there with a joystick and i'm just destroyed, and how am i supposed to replicate that? the american team hospower - horsepower, international skateboarding, here are the french, the british and the dutch, top athletes competing for participation in the olympic games, in their native countries they were told not to go to kazan, but the spirit of real sport turned out to be stronger. coming here is my business, my decision. i wasn't going to anyone. at home they told me not to
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should go to russia, which of course sucks, but i'm like, if someone tells me not to go there, that's where i'll go, politicians can't stop us from skateboarding, we compete wherever we want, the games of the future have full stands, no only on the sites where competitions take place, but on screens, from tvs to smartphones, games not only set new sports standards, but create a completely different visual appearance of competitions, a musical light and laser show accompanies every start, virtual stadiums live multi-broadcast effectively flows into real arenas, sports have never been shown like this before, we hope that we succeeded, and this international stream is taken by a large number of countries, technically we are present on all global streaming platforms, on lower ones, on regional streaming platforms:
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premier -league roman shishkin and alexander were also recognized by the former stars of the russian shishukov, their phoenix burned in cyber football 3:7, but never rose from the ashes on the lawn, draw 1:1 in the final lokomotiv. i can only applaud our e-sportsmen, because that they were truly involved, since they played, they had never played at all in this tournament, i didn’t want to let them down when they entered the football field, i have expectations. exceeded
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at this tournament, i really didn’t expect such a large scale. in the final, lokomotiv will meet with uruguayan penarol. on the last day of the competition, the main trophy of the games of the future, in addition to football players, will be competed in three more disciplines. on march 3 at 16:00 moscow time, the closing ceremony of the first ever games of the future will take place. bright the show will be broadcast live on russia tv channel. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from kazan, republic of tatarstan. and then eduard petrov’s investigation into how the novosibirsk region is fighting illegal mobile gas stations. why such gas stations on wheels are dangerous, see after the advertisement. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, now the prices for flowers are such that it is more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a profit of 700 rubles only in a megaphone. where is it cheaper to buy osaga, cheaper where there is competition, choose osaga at
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sravniru website or app. this is where insurers fight for you and offer the best prices. buy asag cheaper. compare in your country, it’s just space, the taste of ham from ham, cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, touch the rock star kill burger! water on fire tastes better! syota, you can speed up! with yota you can do everything to the maximum! 50 gigs, 2.0 minutes for
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399 rubles. can! yota! this night our friend has already had to get up several times to admire the stars! "they are, of course, out of love, but love is it’s simple, sber , thank you, thank you, thank you, this is how we become loved again, it’s nice to receive a thank you and a bonus select thank you for
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taking care of your loved ones, megamarket , it’s profitable to please, one of my friends can do everything, but what can you do, and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma, a megaphone for..." xiaomi redmi 13c smartphone for only 10.999 in mvidio and eldorado. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when it hurts head. buy an osaga on the sravniru website and win a car. only until april 26 , you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles. choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the drawing. compare on your side. one of my
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friends asks me to give her snowdrops. i give, now the prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50% on smartphones with communication, only in a megaphone. novosibirs was gripped by gasoline fever, who would have thought that in the very center of our country, far from drilling sites and oil pipelines
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the fuel mafia is becoming more active. the scoundrels have been feeding the huge city with gasoline of dubious quality for more than a year. hello, eduard is in the studio. panic began in the city, well , the gasoline is normal, no one is beating the police, you have documents for gasoline, you sell fuel, yes, well, aren’t you ashamed, no? this mobile gas station is no longer operating. well , you know what you're spilling here, illegal gasoline. the use of this type of fuel can lead to major repairs of the car engine. this is a gasoline fraction called nefras. this is not gasoline. no, here kobuluchki, or as they call them here , boots with barrels, arrive. they are filled with this crap. all employees.
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refuel your car without leaving your home; until recently, such a service seemed like a fairy tale to many, but a couple of years ago, the dream of car owners came true; a mobile delivery service was launched in novosibirsk. more gas stations. it would seem that the magnificent thing is a little cheaper than the official one, but it was not so, the city was suddenly filled with illegal mobile gas stations, violating basic safety rules, cars, gas stations they stopped right in residential areas and sold gasoline of questionable quality. what is called from wheels. novosibirsk residents quickly nicknamed such cars “boots” due to their external
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resemblance. how the gasoline boot group was liquidated, where the scammers got fuel, why the gasoline fever gripped not the most oil-producing region of our country. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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you don’t need to look for them, they are on every corner, literally. most often, unusual belted vans, common boots can be found in residential areas of novosibirsk. inside they have one or two fuel tanks, about 200 liters each, separately. for ninety-five gasoline and for ninety-second. any
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driver can drive up to such an intersection gas station to refuel. another favorite stopping place for gasoline boots was the highways leaving the city. destroy them here. at the end of august 2022. a large-scale police operation took place in the novosibirsk region, an operational event is being held here, we are looking at the place. law enforcement officers mobile gas stations, their owners and the right to sell fuel were completely checked. a separate issue is the quality of gasoline, because all you have to do is leave the city and there they are, boots. novosibirs pavlodar highway,
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we stop at the first gas station we come across, the owner of all this stuff, a local resident, konstantin zaryanov. who is your profession? a driver, just a driver, all his life, all his life. are you selling gasoline now? well, that’s understandable, but can you tell me how the process works, that is, you take a gun and pour it. dial here a certain amount of liters, yes, yes, it ’s a computer, it’s all by itself, it’s a computer, and if people don’t have cash, you can transfer it mikhail vladimirovich, it turns out that it’s your owner, and the savings bank. i don’t know, that is, to whom people transfer money, you don’t know, that’s how trade goes , by the way, it’s quite brisk, it seems like they’ve never heard of a cash register here, but if a person asks for a check, what do you issue, is there a check? no, there is no receipt, no,
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there is no receipt, no, that is, the person filled it up and went, well, yes, but you have some kind of invoice there, can you look? here's to the quality of gasoline , the owner of the boot, konstantin zerianov, is ready to answer with his head, the product says it’s clean, he only fills up his car with it, well, the gasoline is normal, yes, people fill up , as you say, no one hits you in the face, no one hits you in the face, and they also say thank you, they say thank you for such gasoline, and from kazakhstan, just yesterday there were actually two lexuses. refueled, at this illegal gas station a liter of ninety-five gasoline costs 44 rubles, ninety-two - 42, the price is almost a quarter lower than the regional average. zaryanov admits that when paying in cash, he is ready to give the fuel even cheaper,
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because in addition to the salary, he receives interest on the gasoline sold. this mobile gas station no longer operates, and there are a huge number of such cars in the novosibirsk region , you can buy the ninety-fifth, ninety -second device with liters, here is the account in savings banks, then we look at the compartment where the fuel is stored, the ninety-fifth is 250 l, the ninety-second is 250 l , there's only half a ton of fuel here. such makeshift gas stations are actually a bomb on wheels. nobody observes the basics security measures. we will return to the owners of gasoline boots, such as konstantin zerianov, a little later. now let's move back a couple of months. then
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our colleagues from the program went to novosibirs. duty department. on the side of the road , a battered uaz in camouflage, a bright yellow sign on the back promises customers gasoline at ridiculous prices, the car is regularly refueled here, but why should i fill up at 45 when there is 38, meanwhile the gas station attendant frantically frantically calls and in a few minutes to a mobile gas station a black man drives up.
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it turned out that mobile gas stations are a scourge for novosibirsk, they attract motorists with their prices, the quality is guaranteed only in words: we sent the fuel purchased at one of the illegal gas stations for examination, the result is disappointing. the octane number of the first sample does not correspond to the declared ninety-second gasoline, since its octane number is 79. use. type of fuel can lead to failure of the fuel system and major repairs of the car engine, it would seem that the violation is obvious, so
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illegal trade, all kinds of neglect of basic fire safety rules.
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our country, our president, our choice, on march 15, 16, 17, we vote for our president. to thoroughly understand the problem, the film crew of the investigative program of eduard petrov went to the capital of siberia. we arrived incognito, at first no one knew about our visit, neither the local authorities nor the security forces, this allowed us... to prejudge the situation, we took a taxi around the city without any specific route preliminary information about the location of
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mobile gas stations, here is a car, delivery of gasoline, vulture oil, fuel from professionals, whoever wants to refuel. we drive further, we practically don’t know the city, so we ask the taxi driver to turn left or right, that’s another piece of luck. and this is the intersection of svyazistov and tetova streets. that's where the machine is. there appears to be no one inside, but the phone number is listed. we drove around novosibirsk for exactly an hour, during which time we found more than ten such mobile gas stations. kolkhidskaya street, next to the car wash there is another car,
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neftip, gasoline delivery directly to the tank, signalmen street there is a car, ninety-five gasoline is 44 rubles, ninety-second gasoline is 42 rubles. we're trying to find out where these tankers are. they salt the fuel, where is their main base, naturally, we ask questions to local taxi drivers, who else but them should have complete information, and it turns out that there really is such a daughter, some 30 km from novosibirsk, we are going. august 23 , 2022, leninskoye village, youth street,
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on this youth street, there in the distance there is a gas oil filling station, and here is a filling station called p, ninety-second gasoline costs 43 rubles, ninety-five gasoline costs 45 rubles. it’s not clear what’s behind... the fence, but there’s a bunch of all sorts of canisters, there’s just hoses sticking out of the ground everywhere , well, apparently, this hose is very similar to some kind of tie-in, well, i think we’ll come here together with police and let's see what it is, we turned to the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region for clarification. why right under the noses of the police? is this happening? it turns out that management is well aware of this problem. this year
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, while monitoring the operational situation and studying citizens' requests for information posted in the media , we discovered a surge in the number of reports about the illegal activities of mobile landfills, including container-type ones. when carrying out initial verification activities, including the purchase of gas motor fuel, we...
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it turns out that the income of one day of operation of a point where gasoline is illegally sold outweighs any fines. what's in in this case it won't work? it turns out that oep-ipk employees have been developing this area for a long time. moreover, the police are planning to shut down both the sale and production of burnt fuel in one fell swoop. the special boot event began the next morning. operatives of the novosibirsk oep ipk, with the force support of fighters from the special squad krom, advance along the highway towards the village of krivodanovka. there's a technical stop here. and further along the country road, we approach a lonely
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barrier. work, we run out of the car, it starts special operation.
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many, seeing people in uniform, for some reason they tried to hide, but no one managed to escape from the special forces officers, they line everyone up near the administrative building and check their documents, hello tovarich, hello, so what are you doing, tell me, but nothing like your name is alexander, alexander, you work at this farm, no, what are you doing, you came to visit, to visit, right in this outfit, right? i smell of gasoline from you, but i’m on a visit, what are you doing, spilling gasoline, the house is doused with gasoline, the house is doused with gasoline, it’s clear, you’re messing around, with the woodsman, with the woodsman, uh-huh , it’s clear, like dresses , okay, that’s enough, that’s enough, it’s clear, what are you doing, i won’t say anything, you won’t say anything, tell me, and what are you doing here, who am i, i came to drink coffee, coffee, yes, for a visit, by accident, by chance, here we are, tea, yes, of course, obviously hard workers. they are not
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happy about the visit of policemen and journalists, they worked quietly, did not bother anyone, here you are, you are a security guard, a security guard, what are you protecting, well, the territory, and where from gasoline, you know, i don’t know, no, you don’t know, it’s clear what your salary is 24, 24,000 rubles a month, yes, it’s clear, it pays regularly, yes, it’s clear, good, in general, the money is gasoline... it doesn’t smell, no , no, okay , i understand, well, you know that you are spilling illegal gasoline here, no, i didn’t know, we didn’t know, we didn’t know that you were spilling illegal gasoline, i don’t know, i don’t know, i understand, the police, meanwhile, continue to check the workers’ documents , and we inspect the plant. behind
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me there are barrels of oil, a very dangerous enterprise, which was once in full swing here. work, the workers ran away, some were caught by the police, they were talking to them , so they threw a bucket, and this is an analogue of diesel fuel, it stinks terribly, it’s disgusting, it’s probably such a terrible danger for your car. for some reason these workers are using a toothbrush, what are they doing here with this toothbrush, maybe they are checking what this so-called diesel smells like, just recently workers were walking around this facility with this bucket, looking at how much artisanal fuel they produced, there is already a huge amount here containers where the finished product is located, so called diesel fuel, but...


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