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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. will you give me a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. an intercepted conversation between the german military about attacks on the crimean bridge could quarrel between berlin and the nato leadership. writes about this wall street journal. where can i say, the bundesfer officers let it slip that the military personnel from...
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regarding the victory of kiev and said that ukraine was winning. now in a difficult situation,
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panic had already set in, sending western troops was considered the last chance to prevent a catastrophic military defeat for ukraine. panic is being fanned for a reason; european citizens want to survive with tens of billions of euros on military orders. the swiss türcherzeitung calls for cutting social programs for the sake of the military-industrial complex. chapter mid-france completely intimidates citizens, saying: they need to pay now, otherwise the insidious russians will take away all the money. russia's victory in ukraine will result in major financial losses for europe. for our collective security, it will no longer be 2% of gdp, but much more. from an economic point of view, the situation will become catastrophic. but there are leaders in the european union who call for common sense and say that negotiations need to begin as quickly as possible. the west sees that despite significant assistance, despite anti-russian sanctions, ukraine is simply not capable of winning. and if we send military personnel from the eu to ukraine and...
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donetsk, lugansk, whatever remains, american taxpayers are not obligated to spend another 100 billion on ukraine, where corruption reigns. this idea was also supported by billionaire elon musk, and us presidential candidate robert kennedy suggested that washington make peace with moscow and finally take care of its own problems. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. elon musk wondered why nato continues to exist if the alliance’s counterpart is the warsaw pact organization broke up a long time ago. the entrepreneur
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wrote about this on his page on the social network x, commenting on the publication of another american billionaire, david sachs. he said that instead of self-destructing, the north atlantic alliance has emerged. strategy to expand, and this became an end in itself, which cultivated the hostility necessary to justify aggressive policies. in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation zone, military personnel of the bars volunteer detachment are repelling attacks by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian troops regularly try to break through our defense, but only suffer new losses. from the front line, report by military correspondent anton stepanenko. here are the firing points in the event of a combat alert, everyone is occupied by the fighters , they serve on the oporniks, the soldiers guard, watch the field, so the territory is under control, this is the western flank of the rabotinsky sector,
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the defense is held by the volunteer detachment bars-10, during an unsuccessful offensive the enemy tried to break through here too, withdrew with losses, since then the front line has been stable, it works for our positions...
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they put us under reliable cover, the water is here came from the kokhovskoe reservoir, but after the explosion of the hydroelectric station of the same name, they dried up. dozens of kilometers are dug up here with dugouts, firing points and passageways. the mortar crew does not have a rest break; they are constantly on alert, working on
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targets identified by reconnaissance. shot, shot! in short flashes of the flashlight, in order not to give away the position, the interference is restored. ready, ready, we’re working, well, quickly, mortar, load, shot, shot, we worked on targets where they just have oporniks, that means they are equipping themselves, and just recently there were trenches there, so they quickly camouflaged everything, everything, well, you have to stir them up, because they are constantly trying to get through this... during the great patriotic war, when soviet troops were preparing to liberate zaporozhye, the line the front passed through approximately the same places, then they were released. history repeats itself. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, news: zaporozhye front. and now an urgent message
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from the national anti-terrorism committee. in ingushetia was held counter-terrorist operation neutralized six bandits. their identities have been previously established; they were adherents of forbidden islam. state, there were no casualties among law enforcement officers and no casualties among the civilian population. next on air is a journalistic investigation from the novosibirsk region, where security forces declared war on illegal mobile gas stations. eduard petrov looked into what kind of fuel is poured at such gas stations and why it is dangerous not only for cars, but also for citizens. novosibirs is gripped by gasoline fever, who
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i would have thought that in the very center of our country, far from drilling sites and oil pipelines , the fuel mafia was becoming more active. the scoundrels had been drinking for over a year. a huge city with gasoline of dubious quality. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. panic began in the city. well, the gasoline is normal, no police. do you have documents for gasoline? you sell fuel, right? well, aren't you ashamed, are you? this is a mobile gas station, no longer open. well , do you know what you're spilling here, illegal gasoline? use of this type of fuel can lead to a major overhaul of the car engine? this is a gasoline fraction, called nefras, this is not gasoline, well , heels or, as they call it here, boots with barrels come here, they are filled with this muck. that's it, the employees got to the site, that is
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, these boots come to you, and you refuel these cars, yes, right, well, yes, yes, we ground the plant here so that there is no fire, and if it explodes, then it explodes, refuel the car without leaving from home, until recently such a service seemed like a fairy tale to many, but a couple of years ago it was a dream... car owners became a reality, a mobile fuel delivery service was launched in novosibirsk, gasoline and diesel fuel were delivered at any time to anywhere in the city, and even a little cheaper than at official gas stations, it would seem a great undertaking, but it was not to be, the city was suddenly overrun illegal mobile gas station, violating basic safety rules, cars stopped... right in residential areas and sold gasoline of dubious quality, as
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they say, off the wheels. novosibirsk residents quickly nicknamed such cars “boots” because of their external similarities. how the gasoline boots group was liquidated. where did the mechanics get the fuel? why did the gasoline fever sweep through not the most oil-producing region of our country? we took up this matter and carried it out. your investigation.
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you don’t need to look for them, they are on every corner, in the literal sense of the word: most often, unusual belted vans among the common people can be found in the residential areas of novosibirsk, they have them inside. one or two fuel tanks of 200-odd liters each, separately for ninety-five-liter gasoline
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and for ninety-two. any driver can drive up to such a mobile gas station to refuel. another favorite stopping place for gasoline boots was the highways leaving the city. destroy them here. at the end of august 2022, a large-scale police operation took place in the novosibirsk region. an operational event is being held here. law enforcement officers completely checked mobile gas stations, their owners and the right to sell fuel. a separate issue is the quality of gasoline, because all you have to do is leave the city and there they are! highway novosibirs-pavlodar.
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we stop at the first gas station we come across. the owner of all this goodness, local resident konstantin zerianov. who is your profession? driver. all life. and now you are selling gasoline. it’s clear, but can you tell me how this process works, that is , you take a gun, and you pour how much, here you collect a certain number of liters, yes, well, yes, it’s a computer, it’s all done by itself, it’s a computer, and if... to whom it’s transferred people are money, you don’t know, this is how trade goes, by the way, it’s quite brisk, it seems like they’ve never even heard of a cash register here, but if a person asks for a check, what do you give,
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is there a check? no, no receipt, no, no receipt, no? that is, the person filled it up and drove off, well, yes, and you have some kind of invoice there, you can look, but it’s not an invoice, but the owner of the boot, konstantin zerianov, is ready to answer for the quality of gasoline, the product says it’s clean, he only fills up his car with it, well, the gasoline is normal , yes, people are refueling, as you say, no one hits you in the face, no one hits you in the face, and they also say thank you, they say thank you for this... yes, from kazakhstan yesterday, actually, two lexuses actually refueled; at this illegal gas station , a liter of 95 gasoline costs 44 rubles. ninety-second 42, the price is almost a quarter lower than the regional average, zaryanov
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admits that when paying for cash, he is ready to give fuel even cheaper. in addition to the salary, he receives interest on the gasoline sold. this mobile gas station is no longer operating. and there are a huge number of such cars in the novosibirsk region. you can buy the ninety-fifth, ninety-second device with liters. here's the score in sberbank. next we look at the compartment where the fuel is stored. 50 liters and 250 liters total half a ton of fuel here. such makeshift gas stations are actually a bomb on wheels. nobody observes basic security measures. we will return to the owners of gasoline boots, such as konstantin zaryanov, a little later.
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now let's move back a couple of months. then we went to novosibirs. our colleagues from the program are leading the duty department. on the side of the road, a battered uaz in camouflage. a bright yellow sign on the back promises customers gasoline at ridiculous prices. the car works here regularly, right? well , what, i have to fill up at 45 when there is 38. meanwhile, the gas station is for someone else. frantically calls and in a matter of minutes a black tinted mercedes without license plates drives up to the mobile gas station, you open the window if you want to communicate, otherwise you can’t be seen, i didn’t understand, why did you get up? well, if you don’t understand something, get out of the car, or open the window, and we’ll talk to you. it was not possible to come to an agreement with the stranger,
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to show his face, the driver did not dare, and in the meantime the gas station closed. since its octane number is 79. the use of this type of fuel can lead to failure of the fuel system and major repairs of the car engine.
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it would seem that the violation is obvious. that's illegal. business, three of our cars were stolen, literally stolen from a place of safe storage.
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so i remembered our most recognizable symbol of the bear, who is there protecting his taiga, maybe our bear needs to sit quietly, and eat berries, honey, maybe leave him alone? won't leave because they will always strive to put him on a chain, and as soon as they manage to put him on a chain, they will tear out his teeth and claws, as soon as god forbid this happens, they will immediately clean up the taiga, but he will not give his taiga to anyone, i think that this should be clear. to thoroughly understand the problem, the film crew of the investigative program of eduard petrov went to the capital of siberia.
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we arrived incognito; at first no one knew about our visit, neither the local authorities nor the security forces. this allowed us to keep an open mind assess the situation. we take a taxi around the city without a specific route or any prior information. here is a car, delivery of gasoline, cif oil, fuel from professionals, anyone wants to refuel, we drive on, we practically don’t know the city, so we ask the taxi driver to turn left or right, here: another success, this is the intersection of svyazistov and tetova streets, here there is a typewriter there, there seems to be no one inside, but the phone number is listed. we
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drove around novosibirsk for exactly an hour, during which time we found more than ten such mobile gas stations. kalkhitskaya street, nearby. with the car wash there is another car , neftisip, gasoline delivery directly to the tank, signalmen street there is a car, ninety-fifth gasoline is 44 rubles, ninety-second gasoline is 42 rubles, we are trying to find out where these tankers fill fuel, where is their main base, naturally we ask questions local taxi drivers, who else but them? must have complete information, and it turns out that such a point really exists some 30 km from novosibirsk, we are going on august 23
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, 2022, the village of leninskoye, street: molodezhnaya, on this youth street, there in the distance there is a gas oil filling station, and here is a filling station called neftesip, ninety-second gasoline costs 43 rubles, ninety-fifth gasoline costs 45 rubles. it’s not clear what’s behind the fence here, but there’s a bunch of all sorts of canisters, just hoses sticking out of the ground everywhere. well, apparently, this hose is very similar to some kind of insert, well, i think we will come here together with the police and see what it
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is. for clarification, we turned to the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region. why right under your nose? this is what happens to the police. it turns out that management is well aware of this problem. this year, while monitoring the operational situation and studying citizens' requests for information posted in the media, we discovered a surge in the number of reports about the illegal activities of mobile gas stations, including container-type ones. when carrying out initial verification activities, including the purchase of gas motor fuel, we found that the price is significantly lower than at the official gas station prices, while the quality of the fuel is not complies with the requirements of technical regulations. during the year, police carried out inspections of mobile gas stations several times and eventually fined several dozen gas stations.
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here is a technical stop, further along the country road we approach a lonely barrier. work, we run out of the car, a special operation begins, we have guys here, opens the gate, we enter the territory, we enter the
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territory. these are oil depots, let's see what we find at this base, here, the plant is small, but there are quite a lot of workers, having seen people in uniform, for some reason they tried to hide, but they were unable to escape from the special forces officers.
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with a woodsman, with a woodsman, yeah, it’s clear, how to pay, normal, enough, enough, i understand, what are you doing, i won’t say anything, i won’t say anything, tell me, what are you doing here, who are you? i came to drink coffee, coffee, yes, on a visit , by accident, by chance, we also got a cup of tea, yes , it’s clear, the hard workers are clearly not happy about the visit of policemen and journalists, they worked quietly, did not bother anyone, here you are... a security guard , guard, what is guarded territory, and where does the gasoline come from, you know , i don’t know, no, you don’t know, it’s clear what your salary is 24, 24. rubles a month, yes, it’s clear, they pay regularly, yes, good, in general, money doesn’t smell like gasoline, no , no, it’s normal
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, the enterprise, once there was a lot of work here, the workers fled, some were caught by the police, they were talking to them , so they threw a bucket, and this is an analogue of diesel fuel, it stinks terribly, the muck is probably so terrible dangerous for your car, these workers for some reason threw a toothbrush, what are they doing here with this with a toothbrush, maybe they are checking what
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this... so-called smells like, with this bucket , just recently workers walked around this facility to see how much artisanal fuel was produced, there is a huge amount of already... containers where


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