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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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meanwhile, the police continue to check the workers’ documents, and we inspect the plant. behind me there are barrels of oil, a very dangerous enterprise, once there was a lot of work here, the workers fled, some were caught by the police, they were talking to them, and then they abandoned them. and this is an analogue of diesel fuel, it stinks terribly, it must be something like that, it’s terribly dangerous for your car, for some reason these workers threw away their toothbrush, what are they doing here behind this toothbrush, maybe they’re checking what this so-called diesel smells like? , with this bucket just recently, workers walked around this facility and looked at how much bush they had produced.
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fuel, there is already a huge amount of containers where ready-made , so-called diesel fuel is located, but now nothing is working here, i hope this enterprise will be closed, because such fuel is very dangerous for cars, we go into the administrative building, and this is a small office of the oil company factory, as we see, the documentation here was carried out very thoroughly, on this piece of paper we see what cars came here, the names of the drivers, who filled the fuel, how much was filled, so it will be easy for the police to identify all those who participated in the purchase of the so-called fuel, we see that here...
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a monitor with cameras, a general plan of the entrance, here the camera shows where fuel tankers or oil tankers are filled with fuel that has already been produced , here we see barrels of oil, here we see the site where everything was produced, here is a general plan of the site, there is a camera inside, so in general control is carried out here for 24 hours. employees of the epd ipk interview a local process engineer. we also ask him a few questions. surprisingly, yuri zlatukhin, as he introduced himself, claims that the company does not produce automobile fuel at all. this is a gasoline fraction called nefras. nefras, stands for petroleum solvent. petroleum solvent and stripe.
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technological engineer zlotukhin once again explains to us how we can use the smelly liquid that the enterprise produces, well, it can be used as an oil solvent for the paint and varnish industry, it dilutes paint well, fentophthalic, oil, any except, ah... you have to be a complete idiot to pour this into a car , well, some people do, but i haven’t seen such idiots yet, there is no doubt that zlotukhin is disingenuous, if only because at this factory there are a stationary filling station, the pipe from it goes directly to the barrels with the finished product. through these pipes
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, the fuel is already ready and goes to the mini gas station. heels, or as they call them here, boots with barrels, come here, they are filled with this muck, and then these little beams disperse throughout throughout novosibirsk and sell the so-called fuel. large fuel tankers are also refueled here. here is a special design for refueling fuel tankers. dear residents of novosibirsk, do not buy fuel produced at artisanal enterprises, it is dangerous for your cars.
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the second object since the beginning of the special operation, the employees rushed to the object, and now they are taking it by storm. the second tank farm,
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that’s it, the employees got to the facility. inside the fenced area there are more than a dozen giant tanks, there are black oily smudges on the ground here and there, around pipes and hoses, it’s clear that life is in full swing here, this is an oil depot, workers, unlike the plant where we were a little, the entrance is from here from the territory of the base at the gas station. girls, we're here for you, trust, no, no, trust, i won't be filming, no, what?
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you don’t want to be filmed, i don’t want to, why, but what’s your name, okay, but you can cover your face, i’m wearing a mask, you look like a rag, tell me what you were doing here, selling gasoline, of course, we sold a lot of gasoline, well how many, i don’t understand in what sense, that is, these boots come to you and you fill up these cars, yes that’s right, well, yes, yes, and how many of these cars come in different ways per day, well approximately? per day, how many do you service, i can’t say exactly, well, 50, 100 cars, no, no, well, how many, 30, less, and they buy fuel from you, or you just refuel them, they are already on their way to sell at the point, we just refuel, we just refuel, and they are already on their way to forget further, to sell, the workers of the oil depot itself unexpectedly turned out to be talkative, for example, vasily, senior operator, it was he, as it turned out, who is responsible for the shipment of petroleum products to mobile gas stations.
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what was your job here? receiving fuel, supplying fuel to the fuel filling station. how many fuel tankers are there per day? two or three, in different ways. that is, they come and you pour fuel from the tanker into barrels. that's right. and then, where does the gasoline go? the plant is carrying it, that is, and where it comes from , well, i don’t know, vasily maneuvers as best he can,
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but in the end he lets it slip that at least 30 fuel were shipped per day, naturally , without any papers, invoice receipts, only cash in use, in general a fuel truck drove up to this place, yes, i am a lens truck, we ground the lens truck, ground it, but of course, so that there is no fire, so that there is no fire? it explodes, it means it explodes, where the fuel goes, in the container, in the container, approximately how much gasoline can be placed in such a barrel, 45 cubic meters. 45 cubic meters, give or take, yes, that is, and so you refueled these barrels every day, yes, every day, we inspect the base from the outside, a hose with a refueling nozzle immediately catches our eye , we still can’t figure out where exactly this hose comes from , in the novosibirsk region, in an open field you can meet lonely gasoline pistols,
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that’s how people work here, no cashiers, no one, filled it up, drove on, if you have a conscience, leave the money, no conscience , drove off, thanks to the kind people, while we are with we were happy to look at the free gas station, a refueling van drove up to the oil depot, its driver immediately realized that he might be in trouble, the man tried to justify himself, saying that he had rented a car to go pick mushrooms. after which he left and did not appear again, and we carefully examined the abandoned van. if you open it and see that inside we see a container already prepared for pouring fuel here, it’s in these pieces of iron that fuel is transported throughout the novosibirsk region, as we see, the scale here is serious, here there is a telephone, that is, the business is on
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stream, no one is hiding, no one is shy, and as i understand it, before today’s special operation, everyone understood that... it is possible to engage in underground business in novosibirsk, uep and pka employees began to draw up protocols to describe everything what we saw, and we decided to return to novosibirs, and what ’s surprising is that on the way to the city we almost didn’t meet gasoline boots, apparently those gas station workers who were hit by...
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get out, what’s your name? me, yes, ruslan, ruslan, don’t close me, please wait, don’t close it, we wanted to see what you sell, tell me, ruslan, what, yes, gasoline, do you have documents for gasoline, what kind of gasoline, and what kind of gasoline, well, what kind of gasoline, what is it, ninety-second gasoline, ninety-five , so i’m waiting for a person, what kind of person, i’m dispensing gasoline, i’m not selling. the seller of gasoline of dubious quality looked us in the eye and outright lied. he was seen regularly at this point. judging by this vehicle registration document, all the boots belong to one person, tivelev
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alexander vladimirovich. we hope that the law enforcement agencies of the novosibirsk region. will talk with mr. tevelev and find out why he, alone, needs so many gasoline boots. as for the fuel distributor ruslan, he really didn’t want to get into the lens of our camera and couldn’t find anything better than to close down the trade and quickly get back to his place. you are left without money today, so goodbye! let's move on, no, not all owners of mobile gas stations have received the news that today there are mass checks in the city, another point,
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we are looking at a mobile gas station, hello! you sell fuel, we don’t, we don’t sell fuel, no, there’s your car, no, not your car, hello, your car, not mine, but whose car, you trade fuel, yes, well, aren’t you ashamed, no , sell fuel to the left, where did you run , please tell me that you are ashamed that you are running away, you are a criminal or are under investigation, that you are running away, well, tell me how you trade with fuel, you can tell me, no, that you are ashamed that ? cowards are cowards, let him go.
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panic began in the city, now we see abandoned mobile gas stations, that is, they hastily abandoned everything, like an ordinary triangle with a sign saying how much the fuel costs inside, the car is closed, the owner is a coward. ran away, the next day there was not a single working mobile gas station in the city. it seems that the shoe mafia hid, or
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even preferred to leave novosibirs alone, because otherwise it would cost itself more, the police got seriously involved in the gasoline business. during the preliminary investigation , it was established that a resident of the city of novosibirsk on the territory of novosibirsk. region organized the illegal production, sale, storage and transportation of flammable substances, with subsequent sale to third parties. the damage has now been determined to be at least 28 million rubles. this activity was carried out over a period of 2-2 years. experts in the field of fuel and energy complex do not exclude risks from the appearance of mobile gas stations, especially those operating illegally. you don't know what they can do to you. they’ll run it and you don’t know, then there’s no way to make a claim, yes, that is, he works here today, here tomorrow doesn’t work, so this purchase is a pig in
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a poke, maybe it will work, maybe you ’ll save money. the gasoline rush in the novosibirsk region dealt a serious economic blow to the entire region, because the point is not only that the owners of legal gas stations are large...
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there are special forces ahead, we go out to the territory of this oil depot, the structure, of course, is impressive, there is a factory in an open field, and no one saw anything, behind me there are barrels of oil, and here is the so-called samovar, it cooks diesel... fuel, this is what the analogue of diesel looks like fuel, judging by the abandoned workplaces,
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work was in full swing here around the clock, day and night, fuel was produced here in an artisanal way, be careful, such fuel is dangerous for your cars, now there is silence at this plant. these shots were taken in november 2022, we decided to find out whether illegal mobile gas stations have disappeared from the streets of novosibirsk. on the instructions of the editors, freelance correspondents of our program traveled throughout the city. in some areas of the capital of siberia , the same boots were spotted. true, now they a little, either car owners were wondering why they should buy burnt fuel, or the security forces were seriously taking on the shadow business
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of the region.
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the story of the liquidation of a group of gasoline boots, this was our investigation from the novosibirsk region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. your brother is there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one will know anything,
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alexander mikhailov, in short. went on reconnaissance, yours was theirs, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, soon.
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in ingushetia, in the city of karabulak , six militants were eliminated. the counter-terrorism operation began the night before. the criminals were blocked in one of the apartment buildings, and they offered armed resistance. according to the national anti-terrorism committee, no one was injured among law enforcement officers or local residents. now our correspondent in the republic, bulat shakieev, is in direct contact with the studio. bulat, greetings, what information do you have up to this minute? and yes, hello, that’s right, a counter-terrorism operation, it began the night before, at approximately 7:00, during the counter-terrorism operation,
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six bandits were neutralized in the ship. of uh


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