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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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dream bigger cherry you can check a car before buying using scanning vision, and for those who don’t have it, through the auto library according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy with the auto library for an alito car. the special operation in ingushetia has been completed, the cto regime in the city of karabulak has been abolished, the press service of the fsb directorate for the republic reported this. on the eve of the special forces, the fsb blocked a group of militants of the banned isis who were preparing to carry out terrorist attacks. all criminals were eventually eliminated. we’ll find out the details right now from blat shakiev, he’s coming out with us.
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direct communication, bulat, greetings, tell us what you found in the house where the terrorists tried to hide? yes, anton, good evening , the entire counter-terrorism operation took the law enforcement agencies less than a day, they introduced the regime in the karabalak the night before, then the first shots were fired after the attempt to detain the militants, they occupied one of the apartments of the multi-story building, this greatly complicated the situation, the police were forced to evacuate the swindlers, under cover they were sent to a nearby school, where a temporary point was set up arrival, when it became clear that there was no one left inside except the terrorists , the fsb special forces began preparing for the assault, the militants by this time had barricaded themselves and opened fire every now and then, the shootout was accompanied by grenade explosions, a fire started in the building, and the terrorists tried to take advantage of the smoke screen and under the cover of night they wanted to break out of the encirclement, but all these attempts were stopped by
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the security forces, already today they were able to eliminate the entire personality cell of the bandits in advance, and they established according to available data were adherents of the international terrorist organization isis and were involved in a number of terrorist acts, including an attack on a traffic police post and the murder of three police officers in march 2023, three of them, including the chief commander, were on the federal wanted list
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in the ingush korabulak. the results of the investigation and recordings of the bundeswehr conversation will become known early next week. german defense minister boris pistorius announced this, but the politician has already called the incident an information war. about how plans the generals were scared by the germans themselves, elizaveta kharamtsova. two eternal russian questions, who is to blame and what to do, have become key, at least for the german government. those who are to blame for the scandal are trying to shift the anxiety onto the entire people. german newspapers call the leaked conversation between officers about the supply of taurus missiles and the preparation of attacks on the crimean bridge a disgrace to the country and a disaster for the luftwafe. television began to speak in unison about propaganda, but no one called the audio recording itself a fake. i had to be content with the usual stamps that arti is the kremlin’s ideological weapon. and the moscow correspondent.
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there is not enough western equipment, on the other hand there are not enough soldiers, something still needs to be done so that ukraine as a country survives. for germany, the scandal could also lead to problems with nato partners, writes the wall street journal, because the negotiations proved that the american, british and french military are already in the conflict zone, although this is denied by western politicians. in addition, a holiday has arrived on the street of scholz’s opponents, and the opportunity has arisen to treat him in the worst sin, unwillingness to help. the chancellor told the kiev parliament that taurus cannot be delivered, because bundeswehr employees will have to go with them to ukraine, who will train ukrainians, but from the leak it becomes obvious that the armed forces of ukraine could cope on their own, which is obviously striking in this conversation, this is
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the unity of the waffe. on the possibility of sending taurus missiles to ukraine without sending german soldiers. this certainly contradicts what scholz said when explaining his refusal to supply. for this lie that the deputies politely called a distortion of facts, schholz will have to answer at a meeting of the bundestag defense committee on march 13. opponents of the head of government are now saying that the revealed truth may only be the tip of the iceberg. elizaveta khramtsova, news. over the past 24 hours, russian air defense systems have shot down 143 ukrainian drones, including the turkish-made beraktar. the ministry of defense reported this. they also stated that they were in favor. over the past 24 hours, a unit of the russian group of troops, the center, has improved the situation along the front line on the avdea direction and repelled 11 counterattacks in the ssu in the areas of the settlements of tonenkaya, orlovka, pervomaiskaya and merdychi. according to the ministry of defense, ukraine lost
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up to 460 military personnel, three tanks, and five infantry fighting vehicles in the avdiivka direction in one day. major renovation of residential buildings.
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a batch of special equipment and vehicles was sent from krasnodar to the special operation zone; loaves of bread and atvs were taken out to the front line for the unit of the center group of troops and paratroopers, the question is that all this equipment, i repeat once again, allows us to take care of our guys our victory allows us to achieve the main goal of a special military operation. pranksters vavan and lexus told participants
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of the world youth festival in sirius how they manage to talk and prank any politician, but this is already alternative diplomacy. we will find out more details from our correspondent alexander. yes, anton, greetings, how can you not share your secrets with us? wang and lexus said they pay great attention to preparing for interviews with politicians or other famous people so that during the prank it is possible to win over a person. moment to ask one of the pressing questions, well , the session itself was in the atom hall, this is one of probably a dozen halls that are located here at sirius university, during the festival it was renamed the airport, and it
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really looks like an airport, so we see the scoreboard , on which participants are guided when exactly their session will begin, there is even a registration desk, but also the prankers themselves, i just want to pay special attention to this, that vavan and lexus with their pranks are probably exposing after all. show the lack of professionalism of certain politicians. today at the session they showed one of several examples, they said that they were able to communicate five times with the ex-president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, and they also showed on the screen how they were able to communicate with the younger george bush. they pretended to be ukrainian pilots and recited poetry.
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expresses in the west, a quite decent, deeply decent country where everyone is welcome,
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anton, let me remind you that here at the world youth festival, at the largest event in more than 20,000 people from 180 countries take part in the world, i want to separately note that 10,000 people here are foreigners who have passed the most severe selection in their countries, so the girl says that they are cold here, they haven’t been to siberia yet, so,
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here i see more representatives where you are from, hello , yes, russian, i am a student of the russian language in iran, my name is razi sheida, i study in iran in iran at tigiran university, thank you very much, but we see what color there is, how many there are here nationalities, but like this the second day of the world youth festival is going well, anton. yes, alexander, thank you, we wish the participants, of course, good luck, so that all the time spent will be spent on the rich and varied program of events of the world youth festival, said alexandra perfileva. well, then, in a few minutes, look at the report on the government’s work over the past week. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtbek 20 debit card. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, stress leaves you
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by the president, of course, must be taken up as quickly as possible. under your control and to monitor the implementation of all measures that are included in the message in the government apparatus, this will be done by dmitrievich grigorenko. the government will allocate more than 4 billion rubles to support certain categories of mobilized and contract soldiers. military personnel who, before mobilization or conclusion of a contract, were pensioners of law enforcement agencies, will receive monthly compensation equal to the amount of their pension.
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inexpensive medicines for people suffering from hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases. the government has increased the number of targeted budget places in universities in almost half of the 900 annually quota areas. this approach will help to more accurately orient universities toward the successful employment of graduates and strengthen the leadership positions of the domestic engineering school. the government has expanded the program of free retraining of russians in the most popular directions. in 2024 , the budget will allocate more than 6 billion rubles for retraining and additional education of citizens. new categories of russians have been added to the current program: people with disabilities, citizens looking for work, and those on parental leave to care for a child under 3 years of age. this
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can be not only the mother or father of the child, but also any other relative or guardian. rub 12 billion will be allocated to modernize municipal infrastructure systems in the regions. the money will also go to updating utility networks, repairing boiler treatment facilities, which in turn will reduce the accident rate and improve the quality of public services provided to residents. i am confident that thanks to such support , russian regions will be able to more effectively modernize utility networks, which is very important. to pave new paths into space, but not to leave the ground, to choose a route
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, to hold the steering wheel firmly, to speak quietly, but to make people hear, can only be heard by someone in whom we are confident, no one listened to us, listen now, vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. my grandfather, a world- famous chemist, said that the donankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science education should double. and this is in my program. with love for people. vladislav davankov. time for something new. the games of the future are ending in kazan. closing ceremony. as well as the competition itself , it was held in the format of a fidgetal party, where the main awards were presented, how it all went, who became the winner, saw stas ridikultsev.
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tears of joy and bitterness of defeat, emotions of victories and surprise at what was seen, all these are games of the future, games that delighted, fascinated and immersed athletes and spectators in the unique world of physical sports. see how the football players who can give a beautiful performance on the field, how good they look in the game. fifa, roughly speaking, it ’s very cool, in fact, that they add up - the points, i really like it, it’s very interesting, the first ever champion in fdizital football was the uruguayan peñerol, by the way, in in football, the classic first world champion was the uruguay team, the russian locomotive with silver and bronze for the mexican team. i have been in professional football for more than 10 years, but what i saw here is the highest level, an incredible tournament. we are very honored and proud that we became prize-winners of the games of the future, we will take home the brightest memories, and although we are athletes, today we will celebrate success in incredible kazan, the plan is this: a shot
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of tequila, a shot and don’t forget to buy souvenirs for the family. brilliant show performed the best extreme athletes on the planet on skateboards. spectators watch with bated breath the virtuoso tricks, and teammates are worried, and this is actually possible to repeat in a computer game. team latina gang, fidget winner. skateboarding was so imbued with russia that it replaced traditional baseball caps with earflaps, and skateboarders of the russian national team got the opportunity to compete on equal terms with the best riders in the world. there are not unrealistic emotions here, because it is the game, exactly the most important thing, thanks to everyone who was rooting for us, because without you we would if nothing had really happened, we wouldn’t have passed the finals. the skatepark is very cool, european level, i really like it, i haven’t had such a skatepark before, it seems to me that russia has a special contribution. volunteers, people who donate their time for the benefit of others, contributed to the organization of the games of the future. 2.0 volunteers from 20 countries arrived in kazan. the volunteer movement was created in our
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country just on the eve of the universiade in kazan and the games in sochi. and now millions of guys give up their time to help to people. and here at these competitions you showed the face of a new, modern russia. games of the future competition are not only at the interface of virtual reality. and physical education, but competitions of intelligence and technology that will become familiar tomorrow, bright and dizzying drone races, a sparkling battle of robots, cybathletics, competitions of people with no disabilities, and cyborgs at the games in kazan there was a place for everyone, more than sports, brighter than virtual reality, games of the future, made in russia with love opened a new, not even a chapter, but a whole volume in the history of sports competitions of mankind, a hundred among. news from kazan, republic of tatarstan. and today, as part of the games of the future, the final of the second
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season of the all-russian competition “start the game” of the presidential platform russia land of opportunities started in kazan. it involves 378 game developers from russian regions, as well as from kazakhstan, uzbekistan and lithuania. we make not only entertaining games, our members focus on development.
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before the russian presidential elections. all that remains is less time, this weekend the candidates and their proxies visited several regions, my colleague margarit semenyuk knows all the details, she is joining us live. margarit, greetings, these are the initiatives we discussed with voters. yes, welcome, initiatives and proposals in the development of healthcare, culture and tourism are being discussed with voters. i'll tell you more about this. preservation of folk theaters by subsidization. tickets for kaliningrad residents, candidates for the post of head states, their proxies, continue working trips around the country , discuss current issues with voters, voice the main theses of the election program: the geography of trips is wide, volgograd, sochi, st. petersburg, dagestan and donbass, the russian presidential elections are already less than two weeks away. vladimir mashkov, co-chairman of the campaign headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, spends his working weekend in makhachkala. in the
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russian theater, the people's artist discussed with cultural and artistic figures of the republic issues of development of national theaters for preserving the culture of small peoples. mashkov noted the activity of dagestan in the election campaign. you have collected so many signatures, you are in the lead, i congratulate you, and if you say so, i will just remind you once again that it was collected for submission to the central election headquarters, it was necessary to collect 315 thousand signatures. collected 10 times more. the co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters recalled that already in 2025, as the president announced in his message to the federal assembly, the zemsky cultural worker program will be launched. it will help solve the problem of personnel shortages and attract young professionals to creative professions. the chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, proposed that russian transport minister vitaly savelyev subsidize
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air transportation for residents of the kaliningrad region. on the route kaliningrad-moscow. residents of the region approached the candidate with this initiative. this will make the area more accessible to guests, especially during the tourist season. in total, slud party members collected more than 60,000 appeals as part of the reception of citizens. we are for the truth. and we each learn this truth month during the all-russian polls of citizens, ldpr deputies, which we will develop, which we will build up. i want to say thank you to all my colleagues, deputies of all levels, you are great, i’m proud of you, thank you, a participant in the presidential race from new people , vladislav davankov, together with voters and fellow party members, visited the main height of russia, mamayev kurgan. in the historical memorial complex, the candidate for the post of head of state paid tribute to the memory of those who fell in the battle of stalingrad. the politician spent his working weekend in the city of hero in volgograd.
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davankov also met with... employees of the onological center. there are less than two weeks left before the main political event in the country - the presidential elections in russia. on march 15, 16 and 17, voting will take place for candidates for the post of head of state; there is still time during the election campaign for meetings with voters, as well as debates on the russia and russia-24 tv channels. yes, margarita, thank you, margarita semenyuk, i told you. about the working days off of presidential candidates and their proxies during the election campaign. well then, after the advertisement, look final weather issue 24 about the thaw in the european part of russia, how long it will last, about the damage to cables in the red sea, about the first abramsi killed at the front, how our soldiers knocked him out. it's just plastic, and this is
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