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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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there are still slightly positive temperatures around plus2, on wednesday night the temperature will drop to -10. on thursday , the thermometer will remain below zero throughout the day; at the end of the week, according to preliminary forecasts , warmth will return. are these the predictions? mass murders using poison were planned by the kiev special services. the target was the governor of zaporozhye, yevgeny baletsky, and the russian military. our correspondent will tell you how we managed to uncover the criminal scheme. the case of the leak of a conversation between german officers will now be taken up by the prosecutor's office germany. the application was sent by members of the bundestag. is it likely that military leaders will be held accountable?
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how much does it cost europe to maintain ukrainian refugees? why are western politicians so afraid of kiev’s defeat? more on this in the economics section. disassemble and reassemble large-scale modernization of gres in kostroma. now each of the updated power units can single-handedly cover all the city’s energy needs. russian special services have uncovered a large-scale assassination attempt by kiev special services on the governor of the zaporozhye region, evgeniy. baletsky, as well as on our military. the nationalists were going to use a military chemical made in the usa for this; explosives were included in the backup plan. but our security forces carried out a skillful counter-game, which anton potkovenko will tell you about. ukrainian agent vampire communicates with the intelligence officer who recruited him. kogut footage
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of the so-called operational game is when a discovered agent of the enemy, in this case delyavershutov, whom the fsb detained back in the fall, is ready to cooperate with one duck in order to reveal the enemy’s plans. i'm with you today this thought, in short, i slept, sash, you want , be offended, you want, don’t be offended, i will refuse, the only option is that i need some kind of person, i’m the only one who’s afraid, you know what we’ll do now, listen, we need to be very careful . yes, like this, you will do such a thing where you put it, and no one will be there, you will just do it, i understand, but this has to happen, i won’t, we are talking about preparing a terrorist attack with explosives, an agent of the kurshuts together with gennady and olga kapralovs, whom he himself recruited and who were subsequently also recruited by employees the fsb, on a tip, took the kogut from the cache to...
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the special services planned to poison the governor of the zaporozhye region, baletsky. in the cache there were also ampoules with a colorless liquid labeled biosparin for camouflage. the ampoules, of course, do not contain any probiotic, they contain poison, our scientists have found out which one it is. this is a russian laboratory accredited by ozo, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. and this is especially important because it will be extremely difficult for the west to ignore the conclusions that have been drawn here about the toxic chemicals seized in ukrainian. agents. ukrainian curator
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kogut sent agent vampire, that is , kurshutov and his accomplices, an analogue of the toxic chemical bezet, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention, code ia3167. only americans can produce such poison. what has now been discovered, yes, this substance is close in class to biset, a listed poisonous substance, in addition to this substance, precursors were found that... are used in its manufacture, it was created in the wedward arsenal, united states of america, this poison can be applied in the form of an aerosol and dissolves in water, in any drink containing liquids it is absorbed very well and acts most effectively, this is the development in a person of a state of madness, when he does not understand where he is, he does not understand what he is doing, the picture is... the deepest schizophrenia,
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this is the dose that makes a person restless, it is very small, such a poison can kill, it all depends on the dose, it is very difficult to determine this substance in the body. the symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of the negotiations between kogut and kurshutov during everything in the same operational game, they are discussing a sabotage plan in the canteen in melitopol, where the russian military go, what to do with the ampoules, maybe they should be planted somewhere in the canteen ; they are introducing toxic chemicals they produced into ukraine, bypassing all international conventions, and kiev is using them for sabotage, but the kurshuts and kapralovs will not poison or blow up anyone, criminal cases have been opened, a terrorist attack and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, these are serious prison sentences deadlines, and ukrainian curators
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have already forgotten to think about failed performers. anton potkovenko, evgeny turchak, sergey velichka, news. and now to the situation in the special operation zone on the dpr border from... zaporozhye region, the russian military destroyed important targets. the artillerymen struck enemy fortifications and a hangar with military equipment. the crews of the uragan rocket systems fired precise shots. between the two attacks , the fighters reloaded the installation, spending no more than 10 minutes on everything. from the front line, report our war correspondent eduard punigov. the positions of the rocket artillery of the vostok group are hidden in a forest belt; you can drive to them by car. prohibited, since everything here is under fire, we go on foot, we need to get through this section as quickly as possible so that we are not spotted by enemy drones. a loading vehicle emerges from a dense forest belt; a truck is carrying shells for the hurricane multiple launch rocket system. the main
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combat vehicle has arrived, the process of reloading the gun begins right now, do this too it needs to be done as quickly as possible, since the calculation is about to be released. approximately half of the ammunition, half of the ammunition is eight shells, while they are on the equipment, the vehicle is extremely vulnerable, if something flies into a hurricane, the ammunition detonates and destroys everything around, the soldiers understand this very well, so they act smoothly and quickly, no unnecessary movements, according to the booklets , it takes 16-18 minutes, but we have learned to do it much faster, in 8 minutes we can charge, where in 10 minutes, then we beat our standards many times over. what is this due to did it work out? due to combat coordination, people have been working together for a long time, occupying the wordless grogo. the loaded vehicle is immediately sent to the firing position. today , hurricane is working on the border of the donetsk people's
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republic and zaporozhye, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. the soldiers' task is to provide support to the assault infantry, which is trying to dislodge the enemy from fortified positions. preparing to hit a target takes a matter of minutes, the gunner sets the coordinates and sounds the “fire” command. this is not shooting practice, the calculations have just worked out for a specific purpose, this is an enemy hangar in which military equipment is located. the hangar is hidden deep behind enemy lines, approximately 30 km away. that's it, you need to leave this place immediately, since a counter-battery fight is underway. in a couple of minutes, the soldiers collapse the installation and change position. u... the hurricane strikes the next target: an enemy stronghold. hurricanes are on duty around the clock, regardless of weather conditions, this crew has hit dozens of targets, including long-range d-30 howitzers, as well as american howitzers m-777 and m-113 tracked armored personnel carriers.
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we were given the coordinates right away, and we worked on this goal. an accumulation of manpower, thank you, yes, an accumulation of equipment of manpower, successful, yes. the target was jumped, our troops and infantry advanced forward. swinging tactics significantly increases the survivability of vehicles. rszzo is a hurricane for the ukrainian armed forces, like a red rag. if the installation is detected by reconnaissance drones, they do not spare shells on it, but the maneuverability of the vehicle allows soldiers to quickly leave the danger zone. this calculation is also today returned safely from a combat mission. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. a scandal over an information leak is gaining momentum in germany. the deputies sent a statement to the prosecutor general's office to initiate a criminal case against bundeswehr officers who discussed strikes against russia. journalists note that the minimum term under this article is 10 years. meanwhile, the german ministry of defense
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is conducting an internal review. anton dadykin was looking into whether there was a chance that someone would be punished. minister of defense germany commented on the scandal only 3 days later. audio recording. boris pistorius immediately tried to hush up the scandal, saying that the air force commander and his subordinates allegedly simply talked about different scenarios of taurus missile strikes on the crimean bridge and weapons depots. and it is impossible to say that this was a plan, although, judging by the recording, the generals were just having a detailed discussion of the strikes, analyzing the problems, including deciding how best to cover their tracks. pistorius, as usual , blamed everything on moscow. this is about undermining our unity. this should reinforce that that we are working on a war against russia, which is completely absurd. germany must not fall for this. we must respond decisively but carefully. pistorius didn't even condemn. conversation between the generals, although the implementation of their plan could drag germany into war, and this, judging by the words of chancellor scholz,
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contradicts the national interests of germany, that is, in fact, we are talking about treason. it is noteworthy that the majority of german politicians who spoke out on this topic carefully avoided the very essence of the issue, the planning by the german military of attacks on russia. we know that russia is trying in every way to destabilize our work, our democracy, hacking and spying. we are vigilant. moreover, the largest opposition faction in the bundestag is demanding a special meeting of the defense committee, intending to force the chancellor to transfer long-range missiles to the kiev regime. they are also unhappy that scholz revealed information that nato troops have been fighting in ukraine for a long time. germany's allies were outraged by this. he revealed the presence of french british troops there, which caused an active diplomatic response from these countries. responsibility for all this lies with the chancellor. mps also called for more money to be allocated to combat espionage and
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for courses in the use of secure communications for bundeswehr officers. and only a few german politicians had the courage to talk about the illegality of the generals’ actions. plans by senior bundeswehr officers to use taurus cruise missiles to attack russian territory are contrary to the german constitution and international law. this madness must be stopped immediately. this symbolic act would drag germany into a deep war, no at taurus's bets. against the background of the wiretapping scandal in the bundeswehr , a large-scale operation was carried out in berlin, which largely diverted the attention of the press from the criminal plans of the german generals. 130 special forces soldiers cordoned off the neighborhood. the movement of electric trains on four lines was stopped. they were looking for two leaders of the terrorist organization red army faction. she operated in the 20th century, including killing and kidnapping people. account of the red army faction, which collectively numbered several dozen people , several high-profile murders, for example, ulrika
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meinhov practiced so-called stroller terrorism, which means she dressed with a young mother, took a stroller, but instead of a baby in the stroller there was a machine gun or a submachine gun, and thus several large german businessmen were shot , officials, before this the community of leaders daniela klette was arrested, she is over 30 years old. wanted for attacking the us embassy in bonn and bombing a prison, while she lived quietly in berlin. in her a kalashnikov assault rifle and ammunition were found in the apartment. 30 years spent underground show, on the one hand, how strong the spirit of left-wing extremists is still in germany. according to the german media, it was the secret service agents who learned about the possible whereabouts of her accomplices in the red army faction, but two figures in the top ten most wanted criminals of the eu in the specified area could not be found. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. the french government calls on europe
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to continue supporting kiev. otherwise, they scare paris. the european union faces losses and various risks. at the same time, ordinary residents of eu countries want stability in the economy, and not more and more budget expenditures on the maintenance of ukraine. maria filippova has details. europe will suffer significant losses if ukraine is defeated. this statement was made by the french ministry of foreign affairs. ultimately the economy. the eu will weaken, and local residents will be displaced by migrants. the biggest nightmare french officials see is the picture they paint if the ukrainian territories bordering europe come under control russia. then the ministry of foreign affairs laments, security measures will have to be strengthened and more than 2% of gdp will have to be allocated for this. according to paris , the supply of agricultural products on unfavorable terms for europe will squeeze the economy, because if the special operation is completed, it will not be in favor of the ukrainian armed forces.
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what is europe afraid of, they are afraid that if ukraine disappears as a buffer between the european union and russia, they will have a common border with our country, well, relatively speaking, if russia comes to the western borders of ukraine, then the same hungary will have... . a common border with russia, they are against this, but on the other hand, today, russia has borders with the european union, in the baltic states, in poland, this is kaliningrad. area, and this is not some kind of threat to the economy or political life of europe. and another fear of the french foreign ministry is that ukraine will cease to exist altogether and disintegrate, after which a flow of migrants of 10 million people will pour into europe; hospitality, in turn, is very expensive. for example, in germany deutschevelli indicates, ukrainian
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refugees may not work at all while receiving benefits. according to the prime minister of the federal state of saxony, michael kretschmer. only 20% of migrants from ukraine work, unemployment benefits for refugees in gray-sick germany are more than 500 euros per month, single people receive 563, families receive 506. migrants and parents are entitled to additional money to provide for their children, the amount varies depending on the age of the child. this year , germany has registered in the budget from 5.5 billion to 6 billion euros for benefits for ukrainians alone. national economies of member countries. the european union cannot withstand such a load, but it is obvious that benefits will remain, as is now accepted, as the decision was made at the level of the european union, until march 4, 2025, at the same time, the range of support and the volume of subsidies paid
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will be reduced because it is very serious. burden on the economy. the french authorities are calling for support for ukraine, although many europeans are tired of this support. in germany, too, people went to demonstrations calling for an end to sponsor kyiv. inflation is growing within countries, production is falling, especially agricultural production. a striking illustration was the numerous farmer strikes. poland's response to the farmer protests was to block the checkpoint on the border with ukraine, they emphasize, temporarily. in kiev they started talking. the poles want to remove ukrainian food from the european market and roll back the european food market until february 24, 2022, that is,
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when ukrainian agricultural products were supplied to the european market under quotas, there were these quotas. small, and therefore were exhausted by many ukrainian agricultural producers in the first days, sometimes weeks of january. as for the financial damage, the ukrainian ministry of agrarian policy calculated that agricultural producers will lose up to $300 million monthly, while in the future polish business will lose, this will be affected by the loss of position as a transit hub in europe. the blockade will force a restructuring of logistics. eyewitnesses say that the tremors were so strong that plaster fell in the apartments, furniture began to shake and chandeliers. people left their homes and offices in a hurry. it is also reported that tremors were felt in kyrgyzstan, neighboring kazakhstan.
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the first natural fires of this year have been recorded in the south of primorye. the grass is burning. and trees in the khatansky district. over the course of a day, the area covered by the fire grew to almost 5,000 hectares. additional firefighting forces have been sent to the district and a special regime has been introduced. report by victoria samuseva. small sparks of fire create big problems. dry grass burns day and night. the flames have already engulfed at 5.00 hasan district. they are trying to protect the gas station from the approach of fire. at the zarubino andreevka intersection, cars pass with caution, trying not to touch the flames. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, my god, for the first time in primurye a fire tornado was recorded. a frightening tornado passed through the south of the region. the phenomenon was confirmed by primhydromet. fire tornado. the fiery whirlwind was approaching
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rapidly. the railway station workers barely managed to escape. here, run! sukhanovka gvozdevo from zarubin - the hottest spots of the municipal district. fiery the situation is complicated by a strong wind, the fire is spreading over huge areas, you can see from here that all the residential buildings are already on fire. forest fires keep residents of nearby areas in fear, the fire stops, then again creeps up to private houses, locals are on alert around the clock, and the thick smoke is literally suffocating. firefighters are on duty in populated areas doing their best to slow down the movement of fire. in the village of gvozdevo they are already clearing away the consequences of the fire; in the last minutes, residents managed to drive their cars away from the fire, but the insidious flames left their prints, the car did not burn out
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, it was not running, but still during the night fire, the situation on the spot was controlled by the governor of the region, with a joint effort they formed additional detachments to extinguish fires , brought in bulldozers, additionally sent blowers and motor pumps to the district, the guys here are such a bunch ... you need to dry it, because it contains nezine. the district has already introduced a special fire regime over the past weekend; more than thirty sites of landscape fires have been recorded here. already now the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening a group of rescuers of up to 300 people. aviation forest fire fighters assist the ministry of emergency situations employees in eliminating the forest fire. in addition, detachments from mikhailovsky and oktyabrsky will be sent to the district to help. nadezhdinsky district. victoria samuseva, vesti primorye. sirius has become a city of youth from all over the world. these days, an international festival is taking place there, bringing together about 20,000
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participants from more than 180 countries. what’s the atmosphere like there now and what’s interesting in the program of events for today? we’ll find out from alexandra perfileva, she’s in direct contact with us. alexandra, i welcome you to hear what is happening in sirius now. yes, daria, hello. they are gradually coming to the sessions, but i will remind you that more than 700 events will be held here on the federal territory of sirius. and, probably, one of the key lectures that is most awaited today is the lecture by dmitry medvedev. the topic of his speech is
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strategic and geographical boundaries. well, in the second half of the hour , foreign minister sergei lavrov is expected to speak. the topic of his speech is the role in the formation multipolar world. it is multipolarity that our state, of course, pays great attention to. but... it will take place here at sirius university, but for 5 days of the festival it was renamed to the international airport of the world youth festival, we see that there is a board indicated here, which, i ask you to show the operator, here is a board indicated which shows , when there is registration, boarding for this or that session, there are even registration desks, and let me remind you that more than 20,000 participants out of 188 countries, half.
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in the children's program, but also in the adult program, to visit all these incredible sites. what are your emotions about the festival? simply amazing, in these couple of days a lot of friends from different countries spoke the language, i improved my english, i am simply surprised and delighted, every day i want to learn more and more new things. thank you very much, by the way, i ’m from the republic of srpska, serbia, yes, well , you see what a contrast, how many participants there are, they come literally every minute more and more, because already in will begin soon.
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won defeated donald trump on pry with the gop in dc. this is helly’s first victory in the preliminary vote and, as predicted in the american press, most likely the only one. in the united states , meanwhile, they are preparing for super tuesday, a vote in which 15 subjects will immediately choose candidates from both parties in the presidential election. more votes are cast on this day than on any other day in the race. therefore, for contenders for post number one, victory in super.
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women are going to do it again, i'm so proud of the way joe has focused on women's rights in his policies, especially the fact that he made kamala haris his vice president, while the alternative in this political race is donald trump, i believe , he is dangerous to women, i am terrified of the future that awaits america if he returns to the white house again, which is why we must re-elect joe biden and kamala haris. on social networks. who, as previously reported in the press, devotes much of his time to work less time than its predecessors. we went over the immigration policy of the democratic party, which donald trump also criticized during his speech in virginia. joe biden and the fascists who control him are the real threat
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to democracy in this country. they are fighting texas, they come there, they tear down fences that are supposed to keep migrants out, they are simply destroying our country. i want to put an end to this. i hope they never get away with their crimes. at the same time, the american press expects that super tuesday will destroy the presidential campaign of nicky hale, donald trump's only internal party rival. last weekend, the ex-president already crushed his rival. she may soon lose even her theoretical chances of winning the republican nomination. at the same time, despite... the lack of intra-party competition among democrats, joe biden's supporters in the white house are seriously concerned. according to the latest study by sociologists, the rating of the current leader has fallen to a critical minimum. if the us elections took place today, 43% of americans would vote for biden and 48% for trump. this is the largest statistical advantage trump has ever had since 2015. in fact, the same data is in
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the tv channel’s polls. bs there, respondents openly stated that the us political course under trump was simple, understandable and predictable, but biden and his cabinet are constantly in a storm, journalists emphasize that biden’s democratic base is more critical of him than the republicans are of trump. alika komarova, lead.
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