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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the territory of ukraine is contaminated with the toxic contents of the shells. military actions are literally killing fertile land. but what about kiev’s dreams of feeding the whole of europe? non-refundable ticket to approx. those who don’t want to are shot down to death by the ukrainian military commissariat. the most desperate ones run to the border and jump into the ditch. why not save yourself? best friend, loyal until the last second. a dog named goofy died while protecting a comedian from a drone. for his
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comrades, a story of real feat that will not leave anyone indifferent. let's start with big news from science center number 27 russian ministry of defense, whose employees were able to establish the exact origin of the chemical warfare agents that the zelensky regime intended to use for massacres in the zaporozhye region. let me remind you that according to the junta’s plan, our military, as well as the governor of the region, yevgeny baletsky, were to become victims. execution, according to tradition, was entrusted to recruited saboteurs; dastardly terrorist attacks were planned at the end of february, but were stopped in time by the federal security service, but if the goals of the ukrainian nazis had long been no longer surprises anyone, the means in this case are especially noteworthy, since, as it turned out, we are talking about an extremely toxic chemical produced in the usa, and the existence of this particular formula in general, in fact, was officially documented for the first time, as soon as the states transferred it. kyiv.
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what are the likely consequences of poisoning with such poisons and what general conclusions arise here, let us figure it out with the help of anton podkovenko. they were preparing an assassination attempt on the head of zaporozhye evgeniy baletsky and russian military, using american poison. ukrainian agent deliver kurshutov with the call sign vampire, whom fsb officers uncovered that fall, received instructions from a full-time employee of the independence intelligence services, alexander kogut. here he is. a native of the kherson region is registered in zaporozhye. until february of this year, the russian special services played the so-called operational game with kohut. this, when a discovered agent of the enemy, in this case the kurshuts, is ready to cooperate serves as a kind of decoy to reveal enemy plans. kogut sent ampoules of poison to the vampire agent, that is, kurshutov. sasha said that these ampoules are intended for the military.
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so that they should be added in catering places, if possible, if it were good, he says, if it was in a large cauldron there with food, add it or in compote, and so that more military personnel would be poisoned. kurshutov, together with residents of melitopol gennady and olga kapralov, whom he himself had recruited and who were later also taken by fsb officers, took the poison on a tip from kogut from the cache in grave at the krasnogorsk cemetery in melitopol and hid it.
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sabotage plans of kiev , as for the assassination attempts, well, they are generally systemic , you just need to get used to them, my life is not worth more than the life of any soldier on the front line or an administration employee, we understand perfectly well, we knew what we were doing, but in this war we only need victory, the poison that the kurshuts were supposed to use looks like a colorless liquid in ampoules with the inscription “biasparin”, well, this is written for disguise: of course, they could at least write aspirin in there. kogut sent kurshutov and company an analogue of the toxic chemical bizet, which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention: a psychochemical agent. here is his formula. the poison was created by the americans. russian scientists have found out exactly where. in these samples they found an analogue of a chemical warfare agent without this one. this analogue was developed at the eldzhevsky test site. it has the name agent-3167, ea
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means the edger arsenal, this is america, this is america, this is the usa, there are no other ways except ... from the united states to get to territory of a special military operation, there are simply no other ways. the laboratory of the russian ministry of defense, which analyzed the toxic substances seized from ukrainian agents, is accredited by the opc, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, that is, the west, in theory, will not be able to dismiss these conclusions. however, the attempt at sabotage in melitopol is not the first in the liberated territories by our scientists.
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chemical weapons again, well, according to correction , they were sent to the organization for the prohibition , there is no one, they completely fell under the united states of america in all decisions. if this does not change, the organization will completely discredit itself. the poisons that ukrainian saboteurs use, including the one that was seized from kurshutov and company, are absolutely terrible in their effects, literally driving you crazy. with a dose that is, well, a gram per person, this is incapacitating for at least 72, 80 hours, when people are inadequate, they... make a decision, and a small overdose is death, moreover, it is disguised as various, well household poisoning, but the kurshuts and kapralovs are already they won’t be able to poison anyone, criminal cases have been opened under articles of terrorism and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, these are serious deadlines, and ukrainian and especially
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american curators have forgotten to think about exposed agents; failed executors mean no more to them than broken matches. well, i'll add it. tomorrow, the role of kiev’s western masters in the use of dangerous taxins by ukrainian militants will be brought up for discussion by the russian side during a session of the oskh executive council, as the russian official representative emphasized when organizing the deputy head of the name industry trade , kirill lysogorsky, nothing will prevent him from providing indisputable evidence of the participation of the united states and western europe in pumping ukraine, now also with chemical weapons. during the upcoming 105th march 5 session from the half-council of the uzo, we, of course, will definitely be there. to raise the issue of the systemic use of toxic chemicals by ukrainian militants, we will require the organization to give a proper assessment of this criminal activity from the point of view of international law. for obvious reasons, we foresee that ukraine
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will hinder an objective and impartial consideration of the issue at the opc site. let's see what will happen next. during the day the units. groups of russian troops destroyed up to 360 ukrainian militants in the donetsk direction of the special operation, the enemy had a particularly hard time in the areas of kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, georgievka and maksimilyanovka, where our military carried out massive fire damage, on the southern donetsk front in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the vostok group, over 320 vsu officers were eliminated . about situations, reporting by alexander katsuba. lightning attack.
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also for flying tanks, the pilot in the cockpit is protected by an armored capsule, the main elements and parts of the aircraft are also protected by armor. in a matter of minutes the pair reaches the target. the air strike pierced brezh in the enemy’s defenses, allowing the ivanovo and kostroma paratroopers from the south group of troops to seize and fortify this bridgehead. they wounded the defense, waited for the main forces, and moved on. assault, speed, arrogance, the defense of the ukrainian armed forces is bursting at the seams and breaking. our fighters are pushing back the enemy the entire front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead the way! continuing the topic: almost 500 ukrainian armed forces personnel, four infantry fighting vehicles, three
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of which bradley, 12 vehicles and two tanks, including the american m1, were disabled. these are today’s reports from the russian ministry of defense from the avdeevsky section of the northern military district, where in an almost everyday tone, one might say, they confirmed the disposal of another abrams. actually, here he is, with the caterpillar torn off while filming objective control equipment, looks downright pitiful, and the open suite indicates that... the crew abandoned the expensive nato handout and hastened to retreat, if, of course, they were allowed to leave. well, by the way, in this regard , the reaction of the pentagon is interesting , on the one hand they refused to comment, but on the other they transparently hinted that inquiries about the state of manpower and equipment should henceforth be directed to kiev, since it is he who should be responsible for the use of anything neither was on the front line. well, in general , everything is presented as if the united states does not care about the fate of the transferred tanks at all, but the personnel their destruction of no one in the west. worries, but in reality, of course, everything is not so simple, evgeniy nipot will confirm.
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another abrams was destroyed in the avdeevsky direction near the village of berdychi, the tank, russian soldiers, as they say, put it on a harp, hit it from the missile launcher, damaging the track. the work of the fighters of the thirtieth motorized rifle brigade, due to active hostilities, the enemy was never able to subdue, much less evacuate the vehicle, who decided to send gifts and the russian tank crews conveyed ardent greetings from a closed firing position. this was such a collective team effort of various units, the group center, it was mainly the work of the thirtieth brigade and the fifteenth motorized rifle brigade. for dessert, the guardsmen of the fifteenth motorized rifle served the downed american with ghouls, the same fighters who, quite recently at the end of february, hit the first abrams makhina that appeared at the front, which weighs more than 50 tons in the avdeevka area, and it becomes a real target for russian fighters. this is the same calculation, let me remind you that earlier they hit the first american tank in the rear, sending
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drone under the tower, the vehicle stopped, then the russian military sent a second drone, after which the ammunition detonated. he rode for 2 years and fought for 20 minutes, there were three people in the crew, one evacuated one, possibly a heavy 300, and they managed to get away, we still had a priority goal, which was to hit the combat vehicle directly. then they used drones. the pirana wounded one enemy crew member so much that his colleagues had to drag him, trying to get away from the tank as quickly as possible; it’s interesting that none of the the damaged american tanks did not have any protection from drones, i mean the so-called barbecue visors, which are welded on top and hung with additional dynamic protection units. the tank was driving very slowly, for some reason, very slowly, it drove out into the open area, the guys probably really believed in themselves, that they were simply invulnerable. there was no difficulty in hitting him absolutely, we stopped him with the first drone,
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we finished him off with the second drone, the abrams will continue to burn, they should continue to burn. echo from the explosion of those burned for some time hit the shares of the company manufacturers. the americans, let me remind you, redirected all questions to kiev, refusing to comment on the losses of their tanks. on paper, the characteristics of this tank are very formidable, the damage is obvious. version , equipment supplied from the usa, they say that life in ukraine is like this, shells are hungry, although the same thing was previously written about the lack of aviation, it will probably soon appear in the western media that solar flares and retrograde mercury are to blame for the losses... for good reason, probably they have now appeared near avdiivka , for good reason, probably now the ukrainian
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command is throwing its last trump cards into battle there, this is the forty-seventh mechanized brigade, which is equipped with western equipment, including aboramites, probably something, something not very good in the ukrainian kingdom, if , regardless of the reputational costs, they send american vehicles into battle, but they burn... against the backdrop of news about burning american tanks, russian soldiers recorded what is called banter to to the american president, demanding more abrom residents. as you probably know, we are paid bonuses for the destruction of these tanks, we kindly ask you to send more, since those that have already been sent are very few, there are not enough of them for everyone. in the vdeevsky direction of abrams, the engineering equipment that was made on their basis has become, as experts say, real magnets that attract to themselves all the means of fire destruction that
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russian fighters have, and , as practice shows, they cannot withstand this onslaught not a single armor, german, unpraised american. deliveries of long-range taurus cruise missiles to kiev and practical assistance in their combat use against targets in russia. questions for the german ambassador, answers to which the russian foreign ministry demanded today after the publication of conversations between bundesfern officers discussing strikes on russian territory. a demarche was announced to the german diplomatic representative on smolensk square. official berlin , meanwhile, is trying to find the leak and at least somehow explain the scandal that has begun. with details alexander khristenko. german ambassador alexander count lambsdorf got out of the car in a hat with a plump blue folder in his hand, but did not share theses or answer direct questions from journalists. mr. ambassador, do you want to attack russia? no comments. unfortunately, it so happened that the assistant tried to enter the wrong door, again presenting the ambassador with awkward questions. why does germany
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choose targets, why does it want to attack? let us go to the ministry, we have an invitation. in fact, the ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry to give an explanation after a scandalous recording has been made public in which senior bundesferen officers discuss in detail how to stage an attack on the crimean bridge and other strategic targets in the depths of russia using german taurus cruise missiles and arrange everything so that no one knows about germany’s participation in this. the effect of this exploding information bomb was such that it took the german authorities several days to formulate at least something, and judging by... it is quite obvious that the statement that such conversations prove that germany is preparing a war against russia, are absurdly shameful russian propaganda, anyone who listens to this conversation will understand that this does not follow from the officers’ conversation with each other. but so that as few germans as possible would listen to this conversation,
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the message with the recording was blocked on social networks. the german media, in turn, are shifting their focus and are discussing something other than the essence of the conversation. bundeswehr officers whose actions fall under the category of casus beli, that is, the reason for declaring war, and the circumstances of how the leak occurred. there is initial evidence of how the recording may have been made conversation. evidence is piling up that a russian participant logged into webec's conference calling system, apparently undetected. the cdu csu bloc did not rule out the creation of a special committee to investigate the leak, but accusations that the bundeswehr is behind the backs of legislators. prepared for a potential act of war silently, on the contrary, raises questions about the trustworthiness of the chancellor. evidence is becoming increasingly clear that, on the one hand, the russians are bugging the leadership of the german military, on the other, that scholz is relying on false representations and conditions, blocks military assistance to ukraine. and such a reaction is inherently self-exposing. the words that are now
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coming out of the mouths of western figures , including when... they are discussing among themselves, are not surprising, it’s just how it could happen that the secure negotiation network turned out to be not so reliable, this says a lot, they , probably, they also found some right word in order to legalize,
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if you like, in the public sphere, the very idea of ​​​​sending ground troops. individual countries nato, while they are still talking about individual nato countries in europe. the western press takes the conversation even further: how will the german leadership now look its allies in the eyes? the wall street journal writes that the failure will worsen berlin's relations with nato, because in a conversation, bundeswehr officers mentioned that in ukraine, quote, there are many people in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. from the conversation it also became known how exactly the already approved winged aircraft are delivered to kiev. rockets. uk uses storm shadow for transport reachback armored vehicles, and france even delivers its scalp in civilian audi q7 crossovers. and now russia is drawing the conclusion “british”. will be able to track deliveries. britain and other allies increasingly view germany as unreliable after a recent security breach that potentially jeopardizes arms supplies to ukraine and kiev's use of cruise
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missiles. we know that germany is well -infiltrated by russian intelligence, so this simply demonstrates that they are neither safe nor reliable,” boehn said. wallis, former british secretary of defense. the german bilt mockingly notes a press statement regarding the leaked recording, the bundeswehr distributed under the password one. and only a few in germany recall berlin’s participation in the ukrainian conflict and the negotiations of bundeswehr officers on preparing taurus for attacks on russia is already a direct
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violation of not only the constitution of the federal republic of germany, but also the historical 2+4 treaty signed in moscow in 1990 on the unification of germany, which directly states what will happen from german soil only peace comes from. an amazing conversation between german officers intercepted by russian specialists once again for now. scholz's trip will begin again in berlin. where everything is heading, today’s third world war eloquently speaks, a war that took place in a vocational school, where young people, future factory workers and engineers, suddenly began asking the chancellor about taurus. scholz again opposed the deliveries.
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unhappy ukraine is an old song from american and european publications. this time the assessments of a certain joint ukrainian-swiss-british project, which allegedly studies the impact of military operations on the territory of the russian federation. there are zero real data, zero measurements, only estimates by eye. scientists don’t work like that, real ecologists say. naturally, the work, in quotation marks, of ukrainian ecologists, begins immediately. publish, comment, replicate foreign media, primarily english-language ones, but the sauce here is already different, namely, let’s force russia to compensate for environmental damage, what we see now, including these here are publications in the western press, they are not aimed at ecology, but at an attempt to gain another lever for pressure. to russia. from
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scientific assessments, the texts mention four pollutants. these horsemen of the chemical apocalypse rock from article to article. they appeared in 2022 and 23 on the pages of dochveli and bbc, as well as other singers. arsenic, mercury, cadmium lead. and you can’t argue that each of them is truly toxic; they are deposited in the soil wherever military operations are taking place, and even end up in groundwater. guardian or else fear has big eyes? of course, there is harm, but it is very overestimated. as for the notorious cadmium, mostyak, artuti, there is an absolutely wonderful method for them, which is called phytoremediation, roughly speaking, planting special plants that with their roots suck out everything harmful from the ground, it allows kilometers.


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