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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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more than 340 million trips in just the first year of operation, this is about the large ring line of the moscow metro. vladimir putin discussed with sergei sobyanin the most important news from the capital, not only about the development of transport, but about the growth of production, investment, and the construction of the most modern housing and technology parks. over the year, of all regions , moscow’s contribution to the overall growth of the country’s industry is the largest. on the most important areas of development of the city and region, anastasia efimova.
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the results are some of the best in modern history, the capital's results for 2023, about which the mayor of moscow reported to the president. as sergei sobyanin emphasized, growth was recorded in the most important indicators for the city, such as pharmaceuticals, automobile construction and microelectronics. i must report to you, vladimirevich, despite the machinations of enemies, all kinds of sanctions, i don’t know if we have more friends. like others, everything is going very well for us, there is another well-known expression, to be our friend and enemy is equally honorable, god bless them, the results of the twenty-third year, i think in moscow are some of the best in general over the entire modern history, good growth in all indicators, in production indicators that are important for us, such as pharmaceuticals... the automotive industry,
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microelectronics grew from 25 to 40%. the growth dynamics are truly impressive. the mentioned pharmaceuticals, for example, added more than 40%. at the alabushev site of the technopolis moscow special economic zone, a new pharmaceutical complex has been opened for the production of more than two dozen drugs for the treatment of oncological, autoimmune and other diseases, and this is independence from import supplies, vital important medications. by the way, the most important ones are being implemented in the same technopolis. projects in the field of microelectronics; in december , a production line for packaging microcircuits for three-way transport cards with russian chips was launched. those projects that we opened, the large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter works very well, today we already transport 1,300,000 people per day on the bkl, and 400-thousand cars daily along the high-speed diameter. even if you look at the economic return.
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russian capital, one of the safest megacities of the world and a decisive contribution to the prevention of crime is made by the city video surveillance system, even attempts to break the law do not go unnoticed, and moscow is a region of the highest social responsibility, new kindergartens, schools, clinics. the city is demonstrating very high dynamics, thanks to your support, the government and, of course, muscovites who are actively working.
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this is so very interconnected with the entire russian economy; of course, we must always remember this. the most important indicator economic activity remains and the growth in the volume of real estate commissioning, more than 15 million square meters, last year alone, and one half is housing, the second is social facilities and, of course, commercial space, in other words, jobs, the total investments in the creation of which will exceed a trillion rubles. anastasia efimova, lead. and now the latest reports from
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the special operation zone, the russian military has improved the tactical situation in the kupinsky and ovdeevsky directions, the ministry of defense reported this. moreover, in these areas front, the kiev regime lost more than... 600 militants. our fighters destroyed not only the manpower of the ukrainian armed forces, but also armored vehicles, including those made in the west. an american abrams tank was blown up near avdeevka. read more about the situation in different directions in the material by denis alekseev. the ukrainian command kept american tanks in reserve until the last moment. and when it became completely impossible to go to magata without them, they released us. and while everyone is like a carbon copy, the lifespan turns out to be short-lived. our fighters of the center group destroyed near avdievka another abrams, the result of coordinated work. first, the infantry disabled the tank with a hand-held grenade launcher on the tracked mechanism, now the american is no longer on the move, then a clear finishing touch by the ghoul with an attack drone. this
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is the story of how russian professional fighters destroy armor worth several million dollars with a drone for a couple of hundred. the center group continues to push. the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, pushing them west from avdievka and the nearest suburbs. the militants are trying to organize counterattacks and recapture lost positions, but no matter what. per day for in this direction, our military hit more than 300 targets. in the avdeevsky direction, a subdivision of the group of troops- center, as a result of coordinated actions , continued to occupy more advantageous positions. fire damage was caused to the personnel and equipment of the twenty-fourth, 110 mechanized, seventy-first egel brigades. 103rd territorial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of novokalinovo, mayorsk, berdyche and rozovka. the enemy lost more than 490 military personnel, two tanks, including abrams, four infantry fighting vehicles, they include three american -made brad infantry fighting vehicles, three armored combat
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vehicles, 12 vehicles, and a 152-millimeter 2s3 acacia self-propelled artillery mount. but in other directions, a subdivision of the missile forces of the vostok group on yuzhnodonets. on the russian front , a hangar with ammunition was destroyed; the destruction was confirmed by reconnaissance drone operators. in this area , there were more than 300 casualties in su per day. in the krasnolimansk direction, russian pilots bombarded the positions of the ground forces with controlled aerial bombs. pairs of these enough for the damage to be felt. kupinsky direction, the tactical position there has been improved. news is coming from the rabotin district, the russian military is increasing the use of drones, and attack aircraft are making their way there. to the center of the village. the military command is obviously unable to hold a populated area with the units that are there, so they are drawing up reserves. russian artillerymen are working on the accumulation of manpower and equipment. the ssu is betting on its unmanned aircraft. against the background of problems with armored vehicles and
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artillery pieces, it is reasonable, but stupid to believe that we know nothing about this, we know, and russian intelligence keeps such things under control, and therefore two more were eliminated within 24 hours. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, vesti. the targets of the terrorist attack using chemical weapons in the zaporozhye region were the russian military and governor yevgeny baletsky. the assassination attempt was prevented by the security services at the end of february. according to the investigation , the attackers were going to use a military chemical that they could only produce. in usa. details in the report by anton potkovenko. ukrainian agent vampire connection with alexander kogut, a private intelligence officer who recruited him. footage of the so -called operational game. this is when a discovered agent of the enemy, in this case the delyavershutov, whom the fsb detained back in the
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fall, is ready to cooperate and serves under a garden duck to reveal the enemy’s plans. today i slept with this thought, in short. sasha, you want to be offended, you want to.
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agent vampire, that is, kurshutov and his accomplices, an analogue of the toxic chemical bz,
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which is controlled by the chemical weapons convention, code ia3167, only americans can produce such a poison, what has now been discovered, yes, this substance is close in class to bisette, a listed toxic substance, in addition to this substance , precursors have been found that are used in its manufacture. which makes a person stand still, it is very small, such a poison can kill, it all depends
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on the dose, identifying this substance in the body is very difficult and the symptoms are similar to food poisoning, here is a fragment of negotiations between kogut and kurshutov during the same operational game, discussing a sabotage plan in the dining room in melitopol, where the russian military go, what to do with the ampoules, maybe they should be thrown somewhere, they should be in the canteen, they should be somewhere. chemicals bypassing all international conventions, and kiev uses them for sabotage, but the kurshuts and kapralovs will not poison or blow up anyone , criminal cases have been opened, a terrorist attack and the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, these are serious prison sentences, and the ukrainian curators are already talking about failed performers . owners of kiev in
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the use of dangerous taxins by ukrainian militants will be brought up for discussion by the russian side during a session of the executive board of the uzo. as the official representative of russia at the organization, deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade kirill lysogorsky, emphasized, nothing will prevent you from providing indisputable evidence of the participation of the united states and western europe in pumping up ukraine.
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remote communication. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you more about the results of the intercepted conversation between german officers. with such passwords there is no need for enemies. statement by defense minister pistorius regarding the leak of a recording of a conversation between luftwaf officers, his for the convenience of journalists, the press service uploaded it to a cloud server. the link was sent to journalists. the file was protected with a password that you didn't need to be an intelligence genius to crack. 1 2 3 4. but they are guilty of this attitude. joke, after the attack of russian spies
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on the bundeswehr, this is extremely awkward. however, the taurus case has already turned into major problems for chancellor scholz, who explained the refusal to supply long-range missiles by the need to send more bundeswehr employees to ukraine, and this is almost a direct clash between nato and russia. private scholz's rating leaves much to be desired, but more than half of the germans agree with the chancellor and... support the transfer of this type of weapons, fellow party members of the head of government are even ready to turn a blind eye to the fact that scholz actually lied to parliament, explaining the refusal to kiev. fits, then the issue needs to be resolved in the political and legal field, and if i had a chance to give advice to the federal chancellor, i would not enter this political and legal gray zone, his decision was justified from both points of view, but in its own way in the desire to prevent escalation, scholz seems to be in the minority, in a language understandable to the widest circle of taxpayers in a language, in the format of social networks, the cdf channel explains to the germans, taurus
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is the same as leopard tanks or british stormshadow missiles or the french scalp. at first they said that kiev would never give them up, but the outcome of the discussion is known to everyone. but this time there is even an explanation because of my flight range, the chancellor is afraid that i will end up in russia. berlin is behaving as if it were a bourgeois, or is keeping silent, ambassador germany, summoned to the russian foreign ministry, did not talk to journalists, or is shaking off preparations for a clash with moscow. it is absolutely clear that such claims that this conversation allegedly proves that germany is preparing for war with russia are absurd. officers - this is not only a substantive discussion of attacks on the crimean bridge, this is another reason to remember that taurus can fly to the moscow agglomeration and scholz does not want this. here,
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of course, it remains to be seen whether the bundeswehr is doing this on their own initiative, then the question is, how controllable the bundeswehr is. this is part of the state policy of the federal republic of germany. both are very bad, and both once again emphasize the direct involvement of countries, the so-called collective west, in the conflict around ukraine. and although it has long been confirmed that the armed forces of ukraine are being helped at the front by technical specialists from western countries, the words of the french president, who did not rule out the possibility of sending european soldiers to the conflict zone, still have not met with widespread support, naming emmanuel macron as grandmaster. exposing himself, the publication writes to the politician: in the dna of the french president there is a habit of seeking someone else’s favor without doing anything, and ukraine’s once closest partner, poland, refuses to believe in the myth of russia, which wants to conquer all of europe. the poles are fed cheap pro-war propaganda. leading politicians and publicists unanimously repeat the false mantra that ukrainians
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are also fighting for us, that this is our war and that we are already participating in it, that’s all. vile lie. and the german chancellor in public consistent, well-researched and simply still adheres to the “not my war” argument, but it is also supplemented by an undisguised distrust of the armed forces of ukraine. it cannot be that they deliver a combat system that has a very long range without thinking about how to control it. but if you want to control, and this is only possible if the german military is involved, then this is completely excluded. in addition, berlin is not yet in a hurry with personnel decisions.
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former soviet airfield, site slightly modernized and now several f-16 and f-35 fighters have landed there. why does nato call the albanian bridgehead a strategic investment? in the report by denis davidov. the first landing of nato fighters at the alliance's first strategic base in the balkans, f-16s and f-35s flew in from neighboring italy for the celebration, along with them.
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the soviet union built a military base there along with all the infrastructure. today nato fighter jets are buzzing over the aged khrushchev buildings. 16 f-35 eurofiter, everyone flew in just for the ceremony. based in for now, only three turkish drones will be based in albania, because
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there is simply nowhere to place pilots, technicians, and their families; nato is not investing in this. in solemn speeches they do not remember those who built the base 70 years ago. albanian journalists are talking about certain volunteers. in the broadcast footage , they diligently do not include old soviet aircraft, which, with the transition of the base to... the soviet union supplied more than seventy, there were dozens of others, migov, yakov, ilov. the museum has an impressive exhibition of soviet heritage; by the way, all this equipment was fueled local fuel, oil was extracted near the airfield. and there are dozens of such towers in kuchevo, the city literally stands on oil, but it began to develop... under socialism, when industrial enterprises, housing for employees and, as they said then, social and cultural facilities, aircraft repair plants, canning plants, institutes, theaters
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and a film studio, the soviet union built a lot of things here, recalls fryderik tashko, the son of a famous diplomat, who in the late forties was appointed the first ambassador of albania to the ussr, in what development the country was in, very in very low, she was way behind. the soviet union then, she got it from all over the world, from the union, they brought everything they could, even hay for horses, for military mules, it was brought from there. then it depended on one union, now on another. nato member albania speaks in unison with the western anti-russian chorus, takes an active part in the development of sanctions, and ukraine recently held a summit. southeastern europe. various issues of collective assistance to ukraine, ukraine, were discussed by these specific states, the restoration
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of the military-industrial complex in the balkan countries, aimed at producing weapons and ammunition specifically for ukraine. all this is in the future, in the present, albania has nothing special to help ukraine with. she handed over cartridges for kalashnikov assault rifles, which she had left over from the time of friendship. the ussr. today, having given up the former soviet air base, the country's authorities offered nato a naval base on the mediterranean coast, which was also built by the soviet union. denis davidov, diana schastlivaya, anastasia zorina and denis sokolov, news from albania. donald trump accused president joe biden of trying to get re-elected by dishonest means and called the supreme court decision a big victory for america. the department revoked his inadmissibility to the authorities in colorado. the court ruled that individual state authorities do not have the right to decide issues such as the participation of candidates in presidential elections. this means they gave trump the green light before
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super tuesday, march 4th. it's still monday in the usa. primeres take place in 16 american states. and according to the polls, donald trump is a favorite among republicans. he already has 244 electoral votes, while his main rival, ex-governor of south carolina nicky haley, collected only 43 votes. well , residents of the european part of russia can observe such colorful pictures this night, the aurora is visible in the sky above several regions at once, from the kaliningrad region to the nizhny novgorod region, users publish many pictures online, publish them on telegram channels, the northern lights are quite a rare phenomenon for these latitudes, especially in early march one could also see in the leningrad region in the capital region, here... these shots were apparently taken from an airplane. the annual session of the highest advisory body
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of the all-china committee of the people's political consultative council has started in the prc. they discuss the future of the country from expanding the private sector and increasing employment to attracting young professionals to the most important sectors of the economy and developing the tourism industry. why is special attention paid to the ceremonial part? our correspondent in beijing, alexander, will explain the congress baletsky. the political new year in china almost always comes after the lunar lianghui or two sessions, when at one time in one place the entire political elite of the people's republic of china, generals and ministers, farmers and workers, artists, buddhist monks - representatives of small nations, in colorful outfits are always in the spotlight . but all their attention, of course, is to the presidium, there are 300 people in it, headed by the president of the people's republic of china, it is entirely a ritual. who will sit where and even when the tea will be brought, these are chinese specifics, taking into account which sijinping is modernizing the country. basic the projected goals of economic and
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social development were. achieved while maintaining social stability. china has made significant strides in transforming itself into a modern socialist country. xi himself does not give a speech. this is the order of the main speaker of the session, chairman of the consultative political council, wang huning. he is called the main ideologist of the communist party. but there is no doubt that the text was verified down to the hieroglyph with the head of the prc, because right before the start of the two sessions, the main party magazine just published an analysis economic theses of sidzenpin, where about the fact that rapid growth is changing. quality is coming to china, which means you shouldn’t expect high plans for the economy, especially since, based on the results of the twenty-third, five-plus percent growth is already a success. we are full of the best hopes as the economy recovers and we are confident that it will only grow in china with proper regulation. i introduce myself to the indzians, and life in our region is only getting better, and we, as people’s consultants, also contribute to this, because we make our proposals. for example, i
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medical worker. made several recommendations on how to improve the primary health care system. the task of the people 's consultants is precisely to make recommendations to local authorities, and then transmit them to the center, and before the start of two sessions on chinese television, a series of reports about delegates who collected rationalization proposals in hospitals, in production, even during lunch with couriers, representation of all groups of industries and professions is considered and makes this specific body authoritative, but the authority of the party ... sounded from the rostrum should dispel doubts about the protracted crisis in the real estate market, unemployment, decline in foreign investment, rapid growth in consumption in china, which means that the chinese are doing well with their money. according to statistics, during the 8 days of the new year holiday , 474 million citizens made domestic trips to china and spent 632.5 billion yuan, this is a historical record that shows the improvement in quality of life and
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is huge. consumption potential, which is a powerful force for economic development to stabilize the labor market and the market in general, china will continue to stimulate demand and spare no expense on high technology; in the united states , this is considered protectionism, predicting the collapse of the western economy after the world is again overwhelmed by a wave of cheap chinese goods. beijing called these attacks a pre-election horror story for the american voter. tomorrow, at a meeting of the all-china people's congress , the prime minister of the state council. will report to the work of the government and present a new plan for the development of the country’s economy, as seen in beijing, the whole world is closely watching, because from where china goes has too much to do with the entire global economy. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china!
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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in donbass , you have to go there, you have to go, just for passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray area, behind this line you will become different, and what was there, there was
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