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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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in ruble equivalent, i would say , and there is another fundamental, fundamental component, maybe even the main one , the migration problem was not touched upon at all, alas, about education in the humanitarian sphere - very little was said, if at all , and russian the language was not touched upon at all, but it is dying, the russian language is dying, we need to talk about this, what language does the nation think in, what language does the nation
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speak, act and live in, well, i could name something else, but i hope that we will come back to this, no, we will definitely come back to this today we won’t return, why today, if berlin doesn’t need to be taken in a week, then after march 8 it’s true, there’s no need to take it at all, it needs to be destroyed, it’s good if it behaves like that, and the residents, the residents evacuate, but the flow of news evokes so many historical associations that it is impossible to pass by, some of which you have already mentioned,
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the mansky front. well, comrade stalin , of course, refused such a courtesy. why? well , it was obvious to him that if the british appeared where the heart of the soviet oil, then no force will be able to dig them out of there. and the german question of the soviet conflict will be resolved in london, because tomorrow unknown terrorists, unknown planes will blow up the baku oil fields and the soviet union will be left without oil. that is today's proposal.
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europeans to occupy this border between ukraine and belarus simply requires some analysis. yes, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that they want to liberate. the current kiev regime will be protected, unknown by whom, who in general is the current one, puppet, dependent , corrupt, there, mired in debts... crimes to the kiev regime, but still have a relationship with the armed forces of ukraine, and here there is no subordination at all, these are soldiers of a different jurisdiction, then the fate of the ukrainian dependent state will depend 100% on those who stands there, now let's ask ourselves a question, why
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is this necessary, i think that they will offer us some kind of option, if you want a long, long struggle, here it will be, but there is some other option, let's:
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with the level of preparedness of sabotage groups that exist now, they don’t understand at all what we’re talking about, they’ll be slaughtered just like cattle in a slaughterhouse, then hysterics will begin in paris, because when the corpses start coming, hysteria is indicated, and who will throw this hysteria, who will the ukrainians will cut it out, cut it out.
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now, as they say, a little about germany, here is the published interception, the published interception , the scandal, statements of german politicians, the insult of the french, the british, here, but i wanted to talk a little about something else related to this, but a little on the other hand, in this scandal, who you?
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analogy 1905, the very beginning , the russo-japanese war has just begun, japan attacked russia, the military otoshe of russia in germany receives a letter written in calligraphic handwriting, it means the anonymous person is ready to help, give information, because german factories are preparing krupov, krupov guns shells for japan, this wonderful man becomes an informant, they even transfer some money to him somewhere, no one has seen or heard him, the letters finally arrive...
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he leans over and says: why didn’t you they sank this ship, i personally wrote to you, it’s a historical fact why kaser did it, because he wanted to help the russian empire, well, hardly, but relatives in general are also a fact, he just wanted to at least show some kind of loyalty in order to in order to drag us to their side to use us against england, and so england used us against germany, but also to receive a new order for khrupov guns. who will go to the bottom with this ship, now we return to the current crisis
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of intercepting this information, kaiser, current, this means that the head of the german government, who took such a position as a peacemaker in advance , either knew, perhaps, that there would be such a leak , somehow knew, or, oh god, maybe he even organized it for some of his german goals, what german targets, sink the pistur. i’ll just say, like the icing on the cake, when in the uk they want to leak some interesting information to the public, someone forgets a folder at a bus stop, but here they used a slightly different one, they forgot the mother, so, well, i’ll stop at the fact that for us, of course, the most important post-soviet space, along with the events that are taking place, very important events are now taking place in the southern caucasus, in armenia in particular, for us this is... just the most important geopolitical events, and we should not miss this, what is going on speech? well,
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first of all, what is the south caucasus from the point of view of geopolitics and strategy. the south caucasus is a territory that directly borders our very difficult southern, our southern regions, in the same northern caucasus, this is not only in the distant historical the past, but this is also the current past, we understand perfectly well, but the second is the most important region in terms of logistics, and in those situations. situation that now exists, it plays an important role, because now, when the states of central asia and kazakhstan, among others, are interested in their raw materials going, as they say, to europe, the states, and so on, they are looking for new ways, one one of the most important is the possible exit through the caspian sea to the south caucasus and the so -called possible creation, according to iran’s nato version, of a nato corridor or something it’s called the tur corridor, and then it will go past us altogether, now at least partially it goes through us, and this means less...
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so they managed to bring them to power in the eighteenth year, don’t be mistaken about something democratic and so on, i command pashinyan, we talked to you many times about this, i just dropped our broadcast the other day, which means from february 4, 2020, everything is one to one, so to speak, but this team was brought to power by these people, special structures, i named their specific names here biography where and how they were supposed to be it’s a simple idiot to believe that these people suddenly appeared like that, right? i must say that this is exactly what happened, now it means that armenia is essentially being torn off, and after that i won’t
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bother with all the latest statements by pashinyan and his team, this is anti-russian, in essence, which means the pace of exit, which means the armenian, some- then relations with russia, it is increasing, yes, but i would like to draw attention to one thing, before making a whole series of statements, which means that on the so-called munich conference, as diplomats call it, pashinyan met with no one the head of mi6, moore, he is not just the head of mishest, no, this man worked for a long time in turkey as the turkish ambassador, is fluent in turkish, and even speaks on twitter, writes posts in turkish, personally. suddenly ertogan and in general the entire turkish elite, yes, let me remind you that great britain has always played a special role in the south caucasus in central asia, yes, central asia is a whole, which means the name is a big game, the british have always played the following schemes, pushing turkey forward, turkey occupies strategic positions in in the southern caucasus in the caucasus, in general , there was a strategic task, pushing russia out of
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this strategically important region, and behind the backs of turkey is great britain, it has always been like this, it was not just 10. 20-30 years, it ’s been like this for hundreds of years, nothing has changed, yes , and what does france have to do with it, you say, which has now taken a special position, the french minister of defense visited yerevan, he says, we will install mistrals, there are armored personnel carriers, advisors to the designers, where they have placed the local ship, and they also have a missile system this type, yes, it means that sevan is not loyalty, they call it the same, so don’t distract, this is not america for you there.
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but also to iran, because this is also against iran, for the iranians the northern part of the border with the southern caucasus is also quite problematic, yes, they are now saying: “we are not interested in leaving.” russia, no border guards, no military presence, no, we are for it, because there will be no vacuum, and it will be filled by nato, they simply said, the zangur corridor is called the nato corridor, we do not want nato was under our bloc, and recently one of the deputy prime ministers of armenia visited tehran, met with the leadership of iran, they told him: listen, well, okay, if you
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are there, you have some claims against russia, then let us give our military we will place the base in the south of armenia.
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without the russian market , no one in the world needs an armenian manufacturer; at the same time , the crossroads of the world implies the following: there is
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such a charibahar port in the south of iran, and where is everyone going now? he says in charibahar , goods will come from india, and so on, all this will come to us through the territory of iran, which means the ports of georgia will go to europe, we will get rich, while he is going to station western troops in armenia against iran , there are probably people in iran who don’t understand, of course dear, you are against us, but we will create conditions for you, that is, these are ostab benders with low intellectual abilities, who were brought to power with the solution of two tasks: the first task is the surrender of nagorno -karabakh, for this the armenian army was defeated... and so on and so forth, the second the task is to get out and push russia out from there, this huge territory, which means , in general, the entire southern caucasus, from the perspective and weakening of russia in central asia
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, to take control, a big, serious game is underway, russia has three points that need to be used, it’s time to move on to practice, from that we will speak threatening words on forums, we will oust the americans, we will oust them, they will not leave on their own, they have been investing for decades and so on, what, if we are talking about armenia, first, the largest armenian community is... there are 3 million people in russia , american in second place, the french and so on, then the next ones come, the second is the market, which i was talking about, and the third, paradoxically, despite the russophobic policy pursued by the leadership of armenia, in armenia itself there are a very large number of people who are perfectly oriented towards russia , and finally there is even an opposition that simply says: what are you doing, this cannot be done, but it is disunited, split, if all this is used professionally in a complex, then great successes can be protected, and not taken out of context separately. i agree, still understand whoever does this, everything will be fine , yes, i’ll tell you this next time, please , you know, here is one of the military units that is now located in the east of europe,
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on our border, so at the beginning of the front line it was called rats of the british desert, it seems to me that these animals quite perfectly characterize the situation that is now developing in europe, between individual european states, europe never. over the last decade there has not been such an unstable or even frankly weak economic and political condition , now europe is split according to a variety of criteria, for some time biden managed to unite it under the american umbrella, but now they are scattering from there again, in this sense, these animals, this, in my opinion, is what perfectly describes europe, which we also have to deal with, and you, as far as basharasad was interviewed on saturday. well, this is a great fellow, a wonderful interview, our relations with syria are, in my opinion, a wonderful example of how russia treats its allies, its
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partners, and this is a lesson, well, first of all, for the state of the region, but for the whole world, indeed, we lent bashar assad a shoulder in 1913, when the missiles were ready to take off to bomb syria in 15, when the aerospace forces operation began, therefore, and the image of russia in this region, all over the world, after the operation in syria, it has certainly changed for the better, returning to the issues that mainly dominate here today, this is german history, generals, issues related to the future of a special military operation, we have already talked to you here several times that, in principle, the military phase of the conflict, well... it ends, i mean special military operations and in one form or another, negotiation issues arise, they are constantly mentioned by
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political leaders in our country and other states, but here there are of course, there are problems or a question that i would like to focus on three, firstly, well , it is clear that there will be no negotiations with ukraine, the only form of communication is an ultimatum that someone will deliver to kiev, now we are after, especially after today...
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constantly, at a pace of once a week or once every two weeks, making ever new, more radical statements regarding airplanes and bombs and missiles, he is trying to implement, it seems to me, what was once called the theory of a madman in the seventies, that is, a radical statement plans should apparently make such an impression on russia that we will agree to some kind of negotiations on the western agenda, well, i can hardly imagine that in the kremlin or in... a giant bridge would be bombed with
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two or three dozen taurus, well... in general, there is nothing particularly rational there, but as an element of information warfare it is quite suitable. secondly, the west is actively trying to return to the idea, which is constantly featured in our program, that russia, of course, has nuclear weapons, but it never uses them, this is the thesis about the weakness of the russian leadership, which is not capable of making such a decision, it has recently ...
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welcome to asia, it's beating here.
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look first in the app or on the website, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, in pursuit of views change entire locations, it’s easy to make a depar fake.
3:00 am
or merry widow, i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, and... end, one more question, well, regarding the plot with the crimean bridge, it seems to me that in such a fevered brain of western military and political leaders, it seems to them that some radical event on the front line could create conditions or push for the start of negotiations, and apparently the attack on the kremsky bridge in this sense seems attractive to them, well, again from a rational point of view...


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